Growing Up A TRILLIONAIRE! (Full Movie)

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just one more push congratulations Mr and Mrs Jones so would you like to hold your son what ew no it's gonna get my clothes dirty sir he's your son he's a trillionaire now he must learn to live like one and since I'm such a busy guy it's up to you to take care of this kid right now I'm gonna be late for our private jet to Fiji aren't you even gonna name it no you can just fill me in later sir wait I'm just your butler I don't know how to raise a child I guess I'll have to do my best what am I gonna name you Noah I like that name hey you this airport is trillionaires only sir this baby is a trillionaire I don't care who he is [Music] now that it's my job to look out for you I'll protect you no matter what the give us your money Mr Jones I am not Mr Jones I'm Justice Butler just hand over the car then no there's a baby inside you can must be that trillion ass baby would be ashamed if he got kidnapped yeah we could make billions if we would turn him to his parents no one's taking Noah these criminals will never learn a first school talent show so many people out there watching really hope Mom and Dad are here Noah you suck at singing talent shows are for people who are actually talented I have talent Lucas I want to show my parents what I can do your parents won't show up Noah face it you're on your own next up trillionaire Noah Jones do this Noah Mom and Dad aren't here that's all right no just do what you can you gamer to sing it's time to show them oh wait my voice oh no well that was terrible light-headed my heart it's racing I can't I can't breathe I can't I can't it's okay Noah you just had a little panic attack nothing to be bearish about everyone's gonna make fun of me even more can't stand those rich kids at the private school dad why didn't you come to my talent show today I was supposed to sing and you guys didn't show up it was important to me did you win if not then I suppose I didn't miss anything important at all did I go get it do you it's one a normal family you care about things that matter to me well you don't have a normal family Noah you have a trillionaire family you have it all stop complaining look no I gotta go okay I've got a lot of business to take care of but uh you know good luck with your thing that you had there sorry it didn't work out my first time back here since the talent show maybe No One's Gonna remember well look who this who decided to show up she's a trillionaire we're all rich here I am a millionaire so you're nothing special Noah seriously it doesn't matter honey doesn't make me who I am you're just a freak that's why your parents hate you I'm not a freak and my parents don't hate me then why weren't they at the talent show huh or the science fair seems like your family's never around for anything you do well they're just busy with their own lives at least they have lives unlike you oh that's it hey stop it who's gonna make me you take this oh I'll see you in class Noah you're just a loser and I don't want to deal with this today I'm out of here and I never skipped school before I hope I don't get into too much trouble give us your lunch money loser I don't have any lunch money I'm poor hey leave them but he said he doesn't have any money who do you think you are Trevor I think he's another loser who wants a knuckle sandwich picking on someone doesn't make you tough it makes you a weak loser I will show you who's we get it out while we look this idiot's Rich let's take this and get out of here sorry about that man I tried my best it's okay I was actually kind of cool those guys pick on everyone they're the worst I'm sorry about your money though yeah don't worry about it money comes and goes it's important is standing up for what's right yeah I'm Ted by the way maybe we can hang out after school there you are you rich little idiot you can't skip school and if you do you can't let me find you talking to poor people stop it finkleberry you're the one that's poor stop making fun of my friends okay maybe shut up whatever come on let's go let's hang out later man yeah definitely you know you're so lucky I'm such a good person Noah I could get you into some serious trouble oh yeah I'm so lucky fart Berry shut up I told you idiot kids give her to call me that well you brought me back to school good job all right I'm going to class now gosh finkleberry always smells like moldy cheese disgusting there you are I'm not done with you Noah I said I was gonna teach you a lesson seriously Lucas I've had a really long day you crossed the line and now you're going to pay huh I said stop it oh my face my perfect face oh my God is going on over here Noah explain yourself to you just punch this kid started a finkleberry I was defending myself yeah you know what I hate both of you you're suspended from school I'll give you 50k to not suspend me right now oh 50k no you can't bribe me shut up you two are going to the principal's office you're both in trouble I wanted to thank you for earlier you know saving me and having your money stolen there you are Noah what are you doing in this poor neighborhood this Ted's house dad he's my friend this is a house I thought it was a storage shed for lawn mowers or something oh well look you're in big trouble Noah I heard you got suspended at school I was defending myself dad he started it yeah I don't care about the details I do business with his dad and now I got a mess to clean up because of you I'm gonna lose money and all you ever care about is money you never listen or understand you need to understand the trillionaires don't hang out with poor people you're better than this didn't Hank teach you anything come on get in the car I'm sorry Ted oh it's okay Noah don't worry about it so you need to apologize to Lucas right now not apologizing he's a total jerk why do you even care I do business with his father and it's important to keep that relationship intact you don't care that his son picks on me and makes my life miserable at school no not really you'll get over it now come on ring the doorbell get moving oh someone's at the door let's see who it is oh Mr Jones what a surprise glad to see you come on in I'm not stepping foot into your tiny house my sons come here to apologize I guess he was fighting with your millionaire son whatever his name is Oh you mean Lucas of course I'll fetch the little chap right away what the heck I don't want to do this yeah well deal with it okay oh great what do you want idiot I'm in the middle of playing a video game just wanted to say uh sorry Lucas all right I shouldn't have fought with you at school you're sorry that's it you got me suspended too loser I hate you and one day I'm gonna ruin your life and have all your money can we hurry this up come on I got stuff to do you better watch your back Noah I'll get you back for this just wait and see yeah okay whatever dude all right everything's good little millionaire kid go tell your dad everything's fine Come On Noah let's go what is your problem Noah come on seriously you don't understand what makes you think it's remotely acceptable to hang out with poor people allowed to have friends who aren't trillionaires Dad I'm sick of this obsession with money I want real connections real friends and a real family money will always be your best friend Noah have I taught you nothing no you haven't now also why all of a sudden do you want to just act like you're my dad Hank's been more of a father figure to me than you've ever been Hank the one who taught you how to fight people and associate with the poor did he fill your head with these nonsense lies Hank's been there for me when you weren't he cared for me like family that's it Hank get in here yes sir Hank you've done a terrible job at raising my son and I can't look at you you're fired Dad don't do this Hank is like family to me Hank is the worst he smells terrible he needs to leave now see yourself out Hank I'm sorry Hank I didn't mean for this to happen it's not fair Noah you've done nothing wrong this is just how business works sometimes don't blame yourself business huh you don't know the first thing about business well like you know the first thing about caring for people and you need to learn how to start being more of a father-to-ear son it's a shame to see someone so rich have such little self-respect take care Noah hey man you ready to go yeah dude this car is sick where'd you get it thanks man yeah I just got it the other day my dad gave it to me uh hop in let's go thanks for coming to this charity event Ted just a heads up though these people can either be really mean or really boring yeah no problem I got your back I guess it's all an experience right yeah you could say that man my parents dragged me to these things all the time it's like a never-ending cycle at least this one's for charity oh look Chase it's the poor boy oh poor people are real what are you doing here this event is for millionaires only actually I was invited Lucas yeah back off dude well she's more genuine than anyone in this room oh yeah I'll have you kicked out of here so fast and I'll have you bond from the yacht club I can't believe you'd bring a non-millionaire to this party it's unacceptable I'm gonna call security dude this was a bad idea I don't want to hang out with these losers anyways yeah you know what Ted's right yeah you better go get out of here sorry about how they act Ted I don't understand what really matters no they don't I don't understand these billionaire people anyways they live such shallow existences I mean being mean to others it's not worth our time right dude it's not I don't like go grab some food hit the arcade yeah that's definitely more like it let's go hey I didn't know you were home already glad to finally see you guys Noah we just got up a flight from Dubai so much shopping to do you won't believe it I really miss you guys wish you were home more often sweetie I miss you too it's just that our business and jobs keep us away from most of the time well you're still gonna be home tomorrow night right wait I think with this golf or something right we got something right yeah Dad it's my birthday dinner remember you promised me last week you guys would come oh right I forgot that happens every year I thought it was just the other day are you guys gonna show up it's gonna mean a lot to me please how could we forget of course we'll be there Noah you have our word thanks guys I'm really looking forward to it can't remember the last time my parents spent my birthday with me I actually don't know when they ever have really well whatever I feel like things are gonna change we're going to be together finally as a family well four hours late or they're not coming I hope they're okay dad Noah sorry we couldn't make it to dinner son some unexpected business came up so uh we won't be making it yeah are you serious on my birthday I'm always serious no I'm a trillionaire well where's Mom I don't know Italy or something she had some trip where she had to go on I don't know unbelievable you guys are the worst parents ever you know that oh Noah stop crying go buy yourself a new Bentley and call it a day I gotta go and I can't believe that they keep choosing work over me oh maybe Ted will want to hang out instead yeah sorry it's just my dad lost his job a while ago and we haven't been able to pay for our house my parents are making me move all the way across Roblox what no well that's awful you're moving away yeah it really sucks I don't want to leave but it's like we have no choice oh Ted you can't go my only friend I appreciate that man but we can't pay for this house anymore it's over let me help how much money do you know we work hard for what we have and it's not up for you to help my family out I want to help Ted my parents have so much money then just spend it on stupid stuff not fair you have to go through this no it's fine my family is gonna figure it out well thanks for offering though I have to start packing I'm sorry dude oh happy birthday thanks Ted never need anything let me know this is just me on my birthday well it's not too late to get some food delivered about time he showed up it's been a week where have you been no uh it's none of your business okay I had important things to take care of important things maybe like uh the promise that you made to me dad I don't you care of course I care Noah I have business to do you see this house you see all this stuff where do you think it comes from bud you always have pressing matters dad you always have business why isn't your family a priority to you I've given my life to give all of this to my family are you kidding me what more do you need love a real family maybe that's what I need Dad all this money can't replace things that are missing you asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I've decided I want you to buy my friend Ted's parents house for them because they're about to lose it no absolutely not why would I do that you have the means to make a difference you have a watch that's more expensive than that house yeah I know it's nice isn't it I've got 15 of them that kid's just using you for your money I won't allow it oh he's my only friend in this world dad make a new friend Bud because uh the answer is no I won't entertain such ridiculous requests hey to help a poor person how absurd hey I heard your stupid friend Ted's losing his house oh hilarious isn't it not funny Lucas a terrible situation for Ted and his family maybe I should just buy it for fun and then bulldoze it that would be a blast you're a terrible person Lucas I'm not your bad attitude's gonna catch up to you y'all this is Lucas Sterling what do you want call about an exclusive party of course counting your friends to call you so you seem popular cool move shut up loser whatever I'm gonna go hang out with people who actually like me because I have real friend with money and homes those aren't your friends Lucas your dad's work for your dad they just want to suck up to you they don't you're just jealous it's so insane I really am gonna buy your friend's house by the way and I'm gonna tear it to the ground and watch your friend cry like a baby whatever get out of here I can't let this happen to Ted deserves better than this is the worst can't let him ruin Ted's life excuse me oh Mr Jones a pleasure to see you what brings you in today look I need to pay off a debt for a friend wanna buy his house but do I have enough money and stuff oh we'll find out so I'm here to help you out what's the address you'd like to pay off it's 21 Roblox Lane and I'd like to pay it off in full please it says here that's going to be a 200 000 sir 200 000. I might have that in my weekly allowance account can you check you actually have around 10 million in that account sir so I guess it'll cover the whole payment cool let's do it thanks man and if you know you'll feel a generous and all you could consider treating The Helpful bank teller to a new Lamborghini or no way I'm here to help my friend all right fine you just made a payment of 200 000 congratulations your friend's house is fine awesome thanks means a lot you're welcome sir you know it's nice to see a member of The Jones Family actually using their money to help people that doesn't happen often I'm not like my parents let's just keep this between us okay because they're gonna get mad yes no problem this will be our secret all right as soon as my dad calls we'll crush the house down got it can't wait to tear this dumb thing down yeah I don't care whatever you say minimum wage loser just shut up Lucas are you out of your mind man you're too late Noah my dad is about to buy this place for me any second now yeah well he's not going to because I bought it myself are you kidding me no I'm not this property now belongs to me your bulldozer needs to leave immediately oh you trillionaire well this isn't over Noah you're gonna regret getting in my way let's go Gene we're not tearing this place down come on I said let's go Gene hey Ted are you okay no not really you have to move out now my family's stuck at this stupid motel and this place sucks Wi-Fi is awful so what's up Noah what are you doing here look I came to talk to you but I need you to understand why I did what I just did about your family's house hey you don't have what the heck is wrong with you Noah I thought you'd be happy that you can just justify giving away your money like it's nothing no I told you I don't want your charity dude it's not charity man plus Lucas was gonna bulldoze the house and I didn't want him to treat you like that you and your family needed help and I could help you what's wrong with just don't get it do you everything's just given to you you think money solves everything I just wanted to help you out as a friend a friend well friends don't betray each other's trust I thought I told you to leave it alone but you went ahead and did this anyway you'd be happy that your house didn't get bulldozed by that joke you're not happy Noah I don't need your money and I don't need your pity just go away Noah what's up Dad why are you yelling why am I yelling you spent all that money on that stupid poor people house how dare you to find me like that that's a terrible business investment that house sucks my money dad and my account I can spend it however I want you're always telling me to invest if I invested in a friend I don't think that's a big deal you've gone too far Noah you obviously are terrible at investing too I can't stand the way you act anymore no son of mine is gonna just throw his money away to the poor I don't even know who you are anymore how would you know who I ever was you're never home I'm always alone stop whining you're so ungrateful you have everything in the world yeah except for friends and family family shouldn't mean something but ours is just money you know what whatever you can go make friends at your new school school what are you talking about I've decided to send you a way to boarding school in France to finish up school school in France I don't even speak French well get learning Bud private jets waiting for you right now you're heading to France and that's final see you in a couple years maybe you can learn a new attitude hello hello is anyone home Noah glad to have you back son didn't realize you were coming back today thanks Dad uh I'm happy to see you that was rough when I left but now I missed you yeah I missed you too man that was France actually kind of cool I learned a lot about art culture and the beauty of the world oh and there was this one time oh fantastic Noah excellent yeah wait to hear all about it come by my office when you have a chance and we'll go through it all together what do you mean dad your office I always said that was off limits it is but I think it's time you join the family business now you're an adult you've gained valuable knowledge during your time away you'll be working with me Noah and that's final oh working with you really oh okay ever thought I'd see the day absolutely I can show you a thing or two about being a trillionaire and I think it's important for you to be part of the decision making process you'll have a voice in our business meeting son and speaking of business gotta go glad you're home oh and not be exactly what I imagined but maybe this time I get to spend some time with my dad wow this is Dad's office kind of cool hello and welcome to Jones Enterprises how can I oh I didn't know you worked here yeah my dad got me the job after I graduated what are you doing in this building loser no dumb babies are allowed in here well I work here now it's my first day just like you except I earned my position oh please you only have this job because your dad is in charge you're nothing but a spoiled trillionaire brat you and I are more alike than you think no we're not Lucas oh my gosh like dude it's time to move past our differences and focus on our responsibilities you're just another rich kid living off your family's Fortune maybe it's time you realize that people can change seems like you never will though if you don't mind I got a meeting with my father whatever there's no way I'm gonna let this stupid Punk walk in here and make more money than me he's gonna steal my fortune or so he thinks he won't last long at this job I'll make sure of it all right Dad said to meet with his client not to be late can't believe I'm working for him but you know what I'm just happy we're spending time together oh no I can't control this foreign Noah Noah can you hear me head is that you yeah buddy it's me she took quite a hit back there I think I'm all right just a bit disoriented well you were knocked out for a while doesn't seem like you have a concussion though so I think you're okay like are you a firefighter now yeah I'm a firefighter we got the call there was an emergency I've been doing this for a while now oh that's great dude I'm happy for you look Noah I've been trying to get in touch with you for years man yeah man after we got in that fight same day my dad sent me to boarding school long story man sorry yeah me too you should catch up sometime iron progress all units respond calls but really glad you're okay we'll we'll catch up soon I promise can't believe we're actually seeing each other again I missed you a lot dude I miss you too man it's great to be back in town and I want to apologize for everything back then I was super emotional I didn't realize how much you were actually doing for me and my family see it now and really sorry it's all right dude I understand it was complicated I tried to apologize to you before but I never heard back from you I went to your house and security chased me away I didn't know what to do yeah dude well my dad took my phone and smashed it and then I had to go get a new one and I wasn't allowed to use it at the new school so yeah it was kind of stupid I didn't really have a choice I kind of just had to disappear your family got to keep the house right yeah we did it's been really great for my mom and dad to not worry about one more Bill we're really grateful for you Noah look I want us to be friends again man I miss you you're my best friend miss you too man with all water under the bridge so look dude how's it been being a firefight it's been great but recently we've had a big setback the fire department's facing a big funding crisis and we might lose our jobs it's a tough situation it's gonna put a lot of life's in danger yeah dude that's not good what's the town gonna do without firefighting they're important exactly but now that I'm thinking about it do you think there's any way you could use your connections with all those Rich fancy people and get some charity from the Department yeah dude I'll do my best I'll I'll figure this out I asked you to do one thing Noah and you blew it Adam sorry I blew that deal I was in a really bad accident accident or not Noah you still should have shown up I've closed deals with a broken leg and the flu it's about getting things done no matter what I was unconscious for a while I couldn't have gone to the meeting excuses Noah excuses this should be a good lesson for you no matter what happens you find a way to make things happen you got it actually dad there's something else I wanted to talk to you about I want to take some money and make an investment Oh no you're talking like a trillionaire how much we talking a couple million I I have my own account now and I want to use that money to invest it Dad well son you're starting to think like a true businessman and I'm proud of you for taking this step thanks Dad I really appreciate your support I'll make sure to do the best with this opportunity ladies and gentlemen today's a big dig for our community we gave it here to express our deep gratitude for someone that showed tremendous generosity and made a significant impact on our fire department I present to you folks Noah Jones he donated incredible five million dollars to our fire department Noah your donation really saves our fire department and our community what's the least I could do a firefighters risked their lives every day it's an honor to support them they're the true heroes on behalf of the whole Fire Department in the community I want to express our gratitude to you thanks Chief it's not about me but all of us coming together to make a difference I encourage everyone to find ways big or small to support causes that matter to them we can really create positive change you know that's true now come on we got some ribs smoking out back let's have a potty ugh rude way to just bulge in like that Noah whatever dude dad you want to see me some investment you made Noah I stand by it I believe in making a positive impact well that was stupid what an idiot you all sisa I told you he was an idiot well Everyone's entitled to their opinion Lucas normally I would think giving away money is foolish my money not anyone else's Noah you're the first person in this company to do something truly good the Press is loving it that's what you got out of this yes the Jones's family is back in the headlines again you taught me something today perhaps it's time we consider helping others and giving back it could benefit our company in ways we never expected oh wow kind of glad to hear you say that Dad I never thought I'd see the day sir you you can't be serious all right shut up Lewis it's Lucas so oh Lucas is kind of stupid I like Lewis better okay well anyway maybe we should celebrate this newfound perspective how about grabbing some dinner tonight oh actually I would love that Dad all right come on hey Lewis the guy uh yeah clear my skin all right me and my son we're going out for dinner oh I can't believe Noah would do that he made me look like a Toto Bozo maybe this may be this little turn of events will divert some attention so I can continue my plans Hey Thomas what happened here is this Lucas Sterling's new house yeah I don't know man someone set fire to this place it's a shame this house is insane well it was insane well has ever been okay where did Lucas go yeah he's fine almost home not even the staff nothing serious probably just some electrical stuff or something well that's good I'm gonna go look around though all right be careful the structure might not be statement yet yeah yeah I got this Lucas's house burnt down this doesn't make much sense oh a computer just didn't burn in the fire that's kind of odd what is this oh my gosh Lucas has been stealing money from the Joneses that's not nose brat uh no one needs to know about this Noah dude you're not gonna believe this believe this I am sad right now I've been telling you for years Lucas was no good dad I know Noah I should have listened to you I'm sorry I didn't believe you okay all right Dad I'm just relieved that you finally see the truth now Noah I realized something important I've been focused on myself and I've neglected what truly mattered money no my family I've let you down I'm truly sorry for that wow thanks for saying that means a lot I have to tell you something Lucas has not only betrayed our trust but I've stolen a significant portion of our assets have you heard from him at all the police are actively pursuing the case they said they've assigned the best cops and I got faith that they'll take care of it sorry our money was stolen dad all right son it was an important lesson made me realize that without money I'm not really much it got me kind of thinking about who I want to be that's not the guy I want to be I want to be a better dad I want to start caring more about this family this worked perfectly stupid Joneses thanks for the money put your hands into heirs you under arrest y'all what no please you can't now I was supposed to make the arrest this isn't fair this is my moment to shine they can bury it you never shines at all y'all okay this be my mama now it's mine no I'm not going to jail think of Mary go get him now he's running away running you run so fast oh no my face yeah see what happens when you call me fat idiot all right I've had it up to here's y'all you under arm rest and that's fine I'm one idiot you're going to jail no everything's gonna be okay Julia all right push okay here it is congratulations another billionaire born this is amazing this kid better grow up to be successful or I'm gonna be really upset all right everyone give me a billion dollars right now I thought we bought this Hospital how did anyone know we're here just give me the money man time Kobe what kind of bodyguard are you you took forever we need to get out of here there may be more robbers Colby I want to walk from here can't do that Billy oh come on I don't want anyone at school to know I'm a billionaire get back here Billy oh thank goodness I think a bodyguard can be such a pain I just want people to treat me normally I just want to fit in look at this stupid little rich boy just leave me alone I'm just walking to school ah the rich kid wants to fit in guess what everyone hates you and you're a loser yeah now give us all your money rich boy what I don't have any yeah right billionaire hand it over oh yeah he can't hide from us you better get out of here now uh we got better things to do anyway whatever maybe today someone will let me sit with them for lunch hey uh can I sit here oh no you're a billionaire you can't sit with us what oh come on who cares if I'm a billionaire I do your stupid dad bought my dad's business and fired him get out of here dude nobody wants to see you okay jeez sorry to bother you hey is there a room for one more here yeah sure you're the billionaire kid oh yeah I guess uh yeah you can sit here but first can you buy me lunch and let me borrow one of your dad's Teslas I'm kidding no I'm more than just a billionaire I don't want to be around people who think I'm only cool for my money you find the loser man I don't want to hang out with you anyway I'd rather eat lunch alone than be around people judgment like that uh hi get out of my face your stupid dad took my parents ass and bulldozed it down cause they missed one rent payment you suck oh that that's messed up I'm so sorry I don't know get out of my face I can't believe my parents are such jerks I don't know why you always care about what those people think we're rich we don't need them you should have gone to private school like I told you to Dad I don't like those other rich kids they're jerks I just want to fit in and have friends well good talk Billy time's up I need to get back to work I heard you had a tough day Billy but you should listen to your father neither of you get it we're living in a fantasy world I want real experiences in the real world it's great isn't it you just have to get used to it our money isn't going anywhere you have to understand how to act around others when you have so much success and power but I don't want any of that I just want a good life and a true honest friendship if imagines always in my way salt loser crying about being rich again grow up dude your brother Calvin is Right Billy you should learn a thing or two from him learn what well I heard that you heard a lot of people dad kids at school were telling me how awful you treat people in business who cares I'm rich and they're not of course they're gonna cry about it stupid crybabies they lost she all done you tell this isn't the right way to be we should be helping people with the money we have I help people all the time I give you Calvin and your mother money constantly and I help myself by making more money oh whatever you guys suck takes one no one loser oh [Music] man I'm hungry can you get something to eat please I need this for my dad but I can't afford it some jerk got his job taken away from him he can't pay for it either get lost we don't do charity work here please I said beat it here let me pay for it really wow thanks man yeah no sweat hey hey wait uh do you need any more money you think I want your money what uh no no I'm sorry I just most people just want me around because I have money look I work for my money man I don't want a handout I'm sorry for being so harsh hey I recognize you from school don't I oh yeah I know let me guess you don't want to hang out with me just like everyone else trust me I'm used to it I don't get why you have such a bad rap I mean he never did anything you know what thanks a lot of people don't see that they just see me like they see my parents do you want to hang out or something uh yeah sure I just gotta drop this off to my dad first I'm Tyler by the way thanks Tyler I'm Billy it's finally nice to actually meet you that's not fair you're so good it's probably because you play all the time nah that's just what we call skill man I haven't had this much fun in a long time glad you came out with me yeah dude this is awesome so what's it like being a billionaire anyway oh it's not everything it's cracked up to be I struggle with my parents expectations and everyone telling me how a billionaire is supposed to act a huge pain yeah trust me I understand family struggles my dad's been super tough to be around since he lost his job his whole business gone but it's nice to get out of the house and get away every once in a while believe me I know no one really gives me the time of day because of my family Billy is this kid bothering you Colby no he's not this is just Tyler who's this uh one of my dad's friends I'm his bodyguard bodyguard ah Colby leave me alone everything's fine I'm just enjoying a night out with my friend all right look at my eye on you don't go far looks like I gotta go he's gonna be annoying all night sorry about that man talk to you later Tyler yeah no worries I'll see you soon baby bird is on his way back to the nest Colby stop it oh man what a fun night my Ferrari is too ugly send me a new one for free oh gosh everyone is Poor's an idiot hey Calvin that's not cool man what's your problem with our family dude I don't know I'm just sick how we're treating people maybe we should use our money to do good stuff instead of making fun of others and using it just for ourselves whatever who cares why do you care about being a good person that's stupid and it doesn't matter it's not stupid you're wrong the most important thing is relationships and friendships I have plenty of friends if I don't like them I'll just get new ones I'll appreciate your friends you don't even value me as your brothers because you're kind of a bummer dude ugh you're the worst Calvin well look who it is Mr Fancy Pants and all his cash hand over your money right now rich boy we double check too you big dumb bodyguards nowhere to be found off guys I'm not giving you anything just leave yourself rich idiot give us your money now leave him alone you two why do you even care about this little rich boy Tyler this kid has everything in the world and he should share it with us man don't judge me okay you don't know what my life is like just because my parents have money doesn't mean that everything is just perfect Billy is a good kid and he doesn't deserve the way you're treating him you guys suck whatever your two losers can be friends then let's go pick on Eugene he's a nerd thanks for sticking up for me man no one's ever done that except Colby he's paid to do it oh that's what friends are for Billy come on let's get going I cannot believe my ears right now you're not attending the billionaire ball are you kidding me you need to meet other billionaires your age Billy I have plans with my friend Tyler dad I don't want to go to some stupid billionaire ball you don't have time to hang out with poor people like Tyler what do you even mean by that he's not worthy of being your friend you need to find rich friends well Dad what if I don't want to hang out with rich people what if I just want to be normal and fit in I've let this gun on for too long tomorrow we're bonding together and I will show you what it's like to be a real billionaire I don't want to go with you I don't care it's time you learn how to act like a billionaire and what I say goes around here are you waking up tomorrow at 4am I said 4am Billy dad what is this place it's another one of my new businesses I got this place for a steal because the guy who owned it was a complete idiot uh that seems kind of messed up oh shut up Billy come on see look that's the idiot right there actually look at his face you you're the one who scammed me no I didn't it's not my fault that you're not smarter don't give me that you lied in those documents this is a crime you did this Billy what no I didn't know I had nothing to do with this you suck you're a liar you took my dad's business come on Tyler let's just get out of here Tyler I'm sorry I'm so sorry see I told you this guy's an idiot glad you aren't hanging out with this dumb poor kid anymore I don't believe this you're ruining my life and you're hurting other people too you're hurting my friend business is complicated son isn't when you treat people with respect all right all right calm down let's go buy you some stuff to make you feel better no I don't want any more stuff I just want a normal family and I want my friend get back here man I gotta explain everything to Tyler you just gotta understand what do you want Tyler please just give me a second I just want to be friends again I had no idea my dad did that stuff to your dad how could we ever be friends your family ruined my family's lives I know I'm sorry about what my dad did but that isn't who I am I'm not like my family you're part of that family it's just as responsible I can't control my dad's actions Tyler I'm trying to be a better person a better person really you think that's possible for you yes I do I want to be a good friend to you I want to make things right hahaha you can't fix what your family's done Billy it's too late please Tyler just give me a chance to prove that I'm not like them no Billy I was wrong about you you deserve all the hate you get from people okay that's how you feel I understand I'm sorry Tyler and then Tyler just slammed a door in my face mom Oh Billy Tyler will never understand what it's like to be you I just don't get it why is it so hard to have normal relationships well you're not normal and you'll never be the same as them I don't want to be different I just want to have friends who like me for who I am well as punishment for the embarrassment you caused your father I'm enrolling you into a private school for the wealthy what no Mom I don't want to go to that school I don't want to be around those other billionaires they're jerks I don't care what you want Billy it's more important that you start acting the way you're supposed to oh I don't want to be anything like this family well that's too bad because you're a part of this family whether you like it or not can't believe I have to go to this stupid school this place is terrible wait seriously Billy I thought this was a joke oh who is this loser this is my stupid brother oh Calvin shut up and leave me alone I didn't want to go to this school anyway Mom and Dad forced me to yeah cause you're acting like an idiot get this Xavier Billy hangs out with poor people oh what that's so gross I know right it's like you're gonna catch poor oh I think he already did he smells ew well Calvin real mature picking on your own brother yeah whatever if you have any idea how it feels for me to have a stupid brother we have like nothing in common you're gonna grow up to be a broke loser like your dumb friend back off I don't have time to deal with you all right you didn't fit in at porzy school well you don't fit it here rich kid school either you don't belong here you don't belong anywhere oh you know what I'm not doing this y'all whatever he's right I don't belong here I'm just gonna skit School is that my dad he is the rest of it great they catch on you absolutely not Dad I do what the heck I told you to come alone it's fine it's just my son don't worry about it I'm just an old friend of your dads but but I gotta go yeah see ya see you later Ted why aren't you in school school sucks I'm not going why are you being so sketchy I'm not that was Ted an old friend of mine do you honestly think I believe that Dad you just gotta stop doing that stuff like this look what you did to Tyler's dad my friend you scammed him he lost his business and now you own it and you fired him oh right that dumb loser I didn't scam him Billy Ted please just do the right thing for once and give him his job back fine as long as you never talk about this again this conversation is so boring okay deal hey Tyler Billy what are you doing here listen I know you hate me or whatever but I just wanted to say I got your Dad's job back if he wants it why would you do that because that's what friends do man you're the only person who ever gave me a chance and I just want us to be friends again I'm sorry for the way that I acted I know what your dad does is different from what you do I don't blame you I get why you acted that way I just want to put it behind us oh I think I can do that sweet so do you want to lose at the arcade again no way you're going down this time Billy I've been practicing yeah yeah we'll see about that oh man all my parents don't see me did they knew I snuck out I'll be dead well we better not get caught I just scammed that idiot for a hundred million dollars and I don't care what he says make sure that loser's life is destroyed and don't let it Trace back to us got it oh Dad I can't believe what I just heard you heard nothing you understand oh I just can't ignore this it's wrong dad you're scamming people this is how the world Works Billy I'm doing what I have to but you don't have to destroy people's lives in the process I didn't do anything wrong people have been doing this for years and I don't need my own son judging me dad you can't keep doing this it's not right and it's tearing our family apart you're the only one that has a problem with it Billy your mother has no idea and Calvin actually loves the idea don't you think doing the Shady business stuff is a Bad Thing enough I don't want to hear another word about this you stay out of my business and stop bothering me oh I can't believe you [Music] I'm not gonna be like my dad or my family I just want to help people and I know exactly how I'm gonna do it hi welcome to the homeless shelter how can I help you today hi I'm here to drop something off it's a donation oh my gosh no one's ever donated that much money before oh yeah don't mention it hold on who are who are you I have to give you credit for the donation no one just just no one so where'd you take that money Billy it's none of your business Calvin you're such a disgrace to the family the way you act it's like you're beneath us no Calvin the way everyone in this family treats others with no respect is the real disgrace should all feel terrible I actually feel great whatever [Music] your brother told me exactly what you did you donated all that money to a homeless shelter that was your allowance you were supposed to go buy a new Apple watch or something I want an Apple Watch why does it matter it's my money right you gave it to me in the first place hard money isn't for those kinds of people wait what what's going on where is this brojo yeah you are ugly you're under a rash arrest for what I didn't do anything wrong yeah that's what they all say all your years are scamming and fraught they're finally caught up to you you're going to jail Dad I told you I told you it would catch up to you if you didn't do the right thing Hey kid shut up and stop gloating you're not taking me to jail I don't belong there I'm a billionaire oh this idiot stop right there because I hate running dad just stop and face the consequences dead [Music] oh after all I've been through I ended up losing my job again I can't believe how much your father has ruined my life Tyler I'm so sorry your dad lost his job again I tried to do everything I could to keep the shop open until the investigation is over has to remain closed I understand Billy don't let my dad upset you it's not your fault I mean really it is your dad's fault I just wish my dad knew he was doing such terrible things behind the scenes unfortunately there's no way for you to make him see it either there's nothing you can do Billy it's important is you're trying to make things right now I just wish there was a way for me to give back to everyone my dad is hurt I know I'll be able to make things right in the future you just have to find a way you will Billy and we'll figure it out together I'm not gonna let you do this alone thanks Tyler it means a lot to have your support that's what friends are for we'll get through this together foreign you don't understand if Don's going to jail I should have his money it's early Fair it's my money too you know I'm not just giving it to you are you guys kidding you're both terrible dad's going to jail and all you can think about is yourselves and the money oh look who's talking Mr Goody Two Shoes you think you're better than us no I just want this family to be about more than just money you're just a disgrace to the family Billy like it's embarrassing to say that you're my brother well yeah I'd rather be an embarrassment than be like you you don't even belong here you don't deserve any of this you always fight with Dad constantly you know what Calvin for once you're right I can't stay here with you guys I'm out Billy wait you sleep like this watch me let him kill mom he sucks I want the yacht you had five minutes Warren yeah whatever dad why did you call me here I didn't think you want to see me after everything that happened no matter what Billy you're still my son had some time to think about everything that's happened it's being stuck in this stupid room they call a cell and I truly regret what I did what really of course that's why I've decided to leave you most of my money what no dad I don't want the money I know and that's exactly why I'm leaving it to you I'll be out of here soon I've got a really good lawyer and when I get out I want my life to be better I want to be a better person Dad that's great I'll make things right I promise I love you son and I'll see you when I get out of jail can you believe they don't have bottled water here I know Dad I know I love you too take care of yourself oh I'm going to lose my mind I can't believe you get all the money it's not fair I want my share Billy Calvin get over it I'm not giving you any of my portion it's just not fair dad left you so much money I needed to maintain my epic Lifestyle by Yachts designer clothes and shoes that's not what dad wanted us to do with the money who cares what dads wants he sucks he's locked up and the money's ours now dad divided the money the way he thought he would be best for each of us come on Billy we can be like business partners continue the family business you know Oh you mean the business that was scamming people Calvin I'm not gonna continue that we could be so rich together like more Rich than Dodd like we're smarter than Don I don't care you don't deserve any of this money and I won't help you scam more people to get more money you're gonna regret not sharing the money with me Billy just you wait whatever I'm determined to use this money for good I'm determined to tell you to shut up all right I have an idea in how we can give back to everyone my dad scammed how are you gonna do that well I want to help them get their businesses back I can invest in their businesses so they can reopen I mean that's a good idea but how are you going to get them to trust you I mean it was your dad I mean look what happened to us I'll be honest and open with I'll show them that I'm not the same person my dad is yeah you're definitely not the same person as him it's not gonna be easy but I guess it's worth a shot with the money they can only reopen but probably have better businesses than before well I've got your back Billy we'll do this together thanks Tyler I guess we're officially business partners now yeah never thought I'd be in business with you but I'm glad we're doing something good me too we can make a real difference in people's lives man let's start on it now what's our next step first let's make a list of all the businesses my dad scanned and we'll start reaching out to them one by one sounds like a plan to me why did you bring us here after what your dare did to us that guy is terrible yeah he's the worst what's the big idea look I know what my dad did I'm truly sorry for it he left me a large amount of money before he went to jail and and I want to make things right and how do you plan to do that I want to invest in each of your businesses so you can restart them and rebuild your lives oh really what's the catch there's no catch I just want to help you all get back on your feet yeah right it's probably just another scam from your pops that's it I'm out of here I can't trust a word you guys are saying you're all just a bunch of lions no no way I'm serious I really want to help you guys uh you know what I believe Billy he's a good kid despite everything his dad dude he's going out of his way to make things right for me and my son I'd be honored to have you invest in my business Billy really thank you you won't regret it did it you really trust this guy a hundred percent uh if you'll trust them guess I trust them too hey I'm not gonna be the one who misses out on this opportunity I promise you guys this will be the best choice you've ever made all right my first house and it's not the biggest or the best but but it has an office and it'll be a good place for me to focus on my new business I don't need anything fancy oh whoa what the fall this place sucks Calvin Billy you shouldn't have wasted your money on this poor ugly place you should have given me the money I already told you I invested it yahoo I'm almost brick I need more money what you spent a billion dollars already how's that even possible and it's not your business just give me the money Billy I can't help you Calvin I have a legitimate business to run now do you have any idea how dumb and boring you sound I don't care about your stupid business I need more money money you know what I don't have time for this you need to figure things out on your own and quit being such a baby funny please money please no you're not getting money Calvin whatever this isn't over Billy I'll make sure of it whoa slow down shut up idiot Billy it's so good to see you of course Mom what's going on it's Calvin he's been spending all of his money and trying to steal mine oh really well that's a shame I'm really worried about him he's just so different now can you please keep an eye on him for me I'll try but you know Calvin he's not gonna listen I know but I just don't know what to do it's okay mom maybe being broke will be good for him maybe you're right I am proud of you by the way really I thought you'd be upset with me this whole thing with your dad had me thinking and you were right this isn't the way it should be look what all the money did to your brother you're going to do great things Billy and build your wealth the right way thanks Mom now tell me about this new business there's my son darhard I'm so happy you're finally out of prison how was it it sucked Kelvin but it's good to see you y'all good to see you too so I was thinking now that you're out you'll need some more money to get back on your feet right well I do have some money saved up I'm not a complete idiot yeah but that's not enough dad you owe me I mean I was the one who was always there for you when you needed me not mom she was always off with her friends and not Billy because Billy sucks what do you mean you were always there for me you're only there for me for my money what that's not true dad I was there for you all the time who went golfing with you who went to Cabo with you really then why didn't you come visit me once while I was in prison your mother and Billy certainly did but you were nowhere to be found I was just busy dog but it's not the point look I need money you left too much to Billy and not enough to me and that's not fair I'm your favorite son Kelvin I left the money to Billy because he's different he wants to make things right make things right what are you even saying about Dad we're billionaires we don't need to make things right everything is right when we have money we can do whatever we want that is not the kind of life I wanted for you Calvin I wanted you better than what I was oh gosh please Dad spare me the lecture I fell asleep during college you know that this is so stupid I'm out of here have fun walking her from jail loser Calvin Calvin [Music] so Dad uh what do you think of my business I am so proud of you all the good that you've done while I was gone very impressive hey oh hey that's for everything you did to me you jerk hey hey break it up my dad isn't the same person he was when he went to jail no it's okay Billy I definitely deserve that I was a complete jerk to this guy look I'm sorry okay I'm gonna make it up to you yeah whatever you say jerk your son Billy here however he's a good guy you could learn from him you know that guy's right probably could so tell me have you seen your brother lately oh actually I haven't but I know he's not doing well since he ran out of money I know most of this is my fault I made Calvin the way he is we're forcing the billionaire Lifestyle on him I'm glad you never bought into it though it's okay there's still time for us to make things right with Calvin I sure hope so your brother definitely needs some help oh look at this place porzy Billy living in a porousy house hate it here whatever I just hope he's not watching me he's not gonna share any of the money with me I'm just gonna take it I mean I deserve this money oh there it is hi money did you miss me oh of course you did what the cops what the heck no come out with your hands up you idiot we know you're robbing this house oh what am I gonna do let's get out the back door what no one was watching the back door do I work with idiots we gotta catch this Loser come on ah look dad there he is come on let's go get him hey Siri get this stupid yacht moving I didn't quite get that oh you're the worst Calvin stop all this isn't worth the money you need to listen to your brother I don't care what you two losers say to me okay I'm a billionaire and I'm never gonna give that up for anything money is everything to me yeah and it's everything to me too you're under arrest idiot oh my gosh we have a son he's perfect we'll send him jack the plane is going down all right you rich jerks every man for himself I love you Joseph I love you Missy anybody Jack you made it son your mother she's gone we still have each other we'll make it through we're billionaires Jack we'll find a way welcome home Jack huh that's Jerry's car what is he doing here uh Joe what is the meaning of this Jerry are you stealing from me brother you're alive oh I uh thought you were dead I heard your plane went down tell me what are you doing with that money taking some precautions there are looters out there well the fortune goes to baby Jack now hand over the money it should be mine I deserve it I said drop the money it's time for you to leave fine hope your dumb baby enjoys all your billions careful it's a billionaire can't trust anyone not even family dad are we leaving for vacation neither can I jack but being a billionaire comes with certain responsibilities you can't just drop everything and go on vacation whenever we want there are important matters I have to attend to ugh speaking of business I'm sorry Jack I need to take this call okay Dad hey there Jack hi how do you know my name your dad sent me to pick you up come on let's go oh you must be the new driver then okay security stop that man oh great come on kid yeah I don't think so buddy oh dad who was that guy probably somebody after our money people always try to exploit us for our wealth it's hard to trust anyone that's why you can never leave my side and you must never go with anyone unless I say it's okay got it you're safe now that's all that matters hey Laura I heard your family is the poorest in town must be tough being so broke who cares Tommy hey Tommy back off leave her alone you're rich you should hate her too money doesn't Define who you are Tommy it's about how we treat people I don't popular you are I can still he'll beat you up Sir is everything okay who's this guy this guy Chad McFarlane He's My Bodyguard he used to be a soldier Tommy has just been picking on Laura Chad I didn't think it was nice that's not nice you know I don't like bullies sorry Laura just leave me alone thank you Jack that was really nice of you to stick up for me don't mention it Laura friends look out for each other I won't let anyone pick on you happy birthday Jack are you having fun yeah Dad this is awesome this is the best birthday party ever Jack I'm gonna get more cake yeah looks like Dennis is definitely having fun yeah I think everyone is you really didn't have to go all out on this well it is your 15th birthday enjoy it to the fullest son I I believe this Joe how could you spend so much money on some dumb kid's birthday it's ridiculous glad you can make it to your nephew's party you're throwing away our Fortune my fortune oh yeah ah this is what you're doing the heck no get out Jerry please and never come back gladly sorry it looks like a all your gifts are gone I don't care about the gifts I just hate seeing you and Uncle Jerry fight over money again you're right jack I'm sorry about your uncle but look tomorrow we're going out on the yacht and we won't have a care in the world just don't worry about it ah it feels really nice to get away just the two of us yeah it does I feel really lucky that we get to do this stuff couldn't be more prouder of the person you've become 15 years old you've grown into a remarkable young man thanks Dad I've learned everything from you well you haven't learned everything yet I still have plenty more to teach you you're going to be the heir to the Empire and the fortune one day I just hope I can make you proud I think you will Jack uh what was that the yacht is out there we don't have time you need to get off the ship as fast as you can just swim and remember I love you I love you Dad Dad no I'm sorry Dad I just I can't believe you're gone you saved me but I lost you and I'm gonna miss you so so much it's going to be okay I promise thank you for being here Laura it it means the world to me Uncle Jerry come with me Jack we have matters to discuss fine uh who is this this is Mr Thompson our family lawyer sorry for your loss Jack your father was a great man but I'll be handling all the legal matters concerning your family estate and business at my dad's funeral shouldn't we be focusing on him father trusted me with your well-being and the family's Legacy my dad said he was leaving everything to me well kid you're only 15. you're not an adult and you can't run an Empire like this but I'm here I'll take care of everything until you come of age I'm moving to the mansion and look after you I am your uncle after all all you need to do is sign this document it's to ensure the legal transfer of responsibilities and let me guess I don't really have a choice in this do I no not really oh fine excellent It's what your dad would have wanted you're doing the right thing Jack oh come on you beat me again what can I say I've got skills ah one more round let's go ah dude let's do something else uh oh let's go check out your dad's awesome car collection we can like pretend to drive them yeah that sounds like fun let's go I've never been in a BMW before this is gonna be sick you have no idea what you've got here man these guys are like one of a kind hey what's going on here Uncle Jerry I'm just taking care of some debts your father Left Behind have to sell these Beauties off to settle something you're selling my dad's car collection don't worry not all of them I'm keeping the G wagon for myself cars for my dad's pride and joy he loved them and he was gonna give them to me I'm in charge around here and we're selling them is money and money is time are you selling these or not uh yeah fine they're yours just take them so how did I do for our first date I hope it was good it was perfect Jack I'm glad you finally asked me out by the way tomorrow is your 18th birthday right aren't you excited I am turning 18 means I can finally take charge of my dad's business just like I was meant to I've been working hard at that company and I can't can't wait for the big promotion I'm so proud of you jack your dad would be proud too you're growing into an amazing person oh hey hey I'm sorry sir but your card it's kind of like been declined the declined that's impossible that's never happened before yeah well it seems like you're pouring stuff and you can't afford this place after all huh let me pay for it oh now she's gonna step in and pay well I'm fine my entire account was closed I don't get it I had billions of dollars in that account where did it all go isn't your uncle on that account too maybe he's involved somehow something is not right here he's coming back from his business trip tomorrow I'll confront him then Uncle Jerry I thought you were on a business trip I was I was doing some serious business on the golf course in Hawaii well it's my 18th birthday today and it is a happy birthday Jeffer whatever whatever look my accounts they were closed I need answers now why did that happen it's not my fault you probably spent all your money no they were closed by someone and I'm pretty sure it was you I was supposed to take ownership over everything and now it feels like I'm just gonna kicked out you are an adult now you can leave what are you talking about that wasn't the agreement that's cute Jack the fact is I don't care about your birthday or what you think is rightfully yours I'm gonna continue running the business everything in this Mansion belongs to me and it was all thanks to you when you signed that paper at your dad's funeral and now I'm kicking you out security yes sir escort this trash off the property this isn't over I'm so sorry Dad I I lost everything I know you meant for me to be your Heir but Uncle Jerry he tricked me I wish you were just here with me and I feel like I've let you down Jack are you okay I'm having the worst birthday ever my uncle he took everything from me everything my dad left for me I just I feel so defeated your uncle is a total scumbag but he didn't take away who you are you're still an amazing person and your dad knows that absolutely dude you're strong and we believe in you and you can stay with me until you get your own place I appreciate that I won't let this stop me I'll find a way to get back everything that was taken from me see that's the spirit oh Dennis did did you bring it oh yeah ta-da thanks guys happy birthday Jack Uncle Jerry may have kicked me out but I still work for the family company and he's not just gonna fire me for no reason uh Chad what's that are you leaving no you are what you've been fired Jack what I didn't do anything how could this happen look I'm just doing my job I'm Chad McFarlane it's what I do your uncle told me to pack your things and escort you off the property of course he did look come with me Chad you've been My Bodyguard my whole life you're just gonna side with this guy why are you doing this I'm sorry Jack but technically I work for your uncle too I told him not to do this but he said if I don't follow his orders he'd fire me I have a family to take care of little Chad McFarland Jr needs a lot of diapers I understand Chad it's not your fault but I have to confront my uncle about this I can't let him just get away with all of it I'm sorry but I have no choice [Music] Uncle Jerry you Don't Live Here Anymore get out get out what you just want me to get out of your life in general how could you do this to me I'm your nephew oh please grow up and get over it you may have control for now but I won't let you keep what is rightfully mine my dad would be disgusted by what you've become your dad is dead Jack his opinions no longer matter I want my job back I want everything back let me think about it no I can't believe I ever trusted you and I will get the family fortune and everything back even if I have to build it from the ground up you can't stop me I'm more like my dad than you think I know this is a huge ask I have all the knowledge and guidance from my dad on how to run a successful business and I want us to start our own what exactly are you thinking Jack real estate just like how my dad did it it's a lucrative market and I've learned from the best with our combined skills and resources we can make a fortune and maybe just maybe we can buy my dad's business back dude this is a lot of money I saved up are you sure about this look it's a risk but I'm confident in our abilities we'll earn back that money and then some just trust me well if you believe this is the right move then Count Me In I'll support you with everything I have your belief in me means the world I love you I love you too come on Dennis what do you say oh all right I don't want to miss out on a fortune let's do this I promise you guys this is going to work yes glad to do business with you thank you uh bye awesome just sold my third property today Jack I just closed a deal on the new property downtown and I have a feeling we're gonna make a fortune from it that's fantastic Laura we're on a roll I was just calculating our earnings we've officially made our first million dollars I couldn't have done this without the two of you you believed in me and supported me every step of the way what do you think you're doing jack really building a rival real estate company how dare he is Falling In My Father's Footsteps your father may have built this Empire but it's mine now you think you can challenge me I'll buy you out right now well I'm not selling I'll give you 10 million dollars to walk away right now I don't think you understood me I'm coming back for everything Uncle Jerry everything that is rightfully mine if that's what you want prepare yourself Jack I'm going to destroy you you called for me sir I need you to do something for me I want you to ruin Jack's business sabotage all his business deals make it impossible for him to succeed I'm sorry Mr Jerry but I can't do that it's unethical I'm Chad McFarlane I'm a stand-up guy you are useless to me Chad mcfartland you can kiss your job goodbye I won't compromise my principles for you and I have had it up to here with you messing with Jack you Jerry are a literal trash person and someday this will catch up to you I don't care I'm a billionaire now get out of my sight I think this property is perfect I'm ready to buy it and sign the paperwork of course happy to do business with you I used to work with your dad and you remind me of him thanks I actually get them it's my old friend Jerry what a surprise it's an honor to have you here oh my goodness I heard my little nephew here is interested in this property I'll buy it for double the price he's offering I suppose I can make the deal happen for for you you're a legend excellent now go make it happen you think coming in here and throwing money around will stop me you're wrong oh dear back no one can defeat me we'll see about that Jack Chad you don't have much time I did some digging in I know the truth and I know how to stop your uncle are you sure about this Chad I've seen enough to know that contract you signed is the key to all of this I know it that's a Chad McFarland promise me to go in there and find it Well I can't just walk through the front door the office is on the second floor and you'll find the evidence you need there let's do this I said I want to sell the house in Aspen and then buy the penthouse in New York It's gotta be here maybe over here yes here it is I've got to get out of here yes Jake I'm thinking of selling the Mansion too or maybe tearing it down and building a brand new one no he can't do that I'm running out of time I sure hope this paper is the key uh Mr Anderson I have something important to show you this is the contract my uncle made me sign years ago and I think it's the key to getting my fortune back very well Jake let me take a look at it and how old were you when you signed this I was 15. so what do you think this contract is a fight it's poorly made and the language is nonsensical my uncle must have gone to Great Lengths to make it seem real then how is this possible and there is more contract was signed by you when you were only 15. making it completely null and void you were not supposed to sign this in the first place so you're saying I'm still CEO of the company I'm the heir to my dad's Fortune legally you never lost your rides you have every right to reclaim what's yours thank you Mr Anderson I can't wait to tell the news to my uncle finally come to beg for forgiveness are you selling out to me now I've done my research and I know the truth but truth could you be talking about you don't have the right to anything and I'm here to finally get back what's mine oh really you signed everything over to me the contract isn't valid created by a fake lawyer and I was only 15. I have every intention of proving all of this in court the truth will come out and everything will be mine let's see this so-called fake contract good luck trying to take me to court Jack when I'm gone hey get back here you can try to catch me but you won't succeed goodbye Jack I won't give up I'll find a way to expose your deceit and reclaim what is rightfully mine just you wait Laura this is the best day of my life can't believe we're finally married I love you so much and I love you jack I'm so excited to spend the rest of our lives together and building a family building our family wait you're not yes Jack I'm pregnant you're gonna be a dad oh my goodness that's incredible we're gonna be parents uh I couldn't be happier yo dude Dennis hey guess what we're having a baby oh that's awesome I'm so happy for you guys but um speaking of family what is he doing here I thought you were gone oh my dear nephew I couldn't miss this special occasion after all family is so important isn't it you're not welcome here I thought you were gone for good oh I may have disappeared for a while but I left with plenty of hidden resources I'm more powerful than you could ever imagine it doesn't matter I've already won this battle is over oh my your boy this is just the beginning you may have achieved some victories but I assure you there's much more in store for you Dennis what's going on why is there a cop here dude someone vandalized our office last night it's a mess in there you're on this place well you might want to come look at this what the heck this place is trashed yeah looks pretty bad we received a report about some vandalism and I'm here to investigate I got some leads but nothing concrete yet Leeds who could have done this look I can't tell you but we're looking into it I'm heading down to the police station to file a report but I'd like you to come with me I gotta ask you some questions all right Officer let's go I want to help out in any way that I can no worry dude I'll take care of cleaning up the office while you're gone we'll get everything back in working order thanks Dennis I appreciate appreciate you don't worry we'll get through this all right someone here wants to talk to you follow me what are you doing here Jerry can't you just leave me alone oh little Jack finally got himself into trouble huh I knew you were capable of doing this all for the insurance money what I didn't do this oh the poor victim blaming everyone but himself maybe I was right about your anger issues Jack it's clear you're unstable and unfit to run a business all right gentlemen enough dick I must admit your uncle's claims are kind of suspicious however based on the evidence I gathered and the statement seems as though his story holds through you're the one that did this wait what you actually believe him why would I vandalize my own office it's obviously a setup I conduct thorough investigations to uncover the truth but for now I gotta put you under arrest so I can get more evidence arrest I didn't do anything look I understand your frustration but we need to follow protocol I'm gonna get to the bottom of this I won't let you get away with this Jerry Laura you're here Jack I want you to meet our daughter this is Kelly oh my goodness she's she's beautiful I can't believe I missed your birth I'm so sorry Laura I should have been there it's okay I know what's happening and we'll get through this together by the looks of things it doesn't look good Cherry planted evidence to make it look like I destroyed our own office I know I'm just scared Laura I don't know what's gonna happen to me we'll always be waiting and supporting you you're not alone in this thank you I love you Laura and I love you together we can face whatever comes our way dick it's time judge has your sentenced in uh looks like you are going to jail all right jack you served your time you're free to go ah thank you Jack Laura I've missed you so so much I've missed you too but you're here now and that's all that matters Dad it's really you Kelly oh my girl my little girl look at how much you've grown I've waited for this moment for so long dad me too 15 years come on honey let's bring you home Chad wow it's good to see you good to see you too Jack Kelly why don't you get the boys something to eat Chad has something he wants to tell your father okay mom okay what's going on Jack I've waited 15 years for this day I got my private investigator license just to help you out we're gonna take down your uncle once and for all we can expose his deceit and get what's rightfully yours really that's incredible I thought you were tired though and what about your wife and Chad McFarland Junior uh Junior's all grown up now and retirement doesn't suit me I'm Chad McFarland ready to serve Justice Jack you've missed so much of Kelly's life it's time for you to make up for it she needs you and you need this time with her you're right Laura I need to be there for Kelly Chad I appreciate the offer but maybe Laura's right I should just focus on my family I understand Jack you ever change your mind I'll be here ready to help you made the right choice with your family thank you I'm grateful for everything you've done too by the way let's focus on rebuilding our lives and creating a brighter future for our family Jerry what do you want Jack my boy glad you're out of prison the prison you put me in oh can't we just put all of this behind us water under the bridge right water under the bridge Jerry the bridge is destroyed do you really think I would just forget what you've done uh I'm bored of this already let's move forward I'm offering you a job at the family company you can be a janitor or something you said you always wanted to work there again didn't you no I don't want anything from you I don't want to be a part of your corrupt world or your life I've built something of my own something honest and true you are making a big mistake Jack you have no idea what I'm capable of if you don't play nice things will get much worse for you and your precious family well I won't let you intimidate me anymore stay away from my family Jerry they're off limits this isn't over Jack and remember I warned you you made this yourself sure did she's an incredible cook honey our daughter's gonna be a five-star Chef someday oh who Could That Be Mr Jack Thompson I have some legal documents for you your house is being repossessed what do you mean we've always paid our mortgage on time this just doesn't make any sense yeah yeah yeah whatever I'm sorry ma'am the ownership of your property has been transferred to a uh Jerry Enterprises it's out of my hands now Jerry Enterprises seriously all right that's my cue yeah are we going to lose our home you know what I've changed my mind we can't let your uncle take everything from us you have to stop him you're right Laura we can't let him win I'll call Chad McFarland hey Jack what's going on Chad we're in need of some help Jerry is up to something can you find out where he is at right now of course I've been monitoring all his activities he's meeting with some business guy tonight I think we should keep an eye on him and see what they're up to thank you Chad I'll be there soon well Jerry I can't believe you went behind your nephew's back and repossessed his house that's cold even for you ah well businesses business he should have known better than to trust me I've been playing the game my friend besides he's nothing without me but uh why why torture your own family like this Chad I'm already on it because that's not those little brat was given everything by my stupid brother and I deserved it so I did what I had to do I stole the fortune then the mansion that trashed his business and got him arrested now that his family is gonna be homeless little Jack will have nowhere to go Revenge my friend it's best served Cove Jerry Thompson yeah what do you want you're under arrest the falsifying documents engage in an extortion and various other charges you have the right to remain silent everything you said it can't be usable against you in a court of law it's this is a mistake you can't do this I'll see you in court Uncle it's time for you to face the consequences of your actions the court will now hear the case of Jack Thompson vs Jerry Thompson I hope you're ready for this Jack I'm not going down without a fight neither am I after careful consideration and examination of the evidence presented it's time to hear the closing statements Mr Jerry do you have anything to say this is just another tale of a penniness loser trying to take away a Billionaire's wealth Mr Jack your statement your honor this has been a long and hard journey for me I have fought tirelessly to reclaim my father's Empire not just for the money but for the justice and Legacy that it represents it's not about wealth it's about riding the wrongs and honoring my father's memory this man has done everything he could to ruined my life all for his own game and I just want this to end after thoroughly reviewing the case I hereby rule in favor of Mr Jack the wealth and assets wrongfully taken from him will be returned immediately no this can't be happening I finally got my father's money back someday YouTube's gonna turn me into a billionaire I'll change my family's life for the better yo watch where you're going oh sorry dude my bad hey man shot some respect do you even know who this is I'm Ronnie yeah the famous YouTuber Ronnie yeah I know and I said I was sorry I know you you're on YouTube too your channel sucks dude hey no it doesn't man I'm trying my best deal with this thing huh let's see you make videos now Paul hey get back here with my phone this is junk just like your video no my phone [Applause] I'll show him I'll be an even bigger YouTuber than he is and ah man I've got a long walk home you're late again Shane look I'm sorry man sorry isn't gonna cut it you better grow up I am grown up Gary well you don't act like it you know ever since mom and dad died I've been the one taking care of you I'm the adult around here well yeah I know that man it's not my fault that you're my older brother don't listen to me you never have I've told you to get a job and you haven't you better start bringing home money to pay the bill I don't have any money and my phone just got smashed what do you want me to do your phone got smashed up you are such an idiot Shane can you do anything right maybe if you weren't such a big tough grown man without a job you wouldn't be so quick to judge who's the real idiot here shut up Shane will you shut up Gary you tell me to get a job and you don't even have one yourself I'm not supposed to be working full time man you were wasting time making one of those stupid YouTube videos so what if I was I can make YouTube my job and at least I'm pursuing my dreams what have you done you know what I think of your dreams oh Gary don't oh Jerk it took me a year to save up for that computer oops oh well no more YouTube in this house you know what Gary you suck I'm done with this man I won't let Gary's bad attitude set me back I need to work even harder on my YouTube channel I'm not gonna just give up [Music] money oh no this can't be happening hey leave her alone seriously robbing an old lady that's low dude I won't let you get away with it gotcha idiot what the Ronnie that's a mean prank man you can't just scare people like that on Shane it's just a prank look it's all on video you look so stupid isn't funny I thought someone was in trouble yeah someone is in serious trouble now you God you idiot take this oh stop dude fine you guys are jerks I'm done with this oh this is gonna make an awesome video Let's Go Dustin we have to upload this ASAP I need to get a phone so I can start making content again excuse me what do you want be quick I go on break in five minutes all right well someone broke my phone the other day and I was wondering if you could help me out is there anything you can do maybe this is an old phone I can have yeah sure I love just giving things away for free I'll pay my bills with your gratitude oh I didn't mean it like that I'm willing to work for it oh really look at you complete idiot what skills you even have I bet you can't even count I can do lots of stuff I'm smart and I learn quickly just give me a chance hmm well there's a broken phone at the dumpster out back you work all day long you can jump at the dumpster and grab it but it's up to you to fix it I'm not doing that fine I'll take the deal I'll work hard and prove myself I bet I can fix the phone no problem wow you did a really good job I must say I'm surprised and because of you I was on break all day I did nothing you know what you're not as dumb as I thought you were even if you want to work here again you totally can I can even pay you next time oh man but for now I need that broken phone yeah here you go I went up to the trash and got it for you all it needs is like a new screen and maybe some wire repairs this is perfect I can do that this is gonna kick start my YouTube channel Again YouTube channel you yeah sounds dumb you should work here and bought my floors well thanks for the offer but I'm gonna pass all right I think I fixed it let's go it works I haven't logged into YouTube in days I want to see how my other videos are doing whoa this one is 10 000 views and this one almost 50 000. that's crazy the views are way higher than they were before in these comments they all mentioned how mean Ronnie was in that video but they found my channel and actually now you are so you think you can steal my fans huh that's low dude that's low I didn't steal your fans Ronnie what you did was messed up you can't treat people like that I'm so famous it doesn't even matter why are you so upset because of you you're smug overconfident little idiot you know you'll never be a successful YouTuber so just give up where'd you get this huh give it to me I won't let you do that again to me Ronnie stop trying to distract me I need to film and create content good content if you should try it sometime I'm not gonna let you get away with this Shane mark my words you can't mess with Ronnie and get away with it he said I'm ready [Music] hey everyone welcome to my new Vlog Series today is the first episode and I want to show you where it all started this is my home and I'm going to capture my journey to becoming a YouTube billionaire but it's not just about the money right make it big I want to help as many people as I can I want to show everyone that if you work hard and believe in yourself you can achieve your dreams I think that was pretty good man I've got a lot of work to do tonight but it's gonna be worth it hey Shane what's up my dude Henry is that you oh I haven't seen you since we were little kids and you moved away yeah I'm here visiting family for a while and I was wondering if you still lived here it's good to see you yeah it's great to see you too so how you been what's new it's been pretty tough since my mom and dad's accident missed them a lot but I'm hanging in there even when Gary isn't easy but at least I'm not homeless yeah I heard what happened I'm really sorry Shane I'm really sorry you didn't reach out I just I just didn't know what to say oh I get it man thanks it means a lot but hey I noticed you've been watching my YouTube channel and saw you were subscribed I really appreciate the support yeah of course you make really good videos hey if you ever need any help or just want to hang out let me know more to happy to help that was awesome yeah man and we should definitely hang out it'll be like old times absolutely let's catch up and have some fun Shane get your lazy butt back in here sorry Henry I gotta go uh let's hang out tomorrow I'll catch you later yeah sure take care I'll see you soon finally you're home I heard you were finishing up another YouTube video out there you sound stupid I told you to cut it out yeah I was working on my content and I'm not gonna stop guess what Gary I have a job now too oh congratulations I bet it's another one of your useless gigs no it's not useless it's something I'm passionate about and they can change our lives change lives you really think filming yourself and talking to a camera is gonna pay the bills when are you gonna give up on this stupid dream and get a real job what a stupid dream Gary mom and dad would want me to pursue this they believed in me well guess what Shane Mom and Dad aren't here anymore they're gone forever it's just you and me you need to start helping out around here I can't do all of this on my own I will Gary but you gotta trust me this YouTube journey is just the beginning I'm gonna provide more than enough for both of us in a short amount of time you'll see I think YouTube's Really Gonna Make You a billionaire yeah I do I believe in myself and my content it's not just about the money Gary it's about creating something meaningful inspiring others making a positive impact on the world I won't give up my dreams no matter what you say fine Shane do whatever you want just remember when you fail I'll be there to pick up the pieces as usual won't fail Gary and I won't let you bring me down you'll see one day YouTube will make me a billionaire glad you could hang out today man yeah of course dude this place is cool and all but I don't have money for coffee what are you talking about Shane did you see your video it went viral five million views in just a night you haven't looked yet there's no way I can't believe it I just made ten thousand dollars off this video see it's really happening man your hard work is paying off I don't know what to say I've never had this much money in my life like a dream come true I'll get used to it dude you deserve every bit of it your videos are awesome thanks Henry I couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement hey no worries we're in this together I'm so stoked this is awesome we gotta start the next video hey to everyone who supported me thank you this is just the beginning of an incredible journey everyone keeps talking about shame this and Shane look at him look at his stupid face oh I can't let anybody take my Spotlight I'm gonna do something about this Gary I've got something for you what do you want man I'm tired just leave me alone all right fine just wanted to give you this what the heck where did you get this did you steal it oh I didn't steal it from my YouTube channel I told you I could make a lot of money from it you don't listen do you I don't want your stupid money take it back oh you'd be happy for me well you thought wrong I'm not doing this to help us both out it's been tough without Mom and Dad this is our chance to change our lives you come home and rub it in my face that you've got a ton of money now do you know how long I have to work to make that much money I was trying to do man you said you wanted help and here it is yeah great well you have money now what about in a week a month you'll have nothing your stupid YouTube career isn't Gonna Last Forever it's not true Gary I'm working hard to make a better life for both of us I thought you'd understand that you know what Mr Money Man why don't you just move out if you're gonna be so rich and successful you won't need me or this crummy house anymore go buy a new fancy one I've had enough of you and your dumb dreams I could get my own place I don't need you thanks so much for being a good brother Gary you're the best why can't I get through to Gary why is he being so stubborn and mean ever since mom and dad died he's changed I don't know what to do anymore [Music] oh hey Henry what's up man incredible party and there are a bunch of other YouTubers here they're all asking about you you've got to get over here right now I don't know man it's been a pretty rough day come on man it's gonna be fun I'll text you the address just pop by for a little bit all right fine I'll give it a shot [Music] whoa this place is insane Shane dude you made it I'm so glad you're here this is incredible I've never seen a house like this before either yeah and you never will get out of here you don't belong here this party is for Real YouTubers not jokes I was invited here and I am a real YouTuber I have just as much a right to be here as anyone else who even cares I've been a bigger YouTuber than you for ages and what I say gives around here that's not how it works Ronnie being cool and popular isn't my goal I want to be a YouTube billionaire that's what I think is cool you know what oh I think would be cool you leaving this party not going anywhere ah what the heck I said leave hey Ronnie that was messed up bro leave him alone whatever Austin he got what was coming to him Ronnie you're the worst then I hate this guy fine I don't need this stupid party anyway ah man my head hurts hey maybe we should get you checked out that punch was kind of nasty yeah you're right let's go man and I'm glad my head isn't too bad if Ronnie's such a jerk yeah it could have been a lot worse you could have been seriously hurt and honestly forget about Ronnie dude everyone knows he's a real piece of work hey Shane that was really messed up what Ronnie did man I'm sorry you had to go through that you all right bro thanks Austin yeah I'm okay it was a bummer I didn't get to enjoy your party though but I'm not gonna let it get me down yeah that's the spirit you know everyone that was there thinks Ronnie's a jerk you're not alone in that he basically invited himself just super rude yeah I won't let him discourage me I'm focused on working hard on my channel that's all that matters I want to invite you to something special tomorrow I'm doing a massive Prize video with other YouTubers and I want you to be a part of it that sounds incredible and I filmed from my own channel too yeah absolutely it'll be a great opportunity for exposure and you'll actually get to hang out with me and other YouTubers too oh I'm so down for that that sounds great sweet I'll see you at my Mansion tomorrow we start filming at 10. oh Austin dude he didn't tell me this was for a million dollars yeah man of course we want to give people a life-changing opportunity and who knows maybe this is your moment to shine man I could really use the money this is incredible absolutely and trust me the quality of your content you'll be making even more money soon just keep pushing forward okay everyone the competition's about to start everyone Gather in the circle all right friends the winner of the million dollar prize is Shane let's all go and subscribe to his channel he's a millionaire I I can't believe this this is incredible thank you all so much guys I just won a million dollars in Austin's challenge I want to tell all of you that the windows of opportunity only open up for a short amount of time and when they do you need to take them don't be afraid to follow your dreams and seize every chance that comes your way well said man what are you gonna do with your Millie let's go celebrate steak's on me tonight oh man I haven't talked to Gary in a while I know we didn't leave things on good terms but he's still my brother okay oh where's the trailer hey excuse me do you know what happened to the trailer that was here the trailer oh yeah yeah I think it moved backed up in a hurry it seem moved why did he say anything about where he was going no didn't say a word and I didn't ask no questions never seen someone move a whole trailer so fast though must have had his reasons I guess Harry moved and didn't even tell me that he was going do not want anything to do with me I can't believe you just disappeared like this Gary doesn't want to be a part of My Success then it's his loss I'll make sure to build a new life for myself and maybe someday he'll regret leaving dude are you sure about having a roommate here I mean this place is massive absolutely man I don't need all this space for myself I want this place to be a hub for creators a space where we can collaborate and create amazing content oh it's a sick idea dude you're really turning this place into like a dream Studio aren't you oh who's that [Music] oh great what do you want Ronnie you can't just live here I live here oh great I didn't know this was the neighborhood that you lived in duh it's the most expensive neighborhood in town of course I live here you're stealing my friends and my money you want to be me so bad no I definitely don't want to be you and I didn't steal anything from you Ronnie My Success comes from hard work and making content that people enjoy you're getting even more views than me now you stole my views so what it's not a competition people watch what they enjoy maybe you should focus on making better videos and treating people with respect and help you out stop you don't know anything about anything okay this is my dream and I won't let you ruin it this is also my property so you can leave now Ronnie yo whatever man I'm not letting this ruin me that's for sure thank you Austin things are going well I'm on track to make 10 million dollars this year that's fantastic Shane I'm really happy for you I keep watching your videos you're super talented man but you know what Austin I'm still a long way off from being a billionaire don't worry Shane you're driving talent I have no doubt you reach your goal just gotta be patient that's all I've been thinking about branching out you know I want to explore other Ventures apart from YouTube I've been considering opening a restaurant with my brand of food that's a really cool idea Shane you got a strong following and your own restaurant would be a hit I can see it now exactly and it's not just about the business I want to find a way to give back make sure to provide food for the homeless and donate a portion of the restaurant's profits to those in need that's truly admirable Shane I love that you're using your success to make a positive impact Count Me In as a supporter I'll back you up on this Venture as much as you want I'll throw some money in too if you need it well thanks Austin that means a lot thanks for believing in me and my ideas I know this might be tough to get started together we can make a difference I think this might be the perfect spot to start the restaurant I need to call my real estate agent putting an offer right away is that Gary Gary hey dude I can't believe it I've been trying to call you I've been worried sick yeah well uh I've been working a lot times have been tough I'm just busy you won't believe how well YouTube's going man it's amazing I really want you to come work for me and live in my new house great here we go again with this YouTube thing you're so obsessed with it Gary listen to me I made 10 million dollars already it's life-changing money man I want to help you let me give you a fresh start whatever Shane just leave me alone Gary stop being stubborn I'm trying to help you you're my brother and I want to see you do better don't you understand I do understand that I want you to leave me alone go let your big awesome life Shane enjoy it must be nice Gary don't be stupid I have the means to change both of our lives for the better just come on let me help you out I don't need your help on Gary Gary Come back hey everyone I have some amazing news to share with you I'm opening up a restaurant with my own food the menu's gonna be sick I'm gonna be picking everything up myself but it's not just about the delicious food it's about helping people we're gonna be giving away free food to the homeless and donating a portion of our profits to help those in need I'll be posting about opening day soon I can't wait to see you all there man I hope that makes a good video yo oh what's up Henry I can't believe you're actually doing this Shane it's incredible thanks Henry I've been working tirelessly on this project I really want to make a positive impact and you will man have you tried talking to your brother again I tried he just keeps ignoring me oh it's a shame he isn't here to help you I mean he is your brother after all I know I miss having my whole family together wish Mom and Dad were here to see me succeed like this I think they would have really liked it and I think they would have been proud of you Shane you're helping others making a real difference I hope so I miss them every day well you're carrying their spirit with you you're doing great things if you have a lot of work to do this restaurant's just the beginning right this is only the first step we're gonna make a lasting impact together now we've got to get this restaurant ready to open this is gonna be huge just wanted to give everyone an update it's been an incredible six months since we opened this restaurant I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your amazing support your enthusiasm and love for food have been truly inspiring we couldn't have come this far without you keep posting your pictures and videos when you're here it makes my day to see all of you love this place as much as I do you're all the best thanks for making my dreams come true what do you even think you're doing shine uh running a successful business Ronnie something that you wouldn't understand you've ruined everything I've lost almost all My Views because of you my last video only got a thousand oh thousand man that's terrible responsible for your failure Ronnie maybe if you weren't such a jerk to everyone all the time things could have been different maybe we could have even been friends you need to stop making YouTube videos you you're just a wannabe who got lucky so cut it out okay never stop doing what I love I won't let someone like you bring me down if you want to cause a problem Ronnie I suggest you leave before I call security sorry about that Interruption everybody let's get back to celebrating this incredible Milestone together thank you all once again for being a part of this journey oh man I just got a text from Mr Beast he wants you to be in his next video oh my gosh that's amazing I love that guy dude it's here you're not gonna believe it what's here what one I Believe come on I'll show you oh my gosh is that yeah this is it it's your 10 million subscriber button dude I can't believe it this is surreal 10 million subscribers yeah you got your award before I got mine that's insane all these years of hard work and dedication it's paying off you're on your way to becoming a billionaire man you're so close to making your dream a reality never thought I could do this with all these fans that we have and friends like you really made it real and there's no stopping you dude you've built something incredible that's only gonna get bigger and better from here you know what I believe it too I know that one day we're gonna be billionaires we're gonna make a positive impact on this world we're gonna Inspire other people to pursue their dream [Music] uh who Could It Be At This Hour no maybe it's my brother maybe he's changed his mind hey what do you want surely please just just hear me oh I'm sorry for everything okay I made a mistake I need your help man I'll just stop Ronnie I've heard enough of your excuses no seriously Shane I've realized how much I've messed up I was like taken over by jealousy and it drove me to do some really bad things I'm a bad person and I need to change oh all right Ronnie I'm listening but I won't make any promises I did everything because I wanted to be successful I mean I'm Ronnie you know my views for plummeting nobody wants to be around me anymore I've lost all my subscribers my brand deals my everything I've hit rock bottom dude but I know I can turn things around I'm glad you're starting to realize your mistakes Ronnie binge isn't easy but it's necessary you want to put in the effort I'll give you a chance look I won't let you down I'll do whatever it takes to show you how bad I want to change and change my reputation good just remember actions speak louder than words show me that you're really changed we can take it from there you're not gonna regret this dude I promise and that's a Ronnie promise all right Ronnie uh well I'm gonna go back to bed now man it's super late uh maybe next time just send a text or wait until the morning y'all you got a chain you'll see this is just the beginning the beginning of my return to glory and fame oh Shane you're so dumb you're gonna regret this more than you know I can't believe it guys we hit 20 million subscribers this calls for a celebration what 20 million dude that's sick it's amazing how far we've come in just like three months y'all who's in a thought right oh you know I owe it all to you Shane thanks for giving me this opportunity to work with you honey I'm super impressed with how hard you've been working you truly turned things around it's awesome not to mention you haven't been a jerk for a while so that's kind of nice yeah and thank you guys I've learned so much from both of you it's an honor to be part of this team well here's to the power of redemption hard work and friendship May our journey continue to inspire and entertain millions of people yeah well said Sheen all right my treat let's go eat a bunch of burritos and steaks you guys earned it oh awesome lead the way I want guacamole on mine [Music] dude Henry look at this we have 20 successful restaurants now it's incredible can't believe it this Journey's been so cool I mean the support from your fans is like kind of overwhelming yeah hold on one second yo I just got a notification it says my bank account's been updated we have half a billion dollars we're almost there dude that's sick congratulations you've gotta let all your fans know right now yeah good idea hey everyone I just want to give you a quick update I just hit half a billion dollars this is insane and you know what when I hit a billion dollars I'm giving it all back to you my amazing subscribers so thank you all whoa whoa whoa you're giving it all back yeah man why not there's some people that actually need it plus like I'm gonna make more money than a billion dollars you know it's gonna be great to be able to help people with it this is why you're such a good influencer man some people just think about themselves you think about yourself like last well I owe everything to them without their support none of this would be possible sure now is the time for Ronnie it's time for Revenge Shane's not gonna knew it hit him this is what I've been waiting for I gained his trust and now I can finally get back to him for everything he did to me oh no did I just delete a video off your channel oh no did I just chewed a gun and again and again Ronnie what are you doing oh nothing I was just like she's getting alerts the whole time you deleted some of my videos I trusted you Ronnie I gave you a chance this is your fault Shane okay you've always been one step ahead of me I just had to knock you down a couple pegs and show you where you belong blaming others for your mistakes you'll never learn and grow you had an opportunity here and you ruined it with your jealousy yeah I messed up Shane I let my emotions called my judgment I'm sorry okay shut up Ronnie it's too late you've shown who you really are I can't trust you of course you can trust me I'm running Ronnie I'm done with you I never want to see you again whatever Shane this house is stupid anyways and this place hasn't changed a bit I think that can over there is the same one that I used to kick around with Gary I miss him a lot hope he's okay all right well here goes nothing hey everyone it's Shane I hope you're all having an incredible day I want to take a minute to talk to you about something that's important to me see even though I have all this Fame and success something missing in my life I'm the no amount of views or subscribers can replace that's my brother Gary I miss him so much we've been through a lot together we lost our mom and dad when we were young Gary basically took care of me and raised me breaks my heart that we're not friends anymore I've been searching but I haven't been able to find him I'm just reaching out to all of you guys if anyone knows where Gary is please let me know want him back in my life again I miss my brother can't do this alone I'm gonna find him no matter what it takes family's everything and I won't stop until we're together again you can't do this to me I've made every payment on time this is my house this is mine well I'm sorry Ronnie but that's a big fat lie you haven't made a payment in months we can't ignore your outstanding balance any longer look it's all because of that Shane loser okay in his terrible YouTube channel he took all my fans and my channel tagged and now I'm I'm poor I've seen Shane's Channel I'm actually a big fan maybe you should take some pointers from him and find a way not to be a broke Sadler are you kidding me you're on his side too I've had enough of this I'll make sure Shane pays for all of this he's not gonna get away with it yeah whatever man look I know you're frustrated that you're broke and all that blah blah blah but you know maybe you should take some responsibility for your financial situation you're a grown man not a giant baby you don't understand you don't get it you're just as lame as Shane is oh listen I'm a busy man and this conversation is the least interesting one I've had all day I suggest you focus on finding a solution rather than pouting and crying otherwise we'll have to repossess your home you know what that means Ronnie yo fine okay listen You'll see middle-aged boring mortgage guy I'll make sure Shane pays for this literally this isn't obviously Ronnie you're really underestimating how little I care about you or the situation I want my money and that's final man I've had such a busy day today I've had like 15 meetings and then I had to film a video this afternoon I'm tired I'm kind of hungry too hang on is that Gary is that you are you okay does it look like I'm okay what happened dude what happened I lost everything couldn't keep up with the bills I had to sell the trailer none of it was enough I failed mom and dad and I failed you sorry Harry you didn't fail us don't say that sorry I couldn't find you sooner I've been looking everywhere for you dude no I'm the one that needs to be sorry was stubborn angry and bitter I didn't understand what you were trying to do pushed you away terrible Brother Gary none of that matters now we're together again and that's what's important mom and dad would want us to stick together no matter what happened you're right miss you dude man let's go home uh I don't know if you've noticed but I don't have a home oh man you're coming home with me I've got an extra room with your name on it let's go get something to eat too we got a lot to catch up on oh I can't remember the last time I ate real food figure it all out together man don't worry I got you whoa this is your place seriously yeah man and you can stay as long as you need your room's down the hall go get settled in and I'll order us some pizza that sounds great thanks again dude this means the world to me it feels good to have Gary back know that he's okay I was worried about him the heck was that is someone in my house Ronnie what are you doing here what does it look like I'm breaking into your house and robbing you blind oh I'm taking everything from you just like you took everything from me Ronnie you can't rob me blind if I catch you you keep blaming others for your own failures and mistakes this isn't the way to solve your problems you need help help from who you I'm never gonna get help from you Shane Ronnie this has to stop man you're only making things worse for yourself yo well whatever sucks to suck not be wrong honey stop running y'all get back at you Shane this isn't over oh man I gotta call the cops uh 9-1-1 what is it hello I need a report a break in the intruder's name is Ronnie you guys need to catch him and arrest him that's a wrap everyone thank you all for working with me on this video you're all the best YouTubers and this video is gonna be sick thank you great job on this video man another success thanks Austin so I heard Ronnie broke into your house dude what the heck hey no he was trying to steal from me have the cops found him yet I have a friend on the police force and he's doing his best to stop him yeah I've been hearing things man groom is a Ronnie just robbing people and stuff man it's sad to see how far he's fallen yeah it's a tough situation tried to help him but he's refused to listen sometimes people need to hit rock bottom before they're willing to accept help did what you could Shane it's not your fault Ronnie was never really a good guy but it's really sad to see what's happening to him right man all we can do now is hope that Ronnie finds his way back but ultimately it's up to him to make that choice [Music] he just became the first YouTube billionaire thank you thank you everyone I can't begin to express how thrilled I am standing here today A dream is to become a billionaire this Journey's been incredible one of you but you know what today I want to do something special I want to give back to everybody that supported me I want to share the success y'all you suck Shane I hate you Ronnie this should have been my success I'll make sure you pay for stealing mice out of the way I want to punch Shane in his face I don't think so it's little mams you under arrest for the crimes against my best friends chains y'all what no no this is a mistake do you even know who I am looks I don't even know who I am to die okay but you know for sure you is under arrest now y'all
Channel: ShanePlays Roblox Movies
Views: 932,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, ShanePlays, ShanePlays Roblox Movie, FullRobloxMovie, Roblox Story, Roblox Animation
Id: yCqLCLnrCQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 19sec (6739 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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