Ground Breaking Renewable Energy System Using The Tesla Turbine

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I saw this a few days ago. Fascinating.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/aspieboy74 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

It really is.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Multihued_Minutiae 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

One of Tesla’s many designs. I’d like to see the figures though,. energy in vs out, including producing the steam and vacuums. The Tesla Turbine is apparently a steam turbine with a blade-less disk rotor design, in this case coupled to an generator. So I guess it’s a high efficiency steam turbine running in a vacuum that they claim can get to 60,000 RPM. Really need more figures because if there’s only low torque then 293V really means little.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EpsilonVonVehron 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hopefully genome doesn’t catch wind of this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Maleficent-Unit9171 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal oil gas or any other tool this new power for the driving of the world machinery will be derived from the energy which operates the universe the cosmic energy 800 it's increasing oh no that's it that's its limit it's increasing no it's increasing by its own that's incredible with all that vibration so when i fix this way higher it's nearly 900 634 all the engineers out there have been told that the tesla turbine isn't practical and it can't make power in fact there's there's video after video on youtube saying that it's got no torque and it can't produce any usable power but it's just not true okay so what are we looking at here so we're looking at the cold steam system all in one spot um we have the condenser over here and we have the boiler over here now right now this is at 73 and a half degrees fahrenheit so this is this is a tank of 73 degree water that is in a vacuum and this is a pressure cooker that has cold ice around it and some ice inside of it that this compressor has sucked all the air out of so it's a vacuum sealed pressure cooker they are piped together when currently the valves are closed and in the middle of them besides the valves that are there and the and the monitors um or the gauges there is the turbine and so this turbine is what is this turbine and why is it in between these two tanks one of them cold one of them room temperature um the the turbines in between because once this starts boiling it produces it produces a gas water vapor and that gas comes through and wants to flow to the cold side but because the turbine is in the way it's forced to work and spin the turbine now the turbine has a rotor that's has a shaft that's attached to a magnet and as that rotor spins by the fluid passing to the cold side it produces electricity because we have coils one coil on each side of the magnet so the faster this generator goes the faster the turn turbine goes the faster the magnet goes the more voltage you get on the output and the more amps that you will get on the output and this is a cross section of the turbine that you designed and it's got some and that so the pressure comes in here or the difference in pressure comes in here it's forced to rotate around in a circle and that forces the turbine to rotate and then there's a top piece that goes over this the other the other covering yeah and it looks like this so let me take that part off so you can see that the fluid is forced to go around in a circle and come out the exhaust here and then this supports the other side and this this other side here is identical it just has a magnet on the shaft sticking out on one end and this magnet is diametrically magnetized that means half over here one half over here is positive one half over here is negative so as this rotate you takes you have an alternating magnetic field that its orientation is positive negative positive negative as it spirals or spins around next to the coils and that's what's in there and this is a vacuum sealed box that it's also in yeah and we'll also demonstrate that this this turbine can spin and operate as a pump you can actually give power to this turbine just sitting on top of the other one just because the magnet in there is pulling the magnet on it's magnetically coupled so if i spin this one i actually spin the turbine too and you can see that down there but they're not connected at all nope so this actually becomes a pump now later on we actually want the exhaust of the turbine hooked up to another turbine to the pump we'll spin this with a motor and produce more vacuum inside of here get rid of the vapor pressure and we'll be able to run or we will be able to run it way lower temperatures and pressures differentials um but that's yeah that's like what was the one invention that tesla was most proud of you think it would be the ac motor right yeah because that's what started everything but it was a tested turbine and and after studying the principles of it and the concepts it really is it really is phenomenal because it really is a tornado in a box or a hurricane in a box so when you look at a tornado or a hurricane what you see is like in a hurricane the the more heat that you pump into the hurricane yeah and the more moisture that you pump in the hurricane the stronger it gets cat one two three four cat5 all right and that's just because it has more heat more moisture the turbine works on the same principle the more heat the more moisture you put into it the faster and the stronger it gets the other interesting phenomenon about that is that as these molecules are spinning around in the turbine something called wind chill factor cools off the heat and extracts the heat from it and makes it go faster in the turbine we put a shaft in there so that the heat is extracted from the moisture and that heat is transformed into motive force into the shaft the shaft spins and you just put a generator on the end of that shaft and now you have electricity now in a hurricane or tornado you'll see uh hail precipitate out and all that is is just water being turned to ice as the heat is extracted from it now you have hail now this works on the exact same principle um and we have produced ice coming out of it which was pretty exciting you know um so that's that's a tornado in a box that's and that's all we did was built what tesla patented over 100 years ago hello i am so let's plug it in and then do another acceleration test with a load on it ready yep [Music] so the generator is dampening the vibration [Music] you
Channel: iEnergySupply
Views: 37,798
Rating: 4.8602486 out of 5
Keywords: tesla turbine, renewable energy, off grid energy, nikola tesla
Id: 2pGxVvSizoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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