Grian's FULL Stream 2020 | MC Championship 11!

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oh are we gone are we live already is that how it works i'm pretty sure i have to press live somewhere else goodness gracious me why is this so difficult it's always difficult when you don't know how to stream on youtube it's literally different every time because i do a minecraft championship like i don't know once a month once every two months uh the system changes every time so i'm like am i am i actually live so every time you see a live stream literally i have to ask myself the question am i live but look at this look how happy i am look how happy i am i am so happy to see all of you hey guess what slow mode is on the chat and yet it's still so fast that i can not see a thing so welcome to the mcc championship number 11 it is a halloween edition as you can see i've got my spooky face on and actually this face here is actually a little bit of a spoiler for tomorrow's hermitcraft episode man this is awesome right so you know the drill if you've been here before if you haven't been before then this is essentially like minecraft olympics mini game extravaganza again with loads and loads of people and they have spookified the entire map look at this it is absolutely insane and amazing and i can't wait to get started oh my goodness you know that face looks like mine you know kind of looks like mine happy face see i was worried that i wasn't gonna have a halloweeny in a face but you see the thing is i've sent everyone exactly the same b-dubs face for this where are my teammates where's where's red and false we've got ren false and fruit berries who we are effectively going to call fruity bee right there he is hey oh right i think we're good i think we i think we are good we are we're doing our thing so it starts in 12 minutes so we've got we've got loads of time my hands are already starting to get a bit sweaty because i get super stressed at this event it is it is a stressful event i'm not gonna lie there's a lot actually there's not a lot on the line there is not a lot on the line you get a crown which is awesome um but that's you know that's it it's basically bragging rights it always has been right so i think my team are online fruity fruity bee has logged on i've now see i've not really talked to fruity b before but he's uh he's on our team and there he is fruity b he looks like a happy green screen oh this is going to be fun this is going to be fun right so i'm i'm kind of ready to um to sort of unmute and get chatting with the rest of the team so on our team today we have fruity bee fruit berries ren of the dog from hermitcraft and false symmetry also from hermitcraft so we've got a we've got a three hermitcraft strong team and fruity bee behind us with this ridiculous face um so a also a shiny uh oral or real thank you very much for the live chat donation for the super chat that's very and the canadian uh canadian 13.99 from naomi wolfman thank you very much for that super chat that is amazing thank you so much um so right i'm i'm kind of ready to to crack on to be honest we've got we've got 10 minutes to kill oh geez talking for 10 minutes how are we gonna do this talking for ten whole minutes wow hmm right let's go let's go and um find ren he's what's ren doing here it looks like he's contemplating life over here oh he's walking back oh dude his head's on backwards oh he was in f5 oh man that that messed me up i thought that was real halloween right there right i'm gonna i'm gonna unmute because uh i'll be ready i'll be ready when when when they are so i'm i'm hoping to try some different tactics now i've consistently done fairly mediocrely is that a word mediocre that is not a word mediocrally locally no i've done very mediocre every single minecraft championship without fail like i usually come somewhere around 19th to like 25th somewhere around the middle so it's neither great nor super bad and i'm sure dude ren's ren's face is on backwards i think he's forgot that looked like he was on backwards i'm not hold on i don't know if he knows [Music] check it out we are the lime liches we're very happy to see you oh i'm loving this oh i'm loving this i'm loving this so much we're very happy oh man green hello ren ren is your head on backwards hold on can you walk forward for me um wait is no that is my head on backwards it look i'm gonna watch the replay of this later because dude you were you were walking straight on straight up walking or maybe you were walking backwards yourself like in f5 mode oh maybe yeah okay dudes we have to find somebody to stare at deep into their soul yeah that's how that's this is how this halloween skin works we need we need the whole squad we need all the limes with us otherwise it doesn't work okay there's fruity's three loops is over there he's chilling dude do you look look me in the eyes do i look like a certain scooby-doo character you look exactly like like you look like shaggy but on a very bad scary halloween night straight up have the exact color t-shirt as shaggy from scooby-doo oh man well it sounds like there's there's echo going on i don't understand why oh echo from whom from me yeah i don't know how that's possible because i got my headphones on no it's gotta be my side are you have you got your own um stream running like youtube something or other oh is this hannah oh are you playing the video or something no no oh robo green what the heck robot green robot green is here to smile at you i i gotta feel i get the feeling like people are staring at us because they're like what are you supposed to be if people ask what you're supposed to be that you you you immediately ask them what they're supposed to be and then you say lame i'm green or i'm red ah dude see this is why i don't like changing things dude yeah the the general rule of thumb is uh don't touch anything don't touch anything don't touch anything if it's if it ain't broke don't touch you know what i'm saying yeah no no no it's just i know what you're saying right so we've had some more donors come in i think uh we've got a member bee wolf thank you very much if you're sending any live chats um this this stream i didn't actually find a charity um but uh there so if you if you donate any any super chats to me thank you very much they they actually support me directly so thank you and it actually it makes a minecraft championship uh uh it makes a little bit more worth it you know so i am ready uh where where's ren gone oh i muted oh dude ren are you good yes are you good yes we need to find our team because like we're we're we're only two stairs we're only uh two pairs of eyes yeah where's three there are three three pairs of eyes here's 3d leaps he's chilling over here dude oh my goodness fruity looks absolutely hideous yeah fruity b looks like a happy green screen oh my goodness that is that is horrifying to be honest though like if you didn't know fruit berry's uh skin before it could just look like a normal skin you kind of need the context right you need to know what he looked like before [Laughter] oh my goodness well i think we should stand next to him and just stare into the abyss yeah we've got to try to get this uh the effect going here right who are we staring at who's staring at uh uh let's jay charles stare straight into his soul is he an among us dude is he i think he's a among us i think he's an among us character where is he i don't think fruity i'm gonna try i don't think fruity b's here i'm gonna try sort the echo out hold on i'm gonna switch devices dang it technical difficulties the the problem with these skins right is that you can't ever take them seriously like does this look like the face of people that have technical difficulties no however hello hello hi we got team together so uh fruity b that's what i'm gonna call you from now on let's go um so the deal i think yeah what's up we we are our uh our halloween costume is actually it's it's all of us right like we are one halloween costume like it doesn't work if if one of us isn't there it doesn't work like we all need to stare at one person to get the full effect of our costumes i get you yeah i mean i was proper terrified what i put on my skin you uh you look like a happy green screen dude rather interesting i kind of like it though i dig it i dig it are you i i assume you're not gonna keep that forever though uh you don't know yeah maybe are you all sorted ren are you all fixed no i i think rents ren's having technical difficulties oh no yeah that's happening i don't know but we're sort of three minutes away but i think i think we're good oh yeah we're good okay hey greedy leaves what's happening baby what's happening baby okay i'm gonna go start my stream right now nice nice nice to see you again freeze my dude yeah what's up to win this fcc you know hey it's mr mr pig did you mr pig you see what i put in the chat they changed around whatever the game is called the bingo game so it's all in another that's cool oh yeah yeah yeah we're pretty alright with another i think yeah all right techno's all up in my grill dude we're i think we're i think we're i think we're having a stream i think no no wait i'm i i think i think first one to move losers i've joined in i can't stop number i can't see anything this is so weird this is so weird all right one sec i don't know if i like this he's staring me out oh no yeah he's staring he's definitely staring me out well i mean he's not staring me out anymore because everyone's all up in my grill oh he moved he moved he's out there you go you won i think i think i won i think we won that one ah what is going on here this what do you mean it's just weirdness happening are we staring into each other's soul or what's happening dude you know it looks like a summoning circle if we stand like perfectly perfectly in like a square shall we try do you like a like a like a summoning spell where are you going okay we're summoning fruit berries summoning fruits who is summoning your stream can we like all go can we surround someone yeah yeah yeah yeah let's do it yeah pick someone uh what's around puffy here where oh where's all right lead the way we need something we need someone standing still we need someone standing still let's get them uh no i'm i'm in a staring contest with techno again sorry okay it doesn't work if there's just one of us one person going around scott got why did we switch direction no you were the only one going the wrong direction all right you're meant to look you need to look you need to you need to look at him in the eyes you need to look at him in the eyes you need to yeah that's it that's it yeah this is cursed this is terrifying this is terrifying uh he shouldn't have put us on a team together [Laughter] i've gotta say also ren scott man he said i'm uncomfy ren i've got to say that false's uh crown looks a lot nicer than yours it looks like yeah super 3d yours yeah mine's an actual crown though like in the game oh wait i have one because i won that i won the last step oh right it's only the last game last only wren's like holding on to a paper crown that he made himself oh perfect oh man well we've definitely like given scott nightmares tonight that is 100 i think so yeah i hope so yeah he deserves it that's scott yeah yeah yeah get nightmares scott major looks like there's only one person we're waiting for and then it all begins yeah oh yeah let's have a look at some of these teams some of these teams are looking pretty strong uh yeah sparkles tub of phil who are the people to look out for like what who's the strongest everyone [Music] kid like there's so many good teams yeah we got tommy fundy wilbur quackery and violet that's a good team too like i think i'm the i think i'm the dream george absolutely not i think parkour parkour is is the the one that i'm going to struggle with the most because there's i think most people are dudes i have to quickly restart minecraft hold on one second no worries it's this decided yet it's the stupid glass bit that i couldn't get past the the green like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just awful a lot of people get i practiced that part for about three hours this week and i still i still can't really get it okay so you know that's comfortable but it's it's still tricky like it's very tricky i can't get past the the new fishbone glass pain section that's where my run ends every time do we just vote for parkour warrior straight away and get it out of the way so it's low points i just don't think we'd pay for it at all i think i think i think he's got a really good chance to do really well though so true but we're going to get stuck on like what is it like the fourth one or something like that yeah it's really early on i think i honestly think that no one's going to vote for it like because so many people the teams are really mixed i think there's good there's good parkour plays but then there's also like not there's pretty average ones as well i think mixed in so i think they're going to try not to pick it the big one the big one for me is um what's it called uh build mart i wanted to try something different with it like yeah i wanted to try collecting loads of stuff but uh i i don't know like that doesn't work we tried that before didn't we run yes could you get points for being first to build something yeah but like you you the surely the key is to build so much that you overtake people then you start getting those first points you get all your points in the last 30 seconds now the team i was on last time we we won build map just just by doing it normally later just kind of doing it one per build go off get the block yeah yeah pretty much yeah because then you can all you can all stay super like concentrated and your chats can help you remember the blocks and then you just shout out the extra stuff and leave the extra stuff in a chest for people that need extras that might not be a bad way to do it like if you all focus on your own build because if you if you have someone to help you with your build then they're gonna be like struggling on theirs because they're helping you you know i don't know yeah and you end up getting the same things by accident and like yeah i don't yes we can try to just one per build i think that would if we honestly just concentrated make sure we get the correct amount of stuff on the first track that's expressed that's what i've that's what i've done in the past and i've not done particularly well on build mart that's why i was thinking about doing something different but yeah we like we brainstormed like the other strat like where you just kind of collect stuff but it's hard i don't know it's like then you've got to do inventory management and see who's picked up what whereas if you've got all the stuff in your inventory of the build that you're doing then you know you've got enough right so how did how did you when you said you tried it before did you try where someone went wood and got all the wood someone went like gems we've got all the gems someone went terracotta got all the terracotta and then they yeah then everyone comes back puts it in a chest and off you go yeah it's it's going to the chest back and forth and then because you've got the crawford stuff so it gets real yeah it it doesn't work as well as doing it normally i think we can do well as boring as nice like we just need to communicate you know uh-huh yeah yeah once you've built something and you've got extra stuff just chuck it in the chest and then people know where to look when they want something okay okay okay okay okay look at these guys huh these skins are great all right i'm ready all right all righty can you guys hear me by the way we can hear you okay good i'm gonna go put on a sweater man dude i'm sweating already is anybody else i know i dude the most the consistent thing for mcc for me is sweaty hands just oh no my hands are too cold ready ready yeah cold but also sweaty i didn't say i didn't say not warm hands my i had my got a cold sweat going on in the phalanges area you know the phalanges yeah that's what fingers are what's a phalange fingers what's the finger oh what did i come back to did you keep coming back to back to weirdness learning learning uh ana anatomical words anatomical bits and bobs bits and bobs right i wonder if it can do really well in sg again there last time you played sg was insane i think yeah she was insane the points i don't did they modify the points they made it so that you don't get as many points for all being alive at the end basically oh yeah that's why we had such a lead last time yeah because you didn't yeah because you didn't get uh we all survived right and also killed loads of people all right i mean that's how it should here we go i hope you guys are ready i'm ready baby i'm ready i'm ready what's this i'm super excited i'm just waiting but i'm ready i saw your twitter video the other day through of you just like taking everyone out yeah you're definitely ready dudes we've got to set ourselves on fire yes wait the fire is green that's sick i mean this is this looks outrageous with this face burning how have you managed to stay on fire i mean you just gotta keep going you got it you got it it burns it burns oh here we go guys fcc 11. one minute 23 seconds so i'm just gonna quickly say a huge thank you to justin who said hello green with a 50 super chat thank you so much and phantom's menace amazing who said go lime liches 20 amazing thank you very much privilege to play with you guys in another beautiful mcc championships so i'm looking forward to this going to be loads of fun as always i will salute you all right we're yeah big shout out to uh the mcc champs um team for inviting us back mm-hmm let's do this thing baby just do this thing scott and knox crew see the thing is this time like we don't we don't have the pressure like not everyone's expecting us to do incredibly well yeah cause i'm on your team right i mean expectations lowered i've been watching some videos about mcc and the hermitcraft team is always seen as the worst team in the whole thing what yeah isn't it really rude man is that true why yeah dude they they see the hermits as just like cannon fodder which to be fair i mean no if you guys can win then you are absolutely i was gonna say i think that might have changed recently yeah right falsies false has won twice yeah but paul's been owning it yeah i mean the pressure is on for me and i came like 23rd so i mean yeah that's not too bad i don't even need to think about it we're just gonna go in look at those eyeballs man let's go baby the hype oh i've been looking forward to this i i had to sit out the last one so i'm excited about this one yes you did what you've been practicing oh they're closed or is there more elevators here we go here we go hey smiley boys all right okay that's right so people who don't i i forget that some people might be watching that have never seen mcc which is odd there's been there's been 11 now but basically yeah there's a load of minigames here and we vote for which one we want to play first yup chicken santa time i love santa time such a good game i think we're really good at that one we should try keep that one i'll be later yeah i think everyone likes that one bingo fast is that the nether bingo another one yeah rocket smith rocket spleef has a new map and it's really cool hole in the wall i'd like to get hole in the wall i've never played that one to get to the other side would you like to hold the wall of the way i'm not opposed at all a hole in the wall or sky battle sky battle would be my weakest let's see what people see what happens yeah so by the way everybody who's watching the games you get more points as it progresses so the early games you get fewer points than the later games what are we waiting for i think we can honestly do good in the sky battle if we work together i agree i agree we did really well in sky battle last time i've wasted my chicken chickens just like to walk around so who knows what's going on so do you wait for this everybody wants those two how interesting is that what's going on in the world what the heck i didn't even throw mine i missed my chicken now glass hit him over the edge if you can that might be uh the other side i don't think he goes over the edge he doesn't like to come on come on chicken face oh rip okay cool okay i'm really happy about this this is by far my weakest event i'm not i'm not too crazy at this either i'm not terrible at it actually this is probably one of my stronger games but it's honey isn't it or did they just retexture slime i think i guess we'll find out have you this oh that actually acts a little bit different though doesn't it it can't be honey it probably re retextual yeah yeah it can't be honey otherwise he gets stuck on it are we calling are we calling blue are we calling colors or uh directions we can call the colors colors colors i can never see the letters quick enough yeah how is that gonna give me that all right deep breath does anyone need a gong uh yes okay let me get the gong i've got my hoodie on emergency i've got my gamer hoodie on there there i've just realized my hoodie's inside out is that bad luck uh i don't know everyone take a deep breath in with me ready maybe that's lucky you'll have to be wearing it like that all the time and that's actually very relaxing it is that actually is it is actually [Laughter] okay right okay now that we're all relaxed okay we're just hanging out with friends just playing some minigames let's go okay so this green blue purple yellow yeah i'm going to start looking blue i play a lot of this game in f5 oh dm i find it easier this like i mean i go in the first person so i can actually like get in the holes purple purple twice purple again okay right here we go it begins apple purple again pebble again yep they've died yeah like behind you remember to breathe guys remember the breath that's the key breathing yeah that's important brain needs oxygen right it's getting faster purple oh no man there's a jump oh couple gone right yellow it's yellow yellow twice i think there will be blue i kind of wish you guys were invisible as well yeah me too yeah when you get close to somewhere right it's a fake one oh man that was close man there's a lot of people alive purple no fake go middle yellow yellow middle again man yeah you guys like if we're in the same place we get um yeah it's difficult to see oh no man oh oh goodness i was not facing the right way nice oh boy remember to call it because uh green green green oh no i'm out oh hang out oh that got so many people i needed i needed to go right i needed to go right who's in i'm just just free tb i don't know how i did that just spam the keyboard i made such the wrong decision there nice nice nice i don't know i was meant to crouch that's what i was meant to do it was a 1.5 hole dang nice dude nice for eat oh my god yes let's go let's go fruity b blue oh middle middle middle fruit middle fruit oh you're on fire oh my god dude let's go fruity nice dude purple fruity bee fruity bee fruity bee give me that dude fruity baby let's go fruity dude here we go that's okay that's what i'm talking about okay what i've learned if the jump is really hard to literally spam your spacebar glitch through it like okay it's really okay it's pretty interesting how it works [Music] there was a fake wall around straight away straight away yellow yeah my part of my issue is like something you get like glitched in the wall so you just say you say spam it just spam it yeah i don't know i spammed it okay worried green behind you game that worked wonders where is it that was close blue blue oh man nope nope nope not today green green green green i don't like this purple middle easy i hate it i wish you were you were invisible as well dude yeah like where's the best place to be is it in the middle purple maybe it's getting faster now oh god uh yellow yellow yellow yellow twice oh yeah this spell it three times another yellow it sure does oh i've never tried it before it works so well okay yellow not yellow purple pebble twice purple three times purple four times pepper five times six pebble come on guys where are we going purple seven times yellow green green oh you guys are doing so well purple purple man it got a little bit laggy there for a second oh where are we green green oh man how do you get over this yellow again right crouch nice korean nice dude nice where is it blue oh dude i don't know which way it is yellow yellow oh bad luck dude man you did so well so how do you get through the slabbed ones crouch jump i don't know spam jump i spammed jump but it didn't work we did well there we did really well did really well with second place violet might take us here though but no reds remain fifth i got fifth i got you did really good i got like 20 at 19. nice guys we're there we're third at the moment which is great okay there's just a couple there's like 30 points in it man it started getting uh hectic there in the last last round yeah yeah it gets really intense there's a there's like a there's an element of just luck if you're facing the right way yeah i can yeah i can find the hole in one of them so i just kind of accepted the purple oh man this is kind of a rough start all right all right all right all right blue blue blue blue blue no not blue purple purple ah fake purple again ah man that's a rough one green again no no ran just missed it i dismissed it there okay okay okay green green oh no no yeah let's go oh nice guys let's go not purple oh god blue again green maybe yeah green you guys are playing really calmly it's great green gonna breathe green again where are we looking purple people double jump purple again oh no which one is it yellow yellow okay let me go again yellow again stress nice let's go guys just got over that one green green green oh dude i was stuck in there there's no way i could do anything on that go falsely yeah let's go freeze man that was a rough one for me dang yellow ah boy wait no purple purple oh my god yellow nice nice nice nice nice yellow again oh my god oh my god bad luck let's go freddies 3db first place nice guys first place guys yes come on yeah fruity bee with the second place nice nice nice guys oh my goodness that is an amazing start to mcc 11 oh baby it's it's all about the gong dude oh yeah you started every round if you need if you need some zen in your life yeah for every game yeah i'll take it you need some zen i'm not being like funny like if you take that deep breath and you listen to the those earthly tunes you get it you get you get zen you just calm a little bit of the sweat goes away oh what a fantastic start guys that's awesome man that's got me hyped man you guys did so ridiculously well just watching you guys like you know we've played that event quite a lot and i can just see the trick or treat where's the trick or treat like how do you guys know so you need to find someone that's like uh just standing and you've got i think right click on them or something yeah you find an npc and you right click on them but i'm not fine you're talking about like actual points yeah i was click trying to click on shout out where they are if you can uh on someone someone to the right of the volcano uh yeah you've got a right click you know how to call out the map is so big yeah that's pretty close just like right of the entrance so the two there's two at the bottom of the volcano i haven't seen it like there's there's not nearly enough npcs like this part of the map is empty there's probably someone at the top of the volcano as well if it's running out are these for points i don't know i don't know don't go to the top of the volcano you can use the candies in the roulette wheel and they like do things to the chickens ooh yeah so it's like sticky but like look a look at what it says in your inventory to see what it is vampire sweet um throw it into a chicken to transform it into a bat cloning sweet oh i can duplicate a chicken nice hmm can you if you uh right click the npc does it disappear no no then where the heck might change places there's only two at the bottom of the volcano that i found there's one at the end of the of it of the tentacle uh if you go right straight out of the arena oh i found one i don't think i've got enough time but yeah sticky sweet that's so cool that's such an awesome addition oh i found one i can get to it all right okay well i can duplicate a chicken nice usable during the decision dome throw this sweet to stick something to the ground okay so what's the new game being added oh wait it's not nothing yet we want i want to save the duplicates i don't know if they actually say our power-ups i mean unless it's something we don't want yeah if we're desperate for not not to have something then get rid of it oh right what are we going for um no one's voting uh what do you wanna play kind of want to play the only one i feel not comfortable with is bingo i don't like sky battle that's my worst one people are going to want that one though i think it's got to be sky battle yeah let's get it out of the way then that's like by far my worst one i'm really bad at um what do you call it bridging freeze i can bridge that's just okay i'm gonna fall off the map the overall strategy are we gonna try and get to the middle quick yeah yeah like we did last time yeah yeah that was that was us playing right yeah yeah did that work right then yeah that did well last time right trying to get to the middle yeah pick a side to go someone someone needs to just tell me what to do a little bit on this one okay not gonna be very good at like in with the initiatives because this is not my arena well there's a border coming in from the outside and there's border coming down from the top as long as you know those things okay so on our on our spot island there's a few blocks two iron boxes and we could there's a there's an island to our right i think with the same stuff oh there's diamond all hanging on those drones yeah it's really hard to get there's there's brewing stands on all four of the the little like corner islands with health pots so i can try to get there real quick so green do you want to take the right island i'll take the left island fruity and false ghosts go forward bro you know we have to go to those islands to unless you're going backwards no you have to go to those islands you have to get to the middle ring basically we want to hold that ring that outer ring you know one that's been broken up yeah with like two chests on it one like hold hold that and kill the people around us and then get to the middle uh we don't want to go to the middle right away well it depends on what people are doing right right are we going red it's red to our left or cyan oh aqua to our right so i guess we want aqua right yeah let's go okay wait we're going straight straight for early kills is that the so we're going to go right to that and then we're going to go straight forward to the ring okay so we're not we're not going to fight i need and i'll make i'll make yeah i'll make some almost i'll mine the ones on the other island someone leave this as well [Music] i'm just gonna say what do we want chest plates is that it right aqua's gone right now we've got chest plates what do we want we want there's a chest above you uh green if you want to go up to it up to you i'm good oh you've got the ingredient you might want to craft yeah crafts and pants or something uh ren there's someone to your they've actually got a bow so watch out who wants he wants some pants let's go to this oh let's go i'll break the brewing stand and get this chest over here i should have i should have totally done an eye and sort of i've taken all that stuff okay i guess we'll hold this right there we can hold this yeah what are we doing someone tell me team we we do not want this yellow right they're shooting they're shooting over there he's got a crossbars can anybody take off scotland right i'm going to make a wall like to stop them harry's here fruit okay i killed nikki nice oh okay we've got orange this side i almost killed joel i don't want to waste these but i'm trying to get like kill shots yeah uh if we can try to get to the middle not now but like if we like slowly i think they're they're moving in on us yellow yellow yeah yellow enough yellow and orange concentrate yellow is pretty sandwiched i might if i can get close enough i'm gonna put a tnt on yellows but no they're just watch out i'm almost i'm also doing that run i don't know if we need to both do that in case we go for if you are fighting they're fighting for you oh we can't get here though i'll just let him fight honestly later i'm so bad there's a huge bunch to the left that is already in one in front of us i just walked off how oh no fruity bee what okay coach me dude coach me just honestly if someone's someone here i'll put some creepers down watch out well i just try to get out honestly ah dude i'm buying you surviving oh no i killed techno nice nice nice where are you guys i think i knocked him off the edge dude i have a feeling i put down lava and then immediately got rid of it with a block nice yeah just try to get away from everyone i'm trying to is it just is just false alive yeah can you just let me know if anyone's near me or whatever yeah border border border you can build there's someone that's what happened there uh friday just fall off uh i don't know i thought i thought i was in the bridge but apparently i like jumped up i'm not actually sure how i got techno everyone's spamming that i killed techno but i don't actually know how did i knock him off the edge when we were like tussling on the side i think so maybe that was that was just a that was a mess that was such a mess that was a hot mess there was a hot mess i i made such a good placement of lava then immediately got rid of it with a block by just panicking yeah i think we were good though up to that point next round i'm going to try to do something a bearish oh wait you just got to kill barbie what how wait what you must have been the last to damage them yeah oh oh nice okay i'll take it okay fine you get points for kills so that works you know i want to try something different this round okay so someone get these and make stuff but i'm immediately i'm going to try to get to mid yeah oh okay do you want me to follow uh sure yeah follow okay i hope we don't get her off [Music] are we gonna go for those guys or not no i'm just making armor that guy just fell right i've got you some uh armor careful dreams behind you george is behind you oh really oh i'm out yeah oh i thought you said behind me so i jumped right uh which way we're going great all right where would we get the other way let's go the other way george was like behind you though they're going for it got george they're up there paulty you back out of john there's four of them up there falsey oh wait what bro what i ain't dead i think you just landed on the blocks that i thought you did i did he doesn't know oh no what the heck what just pushed me bad luck i shouldn't let them have it have the point really the future oh my goodness you saved me just chill down there green build yourself they know i'm here they know i'm here yeah yeah yeah yeah just make sure they can't shoot you off build in building green green you need to go in now but the board is actually coming you're gonna get in okay okay i'll tell you when to run back uh i'll tell you when you need to go straight you need to go straight now okay okay should i go up or what the board moves so quick no don't go up just keep going keep going keep just keep going i don't wanna i should have died why am i still here no i'm looking at you you're okay just hang out underneath for a while yeah yeah yeah just hide underneath there the longer you live the more points you get okay so get up underneath the pathway maybe they'll never never see either oh genius there we go now we're talking there you go nice this is the weirdest situation ever be ready when the border moves in quickly just move in she just came down you're fine no one spotted you yet i feel like i should build up from the outside and go in rather than get exposed on the inside uh dreamsteam is this i mean the borders that coming so they're right there now they're right next to the screen you need to get in now green is getting now i'm going like now do they know i'm there no no green light now green green okay okay okay okay okay he goes so quick oh you are so dead such a bad decision [Music] now bad like i think yeah you should have just chilled down at the bottom for a bit but yeah i think so they would have caught you at this point now so it doesn't matter yeah i died in a very bad way i was like right behind me so i jumped over to the island in all fairness they were right behind you that was just like my brain was like confused see what we want oh tommy is literally a gamer okay what wow cottage what did i just witness that was actually really good because if that team won they would be in a good lead this has not been our round yeah the frankensteins are killing it this round aren't they geez oh tommy's gonna oh i don't know how he's close they're about to bump into each other nice nice well played wow well played good stuff very nice man all right we've got one more of these rounds don't we me yeah yeah that sucked less what side are we going yellow or dark aqua or cyan let's go green side i think no we think we need to go yellow side should we i mean we can go both oh let's go yellow oh they're here i'm backing up whoo yellow yeah we'll go green right fruit take take the armor thank you all right i'm running across if i get shut off i'm upset all right watch out man i think we need to go up there's bows and stuff in the chest oh is this no i think the server's like you want an have you died oh yeah you're lagging dude super hard [Music] oh my god these guys up here the yellow but have those so just watch out how do i i say we go over to the green side right no no no these guys are scared oh my god the game's back hello hello all right i think we can take these guys out i don't know how it didn't hit them off that's okay where's the guy it's a mid yeah i'm in okay i don't know what happened he lagged a little bit bro where did the yellow team let's just stay alive let's build build walls and build in slightly yeah i'm not panicky i'm not panicky i'm building a little bit lower down than you guys just a heads up we can't go too high up otherwise uh sure we're gonna get we're gonna get squashed it doesn't usually get into effect like the pipe order never usually reaches us before the game ends but we have two floors to this little base well i've i've got out there because i was scared i wish we had bows we don't do we not have bows no uh i there was a bunch of those in the chest that i don't think anyone got i have the one crossbow think we need to get some kills really but make sure you're not in the death board eh no okay i'm just getting into this pile this oh my god wait that guy's dead michael puffy yeah they are underneath us watch out you're stuck in the web having creepers in there i blew them up nice oh how did george get up here oh my god i did not oh you're good there go for me oh tnt blew up oh i died the suffocation i [Music] [Laughter] that was messy oh man look at our base though guys we made a beautiful yeah i mean look at that there's a moment yeah wow i hit the guy with my axe it just didn't do anything that sucked that sucked okay what did tommy do oh i hate i hate sky battle it's not great it's not a feeling this team is gonna win all the pvp games not my not my favorite at all well we came sixth i mean it's not the worst no it's definitely not the worst we we did a lot better than we could have or yeah said that right i think you got number one points by three coins nice so how does that mean to the middle each time too we didn't just die on the outskirts so that's good do you just right click and it instantly explodes yeah put it down no it doesn't there's a timer two seconds oh right yeah okay i didn't see it like um have an animation so maybe we should try to try and avoid the pvp games then isn't that what fruits are really great though yeah and what we did really well in run let's level game show i don't i don't know it's a weird situation oh i forgot that we're meant to be doing the trick or treating dang it okay trick or treat guys where are the other i knew we're getting the opposite way i lost them there was a guy at the tentacle here first if you carry on going i don't know if they've uh choose new positions though yeah i think they do they might they might have what i was looking for is gone okay and you have to use the sweets otherwise yeah you have to use them yeah okay where where on earth is oh here we go did you find out where yeah so the tentacle all the way to the right around the beach oh there it is yeah he's right he's very close actually yeah he's right here hey buddy what'd you get what'd you get wait did you find out i'm gonna set stuff on fire nice what don't think anyone's around here i made i definitely made the mistake of chasing a kill i should have just stuck stuck with you guys i was like yeah that's all good it's all good missed and i missed so annoying the game is it's so much like chaos going on there to keep track of what's happening but it's sticky sweet yeah don't go to the parkour area it's it's basically empty i have a good amount of them i have two vampire ones and a clone nice yeah nice okay oh here we go i really love the candles they're very cool yeah right i think i can kill chickens with my flaming um oh we've got a crossbow here you all have a crossbow okay so there's a game we don't want to play we shoot the friends and we can turn it into a bat as well with the vampire yeah so we can get rid of something what do we really not want okay wait they just dunk them okay anyways uh or i'm i'm i'm thinking i think we can do good someone's killing bingo though someone's killing bingo oh wait everyone's killing everyone we can throw it in bingo and kill everything else yeah yeah yeah that's still your arrows hit that one on fire which one are we which one do we do we don't want wherever popular other than bingo yeah this is absolutely carnage was punching all of them out oh man oh rocket spleef okay that'll read i like rockets i think we're always getting rockets speed rockets bleep is good i feel like you guys are very good at electric uh i i believe in you if you can't get a kill just stay alive for as long as possible you remember how this one works green yeah i'm trying to remember actually i think i played it like this rocket yeah that pushes you up yeah you can rock a jump with it yeah that's the bit i couldn't figure out how to do properly last time that is terrifying that is hideous wow yeah shoot a rocket under you and you'll blast up right okay do you jump when you shoot or do you just shoot i jump when i shoot but you don't have to it just gives you a better boost and the longer you can stay up in the air in the beginning the better right just flights around for as long as possible that i would not use unless you are guaranteed to dead like if you're in the void you can't yeah yeah yeah then but like halfway through the games they get removed so do they yeah when the tnt starts falling that's when you lose your ah yeah okay so try use the firework before that before that all right yeah is there three rounds or one round right 30 seconds one three rounds three rounds okay so at the beginning you just want to try to like stay airborne as far as long as possible and then look for you can see it's always in the highest and like less populated area of the land yeah okay in a while since we've done this all right here we go yeah i haven't played this one in a while five okay four three two oh oh that wasn't great you just glide around and tell you find a good spot i'm not looking down i use f5 at the start to yeah to be able to see yeah get an idea of what places are looking like i killed carl i don't know how how do you uh how do you rocket john that's the question you shoot a fireball below when you're on the ground oh and that's how you get out of sticky spots there we go and when you're mid air you want to just fly again yeah yeah yeah yeah come on that's it nice we're pretty high up yeah i'm doing pretty good i'm gonna try to go for more kills but it's hard yeah getting getting kills at this stage pretty difficult do you aim underneath them or do you aim for them i don't know i am underneath them but i don't i have no idea ah come on i can reach that no no oh no uh all my progress lost okay that's okay oh i got a solidarity okay nice all pink is gone that's really good it's really good yeah okay uh tnt starts in 10 seconds so use your firework now if you ever fly away fly the top of the map yeah i'm all the way up the top okay cool [Music] good job brandon you killed someone nice each time he's got this oh no oh i missed it that's terrible nice fruities nice oh guys you're so high up we got this we got this we got this green you're all the you're the highest uh highest player right now yes you've got a beautiful little bit of tan tentacle too so good so good on your green tnt i'm shooting at jordan right now oh yeah someone's someone's landed down there and they're just choking it's when your elytra doesn't activate that's that's the real problem yeah it's just still work for uh oh and i'm dead i thought there was five seconds left whoo yeah how long we got to do this to somebody that was so lucky i heard the thing i'm like oh my god wow yeah stay live stay alive stay alive if you guys can land and get one more oh no my dad's insane here i got it i got it there you go let's go amazing job guys wow there we go see oh what is this oh falling through the cap oh jesus oh this one's a bit of a pain it usually opens up in the middle and then the outside sort of where you want to land you guys nice nice nice nice nice that wasn't that was beautiful to watch guys seriously that was amazing oh they paused the game oh is this going to happen to us again where we did really well in the game no they can't do it everything gets restarted when we lose our points you guys remember that that was sad facetimes even if we got it we just do it again they might be able to pvp but they can't fly that map was really awesome though right guys i really like that one that was cool that was a great map i like how there's tentacles all around like the high points are sort of um circular or whatever i thought that was cool yeah yeah that was that was one of the best maps of this i finally understand how to rocket jump nice yeah you can like right it you then jump off and then you get the most point it's like jam dude like you are the best elytra flyer on on hermitcraft for sure so this is this is yours this is this isn't like proper flying this is falling yeah it is more falling yeah it's not quite a dropper level of falling though no you've got really great muscle maybe with the elytra though like you know how how it works really yeah yeah yeah yeah all right i don't know i'm not sure what we're waiting on but is everyone in everyone's in i think so yeah tap tap is full chat says falling with style yeah basically following the style this i really enjoyed this game though i think it's really fun is this a bad time to say i need the toilet pretty bad oh yeah yeah have you got a like a jar in your bikes yeah keep a bedpan just in case see now that you've said that now you need to go i think you might have yeah triggered something in the brain thanks grant according according to qi right um you make your best decisions when you need to go for a pee a little bit oh really yeah yeah that is true yeah i heard that we got the advantage that's the winning strategy guys true it's don't get the toilet pan does it have they said what are we wearing i don't know what we're waiting on does anyone need a gong uh it's just it's pause yes i would i'd love a guy all right everyone audience you can join in with me ready and we're gonna take a deep breath in can you get that going on amazon i i need a gong right next to you i would gone all day long how big do you think that gong is like size of a plate it's a little bit smaller than that it's a really small gong it's like a oh god oh here we go the size of a coaster a bit bigger oh are we going okay is this happening what okay [Music] i'm not gonna mess it up this time just got to relax into it someone hit me for when you're in the in this in the air all right we're getting a little bit far down let's get straight up carl died first again oh no he must have problems with his oh that was a bad one oh boy there we go that's fine dude yeah that's how you go i got the muscle memory now i found a good uh tactic actually if you're about to hit the ground oh shift you won't feel yeah i know i've been doing that because i'm really low for some reason oh there's a block right here let me get up some height again it's a good job on hermitcraft i've practiced mid-air mid-air oh i'm getting knocked down not good i'm gonna have to oh recover a little bit rip it's all good there we go we're back up i'm gonna go from oh i just hit right you read them that's okay you shot me super high i did the problem is when you're like at the top you can't actually go for kills too easily the shifting strat is so good wow oh yeah this map's like gone okay use your rocket now and go go up top is it wait i'm gonna wait for the last second all right seven seconds oh i think i'm in flying mode oh are you oh are you glitched i might be glitched oh my god you were so high up apparently the same thing happened to phil's uh last time okay i think i might have uh someone on our team is at the top of the map it's me oh that's you who i'm looking at it's ren okay i was going to say i'm not i'm not there unless i'm visiting i'm concentrating out of my mind right now the map's getting really small yeah yeah it's single single block jumps now but this is what i live for on hermitcraft let's go no oh i might be messed up here oh i'm okay oh my god where do i land oh no i'm dead someone took my spot you guys got this actually i got this i might have i killed someone i killed two of them are dead oh wait i just got saved what i'm saying nice reading okay green you're in such a good spot i know right i don't think anyone can get mark chance of tnt landing on you so slim green you got it i think you got this dude can you see him there someone's literally just flying above you so oh yeah yeah there's two people here oh sugar that's right you got some blocks below oh you stole your block that was so cheeky don't worry i got him nice one nice one how long we got how long we got uh 17 seconds oh my god nice this is my game rockets yeah just just let's go you're so good at this baby you're wildly good at this that is wild right one more time see i had a feeling i'm like you have no idea how many hours i fly that's basically what i do if there's if there is uh enough space to throw an item through i'm going straight again green's probably built to burn to million rockets this season in hermitcraft yeah for sure i don't think i got any kills though that's the problem no i didn't get any kills either i got two and i got oh you can punch people wait what really well i know what i'm going to be doing you know just hit james charles this is absolute carnage how do people get like the double jump i just got a boost from someone come here i don't know how people get like the double jump going on i'm just running around punching people okay fair enough i think non non pvp that's that's what i can excel at oh man whoa i'm bullying people that was my tactic was just to just to try and stay up as much as possible like forget trying to to to get people yeah that's fair okay that was a good save but i guess like traditional like minecraft pvp is they wouldn't use elytra that much right no not at all no yeah it's not very common oh no struggling to stay up as much this time yeah you just need to be careful of the blocks above you if you hit those you go straight back down again oh i'm in a bad spot here ah when do we use the tnt i'm out guys i'm out i'm sorry i use the fireworks 10 seconds i haven't got it i am episode i stay life as long as possible what's up fruity baby we're all up here man lime leeches domination baby i'm still alive i'm still alive if i shoot up guys guys let's go look at this still a lot of people alive like a battalion of freaking f-15 fighters man dental and any single block uh that was a lot of people right single block i'm getting really good at these single block lands that's my jam what i like to hear got him that's my block no one's taking this block from me oh that was oh that was a rocket man i'm running out of single blocks yeah me too oh that was risky hey pretty i can't i missed it uh-oh we're in trouble i'm in trouble you got it there's not not a lot higher i'm not gonna meet that one i'm gonna have to go for the brown layer there we go 30 seconds we got it oh dude he's got this okay let's go lime leeches let's go baby whoo we're just built different it's the gong dude there you go no i think honestly the individual players top that's got to be me it's got to be me oh wait what i think because i didn't kill anyone right yeah the kills get you points yeah that's fair i didn't kill anyone we don't need no kills look at us dudes the sweatage has begun that was insane right so it's so important to try and get kills i i mean i was just too busy trying to stay alive guys can i just say that is the best that we like i think i've ever done with the team in a single game like we absolutely nailed that yeah that's good except for that to survival games with you fruity trick-or-treat trick-or-treat that was pretty good yeah we go go go trick or treat oh man right definitely gonna need a gong for the next game jeep my heart is racing yeah i i had the shakes in that last round dude i like that oh there's someone to the left of the volcano the sticky sweet i'll go over there peeps be sleeping on the lime leeches dudes i'm telling you yeah where are we with fourth so i just give i don't even know call outs there's one i think 320 140. that helps is it toilet break guys uh about a minute i mean if you need to go and you got a speeder in there you gotta go we've got a proper break coming up don't we yeah after this game yeah yeah after this game yeah halfway through i'm just glad there's no survival games this round or is there a chance there could be survivors they might be yeah it might be please no the game gets rotated in it could be oh no there's too much pressure for me to kill dream again dude it's all good we just stick together we make sure that 3d's got arrows yeah but you don't understand i pl i've played exactly the same you did last time i've participated in three minecraft championships this is the third one and i killed dream in the first two so i gotta go for the triple you see spicy i mean that's fair you are the dream slayer exactly you know what i mean you are the dream slayer oh i found there's two npcs where all the like rvs are they're like right next to each other pretty much where are the rvs uh left of the volcano no i'm way too far away near the like the the individual sphere of people oh they posed it oh yeah i got spicy sweet this will uh okay all right dude and a cloning sweetie here we go oh okay yo the uh the frankenstein's the worst team last game wow yeah that's really good for us that's great i told you they can pvp but they can't fly yeah we just need another okay which one of these do you want to play i really don't mind i don't think i'll i don't think any of them should strong man good morning time or bingo i think uh let's just give him ace racing isn't the worst i'll i'm gonna throw him on a bingo and i'm gonna throw the sticky switch oh i missed up my chicken okay race no it's gotta be ace race yeah i think it's gonna be ace race this is my funnest game in this whole thing i love it so much but i'm not that good at it so no i'm not very good at it either i'm gonna have to properly concentrate i might even need to mute i do love it though this is like one of the funnest events i i do really well on this one yeah pretties you what you came first last time didn't you when you played with us oh dude it's different or if they just did it i've heard they've just reskinned it yeah it's a reskin hopefully yeah what's the what's the key how do you get ahead of people it's all in those big jumps right you can't mess up those jumps just yeah just be solid the whole way basically but at the same do a time shortcut or anything i don't know any shortcuts i don't really oh i should have told you guys the shortcut um yeah at the beginning there's a waterfall you know the waterfalls that are like there's like three different levels of them right near the beginning just after the the speed boost if you just like see the things i don't know what it's going to look like i would say it's where the plants are but they're not gonna look like plants yeah i guess that's not well if i'm behind you i'll follow you and find out guys yeah you'll see where people go just watch where people go and then you might figure it out yeah how awesome is this reskin though it's like this arena is looking amazing it looks so much cleaner actually like it's almost better this way like you can see clearer like the the channels where you're going well they changed the water so it's pretty i think it's lighter yeah it's like it looks like a goo clearer like modded minecraft can we pause again really again what are we pausing for hmm wait what's happening all right so let's start at this point in here is go stick on the left or the right don't jump across the middle here just go around the edge but don't jump because you lose the speed boost just kind of sprint around these these edges here right oh i didn't know this existed and then you go you can even go over here oh man yeah oh this water is so weird so up up up here where the minecarts are ah i keep bumping into people i am how did that not work yeah i kept getting blocked yeah i'm doing that there's so much there's somewhat some luck in that involved in that one i didn't even go for the shortcut i only want to risk it like the entire game's going for it though oh my god ah i feel like i'm not even sprinting oh no yeah it feels like you're not sprinting but you are yeah yeah just because the speed but the speed boost like throws off your perspective of speed yeah yeah let's go which players were invisible though let's go let's go i can't i can't see very well why people overtaking me when i'm just sprinting oh come on i'm not being too bad right now come on what how come on we can do this and oh no i didn't jump i'll come off it i'm fourth well nice dude nice let's go for it let's go baby oh got some overtakes come on this is it this is where you get this is where oh come on how does this work ah man i've just which part are you good i am not doing so hard now come on let's go oh no that's not good that's good this is where it all counts oh what the heck how curtsy's in just uh sometimes those red things just don't work for me [Music] hold down the spacebar when you're on them cool that was bad [Music] man i'm gonna have to do this shortcut i'm gonna try it i like that i see oh i just barely made it okay i'm in third nice oh what so frustrating oh no oh no okay i've recovered from 30 seconds though so it's not going too badly come on just focus just like it's like when you're in a like a go-kart something you're like trying to rock it forwards to go faster like come on move faster whoa shot at the end there i am all the way at the back i'm so sorry nice nice fruity baby you messed up so bad yeah me too dude i died in places that i don't usually die you can keep that one through me well that's the one that didn't work for me last time so i thought i did it wrong no it it works that's the one i missed you can get straight to the other red as well at the end where the water is ah dang it yeah one of those just like didn't get me to the other to the next one so i was like oh i must have done that wrong oh no oh my god i made it up though nice come on run faster run faster it's these flowers that get me every time the end i don't know the tactic with this water stuff oh my there's no way oh i'm clawing ahead a little bit in the middle of sand just player collisions with h-bomb mid-air on the water part oh yeah that that leads you so much oh my god it really does i was really unlucky yeah i had that before come on let's go go go go go go go team team team team it's like i'm not sprinting anymore yeah i know right it's really weird i took my third back somehow nice dude oh no player collided my electric canceled i need to go down oh i just lost a bunch of places oh again you can't see that jump what oh you cannot see that hole there so annoying i just glitched twice and now i just yeah i lost all of the bits that i've just clawed back right right right right right we got this oh come off it oh what's that my lighter just literally okay that was weird i liked you just died on me oh no what the heck all right i gotta finish oh dude oh you've already finished yourself okay what is going on i'm just this this pad won't activate for me yeah that's what's happening to me you got it everyone's finished already jeez hello you're doing just fine good job there you go i got 20th that's that's not bad dang dang dang dang story my life middle where is ron in the middle i finally figured the flowers out too late right at the left right at the last hurdle that red that red pad just would not go even though i jumped it just essentially just jumped off the edge oh man that's rough all right nice round there you go there you go okay it's not it's not not the best we've ever done not terrible i think we're you know in that part with the trident where you go really fast through the tunnel i went into the back of someone and and fell through the gap in that that's that yeah yeah you've got to be really careful going in there is player collision fair in this that was fun though that the course was really awesome it is really cool to me much cleaner did we lap james charles is he going again or is he what's the deal yeah i think he's probably haven't finished yet oh dude i'll play some oh no he's not a minecrafter to be fair so but well i thought i was thinking oh james is doing really well because i was like i was with him at some point i didn't realize we were lapping him he's doing fine yeah he should be able to finish it out here there's still quite a few people down dantdm still going catherine's still going oh is that that is not a shortcut surely that waterfall on the left that james no that that confidence that's not a shortcut maybe it is if you nail it and either somehow you just finished the second lap i'm not going to be with you it's three minutes left either maybe something went wrong for them it seems unlikely that people are starting only starting their second round maybe that's the issues that they wanted to pause for what's oh oh man that was so tilting getting knocked in because that never happens right you never fall out of that yeah i've never had that happen before oh man i mean in all fairness which we're doing we only we got eight somehow but like where's only 500 coins behind yeah there's there's not a huge coin difference in between between any of them right there's not oh yeah everyone's between two thousand two and a half thousand except the the last two yeah i think i finally figured out that that lost flower jump sequence just because it looks so much clearer in this map design so next time i do this i think i'll be much better at this yeah but that will like the uh the green parts like the leaves and stuff yeah it definitely is clearer for someone that's new especially it's actually quite easy oh man it's just a straight line straight left right left right left yeah pretty much is the only reason i remember it yeah james matt james killing it nice killing it dude why is he so far back then i don't know he's doing great maybe that's why they wanted to pause maybe he was uh you know i don't know maybe he got stuck at some point it seems like i said it seems really unlikely what cracker do you see anyone still there i think yeah don't know where they are quackity quite oh they're coming up they've got time there's still peeps coming yeah there's one one person yeah it's just quackity imagine having everyone waiting on you to just yeah the pressure's on nailed it yeah he must have got stuck i mean he's he's good at this like nice maybe he had to go afk or something you know yeah it could have been it could have been anything maybe look at that [Music] that's funny that's funny yes good good thing pete couldn't play this so he would have been there as well yeah that's great that the points are so close there actually like you said we're only 300 points away after that so that's not too bad nice 3ds top 5 baby let's go nice i don't know how i got top five i kept my elytra like stopped working twice and then i got the collision thing but i still just wow i would have been yeah if that uh red i would jump yeah that jump pad just didn't activate so i ended up just shamefully jumping in the void ah break time all right dudes okay wait wait wait gather all the time the children first yep yep what what do you mean what do you want what are you doing on the line on the staircase right okay okay okay oh my god just stare into the oblivion there we go it's it's beautiful it is time for a little break all right we'll see you guys in a couple minutes uh [Music] you [Music] okay break time is over boom there we go all good right so i actually missed um quite a few uh super chats but they've actually disappeared so i need to check how to how do i check them that's the that's the question how do i check them i should really get better at streaming don't you think all right there we go i've found it i found it so oh man i missed quite a lot so maybe i should scroll up a little bit jeez uh these go back to like an hour ago right so i'm trying to look find one that jeez i missed a lot right i'm gonna i'm gonna speed through these as much as i can right i recognize that one so bi bernice thank you for the five dollar super chat chris uh thank you for the ten dollar deja blue that's a nice name five dollars thank you very much uh charlie bear two dollars thank you very much a new member thank you very much uh sucram uh the daily duos congrats on six million subscribers yes thank you i don't actually um celebrate milestones at all it's just uh not something i've ever really done on youtube except for 100k so thank you very much uh congrats on 6 million by no hope 95 thank you very much uh cert five two pound uh super chat thank you very much uh uh watt has donated five dollars a new member jack thank you very much russell uh and uh ten dollar super chat thank you very much um hello green i can't wait for the next video yeah the next hermitcraft is coming out tomorrow actually it was gonna be today but then i forgot that there was uh mcc on so yeah i genuinely forgot so i pushed the video too tomorrow oh um yujiko or hashtag or slash snail's house donated uh 1220 yen saying spooky green thank you so much if everyone if anyone doesn't know snails house makes some really nice music it's like really awesome i kind of uptune uh what's it called chiptune beats you should definitely check them out as well they are really really good at making some very nice music man there's a lot to get through so i'm gonna have to speed run this uh phantom's menace i think i already uh read yours out and as you did it again shadowplaysmc thank you very much for a five five dollar super chat uh ken thank you very much for five dollar super chat uh rhian thank you very much for for the five pounds kill dream again you got this it's probably not going to happen i'm probably not going to be able to get dream twice that's the third time the first two times were just luck so if it happens again maybe it's not luck uh steph thank you very much for the five dollars uh francesca thank you very much for the hong kong dollar ten ten hong kong dollar i've not seen anyone from from hong kong donating so thank you very much congratulations on 6 million subscribers thank you very much um chick chicken thank you for the the one dollar dono from new zealand uh jan thank you for the five i don't know what that currency is i love the different currencies that come in it's very awesome to see people from all over the world uh interval gaming thank you very much for the super chat slayer jay my fellow sayer thank you very much uh for the five dollar super chat finn thank you uh for the two pounds uh justin g thank you for the 50 he said you're welcome is that because you donated 50 geez geez thank you so much thank you very much i really really appreciate it uh nemphius this is my first ever time donating thank you so much it's very very much appreciated uh phil thank you for the two euros sukram again thank you very much i've been subscribed for five years first time having a membership also pesky bird uh lorna thank you for becoming a member um miller thank you for the norwegian krone crowns is it crowns or crona i can't i never know 20 20 crowns thank you very much uh thank you fanatic gaming i'm seeing mo people donating twice thank goodness for this break by the way uh there's about 40 seconds so i got to be quick so slayer j thank you very much for the five uh joseph thank you for three dollars trixie thank you for the one pound uh belle thank you for the uh five dollars uh chip mccain i like that name uh a great great grain who is this grain character who is this grain character you're pretty terrible but also leagues above some other people good luck so i mean cool justin g uh times two for ten um uh thank you justin g again green kill techno that's epic uh oh man there's too many uh i'm gonna have to just listen names thank you justin g becoming a member kittencraft rebel edgar thank you very much uh bs plaz thank you very much nick uh prince kimberly thomas cook oh man there's too many oh i've actually hit the bottom smith and eight to fourteen thank you very much and at all it's a matter of principle oh is this this is the the vote this is the um the the viewer vote or something so what have they voted for i look i reckon it's bill maher or is this random i don't know i don't know how it works hello all right the strategy that worked well last time everybody follow through okay right follow through got it it depends we're playing like which game it is like this one there's i don't think there's a reason no there's no way to follow really yeah like if it it depends like oh how do you think i don't know if i played this game dudes make sure it's basically just you've got to get to the other side basically with the blocks in your inventory and then you've got to hit a fan make sure you hit the people that are like not real people like that uh maybe i did play this one afk peeps yeah oh this fire that's beautiful man these maps are so cool do you take fire down this uh probably not i think you might go underwater oh like the water might be quicker and like some of the doors open some of them don't it's weird yeah underwater might be quicker i haven't played this map before dudes do we have time for a goal we have we have got time for a going ready let's go there we go let's go baby let's go snowballs oh oh this is the one that you just run okay okay no blocks it's like takeshi's castle you've got ah so it's luck yeah a little bit smashed through one of these walls wonkiness all the rounds are different where's where where's fruity bee i'm following you apparently no like only if the game involves like like if i can like go to an edge and like build a bridge then it'd be good to stick together like something like this you just kind of i'm just what are the snowballs for to knock people off i'm just i want to see which door is correct no uh this one the one on the left i can't see a thing oh my goodness oh i hit the corner i didn't make that i'm right i'm right behind you through all right i'm gonna got it oh you go on oh you swim oh dude spaghetti what is this how does this work oh i remember this one now you want to swim under underwater just follow everybody else oh god where is it right here oh man soul sand for real ah ah what about this one no way oh my god first place boom dude you're literally so good boom baby yes korean let's go let's go saying how do you play this come on how do you play this amazing amazing 14th here guys what did you guys come where did i where did it come bro you were so good 19th okay 1st 7th 14th 19th beautiful beautiful yes sweet green i don't know what you're worrying about dude you are killing it in this mc champs dude really you're killing it it's like it's the gog the gong did it yeah all right ah there's there's there's five more rounds so maybe i maybe i uh there's a little bit of this one premature and oh there is okay there is blocks on this one left or right follow me but what i would recommend is just don't follow me particularly just follow someone like wait for them yeah wait for a bridget to go for it right i'm gonna build a bridge in the middle if you want to try to follow yeah yeah okay i'm in the middle i'm gonna try to be quick hopefully i don't get hit up yeah i'm right behind you you're doing well all right get in the water sorry james hold up the wall here i'm getting guardians all right go up oh you gotta go we're all together i'm not used to this map i don't know oh man i didn't realize you gotta go oh i'm so sorry false i keep getting hit oh no okay i'm stuck okay i got it uh i got tenth okay not bad where is it where is the end okay no yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it dang that wasn't as good 22nd right okay the block building one not so easy it's not so easy it's just because there's like a million pits of guardians dudes we're in second place by smidge i mean we're talking 30 points here well 50 40 44 points i'm not familiar with like how high i need to go it's the gong baby chad says it's the gong i'm definitely gonna like that worked really well that i was able to follow you yeah for that first bit we got we got over i was over there first but then i didn't realize that we probably shouldn't have been in the middle right yeah yeah it's like if you're first on the edge it's better but yeah i didn't want to risk it i just want it the thing is fruity builds faster than anybody in this tournament so he he gets the bridges up super quick oh man nice okay three to go guys four to go four to go it's all good uh okay one of them isn't massive oh this one's the worst okay you just need to get your own space because if you yeah it's about not colliding with someone do you see that like water wall in front of you yeah yeah there's gonna be like gaps at the top and you're gonna have to like fly through them yeah yeah oh my god what's happening oh people are punching me i collided with someone oh is so troublesome can't stop colliding with people what the heck oh man we're gonna go here no no no no no no oh no yes baby yes yes yes yes yes where is someone 10th 10th 10th oh 9th 9th 9th man that was close 5th 36th green 10 i was the first i was the first i was like go guys let's freaking go that's 300 points ahead yeah if you can get above 20th then i would be great i messed up the the ice wall i missed it like i didn't really yeah dang it green can you send me a link to uh where you bought that gong dude yeah there's magic in that box there's certainly i mean it really like i bought it as a joke but seriously it's very calming it is it's a beautiful sound i don't know maybe it's like yeah the reptile brain kicks in and hears that noise he's just like yeah who is not done oh just this red couple people i mean that's a really tough bit like that's it is that's really great this is the toughest one for sure you've got to get lucky i'm very happy i first tried my award attempt i i have played this game before now that i remember the ice wall and that was the first time i ever really struggled with it okay so this one play your electron okay put your lighter on yeah but what you want to do is build like don't even go to the platforms build up as high as you can go yeah quite the end yep got it what's the techniques of going upwards fast you just build straight up just make sure no one like bonks you and then once you get really high you might be able to you can just fly to the end i'm pretty sure no no no no oh no i might have did it no i'm gonna have to go here okay i got first nice dude just so close i missed it oh no right you got it you got it green there you go there you go oh man that was rough that was rough i i've messed up because i was too busy too busy snowballing joel off of his pillow i don't know how i felt oh maybe someone knocked me off to be fair maybe i don't i don't feel like i jumped right go up high and then just fly from there and you've got it yeah fly it right when you can oh man you got it there you go flying you're swimming you're swimming there we go yeah nice man that was so unlucky we need a gong i think we need a goal so close to getting there super early but i got knocked off by by somebody some sneaky bugger got me gg fruities gg guys nice there's two more two more rounds yep yep two to go yes violence right everyone let's take a deep breath in ready three two one and now let's go there we go right what's this one is this a card you run around the side basically it's basically parkour and then people punching you off it's it's all locked do we want to go over the top though oh we can't no you can't it's all luck it's just running i'm trying to get a lead hopefully yep i did a technique and i am in the front i can't see it i can't see i couldn't see oh jeez i'm gonna be lost faculty's punching you run i'm gonna try and get more i couldn't see a thing ah oh my goodness oh you got a ladder jump there all right nice 3ds let's go baby i really think people should be invisible for stuff like this no come on i think it's supposed to be chaotic thinking it's the fight for last place now oh dude people don't really punch at the end so you should be okay oh my god people are still fighting back here though just run run run run there's somebody right at the end they're trying to knock people off [Laughter] you've got it green just run i just can't see again oh okay dude i fell like i fell off okay i got knocked off twice we're still number one dudes we're still first place man by like what like less than ten points by literally a symmetricals literally okay so it all comes down to this that that one was awful like i couldn't see anything so i didn't know that there was a hole there to jump yeah i held back a bit they designed it that way they wanted it to be carnage yeah yeah i guess it makes it alphabet whether it's fun or not is the question but it certainly is carnage people are bullying each other yeah nice guys well played also wilbur's um skin throws me yeah that that team is backwards you see him backwards it's right this one is really difficult where you got it so you've you've got to yeah if you haven't seen the video it's really difficult but basically you've meant to so this is the rocket launcher like in the thing so against the wall you meant to uh like rocket launch yourself off a wall basically to go in the direction backwards it's tough to explain you need to drop down at this point why is there so many people in the way oh i didn't oh okay now i understand oh jeez okay well i just keep getting hit back down like what have i i can't get up yeah there we go okay this is so weird without having played this before this is tough yeah it's really hard what do we do do we have to go back oh man do we have to backtrack i don't know i think we got a back track oh man there's a disadvantage on this one guys okay right made it oh what someone pushed me down ah oh someone hit me sneaky i'm actually doing really good somehow okay i got six nice that is really hard right this one's at the side green oh my goodness if you die you start all the way at the beginning okay i did not know that you do yep i'm sorry dudes oh man come on i tried to die shortcut respawn it's not too bad okay 16th okay i mean in all fairness you we did better than most of the teams actually i had no idea are we still first i did last with that one that's fine live left cheers let's go live let's go see are the points in the front as well lou didn't know how to do that one for sure i i that was okay i got stuck on the i didn't realize oh man nice pretties nice dude sweet dude killed it i think i took it first overall like for individual nice definitely yeah dude uh fruity bee does your back hurt we're second guys we're second only 20 finished that game guys your back hurt no no your back hurts he's carrying like he's got three people on his shoulders yeah green's carrying all of us no it's not true green you are playing so well dude and you were so worried i don't know what you worry about you're just kidding it's pvp i worry about yeah that's i mean he's so chaotic right he's in the there's one in the left right in front of the stage really easy to get we're second dudes yeah we are second oh i'm not quite far off i mean 300 points it's gonna be very quick we need some good games we need some very good games yeah i've got a duplicate chicken sweet how many events are left two three more yeah three six seven eight as well i've got two duplicates i've got seven sweets overall i have nine that's awesome i have no idea where they are i don't know where they are i think this game would be better if there was more npcs guys i said every single time i play this but can we just give a quick shout out to the knox creek for this map isn't it just amazing how do they even do this in minecraft it it blows me away it's amazing and it's vanilla too yeah it's nuts man a texture pack makes it look even cooler honestly yeah yeah oh do you say this one by the rvs i'm here yeah in the middle of the rv park yeah one at the rocket spliff entrance oh there's one in the pool i'm gonna have six sweets hey it's not tight all right oh i got a vampire sweet one transforms a chicken into a bat okay sweet so we can kill a chicken yeah i'm gonna have six nice so what game do we want build ma and sansa time well it might shift around now yeah so oh come on we're pretty strong in uh in sounds of time so it might be time for us to start going for our better our better events i might yeah dude if it's parkour warriors [Music] okay if we go build a mark if we go build mark we'll have be more likely to get sounds of time yeah i think pink is going to cut a gun for parkour sorry about yeah they are right i'm telling you i'm turning some of those into bats i'll over build my i guess actually oh my gosh okay yeah i'll do it safe i'll do it over there oh man please build them up oh it's gonna be parkour work i'm so sorry guys it's okay dude it's okay oh no it might not be no it's not i just used all my sweets so well dude yes [Applause] in there are glued i don't think they yeah okay let's do it guys concentrate concentrate p-o-g fruities damn people gonna be mad about that okay this is completely different though right this is never near the part oh is it oh yeah no it's exactly the same except for the builds are never themed okay okay so i'm gonna do what i did last time i'm gonna go to colors and get colors are we or are we doing individual no i think we're gonna do individual trust me that worked really well last time we got first okay okay let's try the individual all right at least i i know that i work best with individuals so let me just pick one up okay okay okay cool cool cool that makes sense we can all like zone out and yeah concentrate on our builds i think we can get a lot done i think that's a really good point like you just focus in on how you do minecraft isn't it you don't usually share materials you usually yeah at least i don't they're all mine and you also don't like we don't get stressed about what what each others are getting or whatever when you're that yeah yeah i've never actually died in this before no i haven't i don't think you can you can't afford to right you can't afford to know absolutely if you're trying to switch directions just get out and then get back in yeah okay okay i'm on the right hand side one right uh i'll take left wait there's only three builds orange red yellow oh there is okay that's interesting only three builds wait okay you guys build i'll go colors because it's the most yeah you get everything color get uh orange for sure uh spruce we need spruce campfire oh man do i have to craft a campfire yeah yeah probably i've never seen a campfire before so yeah spruce oak cobble can you get extra spruce for me actually yeah yeah oh it's so loud i'm heading to spruce i'm getting spruce get a little dexter because they're not going to get all is it in outdoors or is it oh lumber actually i'm going to get outdoors first get some anyone need any flowers or sand spruce brew spruce i didn't see any flowers for me but i mean just get just gather loads right i'm gonna gather loads yeah i'm gonna gather all of them i'm going to put them in the chest so if you ever need any flowers where is this i'm getting 10 of all colors guys okay on my frame right all right i'm getting a ton of extra wood because i don't remember how much i needed and i don't want to fail it and go back so let's get that much and we need that's pretty much it actually chats on them can be helpful too by the way the heck i need a glitch sorry this way i'm getting i'm getting a bunch of the different kinds of words because uh that can be useful i'm just getting some iron okay um where is i like it's pretty a little bit laggy here my frame rate's a little bit struggling yeah my favorite tank but it's back it's going back up now right i need to who's who's in is there anyone in glass no no i'm nearly back at base i think i'm a glass uh can you get red can you get red orange and yellow yeah thank you there you go i don't know if i'll i'll get back before you do though uh just go for it dude just yeah i'm going to try to collect as many colors as possible tell you what i'll do a run of concrete and and your glass and then i'll come back and do another one okay so red yellow orange yeah red yellow orange i only need one of each yeah i need orange orange glass and spruce man i need chocolate i have a bit of extra spruce yeah do you need orange glass you can chuck that to me no i just orange concrete okay i'm on the way back i'm uh i've just got greens concrete and glass and your glass oh your concrete all right coming back for my first dump okay uh item dump item dump yeah i heard that sneaky little snicker there green all right i need uh right i need a yellow oh you can fly let's remember as well oh you can't oh man false yeah oh boy thank you very much so what is this i need some more spruce dude great i'm gonna put the glass behind you yes yes yes yes nice i'm putting colored blocks into um okay i was third on that one what's that i need i need any two more trapdoors any spare spruce any when you say all colored concrete is in falsies chest right okay i'm gonna have to go get some i'm gonna go get some prismarine bricks and then i should have enough stone to i'm getting can you bring me stone oh what kind normal oh you didn't get orange there's there's some cobblestone anyone need any wood i've got wood i got loads of wood green did i not get enough orange i think falsies build had orange in it no okay okay i can get it i'm here already what else do you need okay i need white i need white glass orange concrete white glass orange concrete i'm on it i'm right here okay white glass orange concrete who's in stones i need polished andesite and uh what's this called normal smooth stone i can get it if you're there that'd be good and i'll see if i can uh yes smooth stone times a lot actually because this one needs it i need a lot too so okay that's going to give me some time to collect terracotta then gee i want to bring this stuff right away no i've got it i've got this okay i was i was saying about it so you need uh have did you say stone yeah just get like 10. i need enough buttons so can you get to get me enough of it daniel taylor i could i could turn this cobble in anyone need any oars uh what did any polished and which one green polished underside okay white glass i don't think you can get polished but i have regular hand to say it yeah okay i can craft it up okay how much do you think you need uh six okay i'm going to get all the glass guys so i'll need eight i'll need like eight because it crossed into four i'm coming back i don't know how much chat that's enough right i'm stocking up on glass guys don't worry about glass six and a half minutes left we're good we're good we're chilling pretty that's why erin okay i'm back oh wait no that's not it oh no stupid stupid stupid you know that's all right here if you can put the some stone in the chest that'd be great you're agreeing thank you thank you take that wait it's not splitting there you go green is like 29. no no no i need like 12 stone buttons if you can yeah i can't i can do that it might be more my chat's saying 12 i don't guys i'm know back with all glass and all terra cotta you smell that right thank you great perfect thank you uh white glass who got the white glass me i'm on the way back with all glass all terracotta okay did you get the orange concrete i did okay sweet i've got seven is that enough have you got any black terra uh glazed terracotta no or blue oh my god no oh my god that wasn't good i'm so sorry dude okay right i'm going for the i'm going for the white white glass straight just focus focus on it i'm so sorry dudes that is the worst i'll take these two last class oh man i'm so sorry guys i did another one okay so it's cool it's cool it's cool stay calm we're we're in the fall we're doing okay right what was that eye made out of there was two i'm i'm on it i'm doing it okay like i said i'm focused yeah it's just i'm here i know where is orange like i'm i'm at the materials already so i'll be back in a second have you got the course for it yeah yeah there's only three builds so like there's one person that has i know i know i know phil why didn't between the two yeah communicate what you need because we're at colors uh i think uh i should be okay i'm passing stone i'm passing ors these i can get uh okay i'm gonna hop out i'm gonna go get some jungle woo or not jungle wood i have lily of the villas okay this one's going to be one of the last ones of the valley what what's wrong with that oh yeah i forgot this i need dandelions or the red no i love that james charles is just running the whole way are these the ones i need they're just slabs come on okay i'm good wait what's what's wrong with this build i have lime at the base what the heck oh it's one forward oh that's really bad we should have everything so we need that we need i'll just take all these and we need that ah that's terrible that's really bad right actually i did not clock that at all [Music] that acacia yeah what's that uh okay so i got iron green i'm gonna leave the spruce bits but i don't i can't do i need two spruce trap doors can you can you make those oak oak fences uh red concrete that was over here wasn't it there's some spruce slides in this chest oh man i'm gonna be one red concrete short that's awful no two there's two in here oh really up there yeah yeah even money stone anyone got any stone or the spare spruce i got i got stone i've got stone okay i can make the spruce i can make this okay oh yeah thank you come on we can read the red one no come on that one what couple of everything in force's chest there you go all right second to do that one right what's next uh more red okay i'm going out for more more concrete green red blue white i'm going to colors yeah i'm also going to colors pretty impulsive yeah what do you need and yellow yellow concrete waiting for the furnace to yeah we've got a minute left so i'm going to finish this up okay yeah with the red yellow i will be done this final build here yeah i got 50 50 seconds guys i may not make it back in time this is going to be a tough one to beat on the way back i don't know how many i need but i need to prove these 40 seconds all right 19. what's wrong what's wrong 30 seconds uh someone look at this what's wrong ah i don't care can you drop some red as you come out yeah did you come in yeah yeah i've only got 16 seconds to make this thing there's some red oh yeah i haven't got a lot who took the red me go for a gopro go for it there's not enough there's not one more one block we need one more block green green chocolate chocolate chicken [Music] oh dudes i've i let you guys down so hardly i'm so sorry second it's okay it's okay second is good oh wow they were ahead by a lot yeah we weren't going to catch up to blue but we stayed ahead of cyan so that's good you know what hurts so much i literally died at the last corner into the entrance because i was looking at i was looking at stress you were looking at tab oh dude that was that was that was tilting right there i'm not gonna lie that was super tilting that's good though when you're playing like bill the meyers let's see what i mean we made loads of mistakes right but we're second right like it's insane how easy this is yeah oh man i'm so sorry guys i feel i feel so good dude crazy that's like the worst thing that i've ever done in mcc like by far i've never done anything worse than that in this tournament okay third guys absolutely awful don't worry about it we're going to neither i'm going to need a gun i'm going to need a good we're close a good gongage okay two games really matter all right so one more oh yeah this is game seven right two games these these matter a lot guys let's look for focusing please 230 points away from dodgeball at the moment we just need to stop parkour warrior i will come last i promise are you gonna finish parkour like uh i'll get to the last level okay that that's fine yeah so um so yeah um i think last time i played with orange ocelots uh pete like i think almost completed there he yeah him coming like really like near the like i don't think he was first but he was like the second or something it really helped that is true if if the whole team can do it then but they're in fifth right but they could totally take overtakers they're so close though yeah well h1 will do really well you're going to do almost all the course and yeah you're going to finish probably it's anyone's game yeah it really comes down isn't it viewers choice now though no that's already happened it has already happened oh what was it that was to get to the other side oh okay i already did all these i think well i can't i don't think i can get to another i can't find anyone for trick-or-treat there's one right at the at the entrance i've got a oh this place is terrible i've got to kill a chicken one so that's good the sweets are so important quite a cloning one manipulate oh i found one okay i found it there's one by the way one one in the mini game oh right here we are what did i get vampire okay that's a pretty good one let's move on cloning build mart's in the past nothing we can do now let's go don't worry at all oh boy that we we do not want to be battlebox no we we got to avoid battle bugs i would take battle box over parkour warrior seriously i would as well to be honest i don't i know pink will dominate battle voice right are we we're stopping battle box happening what are we going for no let me stop parkour from happening oh oh he's him out i'll throw a vampire in park point santa time i missed [Music] i'm not sure fox is in might get a last minute turn here it didn't go they did it oh purple hell there's a lot happening i don't know which one it is i think it's parkour i think it's poco just buy like one chicken oh come on just a heads up i'm gonna like mute and completely concentrate yeah okay so i can't do it otherwise if i do well i can get to the new glass pane and i'm going to minimize youtube sorry we don't know what the tnt does it must do something i'm going to go to the bathroom but i'll be back all right freeze okay you've got a minute i'm trying to spot any changes no they've just they've no they haven't changed it it's just tnt even the uh the the glass uh yeah i'm pretty certain it's exactly the same yeah oh yeah the glass windows have trap doors on them oh man i was hoping they would change that but just just hide to chat mute if you need to just completely zone in to parkour you only get as far as you can get you know i agree okay if we can get them i'll see you on the other side my friend okay good luck guys are those bongs yeah man we got a nice all right here we go here we go what's up i'm trying not to have a panic attack it's okay okay does the tnt explode or what i've no idea you know what uh another thing you can do try to look if the tnt creates any new shortcuts like if you can jump off of it right somewhere okay let's do this they changed the map again i think if it means anything i'm in first it does mean a lot what do they do oh this can't see super sweaty hands there's so much oh they changed it oh boy [Music] i'm kind of glad they changed it because those that practice gets such an insane edge i'm still in first nice well done oh no i mean this is gonna be the story of uh today i think okay it's done first file good bit what okay oh wow that's easier okay this is gonna be fun i'm at the trap doors and i don't think they made the trapdoors easier but they sure flipped them all right i might have to mute cause i'm gonna get frustrated okay right it's just me and you chat this is gonna be an awful experience for you to watch but trust me it's way worse for me who's gonna live it right here we go just gotta breathe ah dude they have to make these because the people on this server are on this championship are so insanely good they have to make it so insane for your average player like me right right okay come on yes okay that's good that's good okay right i'm not actually familiar with a lot of this stuff so this is a bit of a learning curve a bit of a learning curve a bit of a learning curve right where do i need to go right just around the corner here oh what did i hit yo what did i hit come on right i'm gonna need all the support in the world to get through this okay because this i think parkour warrior and this is no exaggeration i think parkour warrior is going to mean that we lose and that makes me feel terrible because i mean false is just in front of me so it's not can't be done that badly but still my my point stands that parkour warrior is such a game changer because like i just can't do it guys i just cannot ah i cannot do it but like this late in the game and there's people that literally like have the time to uh practiced this for hours i we tried to practice or tried to get together to practice i just didn't have any time come on oh i this is what i hate okay so you see like when you jump you get like sometimes you just get like a bit of a sprint glitch and you kind of just don't jump in the air properly right oh for goodness sake it's so frustrating you got six minutes of this guy so i um yeah it's getting extremely hot in here in fact i'm gonna have to turn my air conditioner on so you're probably gonna hear uh some fan noises because it's getting super hot right i hate i hate this mini game so much like this mini game actually makes me not want to play mcc that's how much i hate parkour warrior it's so frustratingly difficult for goodness sake like you gotta just you're teetering on the edge of the smallest thing right let's not mess around we're like we're dead last right i'm just wasting my time now oh come on i'm really letting the side down here oh why can't i make that stupid jump it's a two block jump right right right right how do you get around corners like this easily right oh why can't i sprint on this stupid trap door look i'm trying so hard to sprint and it stops i literally stop sprinting when i get there okay now i sprinted over it oh man this is rough this is so rough i need i need more there we go that fan is going up the air con is needed because i'm getting super hot right okay there we go take it slow oh finally okay nice one nice one you know the air cons helped the aircon has helped a lot all right i uh i was a little bit behind there um this is where last time oh right yeah i remember this one yeah i'm not gonna make that one okay i remember this i remember this from last time be a little bit frustrating this was just about positioning yourself [Music] oh how do you do this oh for real okay how do you get i can't ah you know what i'm gonna have to um turn off the shaders i think because i can't actually see the blocks very well does that help it's yeah it's kind of helped i think fruit berries should be able to carry us on this but um we are ninth currently ninth we are i feel so sorry for fruit berries like he's done so well he's so good at mcc and one game that's insanely difficult just ruined the whole thing rough really rough man okay right ah i feel like i was doing it they look how difficult they need they feel like they have to make this because people are so good and okay take it a bit slower yes i'm just oh goodness me i'm i'm lining it up it feels is this what he was talking about they added trap doors to make it extremely difficult fruit berries is uh miles ahead oh for goodness sake uh the support in the chat is very very nice i must admit like this is really awful this is such an awful experience i am not having fun this is not a fun mini game this is the worst part of mcc this is the only thing that you can really practice super i just made it maybe complaining is the answer oh no this is the worst one this is the one that i literally ended up on for the remainder of the uh thing so [Music] okay right uh i get that far and then i always fall always fall this is where man this is this is this is it for me this is like the end of the line this is as far as i can physically get okay this is literally as far as i can physically get so we got we only got a minute left to endure ah oh for goodness sake we got this there's mad mad support this is like the worst mini game and i i'm so sorry fruit berries this is i'm going to have to write you a hand written apology for this one i literally have to write you a handwritten apology because it's just the worst and right i'm gonna have to i have one more attempt and i'm gonna have to just try and speed run it no that's it ah man this this is just the worst this this particular one i've just found impossible i just literally find it possible it's not fun good good i hate that i hate that so much look people are like over here people are all the way over there people some people will have finished oh wait is it exploding yeah that's that's a really good idea and i'm not gonna lie that was a really good idea i'm so sorry to the viewers for getting frustrated i'm so sorry to my team i really don't like parkour warrior it's not fun all right done such an early stage brutal okay so brutal i'm i i'm gonna write you a handwritten apology uh fruity bee that's overall right like man we came ninth yeah green and i got stuck at windows man oh sorry dude oh fuchsia i've got gone up the ranks quite a lot yeah four four and a half thousand coins that's like between first and fifth they were still very close yeah we could we could totally try and get a second if like fuchsia don't like we need a game that they're bad at really but that's not possible now i don't know santa time or something i don't know that's what i'm thinking if we do sound something we all need to get out like with all the coins i i've done pretty well at santa time in the past no banking any coins we could roll the dice in survival games we could do true let's see what fruit thinks okay so so we're fourth it's not it's not an insane jump oh dude first and second are on exactly the same amount of coins oh huh interesting i think i think pink i don't know i think blue does really get a sands of time when pink doesn't and then i think pink does really good at survival games and blue doesn't do as good i don't know dream is insane at santa sans the time man so i guess it's what one what one your dragon we're going to be best at what what are our options all of the lava parkour in the sands of time he kills it dude you can you can see the options from up top here you just don't take the you just don't take those ren you just don't do those parkours it's just too much for risk oh no no of course of course but but dream does them really easily and he gets so i don't think anyone does that that's the thing yeah i think we might have to do sg here i want to be real yeah let's let's try it sweaty buddy as much as i don't want to i think we need to run away from it get stacked again and then just yeah if we can recreate that yeah i think so but it's hard are we better than uh cyan what's that what's uh yes are we gonna be better than maybe not i mean the top three teams are the top three pvp teams [Music] they're also very good at everything they're good at everything else too like they might kill each other though that's what i'm thinking yeah that's like they all can't win so we have yeah situation here we can try and get clean up and stuff if we try and play it safe a little bit also try and get all the kills i don't know okay let's see what happens all right man yeah say the time is not isn't going to be too hard right we have to try to get us do you hear that thing yeah i think so i've got a duplicate chicken santa time battle box okay no no bingo might be our answer to be honest if can pick bingo somehow let's see what happens people are going to get the games i think they're going to go yeah they're going to go battle box or survival games i think all right i'm gonna throw are we gonna i think i'd rather go stands a time would you i don't know if i would i would rather go stand to time than survival games or battle box well it looks like it's gonna be santa time yeah all right let's go okay so i'm gonna be uh sandman again guys all right so i'll take care of sam what is this oh god it might be a battle box guys i think it's battle box no please no oh it could be oh okay oh they won by one vote okay all right okay so guys i'm sandman all right i'm gonna take care of sand i'm gonna give you updates on the timer so don't worry about that okay you guys go out as much as possible right yeah with the carpet make sure you block it off completely from left to right when you've been down there and you've cleared it all out so that we're not going back the same way yeah but put one at the entrance if you've gone in got it you got it so that we know where people have gone i'm going to go left here i guess i'll go right i'll go right up a level i'll figure it out and leave all the sound in the middle to run ren's going to get all the middle stuff yep yep okay you got it chief here we go and then we drop the sound off at ren when he needs it so we want to keep this going we want to keep a lot keep everything on us for as long as possible take no risks um right because if we if you die that's bad news yeah we don't want to yeah we want to take all the coins out of the portal basically we don't want to ever we don't put them in the sphinx if we can help it okay wait someone brought up a really good point where's the gong oh yeah yeah where is that okay okay okay right now it's it's here we got a minute we can double gong it you're gonna know all right everyone take a deep breath in and out you know what the second one i'm gonna put the mic right next to the gong [Music] oh boy all right you're gonna get you're gonna get some direct direct gong edge all right you ready and everyone take a deep breath in [Laughter] there we go let's go guys i was scared that was good guys it's the last game of mcc 11. it's been an absolute joy let's just enjoy ourselves guys let's just have fun let's go i need to invest in a con guys whenever i'm just gonna hit it right i'm right side upper level to start cool all right guys have fun good luck most importantly have fun yeah baby let's go three two one go right so i'm leaving all those for you to explore i'm heading straight okay okay yep i'm gonna go down oh blazes straight away [Music] there's guardians down there i don't think i wanna mess with that there's a single torch on a spawner disable it well yeah you can always pick them back up make sure you delete the spawner like pick it up oh really dude okay destroy it you get coins what is uh there's only an emerald door in here i don't know why i'm even here timer 120 okay oh wait oh i can destroy the spawner can i for coins that's my way back yeah i forgot about that make sure you pick up all the sound as well okay so that that that is a dead end not going up there i found it i'm going to open this uh vault real quick it's vex here that's not good yeah vexes are the west timer 120 okay i don't know if i want it let's leave that for a second please spawner i don't think i've ever seen one of these oh man that's not good i need this thing to shoot how do i even get that i don't know let's just leave that for now well the vectors are still following me rusty key oh i need a second rusty key i have arrested key uh let me check if wait did i have anything else here oh and i've got rusty now yeah okay i'm doing all right here timer 120 okay like got 10 sans so we're good for sand for a while but is that a wrestling obviously i'll be back i have a good amount of sand on me give me all your sand when you come back guys don't forget don't take it with you i also find i have a blue key in case you ever find blue ball do you want to leave the keys yeah if you find a blue box we need to do it because it's really good i also found an incredibly stacked room with a bunch of coins and a bunch of spawners i'm gonna try to do this but oh maybe not sure no way okay that's not worth it there's a pit with two ravages in yeah don't don't go in there yeah i'm a 120-10 sand left i want to mark my way back oh i was so unlucky like mob pattern move okay i got all the spawners in here that might be worth it i don't think that's worth it there's just a spawner down there right yeah i'll wait for my arrows to spawner i've got a spotlight and sword for someone i'll try and give it to run and then you guys can pick it up in the middle it would be good to get some uh some sand i'm i've got six left after 120 now your coins listen to these mobs another rusty key iron sword oh i got the green i got the green vault key it's anymore yeah i just got a load of coins it's not actually worth going up there at all i was getting so much damage oh god okay ah oh my god pillages how's this one i don't have a rustic key there i'm gonna need some sand soon guys i'm down to um time of 120. i have 12. i'm going to come back before i get police to death great i don't know if this is worth it i'm really low on health ah there's no point i can't do it i can't read jen uh okay i think we maybe we should go for this green vault uh the other green key yep okay then open it yeah for sure i'm gonna need sound guys uh i'll bring a bunch of sandbags i think i'm out of sand but there's this one requires two people to open oh dude uh don't get stuck in a locked door by the way there's tnt here and this is scaring me okay i'm coming perfect timing i don't know i don't know how this works but this is scaring me thanks pretty much there we go sweet uh neither vex again right so does that mean i just jump on him and hit him hang it falsey green how much sound have you guys got man that's me i'm dead are you really no i need it get out gala don't die oh no where's the green ball i can come over i'll come out yeah yeah oh wait can i jump on the carpet yeah no remember to give me your sand when you come back guys yeah yep yeah okay i got some of the blaze okay i'm not even gonna bother with this i'm gonna bring my son back i think oh no oh no the blazers are everywhere i'll snap they've added loads of blazers this time around it's so bad i'm 120 but okay nice i've got the green key if you want to come with me there you go thank you for seeing that i've got a really like tougher place as well that i might need help with you gonna come with me fruity is it in here yeah it's in here all right there's a vex in here some reason in where oh i'm gonna drop it on this bridge right right come to the bridge and get it oh it's just it's literally just fine that was down there okay we've got 30 sand guys 30 cents and just chill chill chill all right what's isn't there stuff like under the yeah there's a room down here okay there's a room on the bottom level i don't i can't um really do but oh this is a dead end only when you're free let me know and i'll tell you where it is what in the world i mean i guess that's safe but i don't um i'm going down where where are you fellas uh well i'm i'm doing this one now there's loads of creepers in a maze i'm yeah mine are kind of dead end so i'll come with you oh yeah watch out there's just there's a creepers corner at the end of this tunnel yeah i can just go light it all up then it'll be fine there's more creepers watch out i think i flick all these oh i see how this works i'm 120 21 cents oh put that one back no there's a dead end as well all right is it dead end yeah okay uh if you want almost all of my tunnels were dead ends you can come with me but there is blaze e yeah i had guys can find those big vaults that would be huge have you got if you aren't iron sword green yeah okay apparently i burnt the red key and i'm very upset that was it right uh there was like a it was like a puzzle and it was on a piston uh i think it was down here can you do this parkour though i've never done a puzzle but not all the way down the bottom it's midway oh there's okay i don't know if they're gonna get loose if we click that middle thing yeah they almost they're a blaze corner in the middle uh oh god this is what it seems like a bad idea zombie it's a bit of sound i'm gonna get rid of zombie spawner oh god there's two zombies there's another there's another vault here it's blue uh i have a blue key uh i'll come to you right now in a sec you guys found any more sand we're gonna need some soon i know there's a leave in the middle chat i have one there's or is it green is this blue or green oh man that's that's yeah oh i've been missing i haven't seen any sound recently right do we need to like remember the way yeah so no no no no no no don't don't don't i remember the way with my carpets okay uh where is it so where there's two either side like a ladder like that that's the way out should we should we flip this let's flick this lever right and get yeah there's a lot of pillages in there uh how do i get to you guys i'm going to come back for you i agree if you want to hold that i'll um hold it's where there's one um [Music] okay yeah it's midway it's midway down there's this here oh what's down there okay uh so if all three of us do this with the bow and arrow maybe might be able to 12 hours especially if you feel like in the middle i think it's going to open that cage at the end with the pillages in it there's also something up there how do you get up there oh the vault is this way yeah let's go and do the vault first yeah go first we're going to need more sand uh very soon guys i haven't got any sand this is going to be my last delivery okay should i leave you guys here then yeah are you going to eat another way back out yeah time 120 sand three are these just always full of gold should we open this pillager thing and try and get some stuff man oh my god just keep going yeah that's not worth it anymore there's too many mobs in it okay i'm gonna go back and look for something else i can't believe i burned one of the keys because i didn't know that thanks fuzzy oh wait if we don't go that volky anymore no the the red one we don't have because oh did you get in the blue one yeah oh you know everything in the sand did you not pull the lever no it wasn't worth it okay unless we find a lot more sand we're going to be in trouble well does did false give you the six i gave you six already been put in okay does anyone know where like a bunch of rusty doors are i have three keys oh there was one one down my way where this where these blazers come from uh okay i think it was this one yeah i didn't go up this parkour here it's not this way i haven't been up here all right time to uh 120 dudes i've got one sand left this might be the last unless we can find a bunch of sand somewhere so don't go too far yeah don't put off too far don't get that jump there was a rusty there was a rusty one i mean this one was a really long these are on the way back yeah because there's no pathway okay this is where i went might not be this one though yeah okay are we heading out um is maybe this one on the right oh no this one was a dead end yeah we can't find anything we're gonna have to yeah time 90 have you checked you've checked there's one more sand green you've been missing some sand quite possibly just go put it in don't even give it to it i'm going to yeah yeah links here time 80 yep if we can't get any more then this is something this hasn't been explored it hasn't there's some time savings any sand in here just grab the gold and go i think we're gonna have to dip out yeah yeah let's leave let's see okay 60. right head to the portal all right where's ball here damn straight to the portal guys are we done 50. that was such a bad luck gotta move quick guys quick quick quick damn running i'm running it's directly above you we've got a bit more time but we're not gonna find anything in this time it's safe it's safer to do that okay all right i'm going in i bank five 500 just from the central center uh blue is done which is good and what is the other team pink oh boy i got so unlucky to get lucky with the vault there we go we've got a couple of volts but like dude i i just got like three dead ends like the initial tunnel just didn't go anywhere yeah i think we're done i don't know because someone's saying blue got 5k maybe our entire fade is on pink i think and they're not out yet yeah dang man why they need to they need to go all in the cage yeah i really wish we got sg because we would have had a better chance yeah i think so yeah yeah because there's more there's more chance of like the the top teams dying silly in a silly way or whatever right oh apparently if pink banks they win right but hopefully they don't well we did the best we can i think we played sansa time pretty good there you know yeah i did the best we could i think like rng in that game is pretty important like you got to find an emerald or a diamond vault early and then it's just it's weird because the maps are like randomly generated it's it's a little tough sometimes to figure out where you're trying to go wait did that all right gg i don't know what did they lose did they get out i don't know when i came fifth oh they beat us yeah i mean all the all the three teams above us uh have won so like i've gone up all right that's it that was the last round right yeah that was it that's it that's it fourth not bad though it's not bad at all i mean i we did really well in most of the events like is there anything we could have done better in i guess like uh i think physically could have done better in parkour parkour warrior was the massive downfall green and i couldn't have done better like it's just not possible we just we're not part core players i did way better than i thought it would at least so much i think we could have been top too it just depends what the game was like yeah yeah it's all in the games yeah sure yeah anyway uh you did really well though h bomb though hbom's in the final nice our previous teammate nice yeah and previous there you go we can work with that well dudes any day of the week because before fourth we were coming eighth and ninth so you know what uh fourth is amazing absolutely amazing yeah i think that's the best i've ever done on uh mcc if i remember because i got a second individual who got nice dude 13th individual that's my my best i think how do you how can you tell in the hall of fame where's that building this is hall of fame on it that's it where's my first back to back heads where is that and where's the dream slide dreams number one fruity b's second technique but yeah dudes it's been a pleasure playing with you guys man you guys did so ridiculously well i'm sorry i missed a couple times but man you guys did so well cheers so good yeah that was fun we did well we should be now we should we should be happy with that yeah which bolt ooh i'm really satisfied with that i'm super satisfied with that man that's a beautiful place in guys okay i can't believe how badly parkour let us down it was brutal it was blue we were we were like you know we were in the running and that game just shot us down they they shouldn't make it harder at the beginning if anything they should make it easier well that's why they couldn't agree with they've taken they've taken the feedback on they've destroyed that map and they're going to have a new one i think next time so yeah they've listened to us it's just taking a while so hard there like brutally punished we just got trapped at those windows for seven minutes yeah and and the sad thing is that i can do five or four events after the windows you know yeah so yeah so i just get stuck there and yeah yeah it's just unfortunate but whatever right let's pick up a blue banner let's get a blue banner yeah we got to go for h bomb h mama taking the wheel over here crafty there's no chelsea how do you get a banner oh look at their witch hats this is amazing got witch hats on and scott uh what team do i think what team do i want to win it's going to be a good battle guys it's going to be an insane battle right here my goodness blue got this they've got this i believe okay h-bomb taking the first shot like a champ h is the guy dream is not moving at all what the heck they've got to get that arrow he moves so slow he's waiting for the arrow someone someone has to go for that oh no very very close bad well that gives pink two arrows now yeah that's what i wanted all right they're charging the wand oh they've touched on each mama they know double double whammy oof right oh man that's rough teams have come back from worse than this i remember we were zero two down and we won true uh-huh uh this threat the the pressures get into them they could even get a sweep round one all right dreams loading up let's cro close the angle oh they're just giving it to dream yeah they're funneling him i think yeah this is the way to win but it's not the fun way yeah it's not it's not the gentleman gentlemanly way no it isn't come on scott he's got this come on scotty come on scotty oh he's not got this oh he got one nice dude we did our ritual around him at the beginning okay yeah he's gonna come back he's blessed with smiles i really hope scott wins this he's so good at dodging he is he his movements are so erratic okay they splitting them up now he's too right for you why do you feel so slow no nice try that was a clean sweep that was a clean sweep i wonder if it's better to watch this from the side than one than the back all right come on blues you got this all right four we did so well i think this is that's probably the best i've done but like i said middle of the middle of the run hmm what says george hacking yeah he's like he's got his bow drawn somehow how is he doing that it looks super weird he's casting some spells cursing the other team let's go edge itch hits one come on hey come on they got their star player out first last time come on if you can get a dream out now like they've got a chance of winning for sure and we faked it yeah did they pick up they picked up the arrow there right yeah they've got it oh yes kill one right between these i'm never gonna shoot a shot i don't think so so that's a man advantage he's going for hate yeah [Music] tactical yes shelby nice dog okay nice good dodge they're going to go for a dream oh dream i knew that was that was coming yeah dude dream's got like insane reflectors so not surprised ah man oh man [Music] come on shelby 1v3 1v3 you bought this shelby this is it that's good just get dream and then you'll the shrimp yeah he's she's got a she's got to get dream right [Music] show me i believe in you so close to each other i believe you i believe in you make it easy she just needs to learn there yes yes that was so good though that was crazy oh she'll be so good you definitely want to stand as close as possible so that the angle and travel time is less yeah you do yeah and when you're dodging you sort of want to stand nice nice it's always carl just got that aim it is always calm he's probably not dodging that well you can always pick out the person that's not dodging that well i kind of wish that i kind of wish that we get to play dodgeball for like second and uh for third and fourth and stuff because i've never played dodgeball so that would be cool so like i'd never i'd never get to practice this game right today green there's like a practice server we could we could practice on something yeah i don't think it's necessary i'll never get there that's what dude that's what i thought yeah that's all right how we got there all right dream's lining that up he's ready he's taking shelby out he's targeting the the strong players like a champ isn't he all right there's there's two arrows here feels bad man scotty's lining it up come on baby come on get the dream practicing parkour all week i know he's been practicing two people gotta go for a dream at the same time one left one right bada bing bada boom release yes yes yes yes scott gotti with the headshots that was a bad message bring it back okay not a good idea to hand them two arrows right like hold on to it if it puts the pressure on flippers is a mc champs winner too man he knows what he's doing been here before all right george with the mind games i do uh man stressful oh nice double strike that's it sweet gg though well played to both teams they did really well they did so well nice my goodness and there they are look at them oh they look amazing nice congrats well done congrats what they what what color what team are they the fuchsia frankenstein future frankenstein well done bottom pink beautiful man trying to get in the screenshot well done they played so well the creepy face dudes i mean fourth place let's go and can i just say that's probably one of the funnest mcc's that i've been a part of i don't know just had a really good time tonight that was good vibes yeah i like lots of fun up until parker warrior yeah yeah yeah and i think it's because we're getting better at the games over time and and then that kind of relieves a little bit of the the stress you know then you can just enjoy it yeah i something i know i'm super biased because i suck at parkour but like something feels really wrong about that mini game like everyone it feels like everyone has a chance in all the other ones build ma santa time it feels like you can be good at minecraft and do well but for parkour warrior it's such a niche and specific skill that it it doesn't feel like it belongs in this championship but again i'm biased because i hate it you know i think one of the problems is that it didn't come up in the beginning because if it if it had shown up in the first five rounds we would have taken it for sure like everybody would have chosen it to get it out the way the fact that it came up so late and was worth so much that kind of got us but don't don't you don't you feel that you like in your gut in like emotionally do you feel different about parkour warrior because it has this stigma it has this practice around it it has this uh i don't know it's got something around it that means that like some people are essentially going to ace it every single time whereas ace race is almost anyone's game or um the build mark could be anyone's game you just you just like [Music] i have like 10 times more fun in ace race than i do in parkour i don't know like it's such a i think that's a better made type of game for a tournament like this yeah with like varying levels of like yep because anyone can do really good at a stress the thing that parkour does that none of the other games do is parkour punishes the weak and rewards the strong really really hard yeah yeah i don't like that about it none of the other games do that right all of the other games are kind of balanced yeah well i mean we just got a really clear example a team of parkour champions just got so many points that it slingshotted them right yeah pretty much to be fair that's what happened to us we we were fifth or something and then fruit berries went nuts in survival games slayed the entire server yeah but survival games feels different to me because it's like there's a lot more dynamic range in in survival games there could be three teams that all like collide at once but parkour worry is just can you memorize these sets of jumps yeah and if you haven't practiced you're done exactly yeah i think parker could be better if they made it to the point where like everyone could finish you know yeah and so it it became a race rather than uh for doing it fast yeah yeah no i i agree with that yeah then it's about speed and not about like tech like technique or whatever yeah because like ultimately i've done parkour three times and i get stuck at the same part every single time it just i can't do it and so i'm therefore out of that game essentially yeah yeah i i hope they do sort of rework that in some way because but dudes listen i mean you know falsely and i've been coming eighth ninth tenth for the whole year falsely started dominating i won one with fruity and falsey and coming forth for me is it feels amazing i i'm super happy yeah but no it's so good it's really really good yeah so good so yeah yeah like the top like six teams like anyone could have won but santa time made it so it's like it's probably gonna be blue or fuchsia and then those are the two like a final well just speaking from an mcc perspective i really love this leaderboard because before you would have teams so far ahead that no one would catch them but look at this leaderboard it is really tight from six up up and that's what you want to see in a tournament right you want to see teams like close together so yeah the balance is coming they're definitely getting there with the overall macro balance of the tournament um yeah this was for sure the closest game like in terms of like every team seems like really balanced yeah right equal you know yes yes the rest in peace james charles r.i.p oh man right i think right it's gonna have to call it are we gonna raid dock yep we're gonna be raiding uh dark cam 77 i physically can't however uh i will i'll tell my audience what he's doing sweet fruit berries it's been a pleasure as always yes for sure dude yeah send your chiropractor build my way i'll uh yeah thank you i'll take care of that dude you literally popped off in a ton of them like they get your best rocket sweep player that entire thing like yeah i i wish i knew how valuable it was to like go for kills on that game because i thought survive because in all the other games like surviving to the end seems to matter more than kills but not that one he looks so creepy policy and i look super freaky right now we do it's hilarious anyway dudes that's gonna do it man we'll i'll catch you guys later yeah see you come out yep see bye bye guys right that is the end everybody thank you very much for watching me get very frustrated a parkour warrior so i i need to say a uh a few thank yous finally for um the super chats that i missed there's there's quite a lot um there's a there's a lot of there's a lot of support here actually that people saying that they could believe in me so uh thank you thank you so much for everyone that has super chatted an ordinary of the five dollar donor i might have to read out some of the larger ones because it's quite a lot um afro king i was gonna do five but feel like you deserve ten a stage completed so here you go thank you very much appreciate that uh charmer girl said with a twenty dollar uh super chat to be fair you had to parkour on on string thin blocks i do not fault you for having trouble with that it's really difficult it must be so frustrating for you looking but it's so much worse for me um you did your best at parkour and capture composure uh honestly you're true inspiration don't be so hard on yourself uh yeah it's definitely not my uh it's definitely not my strong suit so thank you for that 20 pound super chat that's very very kind of you lots of green supports in there thank you uh everyone and then um yeah every uh got the final uh cat catless meow meow said uh you did amazing guys lime liches are our win as well thank you very much everyone i think that's where i'm gonna have to end the stream and say big thank you to everyone who uh did drop a super chat hope you did enjoy it uh it wasn't it wasn't i thought we might do a little bit better i i thought we may have a chance but fruit berries free berries was without was our man right so big shout out to fruit berries that's the first time like i've ever really interacted with him super positive and uh very very talented at minecraft it would seem so thank you and and also on twitch.m77 who is a fellow hermit is doing a bit of a charity live stream so feel free to check that out if you want to so thank you very much for watching everyone i hope you enjoyed the stream and i shall see you tomorrow for the next video good bye oh man my voice three hours it's heavy oh geez it's gonna that's the end that that yeah that's that's definitely the end that's uh bye you
Channel: GrianStreams
Views: 58,761
Rating: 4.918951 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft grian, building grian, mincraft tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft ideas, creative build, mc championship, Grian 2020, grian hermitcraft 7, grian mc championship, Stream, grian hermitcraft 6, Lime Liches mcc, Grian mcc, mcc, stream mcc, grian, grian kills, dream mcc, Grian the king, Grain, mincraft, building, Grian hermitcraft 7, grian hermitcraft season 7, grian kills dream, GrianStreams, Grians Stream, MCC 11, mcc 11, grian mcc 11, grian mcc team
Id: Pg4y9_y4EqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 44sec (11324 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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