Grout "The Basics" for Beginners

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[Music] let's talk about route oh my goodness people do not like to go out or they love to grab it's one or the other never in between I actually enjoy it I find it very meditative you really get in touch with your mosaic you learn every square inch of it so we're going to talk about some of the ways that I start when I am grouting I like to buy these rolls of clear plastic bags I take a bag off and then the bottom of it that has that seal I cut it off and then I cut down the side and one bag gives me plenty of drop cloths to work with so it's pretty cool so I have here both sanded and unsanded grout they're a little bit different in texture sanded grout is a little bit coarser sanded grout is for anything over an eighth of an inch thick for your grout lines so this is my little sample mosaic that we're going to grout and I'm going to use sanded grout and what I did was I put about a couple of teaspoons in here it doesn't take much so I put it in there and now I'm going to put my mask on when I mix and I'm going to add my water and I use my Italian spatula and I start to mix it until it's a peanut peanut butter consistency keep mixing some people like to add the powdered colorant first sometimes I add it after so this is the consistency when you turn it over it doesn't fall off so now I'm going to add my coloring I'm going to go with the medium gray so go with three actually go form up a little darker now that it's already mixed up and there's no more powder I'm going to take my mask off keep mixing until I get the right color deciding color it's such a fine art deciding color I like to go with a medium gray most often that's my favorite color grout some people like to go with black I don't ever recommend white unless it's a specific mosaic that calls for it but most often I don't use white so after you mix it you want it to sit for about 10 minutes to slake and during that time it gives you a chance to make sure you have everything set up you want to have your nitrile gloves you want to have paper towels I use Vivah paper towels are the best for grouting because they stay together they don't peel or roll and they clean up really really nicely I do the dry grabbing method some people use sponges in water I do not use sponges and water when I grow I just find it so much easier for me to do it this way so let's pretend that 10 minutes is up and I'm gonna remix and then what I'm gonna do is put my gloves on now I use a silicone spatula I find that to be the best way to grout so what I'm gonna do is take a little bit and I'm gonna spread it on and I'm going to use the silicone part to push it down into the spaces and then the edges [Music] you just want to work your way around [Music] [Music] [Music] what I'm doing is I'm making sure that I get it in push down in all the sections and also along the edges okay so at this point I've got it everywhere that I want it just cleaning up this a little bit and now not just clean off a little bit with the silicon and now I let it sit and what you're gonna do is you're gonna let it sit for approximately 10 to 15 minutes until you start to see a white haze now that we've waited and you can see the white haze it's time to do our final buff so what I'm gonna do is just start to rub over it lightly with my favorite towel and I'm paying attention to make sure that I get areas like this that have a little bit of grout that's still on the tile so I'm actually going to take either my tying spatula my favorite is my composite tool and I just scrape a little bit and I look around and see where I need to scrape off to uncover everything that's really it [Music] then I wipe the edges a little bit [Music] and that's it now what I'm gonna do is now I'll take a vinegar and water mix and I'll spray it or I'll put it on my paper towel and wipe it clean and it'll completely get rid of that grout haze you want to wait a couple of days after you're finished grouting to do your grout sealer so what I do is after about two days I'll take this spray it on wipe it off and you're done [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mosaic Mentoring
Views: 17,124
Rating: 4.9328861 out of 5
Keywords: grout, mosacic, mosaic, how to grout, what kind of grout do I use, art, tiles, smalti, beginners, first time grout, grout the easy way, mosaic grout techniques
Id: iL-4tibFCxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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