Growing a YEAR'S WORTH of Food! | June Garden Tour | Zone 4 Minnesota

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welcome back you guys have been a long for the journey on a lot of garden prep and getting it planted but today we're going to do a full Garden Tour so you can see what's going well there are some things that are doing really really well probably the best that I've ever seen in my 15 years of gardening where some things are awful just the worst ever so it'll be a good little tour so you can see what's going well what's not going well and kind of my game plan and also I have kind of a unique perspective because I'm in zone 3zone 4 Minnesota which means we have a really short growing season so I have to be super crafty about how I'm growing food and we grow a lot of food this is a 1300 sare foot garden I also have some other Gardens Closer by the cabin and it produces enough produce for Ryan and I that this is essentially all we eat year long I rarely ever have to buy produce at the store so super neat let's definitely dive in so you can kind of see what I have going on in here and I want to apologize ahead of time it's kind of breezy and windy today I'm wearing my little mic so hopefully it'll keep the wind noise down but this has my been my only weather window to get out here we've had unbelievable amounts of rain I haven't looked at the records but I think we're close everything's been underwater and flooded which has also brought the wonderful mosquitoes I've actually spent very little time out here because either it's raining or I'm getting eaten alive so it's finally not raining and because it's windy there's less mosquitoes so I'm like now is the time we're going to do garden tour first let's talk about how this Garden is set up so I have 13 different rows they are three feet wide and I have one foot wide walking paths and my garden is about 52 ft wide and 25 ft long and so it's roughly around 1300 Square ft and I just absolutely loving it this space has been super productive we just put in this Garden last year so this Garden is officially a year old happy birthday to my garden and last year was amazing but I'm hoping this year will be even better and you'll notice my fencing here I use electric poultry netting it works awesome to keep any of the Little Critters out from wanting to munch on my garden especially these little critters right little honey all right now let's get inside and start the tour so to give you a quick overview of this section this is my area of brassas and they are just thriving it looks absolutely gorgeous so let's go ahead and look at the details here so right up front is where I have my companion planting flowers you're going to notice a lot of these throughout my garden especially in my Brasa group is where I most heavily have my flowers because these are most prone to pests and things like marigolds nestum they really help repel pests and draw in beneficial pollinators and even predatory insects that will feed on those pests so love having these and they also provide just a nice pop of color so first up are my cabbages these are I think going to be the biggest cabbages I've ever grown I mean here's my hand for comparison and I don't have dainty little lady hands and so we're still waiting on the heads to really form they're just starting I planted these I think early May so just about 6 weeks ago but we're really cooking along here next up is my tat soy now these guys have had a rough go first of all I had a lot of damage from flea beetles this is is the first time that I've really struggled with them and I was kind of late on getting in with a treatment didn't that help for a while but then it started to rain every single day so it just didn't make sense to come out and spray and I can see there's some just kind of jumping around and some of these are already starting to bolt or go to seeds so this whole patch has kind of been so for me next up are the Cula I have three different Cula bunches here and this is another lovely companion planting flower and a medicinal flower so these have some really great resins in there they're really nice and sticky when you pick them on a summer hot summer day and it's just so soothing and healing I put Cula in almost all of my home body care products so love colula next we have even more cabbages so we have three more heads here this one randomly disappeared so not sure where that one went and as far as what we do with the cabbages is mostly sauerkraut we love sauerkraut and it's a great ferment that will keep for about a year in the fridge we're still eating sauerkraut from last year so we better finish it up because we're going to have a lot coming here soon next are my two Napa cabbages these guys also experienced a little bit of flea Beetle damage actually you might be able to see them there we go you might be able to see those little buggers on the edge of the leaf so they're also causing some damage oh looks like we have a grasshopper too hi little dude so everyone wanting to eat my Nappa cabbages but they're hanging on there and I'll be using these to make kimchi and we have a good decent head on these so honestly I could probably Harvest this anytime here we have more marigolds and then we come into the sea of broccoli I think I have a total of 18 broccoli plants we have those there and a bunch over there as well and these guys are also doing really really well they are definitely filling out the space I use an 18in space Ing and they are using every inch of that and we are just starting to get little heads to form so I can't even wait to see how those are going to fill out I think they're going to do really great and thankfully the flea beetles have not affected the broccoli whatsoever but we may end up getting some cabbage worms before long but none yet so I'm keeping an eye out and then over here I have four different brussel sprouts these guys are cruising along they are very slow producers so I probably won't be harvesting Sprouts from these until at least September thankfully they tolerate the frost really well so they are kind of the one of the last ones that are left standing in the garden and Brussels sprouts are one of the only brasas that I do add cages to these guys are going to get pretty tall they'll probably I would say get up to about here so they'll even extend past the cage and while we're down here let's talk about this mulch I know I've been talking about it in some of my other videos so definitely check them out if you haven't already about kind of all the details behind it but to give you a quick snippet mulching has become my new best friend so around the plants I like to use organic straw because it's kind of a temporary thing you can lift it up move it around compost it in the fall whatever you want to do and it's been doing great I haven't weeded under these guys for basically since I planted them 6 weeks ago and you can see there's you know a couple weeds here and there especially on the edges where things get thin but it's really minimal and with how much rain we've had the weeds would be absolutely out of control so this is awesome and then the walking paths this is the new thing that I did this year I added wood chips wood chips are a little bit more of a permanent solution so I don't necessarily recommend it for around plants but for the walking pads it has been great there's nothing that I dislike more than weeding walking pads so the fact that I hardly ever have to weed these at all anymore you can see there's just just a couple here and there it's just been been awesome so let's start row two some of this is repeat like these are two more of the brussel sprouts here's six more broccoli these are all kind of in the same status as the other ones so just during that head formation these nestum are just doing awesome they are blowing up these guys got planted earlier than some of the others and then I have two cauliflowers me personally I'm not a huge cauliflower fan but Ryan loves them so I grow a couple for him looks like we're just getting started down there and then this section I've been harvesting from so it's looking a little bit more bare I used to have P Choy in here but we have since eaten all of those I love to eat it in stir fry but here are my pride and joy these are let me get this weed out of the way so you can see it this is some of the best kabi I have ever grown you can get my hand next to it I mean those things are huge and they're delicious Ryan loves kabie it's one of his favorite vegetables so I mostly grow them for him and he likes to eat them just sliced raw with some salt on it kind of like a chip and yeah he just loves them and look at that purple color I love the purple corabi some more over here he has some eating to do and once this patch is empty I'm going to end up putting my eggplant here so they are still in their pots up by the cabin so they're waiting for their moment to come down and I was thinking this would be a good section to plop them in so within the week we should be through the rest of these cuz it's going to start to get hot next week so it's time for these guys to get eaten next we have more Nims and it looks like this one has some blooms in there here you can see one of the negatives of using organic straw mulch is sometimes it can drop some seeds but the good news is these come up so easy you just lift them up cuz they've just germinated in the straw they're not in the soil so they just lift up super easy I also find just kind of like lifting up the straw is all you need to do so no big deal next up is celery celery be can be pretty finicky to grow from seed but so far so good we're starting to get some stock growth there but we're still pretty tiny so hopefully we'll keep getting some growth here next up is my overflow of potatoes so my big potato row is way down there which we'll get to but these were some extras and I couldn't bear to throw them out and I had this extra little corner so these guys are looking awesome and these are purple potatoes which is a new variety for me I'm trying to remember what the exact name is but they're deep purple and just beautiful and so far so good at my last Homestead we would get the Colorado potato beetles so terribly and I haven't noticed any at least here so I'm hopeful that maybe they don't know I'm here and they'll just leave me alone cuz they just absolutely destroyed my crop now before before we get too far wanted to take a quick break so I can show you my sweet new watering system which is going to make watering a breeze around here once the rain stops so I just got this smart Garden watering two zone system from the sponsor of today's video which is raino and if you're looking for a great way to simplify how you water your garden you're definitely going to want to check this out it comes with this twozone water timer two Zone means that it can control two different hoses at one time and a Wi-Fi weather station Hub to give you all of the indoor and outdoor stats once you log in on the homar app you're ready to go you can do all sorts of things from here like set up your watering plan we can set what time we want the water to start the duration that it runs for or we could change it to water usage it has a built-in flow meter which is pretty sweet if you're someone that has water limitations here we can set our limit to 6 gallons and as far as intervals you can water daily if you need to otherwise there's odd day even day or even full custom Iz ation now we just go set up our twozone water timer to our water source and it'll be ready to go based on the settings that I use to get your own raino smart watering system for 15% off you can use my code Homestead 15 and you can get 10% off of anything in their store with my other code Homestead 10 I'll put my affiliate link and more information about the system in the description below let's go ahead and finish the tour now let's move on to some sad stuff so up front we're doing pretty good these are just more companion planting flowers we have the nestam the Cula and another nestum and then this is my garden failure this poor sad zucchini and it's not even my zucchini I tried so many times to get my own zucchini seeds to germinate and just failed every time I think either my seeds were old or they were bad who knows and we're already getting late in the season so in a moment of desperation I bought this from my local nursery and I don't know it's just kind of stagnant I think it was already too old when I bought it like it had been at the nursery for a while and zucchini is one of those things you don't want to have in a pot for very long and it's just I don't know we'll see if we get anything from that this year next we have more flowers another round of broccoli which are also looking awesome we have some more Cula knocked in here so I get the cabbage worms really bad so that's why I'm using all sorts of flowers in here to hopefully try to deter them it's like a losing battle when the summer when I look out there's just those white Ms just flying everywhere not only in my garden but we must have something in this field that they love they're just flitting around throughout the entire property so it's just a losing battle I just need to do what I can to keep them out of my space here and they can stay in the field so next we have big chunks of kale we love kale around here and it freezes really well we were eating it all winter and soups and stews and casseroles and kich in all the things so it's definitely too much for us to all eat it all fresh but we freeze a lot of it so these guys are looking absolutely awesome and I grow two different varieties this is the Aon kale and this is the black magic kale this variety tends to resist the cabbage worms a whole lot better where these guys get bitten on quite a bit so this is my ultimate favorite variety I grow it every single year I'll make sure to link this one if you guys are interested in getting a packet for yourselves Okay so we've made it to the onions and I think we're doing okay here we're still pretty early on in the season here for Zone 3 Zone 4 Minnesota so not much for bulb development yet especially because it has been so cloudy and rainy my vegetables that like a little bit of sunshine are stunted a little bit but I'm hopeful that things will take off the greens are really developing they look happy we just need to get into summer and out spring I've also found that the mulching is working great for the onions they have really shallow root system and so having that mulch around them just really keeps that even moisture that they like and I plant pretty tightly my plants are 4 in apart and I just do it in a big block instead of individual rows and I feel like this is slightly tighter than I did last year I maybe did 6 in we'll see if it pays off to do 4in spacing again I'm a greedy Gardener and you don't know until you try so we'll see how it goes if it ends up stunting them a little bit I'll go back to a 6in spacing but yeah this block method has always worked pretty well for me next up we have some peppers so I have a variety of different peppers going on here we have some Corno detoro which is kind of nice eating pepper it also freezes really well and I did cave when I was at the uh nursery and got a few plants I wanted to try like these purple peppers I think that's going to be really fun so may as well and we're still pretty small but starting to get you know some development on here again it's been cold cloudy and rainy so these guys are just kind of hanging on until the weather turns here's my nice big bunch of Cula they kind of got smashed by all the rain hitting here so few days ago this it was this lovely perky Bush but we're looking a little flattened at the moment but so many lovely blooms so I'll go through here and pick blooms every few days and you can just use your hands and they snap off just like that and then I dehydrate them they make a great tea they're also great just muddled up in a glass of ice water it's really nice and refreshing the other nice thing about chamomile is it self seeds itself so I didn't plant this this year they actually just kind of came up on their own they'll if you let the flowers mature and to seed heads and just drop on the ground they'll come up on its own the next year so this is just going to keep producing kind of a low maintenance plant and then here is my very tiny corn we got them to germinate at least but same story as my other peppers and everything they're just kind of waiting for the weather to turn we'll see if hopefully they'll finish out in time but again next week is looking better looking sunny and warm so hopefully that'll perk these guys up and get them going oh and one other thing you may have noticed that I don't have these sections mulched and that's because of the cold gloomy weather I really want to get the soil temp up as high as possible for these hot leving things and same thing with the zucchini so I'm leaving The Mulch off for now until we really start to finally maybe get into summer and then I'll get the mulch down so I did two rows of corn for this row I also have two rows here and two rows here you want to make sure you have corn in blocks of at least four for adequate pollination so I have six here minus a little strip here so this is my absolute favorite method to grow squash so most of these are butternut squash I think I have eight butternut squash plants in here and one Cinderella pumpkin so I love to plant them in the middle of my corn patch for multiple reasons one if you've ever grown pumpkin or squash before you know that those Vines will take over they'll just absolutely go crazy and start just squashing any smaller plants so I like to grow it in the understory of the Corn so by the time this really starts taking over the corn should hopefully be a little bit taller so they don't affect each other and then the squash also acts as a living mulch for the corn so I may not even need to get in here and put straw down and then the third thing that I've noticed here in Minnesota we get cold snaps early so we can often get freezing temperatures in midt and sometimes my squash isn't ripe in time so having them kind of protected underneath the understory of the Corn really helps protect them on those Frost nights I'll notice if I have some Vines running on the outside here where they're not protected they'll have some Frost damage where the vines under here protected by the corn it's good so love doing this method and for whatever reason the squash is really doing well so thankfully despite the weather these guys are cranking away I did start them indoors a few weeks ahead of time to give myself a jump start the other thing that I really like about butternut squash and pumpkins is they tend to be unaected by that dreaded squash fine bore and butternut squash and the pumpkins are great storage vegetables we actually just finished eating our last butternut squash just a few weeks ago from last year's Harvest so it's a huge staple for us on our Homestead and a food source to carry us through our long Winters here is my garlic which is looking mighty fine I think probably the best garlic I've ever grown and something I just noticed yesterday I wanted to leave them on here so I could show you guys are the garlic Scapes already if you've never eaten these before Oh my gosh you're missing out we absolutely love garlic Scapes and this is the perfect time to snip them so you want to grab them just as they're starting to curve because then they're still tender if you wait until they really get curly and old they can be kind of chewy and not so good but this is perfect so you just snip them off right at the base here and these basically you can treat them like asparagus and we just love to grill them as a side for a dinner and oh my gosh they are so good you can also make pesto I'll chop it up and do it in a stir fry so many uses for the garlic Scapes and then garlic Scapes also give us the signal that the garlic themselves are going to be ready to harvest in a few weeks and we're not quite there yet so I always wait until my bottom two to three sets of leaves have yellowed and dried out so that hasn't happened yet and we can't see the bulb they're buried way down in there but we're getting there and garlic is the only thing I plant in the fall so if you missed my garlic planting video definitely check it out so these guys have been in the garden since early October and the nice thing about garlic is once that comes out in a few weeks that's going to open up a whole new section for planting so I've been debating what I want to plant here so it's not just bare all summer I'll probably do bush beans we eat a lot of beans they freeze really well we love Dilly beans all the good things so I'll probably just do a bunch of bush beans there it's has a fast turnaround time too so we should be able to get another round of beans in before winter hits and this is my lovely little Dill patch which is probably way too thick I need to get in here and do some thinning but this also came back on its own it kind of self seated so if you end up planting Dill I would put in an area that you're okay with it just kind of living unless you want to be digging up little seedlings Every Spring so that's why I have it on the end so that it's just kind of a good permanent location versus in the Middle where it gets a little tricky so these guys are doing good there's even little Dills coming up along the side it's not bothering anybody so I'm just letting it go next up are my carrots which are pretty hit or miss you can see some are looking great and we're getting up there while others are Itty Bitty so I think what happened if you watched my video where I was planting these carrot seeds we started off strong and I covered my seeds so that they would germinate well and they did when I PE under there things are looking great but the problem is that I got busy and I never uncovered them I just kept them covered and I think they just kind of got smothered so that was totally my fault user error and so I've come back through and I've reeded so any place you see the small seedlings are my new starts which is pretty much mostly down there so fingers crossed that it's not too late I did have to switch my seeds cuz my original plan was to do 100 day carats on the outside so they would be ready by Fall to pack them away into storage but we're getting late into the season now so I switched over to a 60-day seed and hopefully it'll all even out and here is my sea of potatoes so this is the main patch where just the last few that didn't fit ended up going down there but these guys are looking awesome so I do have a couple more I think just these two that actually have some more purple color to the leaves which is kind of fun these are my two remainder purple potatoes but the rest of these are my red Chieftain potatoes these guys I've been growing for gosh maybe eight or nine years and I just love them they're delicious they're Dependable they store well all the things but this year I am doing a slightly different method so typically I heal them with soil once they're about a foot tall and are ready to get buried a little deeper but this year I am just mulching with a double layer of mulch so I did my kind of you know maybe 4 in of the organic straw and then once they were tall enough I piled even more on top so I think that's going to work well and I don't have to worry about doing a bunch of soil work so so far they are looking really really happy we're even starting to get little flowers on there next up are my bush beans so these guys are up and looking happy I did come in and I mulched them yesterday so I think that's going to go pretty well beans they like warm but they don't need warm per se like the peppers and the Squash and cucumbers and that type of a thing so these guys are going to be happy and enjoy their weed-free environment with the mulch on there so these are all bush beans I'm kind of more of a bush bean girl versus pole beans they're just so easy to grow they're very productive they're delicious and I can probably get a second crop in this row once I harvest these so bush beans produce for about 6 weeks or so and then they kind of go kaput so I'll pull them SE them again probably and get another round of bush beans going now we made it to my tomato patch I have a few things going on here and these guys are just doing awesome I think these are the best tomatoes I've ever grown they're even looking amazing in the pots before I got them out here so can't wait to see them explode so what I have up here first is I think I have two of more of a grape tomato these are called Mountain Vineyard did really well last year I freeze-dried a lot of them which were great to throw in you know pastas or kiche or any of that so I'm excited to have them again and then this is my one slicer tomato so I do mostly processing or paste tomatoes which are these guys we'll go through in a minute but I like to have at least one slicer for fresh eating so this one is my pink Bower tomato I've actually never grown this variety before so I'm excited to give it a go and we're already getting little tomatoes on there and then then for the rest of these these are my production Tomatoes I'm going to be processing and canning all the things so these are a combination of Amish paste tomatoes and Plum Regal they're looking really good already too we're starting to get little tomatoes on there these guys are actually getting big enough that I think it's probably time to go through and do some pruning especially on these lower leaves so I typically don't like to have anything hanging on the ground especially with how wet it's been I'll probably do that after this video is start trimming off any lower leaves now that it's taller and I can afford to lose some lower leaves so definitely we want to get on that and as far as trellising goes I like to do tomato cages I know there's a lot of different ways of staking them up and the cages just work well for me it's simple I can set it up in no time it's just what works well for me so I'm running with it and then down here we have another pepper patch so here I think is where a lot of my pablanos are those also freeze really well which I love to do and then throw that in chili here I'm trying a new pepper so these are my little Scotch bonnets I fell in love with them after we went to a family wedding in Jamaica in February and so we'll see we'll see they sounds like they have a really long they need a long growing season so it's questionable if we'll be able to you know get much out of them here in Minnesota but we're going to give it a try and then here is a habanero I like to make fermented hot sauce so that's wonderful in there and then same with all my Cayenne thankfully Cayenne do really well here in Minnesota so these guys should really be the stars of the hot sauce for sure and again no mulch here I'm just trying to get that soil temp up so they can Thrive but hopefully next week I can get the mulch down and then at the very end here is where we have our cucumbers so I'm trying a little bit of a different method here so I've always done the cattle panel fencing just with toost that works great I can move it around the garden wherever they happen to be for the year but I'm doing kind of backto back I've always done them just in one row but then what I noticed when they were one long row they would create a lot of shade on the next row over and so I was trying to scrunch them down and do two shorter rows so we'll see how that goes that might get kind of a pain in the butt to reach in there to harvest but I think it'll be all right so I have three of pickling cucumbers and these guys are doing pretty good so far they're already starting to vine up and then over here I'm trying something new this is a little cucamelon so I've never eaten them before we'll see it looks sounded too fun not to try though now you might be noticing that there's a few things missing back here like my lettuces and herbs and that type of a thing and that's because I moved them to my new garden beds up by the cabin so let's jump over there okay so here is the remainder of the garden I have some raised beds here and most recently maybe you saw this video if you haven't already definitely check it out but I just converted this whole section into some edible landscaping so let's dive in so first here on the left is where I have a variety of different baby greens I actually have three different kinds this is kind of a a kale mix and then this is a spicy salad mix and this is just your general salad mix and this has been awesome just to run out from the cabin and grab a a quick salad for lunch that type of a thing so these guys are great and it's a cut and come again so I've actually already been through here and harvested and it all grew back again but it won't last for too much longer you can see some of these have bolted already so we'll enjoy it while it lasts here in the center I have some basil so these guys are doing all right I need to get in there and remember to prune back so you can see that this basil is already starting to flower out so if you go in there and kind of pinch off the top then instead of it going to seed it'll Branch out and just create more leaves so let's go ahead and do this guy too these are my daon radish which I plan to grow to make my kimchi but when I pulled one out the other day I was not all that impressed we'll do one together so this is what I'm getting so they're not very big yet they should be big by by now there we go you can see that there is some damage in here so I think I have ooh what are they called root maggots where they just destroy your crop from underneath and I had a big trouble with that with my turnips last year and some of my radishes and so that's why I actually moved them over here so these are my turnips too because I was like okay they're in my soil back there at the big garden and I'll try them up here and see if they do better in the raised beds but it's not looking so good just not really thriving which is surprising because the weather's been perfect you can see all my other brasas are really doing well but these kind of root vegetables are really struggling so if you have found a way to manage those root maggots please let me know cuz it's time for me to move to phase two I thought maybe just going to the raised bed would be enough but not so much and you can see from my turnips too they are just not I mean look at that that that's pathetic at my last Homestead I grew amazing turnips and turnips were an absolute staple for us they are good in the fridge for months and months and so this is really cramp iner style as far as self-sufficiency goes these typically really help get us through winter so I'm going to have to get to the drawing board and see what to do about that cuz this is no good so this is definitely a garden fail here and this bear spot is is where I was going to do my fall seating for a fall crap of rudas rutabagas are the ultimate self-sufficiency root vegetable I feel like while the turnips do pretty good in storage the rudas are King they just last forever in the fridge and I haven't done it yet cuz I have a feeling it's just not going to go well based on how these are going so I don't know just sitting here not very motivated to fill this at the moment but over here we are doing good the strawberries are coming in oo looks like we have a little red one in there but it's not quite ripe enough yet but in a couple of days for sure so the strawberries are doing good looking nice and Lush and then over here is my St John's wart I love to make a tincture with this is really good for those winter blues and that's definitely ramping around here in Minnesota with our long Winters so love St John's wart it's a flower that you end up harvesting so no flowers yet but we'll get there and then this is a marshmallow plant so the root is very effective it has some great kind of lack of a better word slimy properties which is really good for if you need some lubrication whether you have a dry cough or whatever it is so this is going to be a great medicinal plant for us you don't Harvest The Roots until year two so I'm just not going to touch this for a while this is my experimental bed of more Peppers I'm giving these guys a try here I kind of have one of each variety that I already have out back just to see how they do in a raised bed compared to out back the soil temp is going to be a little bit warmer in a raised bed than an inground Garden so fingers crossed we'll give it a go and see how they do this year and I love these raised beds I got these from epic gardening if you're interested I have a discount code for you I'll link it in the description these have just been awesome easy to assemble and they're just cute I think they look really great up here all right we're on the home stretch so things over here so this first isn't food these are actually my great grandpa's irises so those are special to me so no food there but here are my blueberries and you can see this one doesn't really have much for berries but o we are looking so good over here I love utilizing blueberry bushes in landscaping so if you're looking for an easy way to grow some food just pull out those useless bushes in the Landscaping and grow some blueberries instead same with rhubarb if you are in a Northern climate I absolutely love rhubarb so easy to grow it's happy anywhere it's productive and I think it's beautiful next up are my herbs so a lot of these are herbs in here so these are my time but the problem with our cold wet rainy BL weather is my herbs are not so happy cuz they like Mediterranean conditions where it's nice dry Sandy they actually like poor quality soil where I have heavy wet clay soil that's also mulched I don't know we'll see how they do but we have some thy in here so I have six different th plants This Is My Rosemary I have another one here and another one here they haven't grown all that much since I planted them a couple weeks ago but we'll see especially when the weather dries out I'm hopeful that they will do a little bit better here are my Lett uses these guys are doing pretty good and I feel like these little butter Lett uses are so cute here is my weed bed I haven't done too much in here I need to get in here and do some weeding but here if you can even tell I did plant a couple rows of cilantro so those have germinated I need to get in there and thin them out there's some back there too and then here is my soral this is a new plant for me these are just an edible green that does come back after year to year and they're supposed to have a really good kind of Citrus punch flavor to them so they were looking pretty sad when I first planted them and they're looking a lot better so I'm hopeful that they're going to thrive and love this spot next we have parsley these guys are looking pretty darn good I think these guys are loving their new spot same with the sage the sage has really blown up this is my sage from last year that I dug up from the garden and brought over here and these are new little sage plants and I almost forgot to give you guys an update on on the weed situation so we chatted about it in one of my previous videos about how to control the weeds from creeping in around the perimeter of the fence so I got my 30% vinegar solution in the mail and I've given it a whirl once so far when we did have a little span of hot dry weather and it worked awesome the weeds immediately went crisp and dry but unfortunately now that it's back to gloomy and rainy they're starting to revive a little bit and I haven't been able to spray it's just pointless cuz everything's wet and just is continuing to be wet so I think as long as you have a set of dry weather it's going to be an awesome awesome solution so I'm definitely keeping that around once it dries up a little bit I'll get back to spraying that so that's it for garden tour here in my Minnesota Garden in June thank you so much for being here I so appreciate your support also huge thank you to raino for sponsoring this video if you want to check out their watering system definitely do I'm so excited to have that hopefully it'll stop raining here so I can actually really put it to good use make sure to subscribe if you aren't already so you don't miss more gardening tips along the way we're going to get into food preservation season and all that good stuff again thank you so much I hope you have a lovely day and I'll catch you on the next video
Channel: The Homesteading RD
Views: 10,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Levw9ezoZS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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