Grigori Rasputin - The Dark One - Extra History - Part 3

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december 16th 1911 saint petersburg rasputin came to the island at hiromo guinness invitation he expected to pray and perhaps eat dinner not this hiromogenis holding an icon implores rasputin to repent his wickedness then eliador hits him with a large cross rasputin declares that he is a sinner guilty of lust he admits he visited sex workers and slept with his followers they call him a false prophet and make him swear to never go near the royal family again and according to one account he agreed but if he did it was another sin because it was a lie [Music] thanks so much to curiositystream for helping us tell today's historic tale when hiromoguines confronted rasputin in december of 1911 it signaled a major turning point in his reputation we don't know exactly what happened and many accounts of these events disagree in fact eliador may have not even been there but regardless the fallout would be extreme wall rasputin had been in the holy land eliador had written him asking for his help after his conspiracy-laden screeds against the prime minister had led to police involvement but when a response didn't come fast enough for him he took rasputin's silence as a betrayal and turned on him soon he and harry mcginnis were central figures in a public campaign to banish rasputin from court iliador in particular pushed the narrative that rasputin controlled the royal family and was alexandra's lover but then odd things started happening particularly bad things for rasputin's enemies theophone was exiled hair mcginnis vanished to a remote monastery and eliador essentially arrested and imprisoned before renouncing his faith and going on the run now there is no evidence that their conflict with rasputin was the reason for these punishments the fact is all three of them were firebrands who'd clashed with both the church and the crown i mean heck iliadore had even gotten a hold of alexandra and her daughter's letters to rasputin and initiated a blackmail attempt but regardless of the facts the popular narrative was rasputin was so powerful he could have his rivals banished or killed yeah that's right killed months earlier the prime minister a rasputin opponent had been shot and this too was chalked up in the public eye as another of rasputin's victims then a barrage of investigations came as the church began investigating rasputin's beliefs and the secret police once again began shadowing him in hopes of discovering he was secretly at least all of this predictably caused a fuhrer in the press who realized that news about rasputin sold a lot of newspapers the more salacious and extreme the claims the better tsar nicholas rightly understanding that these scandals were undermining the monarchy gave orders for government officials to meet with editors and discourage the stories when that failed he simply had copies of newspapers confiscated which is when things got real political because one of the biggest reforms after the 1905 revolution was a guaranteed freedom of speech and in intervening nicholas had just forced a standoff between the crown and the duma the russian national assembly also established in 1905. the duma began debating whether they would open an official inquiry into rasputin the tsar and the press intervention and when nicholas summoned representatives to the palace to talk about it and then they clashed it led to a rift between the duma and the crown basically nicholas was used to being an autocrat his words and wasn't taking well to the duma investigating his private life and you know actually nicholas didn't even seem to have liked rasputin much but on principle he wasn't going to cave turns out some duma members were only too happy to pick that fight see a lot of douma representatives had been involved in the revolution and wanted to go even farther so for them rasputin was a convenient prop to criticize the monarchy indirectly the worse rasputin looked the more the romanovs were dragged through the mud so they went hard at rasputin hoping that it would help the cause of revolution though weirdly monarchists were doing the same thing they also realized that rasputin was eroding public support for the tsar and thought that if they could smear him badly enough to drive him from court it would protect the monarchy which of course backfired and by 1912 some conservatives were telling each other to stop lest they bring on a revolution but there was no putting this demon back in the bottle in addition to secret police following rasputin around there were now reporters tracking his movements he was the celebrity it got creepy rasputin's eldest daughter received anonymous phone calls from a man trying to bait her into a meeting claiming to love her turns out he was a reporter trying to get close to the family and this was all getting to be too much and rasputin decided apparently on his own to go back to pakrovka for a while his enemies celebrated this as a victory they'd done it they'd driven him away from up no wait he's back yep on vacation with the romanovs sneaky sneaky because the fact was the underlying cause of rasputin's presence hadn't changed alexis still secretly had hemophilia rasputin's presence comforted and calmed alexandra and her son which probably in itself helped his healing in the summer of 1912 eight-year-old alexi had another episode a jolting carriage ride had started a hematoma in his thigh which bled for days and caused him incredible agony their son's pain and fever were so bad nicholas couldn't even bear to be in the same room and fled weeping alexandra was distraught alexei received last rites and he asked his mother to reassure him that when he died it wouldn't hurt anymore informed by alexandra rasputin responded with a telegram god has seen your tears and heard your prayers the little one will not die do not allow the doctors to bother him too much alexei recovered two days later possibly because rasputin's confidence lessened the stress on him and his mother possibly because doctors stopped prescribing aspirin that thinned his blood and constantly probing the hematoma and possibly because he just recovered and look if you're a parent you understand how crushing it would be to see your kid in such misery and you could imagine how you'd fiercely defend anyone who could help in that situation but the key factor to this is the public didn't understand that because it didn't know that alexei had hemophilia so to them rasputin's continued presence was inexplicable at best sinister at worst what did he have on the romanovs had he hypnotized them was he controlling them were they just weak don't they care the entire country hated this man and wanted him gone he became even more controversial during the first balkan war when he lobbied the royal family to keep russia out of the conflicts and pursue a policy of peace war he worried would simply hurt the peasants and could even pull in the great powers and ruin russia despite his supposed influence it should be noted that russia did join the first balkan war though not the second but his anti-war stance made him even more controversial government ministers even family members started their own private campaigns to get him expelled the secret police continued their surveillance initially giving rasputin the code name ruski or the russian but later changing his designation to the dark one they chronicled his trips with female followers to bath houses and visits to sex workers agents tailed anyone who had contact with him and read their mail though still after all of this when they presented nicholas their report he discarded it but there were other plans to get rid of rasputin violent plans the police foiled at least one and then it happened june 1914 pikrovska siberia rasputin has just stepped out his front door hoping to catch a telegram messenger he'd just dispatched that's when he sees the woman she's disheveled strange wearing a bonnet in veil so only her eyes show though her veil is oddly flat as if she lacks a nose a common symptom for poor sex workers who have been ravaged by syphilis thinking she's seeking money he greets her and takes out his wallet then she steps close and plunges an 18-inch dagger into his stomach he clasped his hands at his belly running down the street yelling for help the strange woman pursues holding the bloody knife high in a moment of quick thinking rasputin notices a big stick snatches it up and clubs the woman across the head an investigation will find that the woman is a 33 year old peasant and mentally unstable a devoted follower of eliador after reading his attacks on rasputin she'd taken it upon herself to kill the devil and stalked him across several cities rasputin's surgery was messy very touch and go bad enough that newspapers in the capital employing the usual exaggeration actually reported his death his enemies drank toasts and celebrated until a few days later that is when it came out that rasputin had lived a recovery owed to a good surgeon and strong constitution but that appeared to the public like a supernatural resurrection for it would take more than a stab wound to kill rasputin it would take a prince but what does it take you may ask to kill ad reads like this one off a ton of your favorite internet content well thanks to nebula support we're able to offer a ton of extra credits extra history and extra mythology episodes all ad-free on their platform as well as a few nebula originals such as the extra extra history tipu sultan tiger or tyrant and my episode of their working title series where i get to jam about the opening sequence of cowboy bebop yeah i promise i don't butcher yokocano's iconic theme over there we love nebula because they're a bi craters for craters streaming service featuring original content from some of our favorite educational entertainers on the internet such as renee ritchie tearzoo and princess weeks and you know who else loves independent educational 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Channel: Extra History
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Keywords: extra credits, extra history, history lesson, learn history, study history, world history, Gregori Rasputin, extra credits Gregori Rasputin, history of the world, history channel, Gregori Rasputin part 3, home learning, documentry, russia, russian history documentary, siberia, tsarist regime, starets, prince yusupov, history of russia, nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna, czar of russia, russia ukraine, russia ukraine news, russian revolution, ww1, world war 1, explained
Id: aVSg-uFwDcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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