Grim Tales Ch. 1 [One Shot Comic Dub/Belated Halloween Special]

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go sis Claire pray tell what is the sound that pierces my ears it sings of loneliness and longing my heart bleeds from the very whisper of it is it the voice of souls tormented in the shadows and really the wind that sweeps past us now you're just hearing things can I trust you you're heir to our kingdom is there not some way for thee to prove this excursion not some ruse with which to blind me I've lost promised leavin inevitably to my father um no I fear that we have trespassed into lands was perilous and strange we do not belong here even as the Sun is a stranger to the hours of night my name is grim junior here to the kingdom of the underworld this is my sister Minnie Mandy I brought her here for a special reason Negra pollens a very rare and deadly flower found only in the darkest corners of the underworld that is beyond the boundaries of my father's kingdom these blooms are the very picture of an oasis in barren desert sands such exquisite miss words cannot express my gratitude to thee my brother just this glimpse these fair blossoms will soothe my soul for years to come she has long wanted to gaze upon these beautiful gardens and find a smile on her face she seems very happy I'm glad it's just a small favour I wanted to do for her after what happened by the way in case you're wondering where we are this is the realm of male bokya if den finds out we're here oh I'll be in so much trouble oh crap we've got company but the dearest what is Tripathi what is the scene to some unknown danger look beyond in the shadowy depths of this forbidden realm yeah and it's an ugly one my my what do we have here little toys for me to play with stay back I'm warning you you're way out of your league why you need to know your place why do you say we play a little game of hide and seek now I'll seek and you run like hell lynnie run get out fear forget about me art thou high on I don't eat off L beast thou does not frighten me that looks baby neither radiant nor bewitching but low inside thy monstrous visits lies stupidity worth of a thousand fools you've got a smart mouth there girl I think I wanna rip it out nice and slow yeah back away now they're my ELF spot I found the Russian johannam over these woods are under my protection II take your stupid games elsewhere they're fine I tell ya my my my then this is so cool how many i neverthought get to see this do those mightiest warriors duking it out over Ross thou has brought the synthesist upon the my brother I since that thou wilt witness war in his fame after your ascension to our Father's throne after you become that which all to fear death you had to remind me my lil sis always worries about me every time I get us in trouble she always ends up protecting me holding me in her arms so no harm comes to me I remember Uncle Jack once telling her she didn't always look like this and we weren't always this close for that incident three days ago it was the night of my very first Halloween so mom what exactly is this thing you call Halloween well - have you ever wondered where holidays come from um that really no well then I believe it's time you begin watch your step where is this place so everybody's sweet the ice so what is Molly Oh surprise the top in this town we have one senior finally met uncle Jack it's been a while - yeah look at you my how you've grown why the last time I saw you you were but a tiny little tot and you must be mini Mandy are you ready to meet the Oh king of pumpkins Lord of Halloween I must confess myself enamored of thy holiday which means a most pleasant dark to it otherwise alter bride season and I will prepare it with an astounding display my compliments charmed Grimm I'm so glad you could make it thank you for coming my fine lady you honor us with your presence ladies and gentlemen as mayor it is my pleasure to introduce our guests who will be joining us this night as we saw bright this year's Halloween I welcome you mr. and mrs. Grimm and family
Channel: Toonami And Friends
Views: 99,246
Rating: 4.7910013 out of 5
Keywords: TAF, Toonamiandfriends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2016
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