Grilled Buffalo Chicken Sandwich

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hey it's Mark Williams wine like barbecue today we're going to give you all our take of a buffalo chicken sandwich we got some boneless skinless thighs here we're gonna get them in a quick marinade then we've got to 26 inch Weber Kettle fire it up we're gonna get these grilled off and have a really good crust on them to finish it all off it's gonna be on Texas toast with a homemade slaw it's gonna be good let's get started so first thing we're do is get these thighs laid out with these being boneless a lot of times they got a lot of bad butcher cuts in or anything like that anything you see thats hanging off or a heavy amount of fat just remove it don't worry about it we're gonna do the same process to both sides once you get them trimmed up then it'll be ready for the next step so after we get these thighs trimmed this is a technique that we've done before on boneless skinless thighs you'll get them laid out in your butcher block we take a rolling pin or if you have a meat mallet available either way we'll wrap it in saran wrap to keep it sanitary and then all you do is just use it just like you would a meat mallet you're gonna beat it out until you get a uniform shape on these thighs you'll have some ends they're a little bit thicker and by doing this it's gonna get it the same thickness all the way across that way they cook even you'll do it to both sides and like say you just do it to your desired thickness and I think that'll work just fine what we're trying to do today and we'll be ready to get these thighs in marinade so today in this marinade it's gonna be a little bit unique to our flavors I've had pretty good luck with this and chicken believe it or not we'll start out with a 20 ounce bottle of Pepsi I don't know what this Pepsi does a chicken but it is a awesome flavor it adds a little bit of sweetness breaks that chicken down a little bit so once we get the peps in a bowl we've got a half a cup a killer hog hot sauce if you hadn't tried this hot sauce yet you are missing out because it is some of the best around we'll get that incorporated and I take one line and one lemon kind of give that a stir and then we just bring the thighs right in the marinade we're gonna let these sit in this marinade for about two to four hours just kind of depends on your schedule that day you really can't go to much I have done this overnight on wings for it it does really well so we got the chicken in the marinade we'll get in the fridge for about two hours and then once we get at merriday we'll get that 26 inch kettle fired up I'll be ready to cook this chicken so let's get this slaw made you take 1 cup of mayo and a half a cup of milk you want to get that combined really well once you do that you're at a packet of your ranch dressing mix just a standard Hidden Valley mix nothing special we're gonna add 3/4 cup of the dressing we just made and then you want to incorporate 1/2 a cup of goat cheese you can use any kind of seizures like I just feel like goat cheese adds extra flavor and it's got a good creaminess to it once it's mixed then you're gonna get salt and pepper to taste we used about two tablespoons and just get it mixed up good so today we're cooking on a Weber 26 inch kettle we're going to take a full chimney of Royal Oak charcoal and then we'll place a tumbleweed underneath it to get it going it's gonna take about 25 to 30 minutes get these coals a white up top once they all will be ready to cook all right so we've got these chicken thighs here they've been in the marinade for about two hours we're gonna get them out of the marinade get a little bit of rub on them you can use any rub you like we're going to use the ground of course tonight but any kind of barbecue rub killer hogs hot or anything like that big grate on it so let's get them out they're gonna be a little wet but we'll just kind of let them drip dry then we'll get them over our pan we just want to rub on them just so to give it some color and make that sauce at the end have something to stick to and we'll get them all in this little hot pan and get a good medium heavy coat on both sides so we got this chimney of coal ready to go you can tell the tops of that long coal is starting to turn white and it's just where we want it I'm gonna set the grill up for kind of a to zone fire we'll get all that on one end like so it'll be a pretty quick cook so it's not gonna be too bad at all and then I'll come back and add just a little bit of unlit once we get that element throw a couple little chunks of pecan on here just for a little bit added flavor and then we'll get the grate in place now I'm gonna cook directly on the factory Weber great I kind of want that chicken to get a good char on it not really worried about appearance the better char we can get the more flavor that sauce are gonna soak in it will give you a little bit better crust and a lot more flavoring in so we'll get the lid on it I'm gonna run the dapper about halfway open and then we'll be ready to cook here in just a few minutes so it's been about ten minutes this Weber got right of 350 exactly where I want on the indirect side if I had to guess I'd say the direction I'd probably run that 500 range which would be perfect what we're trying to do here we'll get this lid off and it'd be hard to see but leaving these thighs a little bit wet from that marinade really made that rub break down quick let's sweat it pretty quick so we're gonna get them right over these coals and we're really just cooking the color right here we get to color we won't you know we'll check them here in about a minute minute and a half we'll get the color we want we'll move it over here this indirect side and get our internal doneness where we want it so now it's time to get the sauce made I start out with a half a stick of butter and get it melted good you can do this in the microwave or spoke top either one once you get it melted you want to incorporate your favorite hot sauce everybody knows killer hogs hot sauce and got my vote and that's what I'm using today so it's been about two minutes we're gonna check these thighs out they've got a pretty good color on bottom we're gonna go ahead and flip them let that top side be drying out that'll help us get a little bit more color we'll let them run about two or three more minutes we'll check the other side once we get to color we won't like to say we'll get over here this indirect side and we'll start getting that sauce on and really working the good flavors so it's been about three more minutes since we last checked on let's see what kind of color we got oh yeah we're gonna get these over here and just kind of let them calm down like say someone make it a little darker than others but that'll be fine fires are pretty forgiving especially when you're gonna run it ass off later so we're gonna let them roll on this side for now get them up to about 180 590 internal temperature that way they'll be good and tender and then we'll get some sauce home here in a few minutes so we just got done temp in them they're tempering about 165 170 that gives us about a 10 degree window to go and get these glazed up with this sauce so what I got is our killer hogs hotting a little bit of butter mixed up now we're just gonna give them a powder soft and kind of let this sit in so it's been about another two or three minutes since we glaze these they got excellent color though now we'll get them all flipped over there's no ugly one we finna make it pretty though do the same thing on this side just Pat them again all right we'll let these go about maybe five minutes this time and we'll give them a good temp and I think we'll be right where we need to be so we got some Texas toast here butter we're friend to get it a little crispy force so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna lay this pan our here inside his cooker and I'm gonna leave it on the full that way we take the less of a chance of actually burning it and it should just toast up pretty good on that fold by itself so it's been about five minutes since we got this toast on here we're gonna get them all flipped like I say some of them may get a little bit more color and other just because we're the heat set but yeah I look pretty good to me I can work with that we may rotate them a little bit to kind of get us a little bit more room there few more minutes man we'll be building a buffalo chicken sandwich so man we got this chicken Aaron was cutting board we let it rest for about 10 minutes to get things started we trim these thighs a light trim and then we use the rolling pin to kind of beat them out get them flat to where they'd cook a little bit more even once we got them on the Weber we took them about 175 and during that process we glaze them with that killer hogs hot sauce we're gonna build us a good sandwich so we got some toast to you all I'm gonna do I'm gonna make me a double cut one take two of those and then we're going to top it with this slaw then we'll take this hot sauce a little bit of extra he never hurt nobody it's fishing to wake this sandwich up and then we'll come back with another piece of toast let's give it a cut I'm not gonna lie I'm a fan of a buffalo chicken sandwich I believe these flavors going to do pretty well together man it looks good I must say that Texas toast makes it it's a lot better than a bun the bread don't get in the way what you're actually eating the chicken thighs they're full of moisture probably one of the best buffalo chicken sandwiches I've ever had and I'm not saying it because we cooked it for this video it's it's phenomenal that killer hot sauce makes it but this slaw with that goat cheese it just adds a whole nother element of this flavor that you really don't get on most buffalo chicken sandwiches that's a wrap for stats wildlife thank y'all for checking this video it's a little bit different we normally do but I had some great flavors and I think y'all enjoy it if y'all have any questions shoot a submission on Facebook and Instagram make sure to LIKE and subscribe to our Channel we'll see y'all next time you
Channel: Swine Life BBQ
Views: 40,235
Rating: 4.9822354 out of 5
Keywords: buffalo chicken sandwich, grilling, texas toast, bbq, weber kettle, chicken sandwich, chicken thighs, grilled sandwich, sandwiches, hot chicken, weber grills
Id: QENQ1qpvXjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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