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so deeds of legend the grey knights have fought to hold back the demonic hordes of the dark gods for a hundred centuries waging their war in secret against an unrelenting and tireless foe their deeds are known outside the chapter only as myths and legends tales of silver armored warriors saving humanity from the beasts of nightmare millennium 31 to millennium 34 age of warding the 666th chapter titan returns to the galaxy during the second founding and the inquisition records the grey knights as the 666th chapter under veil of secrecy the chapter begins its work hunting down the demonic enemies that threaten the imperium fate unrivals the demon extar organics the slayer of destinies foresees the roles the grey knights will play in his downfall and the threat they may eventually pose to the dark gods overcome with his own cunning the lord of change begins a plan that will take 8 000 years to come to fruition seeding lesser demons on worlds all across the imperium so that he might subtly manipulate future events the ghost quail on the desolate planet of forlor the grey knights corner the radical inquisitor vetrix after enacting the psychantic necrolyras upon the segmentum sona vetrix has been declared a headache by his order the inquisitor is dragged back to the dungeons of titan pleading with his stony faced captors that the necrolarus is the imperium's only hope for survival the final sanctum neodan brother captain of the fifth brotherhood says the butcher azor only after the demon and its servants have been dealt with does neodan discover that the creature had been tainting the meat beasts of the blood factorems and spreading them across zoar and its neighboring worlds with no knowledge of how far the corrupted thresh has spread neoland declares a final sanction against zoar condemning millions to death rather than risking a demonic incursion the hollow cult during their long war against the hollow cult and its many limbed pleasure god the grey knights lose almost the entire seventh brotherhood the cult lays a series of cunning ambushes for the grey knights bending reality to isolate each of the battle brothers and overwhelm them in a tide of demonic flesh the grey knight's retribution is absolute and supreme grand master castellan gathers the full might of the chapter against the cult in the end the only memory of the hollow cut that remains is recorded in faded inc within the sanctum sanctorum in the citadel on titan [Music] the last brotherhood brother captain edion leads a number of squads of the second brotherhood into the veiled region seeking the effects all communication ceases and eventually the council of titan declares them last 35 to millennium 36 age of foreboding the haunting of titan the chambers of purity are sullied by haunting specters of the warp the ghosts of vanquished foes clawing at the walls of reality and whispering portents of future catastrophe the creatures warn of a time when the light of the emperor will fail and the grainites will stand alone against the darkness the fate of humanity resting upon the race's edge of their blades the purifiers endure the maddening tirades of these ghosts and the visions of the imperium falling into darkness and fire they believe these shades are but echoes of the monsters they purport to be barely connected to the warp and able to do no more than spew forth lies the purifiers also know however that the demonic ghosts are a symptom of something ancient and powerful that summers beneath the surface of titan eye of the storm a warped storm descends on the rawness system in the wake of the pallid prince and his demon host a squad of grey knights are trapped by the storm on the royal primaryx shipyard having destroyed the pilot prince in his warp iron vessel unwilling to risk discovery by the citizens of ron's three and denied warp travel by the storm the grey knight set out into the void at sublight speeds the battle brothers entering stasis for their millennia-long voyage back to titan a brotherhood out of time nearly 2 000 years after their disappearance word reaches titan of the lost brother captain eddion and his brothers unbeknownst to the chapter eddion had followed the demon effects and its straws into an area of warp that owed its existence to the echoes of forgotten moments edion and his grey knights fought at the foot of the demon's fortress of deceit each day falling to grievous wounds only to rise again borne up by their unwavering resolve and psychic fury faced with a combined might the demon effects was finally cast down though it was to cost eddion and his brothers their eyes in the material realm on their return to real space their bodies begin to atrophy at an alarming rate before he dies the brother captain only has time to send a coded signal to titan telling of the brotherhood's victory a thousand deaths zorgar the cruel ascends to demon hood amidst the blood-drenched battlefields of the rusting war the gray knights already fighting against the ragged host focused their attentions on zorgar and slay him before he can fully manifest his newfound powers however it amuses the dark gods to torment their vessel by giving him life once more and for the next 12 years the grey knights hunt and kills orga hundreds of times on scores of worlds only when the demon's mortal shell is destroyed for the thousandth time do the gods tire of their game a demon assassin the slaaneshi demon assassin hextan attempts to sneak onto titan and hide amongst an intake of recruits initially successful the demon lurks on the plains of the xanadu region amongst the bones of the dead awaiting a suitable candidate to possess and carry it back to the citadel however the creature's plans unravel when a strong-willed future grey knight hunts it down and imprisons it and the corpse of another recruit unaware this was not part of his trial the quiet heresy ancient demons robbed the populace of sundella's speech every citizen rendered mute by warped sorceries in the silence that follows the cult of the saved tongue is born it's debased members torturing and killing men and women with no voices to scream for a year the cult reigns without opposition turning the planet into a silent hell where corpses rot in the streets and men and women live like vermin in the shadows fearful of making the slightest sound that will give them away the grey knights confront the cult as sandor stands on the verge of utter destruction its cities completely given over to worshipping the very demons that orchestrated their ruin in an empty silence the only sound to be heard are the bark of storm bolters and a crackle of nemesis force weapons as the grey knights purified the planet and annihilate anything in their path millennium 37-39 age of execration the tarnished blade the astral blade space marine chapter has led down the path of chaos by their prideful chapter master who has been possessed by the demon essarak the unrepentant the demon servants use sorcery to possess almost every battle brother within the chapter's subterranean fortress monastery one by one slaughtering those strong enough to resist as the blood of the last of the fallen is still cooling the possessed space marines plunder the chapter's gene seed stores and set out for the eye of terror however when their battle barge sword of stars reaches high orbit the grey knights are waiting for them in the furious battle that ensues grey knight terminators teleport onto the bridge of the battle branch and banish etherak back into the warp in the midst of a furious melee broken in body and spirit the chapter master of the astral blades accepts the emperor's mercy delivered at the hands of his saviors demon maize the heretank malphoria the mad constructs a vast maze structure of ghost guards and esteric siphons in an attempt to harness the power of the warp for his corrupt machines the maze has the unintentional side effect of trapping demons the creatures dawn towards the device only to become lost within its multi-dimensional twists and turns when the demon prince caslidae becomes ensnared its rage shakes the structure of its foundations and it becomes a locus for the creature's essence the gray knights arrive to find the heretic a puppet of caslidi and his world on the verge of a full-blown demonic incursion to defeat the demon prince the great knights entered the maze hunting down the demons trapped within a battle of reflections and illusions ensues the battle brothers surrounded by flickering demon faces and psychic manifestations reaching the center of the maze the grey knight's justica cuts down the malforia flesh puppet and shatters the ghost glass face of caslidi bringing down the structure and casting the demons back into the warp millennium 40-41 age of anathema the damned voyage the grey knights strike cruiser titan's hand suffers a catastrophic gatherfield failure leaving the ship unshielded against the wall almost at once the hand is engulfed with demonic creatures hungary for the souls of those on board the grey knights stand haloed by psychic energy each one shielding his mind and body with the blessed seals of the aegis against serratus and chapter surfs turned into puppets of chaos the battle brothers fight to reclaim their vessel when the hand finally makes an emergency translation back into real space the surviving grey knights stand in the midst of a command bridge covered in the remains of their unfortunate crew convocation of songs the public execution of 666 heretics on the planet of horvar ii has terrible consequences through the pageantry and extravagance of the event the near-sighted planetary governor unwittingly completes an ancient demonic ritual as the last heretic dies with a curse upon his lips the circle of sorcery is complete and a gateway to the warp itself is opened the chaos well yawns wide and demons spell out into the mass of terrified citizens in a matter of hours horvar iii is turned into an arena of madness and death the unfortunate planetary governor is possessed by the slaaneshi demon prince lesiidra and the golden host is released upon the world the grey knights arrive in force to discover lessidr hosting bloody games with the surviving citizens the demon forcing them to commit unspeakable acts of violence against each other will be heard into the walk well turning its attention to this new foe their cedar crafts a series of tests for the space marines shaping tangled labyrinths of living screaming flesh around them and sending seekers of spanish to hunt them down the hunters soon become the hunted however and the gray knights fight their way to the warp well where the demon princess holding caught over the mutilated remains of horvath citizens wearing the skin of their governor at the cost of the lives of a score of grey knight the demon is cast back into the warm before the battle brothers depart they pile the citizens tortured bodies onto the corpses of the executed heretics sealing the walk well with the blood of innocence the first battle for armageddon the space hulk devourer of stars appears in the armageddon system upon reaching orbit it disgorges a vast chaos horde led by the infamous demon primark angron upon the continent armageddon prime the chaos ward initially makes great gains taking control of armageddon prime and threatening to overwhelm armageddon secundus however the defenses of the lower continent hold chiefly due to the valor of logan grimner and his space wars long enough for a full brotherhood of grey knights to arrive carrying the battle directly to anger on himself in a titanic clash angron and his bloodthirster honor guard are eventually bested they cast the lies of almost the full brotherhood in the aftermath of the battle the inquisition begins a thora program of mind wipes and executions of those guardsmen and hive defenders who had taken part in the war in order to contain knowledge of both demons and of the grey knights however many thousands slips through the tightening noose aided by logan grimner who vehemently abhor such practices thus is the inquisition given cause to pay closer attention to the space wounds in the years that follow the cleansing of acrolem the notorious demon prince mercado reborn launches an attack on the world of acrylem seeking to claim it as a throne world from which he can carve an empire acting on an inquisitorial request the grey knights spearhead the imperium's counter-offensive and in the final battle the young caldor drago makes his name by banishing the demon prince the battle of the ghost horns a dire vision from the prognostic cars results in a grey knights strike force being dispatched to an empty point in space on arrival the strike force encounters the massive bio-acid scorched hulk of craftworld malantai though its inhabitants have all been destroyed by tyranids malantai is not so empty as it first appears the ancient keeper of secrets nikari and his kind stalked the fallen halls growing bloated with power on elder spirit stones unfortunately the prognosticators paid brother captain pelonis to take as many purifiers as he could muster as the grey knights launch their assault on the spoiled marantai the purifiers lead the charge fire roars through the desolate horns like a hungry spirit scattering those hellspawn that survive and leaving them ripe prey for the advancing grey knights nikai is finally cornered in the shattered dome of crystal sears the demon fights with fury and savagely strikes down pelinas yet before the demon can land the killing blow on the fallen brother captain justicar thorne throws himself into the demon's path and is laid low in his captain's place with nakari's weapon momentarily embedded in thorn's flesh the surviving purifiers are able to complete the ritual of twelve bloody swords which drains nikai of his stolen power and leaves him vulnerable to pelonis's death blow after the battle the strike force returns to titan with the bodies of the fallen a score of purifiers remain aboard the craft world standing guard over the empty halls the raxos civil war civil war comes to the hive world of raqqa when the planetary governor convinces some of the local military forces to rise up against his own regime when the insurrectionists seize control of death strike missile battery the resulting bombardment disrupts raxos's tectonic stability millions die in the span of a few days the governor later revealed to be changing in disguise harnesses the psychic upheaval to summon hundreds of his fellow demons alerted to the situation on raxos grey knights from four brotherhoods arrive amidst the ongoing civil war grand master tristan crom splits his grey knights into several strike forces there to attack the portals from which the demons are drawing their power and a fourth under brother captain stern to aid the spaceport's fleeing refugee shuttles while stern safeguards a spaceport crom casts broken finger bones of martyred saints at the mouth of each portal to prevent further demons manifesting and then performs the rights of cleansing and exorcism that finally seal the portals and banish the remaining demons yet as the first refugee shuttles lift off stern grows uneasy the changing psychic spore still lingers with grim certainty stern realizes that the demon must have boarded one of the refugee shuttles now heading for outer orbit knowing that his forces are far too few to have any hope of uncovering the hidden changeling in time but all too aware of the anarchy that the demon will unleash should it reach another populated world stern orders the battle barge bright sword to destroy the shuttles hundreds of thousands of slain in the ensuing salvos their lives sacrificed to preserve millions on distant worlds the fall of the red town brother kept in stone over the seas of destruction of the cult of the red town the black planet garen crowe battles skulltaker demon champion of corn on the black plaid and though he cannot best him in combat he buys enough time for his brothers to foil the demon's plans the battle of cornovin supreme grand master geronitan is sane at the hands of the demon primark mortarion grand master caldor drago is elevated to the rank of supreme grand master amidst the din of the battlefield and vows vengeance on matarian alone and unaided drago smashes his way through mortarion's corrupted death trial bodyguard and strikes the primark to the ground with a blow empowered by his fury at guerantian's death he then casts supreme ground master guarantees name on the demon's vile heart though mortarion ultimately escapes it is many long years before he can enter the mortal realm once more the plague of madness supreme grandmaster caldor drago leads three full gray knights brotherhoods against ixtarganex the slayer of destinies and his unwitting nurgled horn lergon on the doom world of dickie males the pandemonium of sondheim 5. the world of sondheim 5 is overwhelmed by tyranids of highfleet clarken just as macarthur reborn transforms the world into his own private pandemonium the sky sentinels chapter responds but judge the world irretrievable and make preparations to begin exterminatus this is delayed by the arrival of a grey knight strike force under the command of grand master vardhan kai kai concurs with the sky sentinel's assessment but orders a stay of execution while he and his battle brothers attempt to capture the book of pandigaras the cursed tomb with whose power makar has mutated the world upon landing kai discovers the nightmarish fusion of demonic and tyranid infestations have transformed sundine 5 into a death world when kai's forces reached the temple in which the tomb lies they discover the building has been completely subsumed by a knot of tyranid spore chimneys unperturbed the grey knights hacked their way through the twisted biomatter within seconds of the first blow falling kai's forces come under attack by waves of hormone guns on gargoyles by the time kai finally carves a path into the lower levels of the temple larger creatures start to arrive and the grey knight's casualties begin to tell yet as kai finally lays his hands upon the book of pandegarros unexpected aid arise just as the earlier strike on the biostructures had roused the hive mind's eye so too does the violation of the evil tome now bring forth the demon's wrath and the twisted ruins erupt into the anarchy of a three-way battle amidst the chaos kai makes contact with the sky sentinel's fleet who begin a systematic bombardment of the temple site the grey knights weather the storm of barrage bombs that drop amongst the ruins the tyranids and demons are not so fortunate when the bombardment ceases kai and the surviving grey knights evacuate before demon and tyranid reinforcements can arrive and begin the journey home to titan to cage the book of pandigaras in the chapters of vaults the sky sentinels begin the extermin artists that would ravage sondheim 5. in the wake of the exterminators the sky sentinel surrendered themselves to a mind wipe the return to acrolem caldor drago returns alone to acrolem to free it from the clutches of makkah the reborn hoping to end the chapter's ancient feud with the demon prince meanwhile dark forces gather in the warp and something stirs deep beneath titan's surface the prognosticators are plagued by visions of impending doom and it seems that the citadel of titan itself might face the threat of attack return of the pirate of the sorceress a great shudder ripples through the void as the world of the thousand suns known as the planet of the sorcerer's heaves its way back into real space each of the eight grand masters consults with the prognosticators rise of the primark in response to the prognostica's visions of destruction on mccrack grandmaster valdes rushes to the aid of the empire of ultramar a witnesses the resurrection of the primark reboot gilman from his millennia long stasis with his fellow grey knight valdes fights alongside galliman during his perilous journey to holy terror many members of the primarch's retinue fall though the great knights stand tall in the fight against the numerous warped demons following german all the way to the doors of the emperor's dorm room 41 age of maledictum bacchus night from the organium on titan comes the combined screams of prognosticators as a psychic signal of the kikitric's maledictum reaches them mere days before the first warped tears affect real space with the astronomicon extinguished it is realized that prophetic visions more than six thousand years old are coming to fruition this grim knowledge is made all the worse by the fact that as the great rift begins to tear open a rumbling grows stronger and stronger on titan until the entire moon is beset by ceaseless ground splitting quakes the epicenter of these quakes is deep beneath mount anarch directly below the chambers of purity the silent reprisal grey knights from every brotherhood along with paladins and purifiers are sent racing to worlds that lie along the seams of the kickatrix maledictum as demonic hordes spill into real space the grain knights meet them head-on through their efforts entire worlds are given time to evacuate and flee the oncoming warp maelstroms though these heroics go unnoticed by the terrified populations across many less fortunate planets where the grip of chaos has already taken hold the grey knights solemnly set about the tarsa exterminating billions of imperial citizens plagues of ultramar the extractors sent strike force quarterly to ultramar to aid the ultramarines and the ordo sepulturum in the fight against a death guard who are spreading demonic plagues across the region with knowledge of the heretic astati's viral productivities gleaned from the tombs in the sanctum sanctorum the grey knights are able to two victorians of the death guard's fourth company and eradicate the consumptious strain of the eater plague the putrid springs the second company of the size of the emperor newly reinforced by primaries battle brothers find itself under siege upon the hive world of hamagoura assailed by an endless swarm of nugal demons intercessor squads establish a punishing series of kill zones amongst the ruins of hive world agrippa yet for every demon they slay two emerge from the dank tunnels of the undercity and their casualties begin to mount operating in total secret strike force harbinger of the fifth brotherhood teleports into the sub-city their quarry is the great unclean one gulgul makatol who has turned the grippers spawning sewer works into his personal baths hordes of putrid demons crawl endlessly forth from the wrath of rancid gruel after a bloody battle the strike team sends gulga makartol screaming into the warp hamagura is saved but the size never discover how the brimstone stampede the bloodthirster zakra's car leads his brimstone stampede forth from the great rift rampaging across the calicus sector whilst altering trillions of imperial songs rallying the newly founded storm reaper's primaris chapter to their cause the warriors of the grey knight's second brotherhood lead a desperate counter-attack while the storm reapers launched lightning assaults into the flanks of zacros carr's mighty horde the sons of titans strike at its heart armed with the bloodthirster's true name they destroy zakroskar's physical form though the victory comes at a hideous cast drago and mortalian with the great rift yawning open and pouring all manner of chaos monstrosities into real space lord caldor drago supreme grand master of the great knight finds he is able to escape his imprisonment in the warp more frequently and for greater lengths of time drago materializes to aid his battle brothers in multiple war zones across the imperium often turning grim defeat into a decisive victory for the chapter though he quickly fades after each encounter he imparts to the grey knights with whom he fights visions of things to come that he has witnessed within the immaterium many of the prognosticars seeing the strands of ancient hatred that bind the two together believe that drago's presence is inextricably linked to that of the demon prince mottarion the way forward with the grey knight's forces stretched thinner than ever before caldor drago appears to each of the grand masters and asked the council for the first time in the chapter's history a particularly dire strategy is given consideration the terminus decree you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 46,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Balder, Mort, Guides to Warhammer, GREY KNIGHTS TIMELINE FOR WARHAMMER 40000, Grey Knights timeline, Grey Knights History, 666th Chapter of Space Marines, BLACK LIBRARY, IRON WARRIORS, Astartes, Space Marines, Warhammer, Games workshop, Warhammer 40000 lore, Lore, Sci fi lore
Id: 15d6ZqaSPj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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