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you you [Music] do you have a passion for the great outdoors what to get away from the daily grind and experience unmatched natural beauty clear water streams in exceptional fly fishing horseback riding to live the most beautiful places on earth [Music] wildlife in its natural habitat and experience all this with your friends and family well then you need to pack up and head to the Jackson Hole region of western Wyoming where you'll experience one the finest guest ranch experiences to be found anywhere welcome to grow vaunt River Ranch in the shadow of the Magnificent Grand Teton Mountains which have stood as sentinels over this valley for millions of years lies Grove on River Ranch [Music] the ranch was acquired in 1987 by the late Carl Weber and his wife Tina who now with their daughter Tori and son-in-law Jean McHale operate the ranch where families can come together in meaningful activities and make new friendships that last long after their visit is over the family prides themselves in maintaining the wonderful traditions of the Western culture and sharing their love for the ranching lifestyle with her guests while preserving the history of the Grove on River Ranch and history of the Grove on Valley is everywhere in 1925 just east of the ranch the mountain collapsed in a massive landslide forming a natural dam across the Grove on River creating what is downslide Lake [Music] the chalak le downriver from the ranch was nearly wiped out and even Jackson 18 miles from the ranch at knee-deep mud in the streets even today nearly a century later the slide path away from the mountain is still easily recognizable today you may arrive as a guest but at this welcoming ranch your family [Music] the ranch isn't simply a destination with activities it's an opportunity to disconnect from the daily routine and discover what's really important in life family friendships natural unspoiled vistas everywhere [Music] clear mountains fishing streams [Music] abundant wildlife and horseback riding adventures like no other the ever-present sounds of the Grove on River which flows right by the ranch will create a feeling of natural peace and solitude especially as you drift off to sleep at night [Music] you'll settle into rustic welcoming and warm accommodations surrounded by nature with exceptional views [Music] but you won't be spending much time in your cabin with all the activities available to guests if you come for the horseback riding this is one of the most spectacular places on earth to ride and if it's been a few years since you've been on a horse not to worry with about a hundred horses at the ranch they'll provide you with a horse commensurate with your ability [Music] [Music] they know if you and your horse are a good match you'll enjoy the riding experience all that much more after a thorough safety and riding orientation you'll head out on the trails and backcountry to take in exceptional vistas Sean discusses the writing program at Grove hog river ranch have never seen a horse never touch divorce and all the mix him so we for a guest of about or a guest Mastiff of 40 people so the ranches is as an original homestead and it's located here in the Jackson Hole Valley and is surrounded by public lands so our ranch actually borders Grand Teton National Park and bridger-teton tours will walk wilderness and the National Elk Refuge uprated all of those areas as well as on ramp times the this offers us the capability of riding through a lot of great strength where our ranches situated in the valley where the flatter valley floor transition tucked into the steep mountains we have a lot of Alpine country even some rides that will go above the treeline and provide magnificent vistas reviews the Tetons the surrounding areas ranges as well as rides down along River and lower elevations rolling hills wildflowers and depending on which area a lot of types of lava all game and animals such as foxes and coyotes to occasionally opponent of wolves gear moves a lot of antelope deer particularly in our summer seasons we have a lot of different types of riding opportunities [Music] so a common question that we get is what makes a guest ranch vacation different I think really one of the things about a guest ranch instead the force family is the opportunity of a case you want to see in this great old home that we live but a guest ranch a vacation really tends to bring families together it encourages people to to get out it and dissipate in activities together so it's week unplug from the day to day life so also we have a lot of vacations and a lot of the attraction that you see you spend a lot of time trying to figure out well what do we want to do today what is what's our schedule gonna be we want to go do this that spend time trying to figure out where you're gonna eat and when you do something like a guest ranch vacation there there's a schedule that's available for you dissipated you know here at the ranch we also are surrounded by a lot of outdoor activities that you can also choose to participate in such as rafting on the Snake River one of Yellowstone before today but even those activities are so the Family Center and that's really one of the things that we have a lot of clothes that families that have started out as this is their one year that they're going to do it again streets next year they're doing a cruise or the next year's belong somewhere else and then ultimately those other places get replaced and it's just we're coming back year after year to the guests because [Music] whether you'd enjoy a walking ride or over across the high wilderness pastures the writing experience is tailored for your enjoyment and everyone enjoys the lunch of breakfast rides where you'll trail out to spectacular vistas tie up your horse and enjoy a meal with the Grand Tetons as your backdrop [Music] take some pictures and be surrounded by all this exceptional natural beauty if you've come for the fishing you'll find a fisherman's paradise in the grove on River Valley's clear water rushing streams where Yellowstone cutthroat and rainbow trout are an abundant supply if you've never been fly-fishing before experienced guides hold clinics to teach the kids and adults not a cast with a fly rod before they head out of the ponds and river to land some big ones fishing experience here is it's amazing pristine waters it's a mile and a half stretch some really pretty colors it's pretty steep coming down from the mountains we get a lot of really beautiful lunch bowls but also some bigger holes where the fish are there's a lot of them here you get the classic Yellowstone cutthroat really pretty fish but we do have rainbows occasional white fish but sometimes the rainbows and cutthroat you get a lot of mixing here as far as the species goes and that can create some really big interesting size of fish yeah but it's awesome we have the coupons for some of the less experienced people or you know you've never held a rod before it's a lot easier dealing with the currents and the faster water so that's nice that we have that available we stopped that but the river here is all native really pretty fish it's a it's a really rewarding experience for me and the guests a lot of them have never fished before from the city and don't get to enjoy this side of nature it's really great to see their expression if you actually hook into a big fish it's a lot of excitement it's a heart racing that's definitely something I love about the job for sure and it's a good place here because there's so many fish it's pretty easy when the late Carl Weber and his wife Tina acquired the ranch in 1987 one of Carl's passions was acquiring and restoring antique cars which she used around the ranch his collection of exceptional antique cars is still available for guests to enjoy [Music] a source of wonder to the youngsters at a great source of memories for their grandparents [Music] prior to dinner the adults could enjoy a cocktail hour and orders and compare stories of the day's adventures [Music] and when you hear that dinner bell ring at the lodge it's time to eat the chef and kitchen staff will dazzle you with gourmet presentations and whether it's breakfast lunch or dinner you'll know that every meal is prepared with a passion and love for food [Music] during the week cookouts are also popular with the guests with cowboy entertainments roaring campfire with swords for desserts cookouts are also popular with the guests the cowboy entertainment by a roaring campfire pours for desserts [Music] [Music] your family your kids all enjoy activities and experiences together does it get any better than this [Music] the views the nature its majestic overwhelming beauty truly america the beautiful' could not be truer words than being at this ranch for the past six nights we've been here it's been the most amazing family experience for my daughter and my sister the horses have been beautiful though every single ride has been fabulous and the empathy of the riders and making the experience for my daughter make amazing has been just for a mommy it makes my heart sing so that's been the most amazing experience for us and for me we've been coming here this is our 13th year and why we keep coming back it's the incredible scenery the Tetons agribon River pastures it's just gorgeous and what makes it really special it's family-owned and family just welcome to you treat you like royalty and really wants you to have a good time the writing program is wonderful I used to ride at home and it's great they match a horse to your skill and you're able to ride to your abilities and just just one to pull them to ride and see the mountains you come up West bridge and you come up the hill and there's a panorama of the entire Tetons in front of you it's just amazing and we just love it and we keep coming back and we hope we were able to keep coming for many many more years I love coming to Grove on River Ranch every year this is our 13th summer here we keep coming back like my husband and I and our friends for me every time I put into the driveway it's like coming home we've we've been part of the family of Tori and Shawn watch their kids grow up we love the horseback riding program it's a little bit of everything there have been some years where I haven't written a lot and it's great just to come and I'm a product of a summer camp kid this is my summer camp I love the horseback riding the food's always great we just feel really comfortable and safe and it's just a very peaceful place to come and every morning I open the drapes in my cottage and I look at the grantee time-outs and truly you can't beat that and I live in Colorado so it's really awesome it's just it's home and it's comfortable and I can't imagine not coming here first summer if I miss it I'm gonna miss a part of my life and that's why I love [Music] a great way to work off some of the exceptional meals and activity all the guests enjoy is team penning this is one sport the guests really get into forming individual teams and matching wits with the cattle [Music] [Applause] [Music] the concept is simple in theory it's a timed event team of riders walk into a herd of cattle separate one from the group taking the cow to the other end of the arena [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and as for the cows well this ain't their first rodeo is to say maybe the rules get bent a little bit but everyone has fun in the pursuit of bragging rights for the week [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we try to give give a lot of free time and that's one of the things family to say too and they come here especially from a big city where their time is so scheduled and so programmed and here their children are free free to come and go it's a safe environment and they're pretty free to come in and go as they want they can choose activities but I feel like that day walked into being driven somewhere and supervised every single minute playing along with them rote dummies that we chase the cat if you can play with the dogs so it's it's it's been pointed out to me by parents but this is something that they really appreciate about this kind of vacation and this kind of like you say people will come on Sunday and because of travel they are stressed and they they may be thinking what have I done you know why am I here and I would say without fail by Tuesday or Wednesday those very same people are relaxed they are sitting around the campfire they are so glad they're gonna spend the day in the wilderness on a horse instead of in the city I don't believe I've ever come across someone who hasn't have that kind of experience getting getting away from that I'm getting from the range actually connecting with their family they're sitting around the dinner table with their family and talking to each other they're sharing their day because their tastes are different then what it really is and they have a lot to say to each other sharing all of that and they all sought from a different perspective somewhere writing some wish some read a book and a helmet some went to town [Music] and it's it's they all come back to the table with new things to share a new perspective and they sure they are happy to be together and to be able to have something new and interesting in their lives and I think a lot of them want to share that with their friends at home and with family back home possessions say more often than not they come back with in with someone else with a brother and a sister with cousins or with the next-door neighbor that happens to be a snake you know this year you got to come with us it was great it's it offers them it offers a new perspective there is so much and so much actually 24/7 there's news there's there's noise right now I'm just hearing the river that's okay you can go out in the wilderness you can hear practically nothing you're the way from the river or you can hear the Coyotes just do that or the santa cruz in the fall you're gonna hear buck googling which is an amazing these things to hear that in the early morning and an evening to hear them bugling and to run across a herd of elk that country just migrating they stopped here for a while which is fine you know you look out your window and there's a moose or in the winter big one ship Oh sir those are special things and it's not as hard to find them as you think like holding hummingbird in your hand that's what draws people do a guesstimate it's still a family thing and the character of the ranch will take on the character of the people who own it because most of them are still family at home and I think as we are and a lot of the ranches are going to do and I think one of the things we have is our location it's really hard to get tired of looking at the Tetons every day they change every day and they winter in Pau seeing them in the fall is my favorite time and we have the river and that always water too many pets a lot to it to a destination so there's the fishing but there's something for everyone to do [Music] [Music] you're close to Yellowstone National and when people come this far many times you know they'll take a day and go to Yellowstone and I encourage them to you know they say oh should we you know we don't want to leave the ranch yes they should so we encourage them to go and see Yellowstone see the animals there that they can't see here except you're seeing bears here and out to himself and the Bison have big bison group here so again another family experience we do that anywhere else and it's it's real life those are real animals but we're in their home go to the zoo they're behind the bars we're in the cars we're the ones visiting their home and for the most part they're very gracious about accepting us into their environment and normal and I think no as a family this is something that we care about [Music] yes that's probably true in the evenings you might take in a presentation by local forestry officials we share with the guests information on identifying bears in the region and what to do if they should come in contact with a bear or other wildlife [Music] The Grove odd family strives to create lasting memories for their guests allowing them to unplug from daily life and reconnect with one another it nature's most beautiful bounty there simply isn't a better vacation experience for you and your friends or family where you disconnect from your digital lifestyle and reconnect with what's really important in life family friends natural beauty wildlife and so much more it's kept the guests returning year after year if you're ready to disconnect from your daily routine reconnect with the things that make life meaningful like family friends creating new friendships exploring nature's best and Wildlife and spectacular vistas if you're ready to breathe clean air and fish and clear water streams originating from the mountains snow packs if you're ready for the vacation of your lifetime that will free memories that last a lifetime no partner make your way to grove on River Ranch for an experience like no other we'll see you at the corral [Music] you [Music]
Channel: HorseTV Global
Views: 13,340
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Keywords: ranch, dude ranch, guest ranch, vacation, horseback riding, horses, fishing, trout, rainbow trout, cabins.campfires, trail riding.western riding, grand Tetons, jackson, jackson Hole, wyoming, wyoming vacations, antique cars, gros ventre, gros ventre river, gros ventre river ranch, gros ventre valley, goosewing ranch, red rock ranch, dude, campfires, smores, gourmet, gourmet dining
Id: iV0zMY3_oY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 39sec (2019 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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