Grow Tomatoes In Containers Small Space Gardening [Gardening Allotment UK] [Grow Vegetables At Home

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foreign [Music] ERS today but I want container runs we are  putting some in ground but we do need some   in that container garden and we also need  to see us successfully we can Grill tomato   plants in small containers regardless of what  variety they are as well because you've got   different types of tomato plant you've got  indeterminate which will continue growing   all the way throughout season and then you've  got determinate plants which you dwarf or bush   varieties so they only grow to a set-eyed flour  fruit and then they're done but what I want to do   is take an indeterminate plant which can grow up  to six feet tall and grow it in a small container   and limit that growth to only four to five  feet at most and the only way you can do that   is by topping tomato plants so a few inches  down from the very top of that main stem you   cut that off so it can't grow any taller and then  it should concentrate on side growth and make you   a shorter but bushier plan but also indeterminate  plans even though you cut the tops off we'll still   carry on trying to grow taller it will slow it  down or it will still try and regrow that tone   so all you need to do through season is keep  taking that top away every time it gets a few   more inches tall at least that's the plan because  on this channel we like to concentrate a lot on   small space gardening we've done the same thing  with courgettes we're going to be doing the exact   same thing with cucumbers and that's why we've  got that 12 foot by 12 foot container garden area   and it's got the stone bottom so every single  thing has to have grown in containers and   if you've seen previous videos you  can see that that's doing quite well   so today it's time to move on to container tomato  plants I've been growing these ones in two liter   containers these are called Sweet Million and  they are an indeterminate tomato plant these   can grow up to two meters in height and they're  basically a very high yield in plants that fill   up with bunches or red cherry tomatoes and you  can see that even though it's only in a two liter   pot it's put on lots and lots of growth and as it  grows we keep taking off these little side shoots and the reason we're doing that is to  encourage it to grow a little bit taller   rather than trying to grow loads and loads  of branches because then the plant gets   out of control really quickly so for the  moment we want to get some height to it   but since we're going to be doing these  in containers as well we don't want to   encourage it to grow too high so we'll get  to a point where it reaches four to five feet   we'll cut the top off and then we'll let the side  shields grow outwards and we'll accommodate them   with supports as we need to so now this is getting  on for two feet tall it's time to move it into a   container and we're making sure there's some  really nice good sized drainage holes in bottom   most containers come with really small holes in so  we make those a bit bigger and also add a few more because those bigger holes are going  to be a lot better than the ones   that it normally comes with and because  we've got these dibbers and they've got   metal spikes on end they're perfect they're  just pushing in or widening these holes also when you're using plastic containers make  sure that your plastic containers are food safe   they will have a stamp on bottom to let you  know that and if you're not sure what stamp   it needs to be you can look that up on Google  as well so we've made lots of nice big holes in   bottom of that so we'll get some compost pudding  and then I'm going to add a good amount of feed because one other thing about growing tomato  plants in containers is that when you water   them the water seeps through and that's going to  take a certain amount of those nutrients with it   so you're going to have to keep feeding this plant  every 10 to 14 days we'll take this plant up and   have a look at rules because it's only a two  liter container and it is quite a big planet and I don't think that it's  too bad at all considering   it's a really big plan but  it's not overrun with rules and when you're growing things  in containers that's a bonus so   I need to seat this plan just  below the surface of this rim so I'm just going to make a bit of an hole in it   so it can sit it a bit lower and at the same time  we're mixing those nutrients into that compost   and I think there is going to be perfectly  fine we can straighten the blunt all as we go   and once I'm happy with that position I'll  just fill around the base of that plant when I do this I'll bury it a  little bit more of that stem as well   because that's going to promote real growth so this very very bottom leaf  I'll turn that around you can see   we've got a leaf there right at the  very bottom and I'm taking that off because that's going to allow me to  bury this plant a little bit deeper I'm making sure I'm firming  this compost down as well because we need this plant to be stable this  one's already started to get flowers on top   as well no container garden would  be complete without a tomato plant   so now we firm that down we can  get a little bit more around there and then again just firm it down just give  yourself about an inch Gap from the top of   that container to the compost that way water's not  going to run straight off when you're watering it   and there we've got a really nice stocky  little plant that was sunk just a couple   of inches deeper than it originally were  that's going to grow quite happily in there so all the side shields that we've taken from  the bottom will stop it from bushing out too   much and let it grow up a little bit more once we  get about halfway up this plant I'm going to stop   taking off those side shields because I want a  nice big mass of flowers on top of this plant   so we can get as many tomatoes off it as  possible fortunately once this plant does get   to the art that we want which is  going to be four and a half feet tall   it's going to be very unstable so the first bit  of wind that we get and we do get a lot round   here this is very likely to get snapped and then  the plant's still good so we've got to support   this plant right from the start and if you've  seen previous videos the best way to do that is   with canes you can buy tomato cages but why spend  money on things if you can make something yourself which is what we try and  do a lot of on this channel   so we need some canes that's going to be suitable  for the eyes that we want to grow this plant to   and we can put four in and then we can fix them  all together to make a nice strong solid support   so we'll just put those sticks in and make  a frame at the moment these branches are   almost touching the ends of these Stakes  but we can use string and other things to   help support once it's got to the eye that  were one just to make it 100 secure okay and then we'll just get this last one in we've got a nice 4K in frame but we want to make  it a little bit stronger so what we're going to do   is put some smaller sticks to hold these  two together and we'll use tie wraps because   that's the strongest option oh something like  that perfectly fine we don't need them to be   exactly the same size the fact that this is wider  than this Frame is better because we've got extra   to tie things onto so we can just attach these  little sticks now so I'm going to start net top it's not going to look perfect but as long  as it does its job that's all that matters   and we've not had to buy one of those expensive  frames as well so just keep working his way around so we've built this basic homemade  tomato cage and of course as we carry on   we can also pour supports across bottom the ports  all the way up as this plant grows and needs it   because we've got the strongest  part of the support at the top and   this base can't go anywhere because it's  wedged into the bottom of that container   if we wanted to now we could just put string  around and then we can attach the banishes to that   stream as it grows up and then once it reaches  the top of this cage what we've made as Mark   or cut that top off and force it to grow outwards  rather than upwards for rest at Caesar and   see just how many fruits we can get from it  that's my version of an homemade tomato cage   with this plan gets a little bit wider  through season you can always put extra   canes in between the ones we've put in and  setting my angles to widen that support   so it's going to be an interesting experiment  considering this is a sweet million plant   that should grow to two meters but if we can  successfully restrict that planet's growth not   only does that stem get thicker and stronger but  it puts out more side shoes to make more tomatoes   and this is something that you could just have  on your patio and just keep getting yourselves   really nice Harvest a sweet cherry tomatoes all  through season but apart from this one we're also   going to do other ones we have got some Italian  Plum tomato plants and we're going to do the   same thing with those we're not just going to do a  one tomato plant in that container garden because   they're taking no space so and those Italian plum  tomatoes only grow to 150 centimeters in height   which is about four and a half feet so they will  be perfect for one of these setups and just to   stabilize this plant straight from Star we'll just  tie a bit of string around here we'll Loosely wrap   it around that Center stem and then tie it off  on the other side and same going the other way   all the way up this framework so that plant won't  be able to move at all it's on the job between now   and his first Frost is to provide us with lots of  free Fruit so if you are a small space Gardener or   you've only got a balcony as long as it's getting  sunlight you can do one of these thank you very   much to everybody that continues to support  this channel it really is very much appreciated   and if you're interested in seeing what  other things we're going to be putting in   containers as we go through the next few  weeks please hit that subscribe button   and press that notification as well and we  look forward to seeing you next time take care [Music]
Channel: Ivans Gardening Allotment UK
Views: 15,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grow vegetables, grow flowers, home grown, allotment, how to grow, how to sow seeds, how to plant, seed sowing, spring planting, summer planting, winter planting, raised bed garden, organic gardening, vegetable garden, planner vegetable garden, vegetables growing, square foot gardening, gardening, container garden, grow vegetables at home, grow vegetables indoors, how to grow vegetables for beginners, Garden Tour, gardening allotment uk
Id: bWDW_EGkpck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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