Groundhog Day (1993) ♥Movie Reaction♥ First Time Watching!

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hiya how you doing I'm whimsery and today we're going to be watching Groundhog Day uh as you can tell from my thumbnail I figured we'd just get right to it um I peeked randomly from my list and it works out because I had suggested a lot of times in my comments so Groundhog Day is number 224 on the list I go off of which if you don't know is IMDB's 250 greatest movies of all time that I'm trying to get through because I've only seen a couple of them so I'm just making my way through the list at random Oh but before we get into it how do you like my new background I hate it okay but somebody said my previous background was like blinding so I was like okay I'm hurting people's eyes right now so uh yeah it's a work in progress whatever it it looks terrible but at least I'm not hurting people's eyes okay so what I know about Groundhog Day is that it's a comedy it has Bill Murray in it who I know from um Charlie's Angels and uh Ghostbusters and then I think it's PG-13 I don't know I don't like to look into things because I don't want any spoilers right uh it's 1993. I cheated I looked kind of anyway uh let's watch the movie PG-13 interesting music oh the where the term Groundhog Day I've heard of that it's like deja vu or something I'm assuming it comes from this Here Comes Trouble oh he's fun tomorrow's Groundhog Day and I'm going out to Punxsutawney for our country's oldest groundhog Festival if the groundhog wakes and sees his shadow we've got six more weeks of winter oh yeah yeah yeah that's where it's from okay interesting okay so he's a weather guy a meteorologist can you handle the Tim or not oh he's rude Rita thinks it'd be a great idea to stay around for some of the other events you haven't worked with her yet have you she's really nice she's fun but not my kind of fun he's kind of grumpy Mr Grumpy giggles this will be the last time we do the groundhog together people like blood sausage too what the hell is that let's see what you look like when you do that little groundhog he's so mean I don't know what blood sausage is that sounds disgusting this music burrito I can't stay here I hate this plate it's a flea bag very nice bed and breakfast and Cherry Street oh she's nice keep the talent happy anything I can do would you like to come to dinner with Larry and me no thank you I've seen Larry eat oh I'll see you in the morning but yeah she'll stay at the crappy motel did he actually call himself the talent it does sound full of himself fancy Talent 6 a.m gross [Music] oh my gosh that sounds like a small town or something why do you leave it on you have to see the ground well Mr Connors I slept alone this is Lancaster I don't suppose there's any possibility of getting an espresso oh I I really don't know oh I hope you enjoyed the festivities oh yeah I'm sure I'm glad he's rude did you want to talk about the weather or were you just making chit chat okay he is hoity toity oh I thought that was you mad big oh he is so much I would love to stand here and talk with you but I'm not going all right I'll walk with you oh no what are you doing for dinner something else something else I wish I could be like that watch out for that first step it's in doozy oh my gosh so yeah he doesn't like small talk or anything like that it looks like very grumpy these people sounds fun they're Hicks Rita oh you sleep okay without me you're incredible who told you that's pretty good Punxsutawney Phil the world's most famous weather man the groundhog that is the same old stick every year he pulled a little rat out it's not a rat Phil progress prognosticated I definitely see a shadow [Applause] this is so dorky six more weeks of winter I'll try it again without the sarcasm we got it good job Olivia he was the only one that wasn't smiling in that entire huge crowd he's the only one not having a good time oh yeah guys it's not spring yet what is going on perhaps it's that giant blizzard we're not supposed to get you should know no oh you know if you start yelling that that helps clear it up don't you know what are you trying to do we're closing the road big blizzard moving in don't you listen to the weather I make the weather don't you have some kind of a line that you keep open for emergencies or for celebrities oh he's having a bad day is your troop gonna be selling cookies again this year oh he looks good so funny Phil I'm a jerk why didn't you test it before you got in there do you all do that that's crazy I always see them do that in movies y'all do that I have to test it before crazy six in the morning bummer it's going boys you're playing yesterday's tape it was a big what the hell up see the groundhog he's back he's got the same small talk February 2nd Groundhog Day now put him down wait what oh hahaha okay this is weird did you sleep well Mr Connors okay this this is deja talk of a blizzard do you ever have Deja Vu Mrs Lancaster yeah I don't think so but check with the kitchen I'd say the chance of departure is 80 percent he's nice this time he's just like what is going on where's everybody going it's Groundhog Day oh my gosh okay okay it's the same it's the same thing of this guy again for you he has to do all this again you will never guess assurance I gotta go that would be so weird what did you remember that from last time for that first step it's a doozy oh he's like oh great I gotta do this again yeah [Music] same song oh that'd be so weird that'd be kind of cool though because he'd be able to tell the future I need someone to give me a good hard slap in the face oh good you need any help with the other cheek let me know I'm right here are you drunk or something drunk's more fun well it's Groundhog Day again [Applause] he is over it this is the riot yeah it sure is I don't even feel sorry for you when are the long distance lines going to be repaired well what if there is no tomorrow there wasn't one today hello they're gonna think you're weird hello you have to keep that to yourself was that your pencil or was that the motel's pencil rude oh no no no it's back oh he's doing it again the pencil's back too up to see the groundhog he doesn't even try this time oh did you sleep well Connor don't step in it hey I don't I don't feel bad for him we've got work to do no I don't I've already done it twice now when you get finished come and meet me in the dining room she's not gonna know what you're talking about so it looks like he's the only one Rita I'm reliving the same day over and over yeah this is the third time yeah he really is what do you want me to do I don't know I'm not going back to Pittsburgh he talks so rude like it's like all condescending that's what I'm saying no tumors no lesions no aneurysms why do you need to be so close to that I can't go into Pittsburgh see how he talks you know what you may need Mr Connors a psychiatrist yeah that's an unusual problem that's what you want to hear I think we should meet again how's tomorrow for you oh no so he he didn't listen the whole time not good you didn't listen to him but what wouldn't you even say to that you just think that he's messing with you I was in the Virgin Islands once why couldn't I get that oh yeah true what would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same oh I would do something fun I would spend all my money give me the keys friends don't let friends drive right good job you feel okay okay all right oh wait no you didn't do it right no tomorrow that would mean there'll be no consequences we could do whatever we wanted whatever we wanted so you're gonna do that because we can let Ralph Drive good point oh my gosh it's the same thing your whole life don't drive on the railroad track yeah that's a good one that's when I happen to agree with oh no you you guys are stuck with him I'm so glad they're wasted otherwise they would be so scared right now I really hope you're gonna wake up from this oh my gosh anymore you notice that he's so certain that he's gonna wake up again it's gonna be the same day big chance to take yeah uh three cheeseburgers two large fries I mean I don't know I would just oh no it's like it's here well I'm glad because otherwise he'd be stuck in prison for a long time yes not hot slept like a baby thank you I'd love some of your coffee was anybody looking for me here this morning perhaps a state official maybe a blue hat oh no one like that will there be apparently not you're still not gonna give him anything I would Phil Connor net [Laughter] yeah good job good job someone else can do that that looks good oh that looks good I'm hungry what you got there I'd like to see a man of advancing years throwing caution to the wind me too don't you worry about cholesterol lung cancer love handles no oh yeah I would do that oh that's what I would do all day do you think I'm acting like this because I'm egocentric I know you're egocentric it's your defining characteristic what's your name Nancy Taylor what high school did you go to who are you who are 12th grade English teacher Mrs walls this is Walsh Nancy okay thanks very much hey what the heck you just looked weird but it doesn't matter because it's a it's a new day washes English class you didn't Bill Connors oh my gosh okay wish me luck she's like well I guess I know you I don't know oh wow I think that's probably her it worked for them Miss Rita oh no what is this some kind of one night stand it is Nancy will you be my wife I mean you might as well Nancy whatever walk under the bank exit Felix what are you doing wait how long has it been three just memorize this did I bring out two bags or one I don't know it doesn't it doesn't matter you're good you look good oh fiancee I didn't remember he's been so dramatic I'm just interested in you what do you want what do you like yeah what do you think about what would you do what kind of men are you interested in huh I'm just trying to talk like normal people talk isn't this how they talk they let me buy you a cup of coffee oh he's been nice and a donut all right are you seeing anyone I don't think I'm ready to share this with you yeah because you've been mean to her what I really want is someone like you oh please who is your perfect guy intelligent supporter funny yeah he sounds great not you he's got a good body but he doesn't have to look in the mirror every two minutes I have a great body and sometimes I go months without looking he's not afraid to cry in front of me this is a man we're talking about right I am really close on this one no you're not you called yourself the talent the other day you're not that guy that's Phil Connors thanks for watching that's why sweet remotes in the rocks with the twist please he's learning about her can I buy you a drink oh my gosh he could learn everything sweet vermouth rocks with a Twist please for you miss the same that would be so weird that's my favorite drink mine too very specific what should we drink too to the groundhog you hate the groundhog I always change the world peace okay now you know what to say for next time world peace that's my favorite drink mine too oh how strange it always makes me think of Rome the way the Sun hits the buildings in the afternoon I like to say a prayer and drink to world peace now you're gonna start to creep her out small town people are more real more down here that's how I feel really yuck that'll make me sick no white chocolate there is something so familiar about this do you ever have deja vu didn't you just ask me that I studied 19th century French poetry what a waste of time gosh I wish we could all live in the mountains it's a million miles from where I started out in college don't make fun of it this time I studied 19th century French don't be rude you speak French Nelly you do you speak like a couple sentences I'll protect you your majesty there's no time for you oh that looks fun help me oh that's true that's cute though that's cute he's not so bad now but he's not being himself now let's suck she's gonna wake up though and it's it's a different day for her she's not gonna remember this do you like the way this day is turning out I like it very much yeah it's a perfect day you're the perfect guy I've got some French poetry here blood layer let's see fantastic he really did learn some French there say Fenty I don't know what he said stay for a while and if you like his stay for a while longer too pushy I love you well now you've really ruined it you don't even know me well I mean I can't believe I fell for this and I hate fudge yuck no white chocolate no fudge yeah he is and ask them what I like is this what love is for you she thinks you're a stalker you'll never love anyone but yourself that's not true I don't even like myself for making me care about you let's have some fun come on why are you being so weird Phil wow okay now you're just creeping around coming on a little strong there stop oh oh ow what did you say to deserve that that many times that many days I wonder how how many days it's been oh he's getting sick of it it would get old I guess rough night yeah yeah over and over and over again and you keep slapping me he can't say that though this part would get old for me why did it have to be this day Seneca is the largest of these lakes in West Central New York what are the Finger Lakes he's gonna know all of them I miss Alex good for one thousand dollars he's just a genius now a thousand people freezing their butts off waiting to worship a rat it's not a rat it's gonna be cold and it's Gonna Last you for the rest of your life holy crap well that wasn't a good day oh he's over it how many have you done oh gosh that song over and over oh gosh no way out now [Music] why not we're going after why would anybody steal a ground I could probably think of a couple of reasons I don't think it has anything to do with that the groundhog um maybe might as well try you must have just snapped he snapped a bunch of times guys that would be so fun though everyone's just so confused I mean he's got nothing to lose Aim High I don't want to hit the groundhog oh what if he what if he hits him though [Music] oh what if he actually makes himself deceased you know what I'm saying that'll do it he might be okay oh my gosh piano I mean it's better than having drove off a cliff like that would you like some toast all the toast oh my gosh she's gonna try it oh my gosh that's horrible I wonder if he wakes up right after oh that'd be fun though for a minute [Music] I really really liked him did you I'm a God you're a God I'm a God I'm not the god I have been stabbed shocked poisoned Frozen hung electrocuted and burned this is Doris Debbie kleiser and her fiance Fred this is Bill well who's that this is Tom oh my gosh in about five seconds a waiter's gonna drop a tray of dishes you go to a lake in the summer with your family up in the mountains and when you stand in the snow you look like an angel no it's always February 2nd and there's nothing I can do about it Larry is going to come through that door and take you away from him yeah there he is she would believe him at this point I I would dang that would be crazy yeah now she knows just for the next like few hours though is this kind of sad though the worst part is that tomorrow you will have forgotten all about this yeah treat me like a jerker again so sad I've killed myself so many times it depends on how you look at it gosh you're an upbeat lady it's been a really nice day for me or I was [Laughter] You Gonna Leave oh no so until he falls asleep or like until six gosh that would be kind of sad because you know whatever you do it doesn't really matter oh it's so nice of her she's staying up with him and now she fell asleep oh that was nice it would feel so alone first time I saw you something happened to me but if they ever could I swear I would love you for the rest of my life did you say something oh that's sad he just wants to get out of this day well if you ever do you know a lot about that group of people in the diner [Music] same song the same time the same ugly comforter oh he's actually good job that's better maybe he's becoming a nicer person he looks happy today I'm even kind of sick of this song already so give milk to Sugar let me give you a hand with a heavy stuff oh he's being so nice wow do you have kids yeah uh she's like who is this well this is what I have my alarm set to this composition I have to hear this every day I'd like a piano lesson please I could give you a thousand dollars she's just gonna kick the other person out well I probably would that's a lot he's even more cheerful than the cheerful guy it's like I'm having a good day [Music] it's not that bad I wonder how long it's been Rina hi hey evidently it's been a very long time it's better better say this is your first lesson yes but my father was a piano mover so Ned Ryerson oh he didn't punch him this time I have missed you so much I don't know where you're headed and I like how he's like out doing all these cheerful people I gotta get going it's even weirding this guy out father let's get you someplace wrong oh good job I like you like this how was he well he just passed away sometimes people just die not today thank you come on pop come on Pop do we know that winter is just another step in the cycle of life so long so different you touched me thanks Larry thank you I didn't know you were so versatile I've got some errands okay errands what errands Susan wants to hang out with him he's so versatile brat you have never thanked me I bet I know I knew it I knew it it's like a superhero who does nice things it really is he just knows everything now most people just hold the camera and point it at stuff this guy would you be at all interested in seeing the inside of the van um you know oh he's playing the piano oh hell yeah that's what I would do he's good so dorky for one day there you are how did you do all this in one day what did you do today errands [Music] he's just like too good to be true now you seem like the most popular person in town he said a busy day what is going on would you like the long version or the short one you don't have time for the long version [Music] I don't want to know about it as long as it's legal ten dollars 339.88 whoa very specific number is that all she had I bet well that's nice you're a buck and a half oh anybody oh no 25 cents 25 cents that would hurt this is Ned Ryerson he's my new insurance agent I'll say this is the best day of my life mine too I wonder why he's doing all this what you got there you've had entirely too much time I know your face so well I could have done it with my eyes closed cool oh no matter what happens tomorrow or for the rest of my life I'm happy now because I love you he did it all today sad oh that looks magical oh not anymore ruined this again all that wasted [Music] that would be the worst that is a great song don't listen to this man you're supposed to pinch yourself something is different oh yeah it is anything different is good why are you here I bought you I own you you said today so I stayed I like her they're gone do you know what today is today is tomorrow there it is 601. that's a very long minute I feel like that was more than a minute but whatever oh that's so nice you got to keep that day of all days of all the times he did it so horribly this one was good though let's live here we'll rent a star this has been oh oh there it is so glad it stopped there where he just had his best day ever and he did it perfectly I wonder what made it stop like what did what was so magical about it it had it been years because he how good he was at the piano and at the ice carving that's not an easy thing he hadn't been in this like time Loop for years and years in order to know all those people and have all these conversations ahead of me ears so I wonder what was different about this I'll probably have to re-watch it but I wanna I wanna do my outro here um because it was a comedy it's not like there's there's so much to it as there have been in previous movies but like I liked that that was fun that was nice it had like um a feeling about it you know how some some movies have like feelings why am I wearing these anyway I'm not used to just like jumping into it but no I really liked that it kind of makes me think like what would I do what would you do if you had this same day going on and on and on like well what would you do I would I would learn a bunch of new stuff I would travel like it's funny that he's like stays in the same town it's probably because he he likes this one girl and he just learns all this stuff I I would do it like that I would oh my gosh I would eat everything oh my gosh but I think though if you did it for years and years it would lose all the fun like it would actually be very disturbing after a certain while you would feel so alone it wouldn't be fun after like years can you imagine like you and you can't even you can't get out he tried to like off himself you can't do that so it's like you're just stuck so that's like that's Purgatory that's like some people's versions of like that's what some people view is like hell stuck doing the same thing over and over and over and without having someone with you to do it I don't know I don't know I don't know anyway what what what do you think what would you do I I would I mean I got a piano right behind me I'm a Pianist by the way I would I know I would learn guitar that's what I would do I've picked up a guitar and every single time I get these what do they call them calluses blisters whatever it's the only instrument that like hurts you just wanna guitar the guitar is uh but yeah I'm I'm curious what y'all think I'll probably re-watch it and discover like what what the moment was what made him be able to wake up out of this it's like was it a dream the longest dream of all time and how long do you think he was in there it had to be a years right let me know in the comments what you think I do read the comments and I do read the suggestions I think um this one is gonna be a pretty short one and probably the next one too but I got something good coming up anyway yeah so thought it would just be a short one the day I had fun hope you had fun and I will see you next time bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Whimsory
Views: 68,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xAQY-Zhyzmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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