GROWING GINGER in a cold climate

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[Music] hey guys I'm still here at wiser farm and John's got a lot of stuff to show around here the more I hang out at this farm the more things I discover that he's doing the innovating is really cool he's interplan team ginger with his tomatoes and I think he just kind of did that as an experiment but the potential of this crop is pretty amazing so it's super easy to grow I'll show you what the first where the first one was can you see it yeah so the first stem would have been this guy see how it's a little browner at the bottom yeah that was the first stem and then a ginger is like a rhizome it created it just keeps growing out and then it keeps shooting little shoots out Eevee so this shoot will come out and look like that in whatever time in a two months time or minus time and then at the same time it'll keep growing in another one will go out so here's a shoot with that'll pop out here's a shoot that will pop out and it'll just continue doing that so with ginger be patient your it'll take forever to get going but that's because it has to start that rhizome but once it starts to rise on it goes bonkers this would double in size I'm guessing in about a month and a half from what it is right now so why did you decide to pair it with the tomatoes what was the thinking behind that experimental I did it last year and it worked I did it with 13 plants because I didn't have anywhere else to put like I put it with the tomatoes and it's it to do quite well I mean if my tomatoes did better and we had to drop them down and there was a lot of tomatoes down in here I don't think it would work as good because we had trouble with our Tomatoes this year so next year were just going to do it on its own yeah but I think it's well worth its cash crop because you could plant these out at 80 inch intervals or or 10 inch intervals and make quite a bit of money how much do you think you can get for that ginger for that tea I think I was worth buying bucks by weight just that's this plant itself along is ten bucks well it's I gotta use it anyways I'll dig it up can I take a sample of it I've never had fresh ginger we'll wash it up yeah cuz the green and everything can be used laughs this is potent stuff and because it's local yeah I would sell this for about eight or ten bucks yeah yeah oh yeah there's the old piece look at it just fell original oh and then so everything else is new we'll go wash we'll go wash it up and see what it looks like so here I want to show you how it actually grows so I rise on there's a tip growing out that'll turn into a shoot that's a tip that'll turn into a shoot there's another one coming here and then along here there's one there there's one here there's one here there's one here and then along here like so out of this right now there's five shoots but in another couple weeks that would have been double that Wow so a ginger you have to be patient it will cut it will grow but this is also what I did is this ginger there are a hundred and something like a hundred and ten plants so I planted these tomato plants are every 18 inches and then I simply plant the two plants in between each tomato plant so they're spaced that nine inches is what this was planted up and I got a hundred and ten shoots off of five pounds of ginger that I terminated and it's still germinating I'll show you why I took it from and what it looks like when it's still germinating Wow so pretty yes now here's the cool part most people have never thought about eating eating it gingerly just like for su wow you just use that as lemongrass did actually it actually it actually is almost like lemongrass but it uh ginger II totally yeah chef's you tell them you cope with that they'll put it in soups and start all kinds of stuff so this whole plant is usable what's the start like what can you do with the stock same thing is they'll put it in soups like they'll use it as a cooking so my goal is we're going to harvest these out at the end of October because that's when frost comes and that's when ginger will die off we're going to dig them up and then transplant them into pots just really compact simple to store them then put them into the nursery and now we're gonna sell them as fresh jersey winter yeah so you don't like you buy the gas because it's so much more value the chefs would buy all this and then if they start going bad I'm simply going to clip these and then sell these right away and then sell this after because this fresh will store in the coup in the cooler at six months other than that you have to dry it there's no peeling there's no there's no nothing here you try to stir it up it's got a bit strong that's like ridiculously strong oh it's really strong it's built it's really strong yeah it's built yeah it's a oh it's whoa it's like way stronger than store-bought ginger and there's no peeling it's almost hot it's like some people who have spice sensitivity probably if you want a real ginger flavor use fresh ginger this is what candied ginger comes from this is where everything so there's no peeling this so imagine the volume you get off of here imagine to work you save so that's that's something that I'm looking at is to don't have ginger year-round so when I take this home I want to eat some of it but can I like break this piece off into plant it no I do well at this point no I'll I could show I'll show you what what it looks like what you want as a transplant oh this is your guys nursery now oh this is really smart the that's your old garage your old carport thing so what you want out a ginger can you hear it's a bit loud so in the spring in the spring we simply took ginger left them in whole rise ons or clothes what about girls at the store like certified organic is normal through urban harvest okay yeah yeah so what I did is I just layered all of this in here for like really really tight cover them with with some potting soil and then water it heavy then let it dry out because it goes into that mode of like wanting to germinate once it comes it becomes dry from wet so only water it once heavy and then let it dry well then water it periodically after that if you keep it very wet they don't germinate but if you start to dry them out to start popping like super quick so what ends up happening is this is this was a little shoot coming out of this ginger as you can see where it is so right here so when you go and transplant this you don't actually have to transplant this big chunk you simply can break it off here well and now this is your transplant because the roots are connected to the new growth that actually you can see there's all new growth well so this is where it now gets its its its energy from so that's all I did so with all these and this is what I'm doing with these I'm going to put these up and and overwinter them and sell them as ginger next spring is as parents if you can see there's no roots coming out of the main all you have to do is break it off you have to be gentle with it hey there and then the roots all stay with that new growth Wow and that's it that's your ginger plant and from there on it'll just go crazy so all I did with that is the whole berry it water it with the tomatoes like normal and that's it that's I've not done any work to like zero so this this is still sprouting after you know as we planted those out in April middle of April and these are still sprouting all summer long because we keep forgetting to water them and I want to know why like coming here and I water them and then their shoots just keep coming okay so okay I get it now for some reason I wasn't fully in this in it but you're just harvesting the shoots and you and they just keep spreading well in the spring I harvested all of them first of all there was nothing left not you still yeah keep all three you've got some more and then start it again insert it morning no this is still the same back to scene that helped producer okay I thought the things were dead so like the one you just pulled off like that's gonna spread another one maybe maybe I don't know I really don't know how well here there's a good example this guy sprouting so here's one here and here's another one coming out of the same piece well so here I'll break this guy off fully intact plant and there's a new shoot coming here and it is already starting new roots yes so what I'm gonna do is I'll leave this guy till it has at least a leaf or two and then you can break it off because you need you need these roots attached to the growth in order for it to continue very without the roots I'm not sure what happens but I'm not willing to I'll experiment one day about not not right now Wow so yeah so look at all these sects same here look at this this is just poppin so you could plant this whole thing as it is but you could just plant this yes easier alright guys this is so it's so did you how did you get into this how did you discover that experiment just random here like I want to grow gingers yeah dude so hey can I take a couple of these awesome we've been named apart I didn't mean to put them up for like [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Off-Grid with Curtis Stone
Views: 507,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gardening, how to, growing, urban farming, spin farming, vegetables, greens, growing better, high yield crops, get started, sustainable, soil, local, permaculture, off grid, homestead, kelowna, curtis stone, curtis, green city acres, profitable farming, the urban farmer, suburban farming, convert lawn to garden, bc, canada, urban agriculture, market gardening, ginger
Id: hLWX4TsVUmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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