GROUNDED 10 THINGS New Game Plus Doesnt Tell You! What You Need To Know About Remix.d Yards! Tips!

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hey R bags it's Jay today going over the 10 things that new game plus doesn't tell you grounded new game mode that you get to access once you completed the base game pretty much taking on a Java Matic and three of the main bosses The Brood mother the was queen and the Mantis unlocks replayability and the chance to go bigger or go harder and carry on in the grounded World increasingly difficult enemies getting new trinkets new weapons and more but there's a lot of details lost maybe in the update that grounded doesn't necessarily tell you and effectively I'm warning you now before you begin your new game plus just so you're really fully prepared so you find this video useful leave a like and let's go rat bags my name's Jade here is the 10 things grounded doesn't tell you about new game plus one of the most sought after answers what's going on with tier 4 it was teased and spoken about by the devs before the release and yet we couldn't find any in New Game Plus One new game plus 2 New Game Plus 3 where's all the tier four weapons simple answer they don't appear until New Game Plus 4 it does look like there is meant to be some sort reward or something new and component in each one of the new game pluses at least up to maybe new game plus five so what exactly are the tier four weapons they are random drops through defeating bosses you can get hold of an infused Lara blade a black an sword the tip Mahoney and a tel Shima for example when you talk about the swords and obviously a lot more these apparently you've got a 25% chance of dropping when you go ahead and kill certain creatures in this case for these it's the infected broodmother and yes I've got a separate video incoming showing you how to get all of the different tier 4 weapons from what bosses and these weapons will all have exactly the same stats for the sword so all four of the ones that I just mentioned will be equal but they would have different random effects in them and just like a lot of things with the trinkets if you go to the juper machine and jup it it will give you a brand new random effect effect now this unlike a lot of trinkets that keep that effect on you you only have that effect obviously when you've got the weapon drawn and using it and they're pretty much the same effects that you've seen from lots of other trinkets in the game or possibly other armor and weapons so the only way to get two four weapons is by farming bosses and explicitly going for the ones that are going to give you the right gear if you want to try something you can't craft them you can dup them or just keep farming them but only once you get to New Game Plus 4 what we do in our time will Echo for eternity or some quote like that basically if you go ahead and mess with the ant Queens you got fre choices although you might only see one or two depending on the recipes you picked up by now you should have worked out that if you befriend them you get the mutation unlocked at level one that will mean that the regular ants will leave you alone at tier two the black ants tier three the fire ants so befriend all three ant Queens in the same run and you'll have that mutation unlocked forever where it will keep you safe go ahead and poison them and you unlock the different tier armor sets from the strategia set this is all kind of basic and part of normal grounded progression but there is a third option that you don't realize until you've begun your next new game plus and that's infection by infected the ant Queens you can only do one at the beginning which is the regular ant Queen the next time you join in you will find an infected version of it and then you go and feed one of these a hogi the same thing that yes the infected brood mother eats they won't die they will in fact unlock something new called a sauser which I'm going to talk about in a minute and you'll get access to the spear and the shield the infected versions what grounded doesn't tell you is that if you want to get all three infected Queens you can only really do it in new game plus two because you can't find the recipe to do the black ant Queen until you get onto new game plus one and you can't do the fire rant until you get into new game plus two so it potentially is new game plus three before you've done and infected all the ants and gain access to more trinkets so I have made this its own separate one the sausage jar basically gives you access to cheaper grenades and bombs you won't need an eggs to make the brat burst it also unlocks the tier three bomb the Kil Bassa which is much stronger and you can now start crafting your own trinkets infect one ant Queen and then you'll get access to the glob Bassa link that will have one effect added to it much similar to the other trinkets that you've can find in the crinkles infect two of the ant queens and you get the tier 2 glob basa wristbands and infect all three and you'll get glob Bassa necklaces as well so it's up to you I still think I prefer the method of infecting the ant Queen straight away in your normal game so that in new game plus one you can go ahead and start crafting a bunch of the glob Bassa links and get the ball rolling but a lot of you guys seem to prefer to say to me that you want to get the mutation so you can be friendly with once so that means you're probably going to say this until new game plus two or three but that means you're going to have to fight infected ants in all free ant hills if you do it all at once at new game plus 2 when you begin new game plus three yes you'll have access to the sauser and all three different styles of trinkets but you are going to have a hard time because the mutation doesn't work against the infected ones on top of this as well don't forget as well if you do anything like infect them kill them or befriend them it does reset the next time you jump into the world unless it is the infection where you'll find the infected ant Queen and then if you go ahead and New Game Plus again the infected ant Queen will just be replaced by regular one and you can start the process again if you missed out somehow number four and while we're talking about trinkets yes you can dup them to get the Jelly so you can craft more of these new trinkets at your sauser or make them use them craft other stuff but you can also dup them this will give you the same trinket but with a different stat so if you got lots of raw science you're not planning on using on any new weapons you can basically reroll Trinkets and that's any trinket that you find the Combs waffles crinkles the glob Bassa wristband necklace or the link any of these random abili trinkets You' got a chance to get new attributes on it so it can be really good once you get to the tier three if you don't like something you can try rrolling and hopefully unlock something cool as long as you got the raw science to pay for it where's the potties at I need my potties there is no one saying um you can only access them in New Game Plus too you'll work that out for yourself as it says it in the ASL shop as soon as you go into New Game Plus that yes you can't do it until you've gone new game plus 2 I hate this I think it absolutely should be moved to New Game Plus One what grounded doesn't tell you cuz it hides the prices it's 100,000 raw science to buy just two of these now admit the at first I thought you only get one but obviously realizing you do get two at least so you can create a pair and it will work you don't craft them you just simply place them down if you accidentally smash them they'll be on the floor like any other item that you pick up and then just place again so you can't destroy them you can buy lots and lots and lots I think up to 100 maybe even more but it's pretty expensive so yeah it doesn't tell you that with the price and I think it's useful to know how much it's going to cost ahead of time as you can see you can Chuck weapons through the actual teleportal anything can go through here pretty much as well but be warned when you do this it might not always go well if you're thinking of dropping off some resources pretty quick absolutely make sure you drop them not throw anything because you might find your tools and weapons deep underground where you're not able to access and get them milk MERS are probably one of the most important resources you can get in new game game plus and absolutely make sure that you get every single one of them if you can in your regular playthrough why because you can't upgrade armor not unless it's like lock behind new game plus 10 or something ridiculous like that and I don't think too many people have managed to reach it but at the yoken station the brand new upgrade station for your weapons it only works on weapons and tools it doesn't work on Armor it is no joke taking on enemies in New Game Plus 3 4 5 Etc cuz they'll keep gaining new attributes and effects but you don't get any Improvement in your armor so you need as many milk MERS as possible so that you can increase your health and your other stats what's confusing people is that it does reset or seemly it resets when you begin a new game plus what you should be paying attention to is the number of milk MERS that you found not what the actual stats say the squares will pretty much be reset and you think oh no I've lost all my milk MERS but you haven't You' still got exactly the same amount of Health as you had last time and any new ones that you'll be able to find they will contribute and start giving you more health and I feel this is really vital if you're going to be taking on a lot of enemies where you can pretty much get one-shotted by anything from an ant to obviously much more dangerous creatures you may still come across some Mega milk MERS but they don't do anything well unless you've missed them I maxed out all my mega milk so any ones that I'd found now were pretty useless to me but I did find one inside the anill the black ant hill so they're meant to be randomly generated as well they're not going to be in the same position as they always were and any that you maybe didn't find already I do think they're lost as well they're going to be gone but I've got to confirm that with a bit more testing so yeah make sure you go and watch I've done guides on milk MERS every troop who plays grounded has pretty much done them look up tiny pirate gamer though for a really good sustin video on how to get milk Motors unless anything changes this is the only way that you'll be able to buff your health massively to hopefully take on some of the tougher levels so New Game Plus nearly every bug is going to have an increase in its health and a slight increase in the damage it does and then you got the infused bugs which have attributes pretty much every infused bug is going to have the same attribute in New Game Plus One the exception to that so far that I've found is bosses bosses have more of a chance of having random stats so new game plus one you are going to have to deal with a ton of these bugs that do a chance of having explosive damage in new game plus two that turns into sour I do believe and so for and so on so that a new game plus three infused bugs will have free attributes extra with their attacks now for some reason I thought this capped at five that's what I thought I heard from one of the dev streams but no according to dinky shout out to him it goes all the way up to level 10 so you will find regular infused bugs around the yard with 10 new attributes 10 new ways that they'll be boosted in health or stats or do more damage against you with new attacks so it's not completely random and that's the thing that you really need need to know the ground doesn't tell you I think we kind of were led to believe that a lot of it would be randomized but it really isn't it's only the bosses so far that I've come across one of them had Venom another one had sour and another one had bomb damage so in my opinion even more reason you should get that infected shield and infect the ant before you even begin a new game plus mode and while we're here looking at my footage of me taking on the jav Matic it is really tough I gave tips about this before the update based on kind of I I knew that infused creatures would be part of this wave but they have made this significantly harder they've made it longer and a lot of the bugs will have more Health obviously naturally I think my calculation the Java ma fights in New Game Plus are double the length of the original so you are going to have to deal with more waves of creatures that's what it felt like anyway it seemed to take much longer so yes make sure you do all them things where you've got a billion diagonal walls protecting your cylinders otherwise you're going to fail a bunch of times I did this on the live stream and I failed a huge amount of times before we finally done it you will need upgraded weapons for sure specifically obviously your srax from the yoken station if you really want a kind of chance so if you haven't begun New Game Plus start thinking about getting all the resources needed to make the defenses even more bigger and better before you begin so you're ready for when you start it and you have to do this every new game plus and this one's relatively minor and something you probably might work out but there is obviously a new achievement for going big again again so just go into New Game Plus run over to the machine if you've done everything don't want to spoil it too much but obviously this is what we're leading to and you will get an achievement if you actually trigger what happens next but so far no new cutscenes or any other new Secrets Revealed but I'm going to dig deeper it does look like though that any new game plus additions do count towards your scorecard I had done this world 100% obviously I'd had it built up for that point I did the 100 days 100% video so go and check that out and I got 100% scorecard but you can see it's 87% now you will have to absolutely get all the baby ants so befriending them all so that you can peep them you've got to peep all the ant Queens to get the cards you don't need gold cards anymore that's been changed but as part of the data I still believe you have to go ahead and at least peep every creature and that includes the crow that's the new addition as well there are also a couple bits of new data that you might need to find as well one's in the remixer room when you go and begin a new game plus and the other one I've already done a short on explaining where the fifth character is or what happened why there was a fifth character slot so it does look like you will need all of that before you can get 100% again if you've done everything else defeated every boss got every milk Moler I don't believe New Game Plus resets anything where you have to go and get all the milk MERS again in their random spots but certainly yeah I can only explain I got 87% because I didn't peep all the creatures it might be a GL glitch maybe they're going to fix it so it doesn't really affect things in New Game Plus we'll have to wait and see so there we go that is it that's my 10 quick things you need to know that grounded doesn't really tell you about new game plus I've got lots lots more incoming lots of tips lots of guides so make sure you've subscribed you got notification Bell Ding and come and watching my live streams pretty much in evenings at 8:00 every night until next time R bags I'll see you later
Channel: Jade PG - Crafted
Views: 70,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jade pg, jade pg crafted, Grounded, Obsidian, Update, Sandbox, Full Release, Biome, Xbox, Series X, Series S, Optimized, Gamepass, Yard, Co-op, Open-world, Open, World, Game Preview, Campaign, Yoked, Edition, Nintendo, Switch, Playstation, grounded ant queen, grounded fully yoked, grounded ant queen food, groudned ant queen recipe, grounded new game plus, grounded burgle bundle, grounded infected weapons, grounded fungir spear, grounded infected shield, grounded sausager, grounded glowbasa
Id: DomwQourQzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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