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The new evidence cannot be refuted we are living in its simulated environment Every ancient and indigenous tradition they all say that we are here learning something because we're going to go somewhere else We are Connected to a greater community outside of the simulation Here's the question. Why? Obviously we're here for a reason maybe to raise this collective consciousness Maybe to evolve to learn faster to potentially get out of some prices We are trying to solve the problems of the world Through a thinking based on false assumptions of obsolete science such as Darwin's ideas That nature's based upon competition in conflict We're seeing the rise of hate in ways that we've never seen It's not natural Nature's primary rule is cooperation What would it be like? to raise an entire generation of young people Based upon what we now know to be true in science We have everything that we need to transcend not to survive We have the ability to choose and so the new question is will you change it? They say that the human race is doomed that we have lost touch with our true nature That the media has corrupted us and that the planet has the future. I Disagree I believe that humanity is full of hope and that our salvation Lies within each one of us My name is Brian rose in my job is to listen the oldest method of learning known to man Each week I seek out individuals that are changing the world people who are living and thinking in a different way their stories will challenge your beliefs make you question your choices and perhaps inspire you to change I never planned on doing any of this, but now I can't stop Join me on this mission and make humanity something we can all be proud of You know, I always like spending time with Gregg Braden The guy's got such incredible energy such incredible ideas And he's got big ideas about where us humans came from he rejects this theory of evolution That Darwin came from and he rejects this idea of competition over Cooperation and once you start looking at some of his evidence you really start to question. What? Science tells us today And on top of that me and Gregg went deep down the rabbit hole When it comes to this idea that we might be living in a simulation. What does that mean? How could that be possible and does it explain the reason us humans are here and I know you're gonna enjoy this conversation with Gregg People always love his ideas his vibe his energy and he's got the science to back it up used to work in the defense industry and was a geologist and he really is a rare individual and I love him a lot and Inside London real academy. We're doing rare things every single day. I'm teaching people how to take ideas and turn them into businesses I'm putting people on stage for TED talks. I'm getting people to start their own podcast Just like London real here's more about what we do inside London real doesn't stop when the conversation is You see that's when we get started Because everything begins with a thought And then comes the action The London real Academy is our global transformation platform here. We bring together thousands of students from over 75 countries Whether you want to build a profitable business from your passion or learn to speak to inspire or broadcast yourself with your very own Podcasts or accelerate your life to become a high-performance person We have the online accountability course and personal mentoring program. That will make your dream a reality Join us and we'll take your life to the next level together Our next accelerate of course is starting soon This is London real I am brian rose My guest today is Greg Brayton the New York Times bestselling author researcher educator and lecturer You're known as a pioneer in bringing modern science ancient wisdom and human potential who's been invited to speak in front of the United Nations fortune 500 companies in the US military your books include the GOG Code the Divine matrix fractal time deep truth human by design and your latest the new human story Greg, welcome back to London real Brian I'm thrilled to be here and it seems like only yesterday that we were here doing this and I'm I'm looking forward to going a little deeper and elaborating on on some of the The topics we covered a lot of ground last time we were together and we have a lot of good feedback and it seems from that feedback that people wanted to go a Little deeper. Yeah in the some of the material. So thank you for having me back. No, it was great People really love your energy and a lot of your ideas I want to go deep on that stuff, you know, welcome back even back to London now a second time fairly quickly. Yeah Uh, I got the city. I love this. You do tell me more about that. Why what's you know, I I When I get my Excel spreadsheet that has my travel itinerary and you know We're all over the world and and every city is good and the people the people are just amazing and in every city I've just come from Bucharest Romania and where people just turned out and they are so open to new ideas But we're nice Londyn. I always get this same smile I have right now. It's big smile on my face. Yeah I know it feels like home right when I come here. So to me, it's a warm city People have always been so kind to me not not just in our audiences but everyone that I interact with from when I come into the airport, you know that the hotels and the drivers and There's just a vibe here in the city and and I love being here and it has a great music scene We were just talking about this. I'm a musician when I'm not doing that I'm doing now and I love the music here as well So you put it all together and you just got an awesome city. There you go Next time we're gonna get you to play some music. All right So you've got an event and a new book coming out called the new human story and you're talking about you know this weekend I think some some interesting practices that you take people through And I what if you could talk about some of that energy and longevity and some of those things yeah well, this this is the point the the new book is called human by design and We covered a little bit that material in a previous interview and so just to summarize some of that It's essentially the book is divided into two parts the first part of the book I Wanted people to have the science not not necessarily the technical details I didn't make it hard to read but I wanted them to have the science That tells them beyond any reasonable doubt that the story that we've been told about our origin and our potential Is no longer supported by the evidence so for me when the evidence no longer supports the story it's time for a new story and that is Hence, the the new human story. So the first part of the book is the science that is showing us the peer-reviewed science So it's not just my theory or my hypothesis It is the peer-reviewed science that's showing us that the physical evidence does not support The story that we are all being told we're steeped in this story of Darwin's idea of evolution and as a degree geologist Brian I've seen evolution in the fossil record and it is a fact for some forms of life insects animals plants Something so mysterious happened 200 thousand years ago. We appeared an Evolution is not what led to our appearance the the theory breaks down the physical evidence doesn't support it Where I get really excited because we've known for a long time the physical evidence didn't support it where I get really excited is the new DNA evidence that cannot be refuted and It is causing Scientists, it's it's a problem for scientists who are steeped in the evolutionary theory of long slow gradual changes over a long period of time Because that's not what happened. We appeared Relatively suddenly 200,000 years ago with this advanced genetic structure and this amazing Extended neural network unlike any other form of life is known to have and the discoveries are still coming So there are discoveries that are so new. There's discovery I can share with you right now. That was not Made available until after we filmed in October. Okay. What is it? So so one of the things that we're seeing when when modern humans appeared 200,000 years ago We showed up suddenly with this brain 50% larger than any other primate, but that didn't happen slowly and gradually We had a neocortex. That was a six layer Neocortex and the sixth layer is really interesting because this is where a lot of the innovation is coming from But we had a brain 50% larger than any other form of primate in the form of life Previously, we had the same body proportions. We have the same nervous system that we have now So there's obviously been an evolution in consciousness I think we have to say that but we are wired today the way we were when we Appeared and what scientists say Brian is that? It appears that We are the result of some kind of an intervention that the biology appears to be intentional that evolution the evolutionary process cannot account for the complexity of The changes and the fact that the change has happened so many changes happened so quickly in such a brief period of time and all at the same time, so Human chromosome number two we talked about before is is responsible for this brain 50% larger than any other Primate brain chromosome seven at the same time underwent mutations that allow complex speech And in the way that no other form of life Can can have and that's that's why we sing in chimpanzees. Don't sing as a musician. That's I've always wondered You know, why aren't chimpanzees singing right? because they sure not even 90% of our DNA and most of the scientific community chops this Sudden rapid growth in brain size up to what cooked food or changing in social habits, or you know, what is it? What is the usual scientific because there is this period that everyone agrees where there was this massive change? In the human anatomy or in what we know there is and so we're the scientific community is right now is there an agreement that we appeared two hundred thousand years ago that that is accepted as homo sapiens as homeless as as we are today and the Neanderthals were already there their business about the lucien that well this Is where it gets really interesting because now that we are able to do scientifically what used to be science fiction, we now can extract the DNA from the bone marrow of The beings that we believed were our ancestors including Neanderthal Just like in the movie Jurassic Park that movie was science fiction when it was created and it is now science fact We can extract the DNA now in the movie. They reconstituted the DNA and brought those forms of life To life into the best of my knowledge. We have not done that right? Well, we will only one day I would imagine that we're trying well I say we not you and me but I would imagine I I think if if it can be tested it's probably being tested Somewhere, but what we can do and what is happening is that scientists are able to pull that DNA from the bone marrow? from the ribs for example of a Neanderthal infant, baby girl that was found in northern Europe thirty thousand years old as her body was dated thirty thousand years before present and When they compared her DNA to our modern DNA today, lo and behold there is not enough similarity There's not enough overlap And this was published in the journal Nature now, they made the discovery in 1987, but they didn't publish it until the year 2000 Okay, this is a very prestigious journal nature Page 490 on I believe it's volume 4, right? But this doesn't surprise you because you have friends in science And when you confront them with this obvious evidence, they just say I can't commute compute it Sometimes they're even they're conscious brain says it must be wrong because it flies in the face of everything they are and everything That they stand well this is this is where Scientists are really up against against the brick wall here because the evidence is no longer supporting the old story So so now we know that that Neanderthal is not our ancestor We we shared the earth with them right which is why I have an and without DNA and we guessing you do too Yes, most many of us. Do not most what many of us do if you do something like Or 23andme or something like that We will see that Neanderthal DNA because we we interbred with them They say we probably had Neanderthal boyfriends and girlfriends at that time But if we share the earth with them we could not have descended from them So we know who we are not and we are not descendants of Neanderthal or the other forms of life that we typically see on the evolutionary charts What we have to say is that we actually probably don't even fit on that tree We're probably our own tree a very small tree like a bush because there's no evolutionary Path leading to our appearance 200,000 years ago and that's a problem for science, right? This is back to the kind of the story in the Bible then that we well we don't know but this is the first half Of the book is I wanted to share the peer-reviewed science that simply is not trickling down into the mainstream So you're not seeing the mainstream classrooms textbooks? Mainstream cable television documentaries are not even showing this stuff Okay, but if it's true, it's only a matter of time until it gets out It should be the second half of the book then I wanted To go beyond the evidence that shows what we are not we are not the product of evolution I wanted to show what is the potential that we were imbued with when we appeared? 200,000 years ago and and what the scientific community those that are honest about the evidence what they're saying is that The the genetic changes are so complex They appeared so quickly they appear to be intentional and if they are intentional they imply a purpose So my question is what is purpose of this? expanded neural network that we have and and the ability to consciously self-regulate our biology in the way that no other form of life can do What does that afford us? What kind of doors does that open for us in practical terms? How can we how can we Embrace these what I call internal technologies and our everyday lives to make our lives healthier happier more productive safer And so that's what the second part of the book is all about Ok, so and they to me, they go together very well Now there there are a lot of scientists that say to me only when we find out Where we came from? can we really know what our potential is and I'm doing just the opposite my sense is if We follow the evidence if we follow that DNA, we work backwards reverse engineer What did it take for that DNA to to become the DNA? That is what what had to happen and we'll talk about this a little bit more detail What had to happen for the fusions to occur? And portions of the DNA being removed and portions of what had to happen to Make those those things occur and I think as we work backwards it's going to lead us To the answer of who we are where we come but you must have a hypothesis And the last time I asked you because yeah, there's only a few answers right we must came from somewhere else There was some you know, super intelligent beam that just decided to gene splicer sand put us back There are three potentials that scientists are looking at right now We didn't talk about these last time one is that everything is completely natural evolution as we've been led to believe even though the evidence doesn't support that so So there's a battle playing out right now Brian to hang on to what is called the standard model That is the standard model in physics. It says the Big Bang was this primal release of energy we don't know what happened and it was a completely natural process and within the Big Bang the Evolutionary Big Bang is is is when we appeared completely through natural processes that that's one theory the evidence doesn't support that another theory that we haven't even talked about is that we are living in a or a simulated environment a In other words, it's a virtual reality that we're living in we can talk more about it Unless talks a little bit about this. Well Yvonne musk is talking a lot about it and in 2001 The first scientific algorithm was designed to attempt to determine whether we are or we are not living in a virtual or simulated reality and what they did was they created the variables that take into account everything that we see happening in the world today from physical parameters and Physics parameters to social parameters and you know climate and everything that's happening and they plugged it into this this algorithm And the algorithm said that the odds are much greater that we are living in a simulated reality than that We are not because it couldn't actually identify real randomness. Is that what it looks for? because you know if you build This something inside the simulation to see if it's simulation. You would think it's flawed by design as a scientist It could be and these are some of the philosophical questions that come into this I tried to explain this to my 14 year old stepdaughter the other day and I said You know, we could be living in a simulation and she plays Sims She plays those games and and I just heard you on musk Talk on Joe Rogan and ice explained it to her as in do you not agree that ten years and now fifty years from now That the technology as it's growing is gonna be able to create a simulation that's probably as real as this and most people might go down that and say yeah in a hundred years we would be there and Then he you know, he kind of backs out that argument by then saying is it not possible? We're in a simulation now. That's one way of looking well it's one way so so This is a second theory that is here and I just want to bring it back home The third theory is that there has been some kind of a natural creation. So a natural Big Bang Evolution did begin but there has been some kind of an intervention A conscious intervention at some point in the past where DNA was manipulated in a way to create To give us capabilities in other forms of life. Okay capabilities dimmer head. So these are the three things that science released So kind of non-committal on that third one, like where could that have come from? Well or some combination of those three, maybe there is an artificial Vert a reality and in that virtual reality this intervention has happened. So this is where scientists are today So they're looking at these three potentials all natural are all artificial or natural with an intervention so coming back to the Very different possible. They are very different possibilities the simulation theory. It's interesting because where I have entire presentations that I've done on this I do that's a two day program and when we compare if you look at the definition of a simulation and you look at the definition of life and Our environment in our most ancient and cherished spiritual and religious traditions. The similarities are striking They all say that this world is is temporary That we are here learning something because we're going to go somewhere else That is what a simulation is all about the definition of a simulation is is That you allow you have the opportunity To learn something new in a relatively safe environment that you will need when you get to the next environment. So whether you're an airline pilot learning how to land a you know, a Boeing 747 and crosswinds You don't want the first time you do that to be with you know, 300 people on the plane So you're in the simulator or if you're on the Martian surface? Or the lunar surface these all happen in simulators. So yeah, the Simulations this is really interesting because simulations have a beginning and they have an end They have rules that the person in the simulation must follow and if you follow the rules, then the simulation gets much much easier and Every simulation you have a way to contact You have a way to contact someone who is not in the simulation for advice and guidance And when you look at the ancient traditions, they all say we have a start in the beginning we have an end This world isn't going to last we're here temporarily It's called the Maya in the Hindu traditions that there are rules that we're learning while we're here, and that when we get into trouble we can contact a presence outside of our Known reality who has a perspective that we don't have with God through Pro It could be it could be our higher self. It could be an angelic presence it could be a Relative who has passed it. Could if you believe in channeling a lot of people You know when they're channeling you're channeling a presence from another world. It should be God So when you look at the parallels, they're very very striking starting to convince me a little bit well so but then the simulation so here's the question if We are in a simulation Why what would be the purpose and then one of the answers of that is who who benefits? Who benefits from a simulation and the answer is the people that are in the simulation? So we are the ones benefitting we have to assume that we're learning something here That we are going to need when we get to wherever we're going and wherever that is If you believe that that this world is the Maya or is temporary and so when we look at that what are the themes the general themes of everything that we're learning in our in our in our spiritual traditions in the religious principles Where's medical science leading us and it all comes back to our ability? to self-regulate our biology the power of love the power of the human heart to influence the body the power of the human heart to Influence the world beyond the body. So regardless I think the simulation theory We're now in the 21st century and we're looking for new a new vocabulary in the new language that has now caught up with the technology and where we are to help us make sense of our existence and whether you believe that or not Whether you're talking about the old ideas of the new ideas, they all bring us to the same place. What are we learning? And What are the themes and the themes that we see playing out in the world of love and hate war and peace? Our ability to transcend the great challenges of our lives the fact that we're not victims We are given the ability to self-regulate our biology consciously in the way Brian and no other form of life No other form of life can consciously sit down in the moment in time and say in this moment. I choose I choose to awaken the longevity enzymes in my cells. I choose to enhance my immune response I choose to access deep states of intuition I choose to become more resilient to the change in my life other forms of life may do it instinctually When the environment triggers it we're the only form of life that can consciously Consciously say in this moment. I choose to self-regulate to do this because I choose not because my external environment is driving me to do this and this is a very very powerful form of mastery in and that mastery is what we find in our most ancient and Cherished spiritual traditions when I study with the Yogi's with the monks and the nuns and the abbot's and the Mystics and the shamans No curanderos and the healers All over the world and as different as they are from one another they access the same state This is and we've we have been led to believe that these are extraordinary states of human experience I believe in my colleagues. Dr. Joe Dispenza is a very good friend of mine and we've had this conversation over meals many times Bruce lipton dear friend the three of us work and present together And we triad we are yeah, we all believed we each believed and together. We all believed that These are potentials that have simply been forgotten or maybe never realized In the broad general public, but that that's our birthright These are our potentials and rather than being extraordinary states of consciousness they are ordinary states that we've been conditioned out of through culture through religion through science through powerful agendas over over time throughout history because when we embrace these technologies We are awesomely powerful beings in the way now. There is another Philosophy and this is where it all comes home There is a philosophy now in the scientific community that consciousness informs itself Through its creations So if you think about that what we see as movies for entertainment art? sculpture music books All the things that the we create and we think we're doing to entertain ourselves from this perspective Consciousness is Asking us in the field to create these things to remind us of our deepest potentials and if you think about that you look at look at the Blockbuster movies that surprised even even the you know the movie makers That have had the greatest impact and as different as they are from one another their common themes so for example The matrix obviously comes to mind that was about a world that we cannot see That influences us tremendously avatar came along after that inception, right? So we think were the creators of these things but these things are actually reflecting back to us who we really are. We they are Mirroring back to us what we are asking of ourselves. We're asking ourselves to remember ourselves Yeah to remember who we are in our potential in one of the ways that we're doing it rather than going to a monastery Leaving your family and your life behind and living on the Mount and you know for the rest of your life Which you can do and it can be fun We're asking consciousness through our expressions of creation Not just for fun or entertainment but to tell us What it is that we have forgotten about ourselves And and so, you know, where did the ideas know I sit down to write the matrix Where does that idea even get from know I had this? Cod this conscious thought because if I look over the last seven years of what we've done at London real We put out all these great ideas and you know We just released a movie called iron mind and when I look at it and I look at everything. We've created Greg I actually see who I really am and yet when I'm in my normal state of madness at London real son Oftentimes, I don't know who I am but when I look at what I've created and the things that other people that created that resonate with me and it could be a Piece of music that makes no sense why it would resonate with me, but it reminds me of what I am It's a it's fascinatingly true. It's the prime directive of London real right? It's it's the overriding for I mean, you've got all kinds of things that are happening If you look at them close up they may not make a lot of sense but when you step back and you look at the big picture within context They're all supporting that prime directive of London real to inform the public to share a story Yeah And one of my great guests on here named Dorian Yates and again a lot of my most favorite guests and top guests Which you're becoming one of them as well? They all tell me that very similar universal themes at the end people from all aspects of life. This man's a six-time. Mr Olympia X bodybuilder and at the end he comes to it and says Brian, you know We are he says I think we're all one I think a lot of these like big themes and overarching themes and one time I said to him I said Dorian do you think? You know what? We're doing this and I talked about my ayahuasca experiences and I have people like you on and Dispenza and Greg and do you think maybe that this is a London real as a Vehicle being used by some other higher consciousness and he said of course it is Brian. What do you think we're doing? I believe it is and it's rare and this is why I'm so excited to come back it is it is rare to Find a vehicle a conduit where we can share ideas as freely and as openly Unscripted because you and I we don't script this when we have this conversation Other programs they do a nice job, but it's all very buttoned up and when you when you stray off topic that stuff ends up on the cutting room floor as the cliche goes and And it's also there are Networks I've had experience with network television where they've asked me to come in and they say we want something new and different So they've I've gone to the corporate headquarters And I've said okay this is this is what the work is all about and they said we want something new and different but this is too new and different because we want something that's Going to stay in the mold of what we already know is successful. Okay, so they're afraid to Try these new and different things and and we're we're you know, we're covering a lot of ground here But this this is where and I think all of this is important. It's more than the philosophical Conversation Brian because you know some people you know, they say what difference does it make you know? Where we come from? What difference does it make? You know how we function in the world and And I understand the sentiment but it makes a lot of difference because now we're going to get real London real We're living in the world that's changing in ways that we've never seen that we're not conditioned to accept and the world is changing faster than we have been conditioned to accept in a single generation and We are trying to solve the problems of the world Through a thinking based on false assumptions of obsolete science such as Darwin's ideas that nature's based upon competition in Conflict. So for a hundred and fifty years because that was believed to be The theme of nature it made sense to try to incorporate that theme in our personal lives in relationships Consciously and subconsciously. I'm not seeing everyone does this consciously but between Nations in communities and in society Conflict has been a prime directive and when something doesn't work you use conflict, and we now know it's not working It's breaking down because it's not sustainable Sustainable, and it's not sustainable because it's based on a false assumption We now know the best science of the modern world tells us that nature nature's primary rule is cooperation When we see so much competition that tells us how far we've strayed we talked about this in the last interview So so we're not denying. I'm not denying that competition is happening in conflict that it tells us how far we've missed the mark From the harmony of working with nature and then and that's one example So we're seeing the rise of hate in ways that we've never seen at least not for a very long time We're seeing the rise of hate based upon religion color of our skin sexual orientation hate crimes and polarization men against women Christian against Muslim And it's not just in the Western countries You're seeing this all over the world and it stems as as Different as these things are from one other their only possible Brian because of the way we've been taught to think it's not natural For humans young babies studies have been done. Babies. Do not hate they don't even distinguish color Between their race and other races white babies black babies brown babies Asian Native American they'd know the difference until their parents. Tell them That difference is there so these are learned Characteristics based upon these false assumptions and we've seen this before The eugenics movement late 18-hundreds early 1900s was based on the false assumptions and Darwin's ideas of science they referred to Darwin's ideas directly and many of those ideas now are being revisited this it's a very dangerous way of thinking so What we're talking about right now, it's more than a philosophical conversation this goes right to the core of our survival of our society to The survival of our communities our young children and now I think about this often. What would it be? Like, what would it be like to raise an entire generation of young people Based upon what we now know to be true in science Rather than these false assumptions the idea that the cooperation is a fundamental rule How would those children learn to play and work together differently that? That they are part of the world rather than separate from the world they're part of their bodies and their bodies are a conscious entity to be trusted and respected rather than something to be abused and what would that generation be like and I don't think we're gonna have to wait long because I think the ideas that we're talking about, it's I Was working in the in the defense industry. When at the end of the Cold War when the Berlin Wall fell So many people thought wow that happened fast happened overnight. It didn't happen overnight under the surface in consciousness The changes were happening, but they weren't visible Unless you knew where to look and all of a sudden it was like a logarithmic it wasn't linear It was logarithmic all of a sudden that changes Percolated up and that wall came down The same thing is happening Now the changes that you and I are talking about the changes in the way that people think in the acceptance holistic ways of living healing the body A nourishing nourishing body and I think we're going to see this this sea change Happened and people are going to say wow that happened so fast But we've been laying the foundation thirty years people are hungry for the eyes these ideas and I see it because I see our content that we put out but pretty much can be viewed at will by most people in the world bar in China and You know It's the ideas of you and Bruce Lipton Dispenza that are really getting a lot of resonance and I think people are looking past this blatant scientific explanation for everything that they've been taught and I think actually technologies help that out to a certain extent because everything is now Google-able and somewhat explainable and I think something deep inside of us as humans say there's much more going on here than that Well, I think that's what's happened. I believe I believe as well Brian I think you're right on but it goes even deeper than that because in addition to all the things we're talking about There is another driver That is at work here. There's another factor and we are at this pivotal crossroad where We are developing and evolving our technology so quickly We have to make a choice as a society. How much of our power? Will we give away to the machines how much of it sounds like a science fiction movie? Where do those movies come from? This is consciousness in those movies asking us to explore how much of ourselves do we want to give away? And here's a perfect example Elon Musk Elon Musk has developed a new company called neuro-link and his philosophy is now and I'm not sliding him for this because this is the way Society learns this is the way science learns by pushing. The boundaries an Elon Musk is a brilliant man. He's pushing those boundaries and And I think he'll push them until he has pushback from society Neuro-link is the first chip Implanted into the human brain that directly links the human brain with a hard drive of a physical computer Without a wire without a cable. So it's like Bluetooth technology. It's beyond Bluetooth, but that's you can think of it that way So what he's saying is if you can't meet the machines and join them. He said let's let's Interface, let's become one with these machines. So what do you think about that? So they they have the chips that can be implanted into the brain and I mean think about what's happening. These are silicon tips That have contact points that are interfacing with human neurons My personal feeling is it's a mistake my personal feeling I I believe It's a it's a dangerous path And I also believe it's an unnecessary path because in the book human by design and in the programs that we offer We have The biology that allows us to do already we have this what those chips are allowing us to do if we awaken that biology we have OK the chips allow the matrix is the perfect example of this in the movie The Matrix. I don't want to spoil it I don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen it. But then in the movie The Matrix the first one The people who were awakening into the the new reality when they needed to learn something quickly They had a port at the base of their skull and they would physically plug a cable Into a computer a harddrive and they could download and learn programs very quickly So very Keanu Reeves was learning kung fu there's a very famous line. I love this line He he plugs in he close his eyes and then he looks and he says I know kung foo Yeah, okay, and and what he did with that machine we have the ability to do right now through what are called mirror neurons Interestingly mirror neurons are a specialized class of neurons in the human brain that don't know the difference between Watching an experience and having the experience So when when we and we already know this, for example, this is why you can lie on your couch on a Sunday afternoon Watching a soccer game or a golf tournament or whatever you're lying down But you're watching this and your heart's racing your muscles are tensed You might be perspiring you might be you know, breathing heavy and but you're just lying there But if you think about that, it makes no sense You're mirror neurons think you're the one on the field That we watch it is it's and these are very powerful neurons and they're also powerful in addiction This is this is why pornography for example is so powerful. It's so addicting because when someone witnesses those images with the mirror neurons it triggers the saying the oxytocin and the same dopamine the same very addictive chemistry because the brain doesn't know the difference between watching and Having the experience So this is these are the bad things that we hear The good things that we don't often hear is because the brain doesn't know the difference when we learn to access these mirror neurons In a very specific way we have super learning Brian we can learn so I I do this personally I mean we can learn very very quickly We can learn music you can learn to perform the way another musicians performing learn a foreign language very quickly You can retain not only retain but recall information Very super learning super memory super retention super recall from the mirror neurons And here's the kicker those mirror neurons in the in the human brain are in the sixth layer of the neocortex That is made possible through a mysterious DNA fusion that happened two hundred thousand years ago when we showed up who or whatever Is responsible for our existence. Whatever is the source of the intervention that appears to have happened Made that those neurons possible and it gives us the ability If we choose to access this potential to to learn and experience Very very quickly. We don't need to be physically connected to a computer But this is an example of where if we don't know that and we go down this road. I mean it won't stop there We end up giving our power away. I to to a device and you've heard the old the old axiom if use it or lose it and and we run I think the risk of Becoming a species where we begin to lose this tremendous sure beautiful potential and we're are losing parts of that already because we're no longer Kind of learning the same way and pushing our brains to learn languages. It's all about Exactly asking ask the young people today to solve a mathematical problem the blood off the use of a phone or a calculator yeah, you know I come from a generation and this is all happened in one generation when I was in school back in the 1950s 60s early 70s Engineers were putting the first man on the moon using a slide rule. Yeah Now some of our viewers don't even know. What a slide rule is it is it is the precursor To the it has no electricity it is a gadget that looks like a ruler that had a slide that you could use to to move and correlate certain numbers and This is the way engineering happened World War two the atomic bomb this is how we solve our problems and the young people now if they don't have They don't have either a calculator which is almost obsolete a physical calculator They're on the phones now, or they don't have a phone. They cannot solve the problems. Yeah Well, we are now cyborgs whether we want to admit it or not Most people are anxious that they don't have the phone they refer to it all the time It's part of their consciousness and so as I've heard you long talk about he said the problem now Or maybe not the problem Maybe the good part according to you is bandwidth because we have our thumbs to get the information from our brain into this This network this internet platform And so Elon is proposing that we jack up that bandwidth You know and get all of the download and interaction between us and this Super computing super interconnected network around the world and then take ourselves to that next level And so I think Elon is a proponent or he's just saying it's going to happen. So let's make it happen Yeah, he's he's just saying you let's go right flow This is where it's going. Right and I see what you're saying. Because if we do that, there's not many ways of going back We're already doing what we already are doing that to a certain extent Hartley. Well, we are and I have to be for transparency I'll just say that I probably am what you would call a purist There's a part of me that so Respects the intricacy Of the human the human being our our existence we are so mysterious. We are so complex and Every time scientists think they've got it nailed. It's all buttoned up and they think they're they understand everything There's an understand they understand that they don't know what what's really happening human brain states a perfect example We can talk about that in just a moment So I think until we fully understand who on our potential it's a mistake right to Closing off that door we might not ever go back there and we're giving you the way it's a mistake to to lose that 50 Years from now there'll be the science fiction movie of the people that stayed away from the tech and the people that win it Yeah, I think it is happening right now That's exactly what what you're seeing and you know, if some people go to extremes, I think I think the machines Can be useful as tools my caution is not to embrace them as a crutch where we have to have them if a machine Can tell me? When I'm creating the conditions in my body to access this potential then that machine is very useful Once I understand that I can toss the machine the way I don't need the gadget Because now I know who I am if if the machine if I feel like I need the machine To take me to this place every time so I have a bad day or I'm a little stressed I said I got to hook up to my machine you know my PC and run this app to tell me when I'm in the right brain state or whatever the right heart state or whatever it is And I think that's where we run the risk and we have to be conscious we have to be conscience cautious Conscience conscious and cautious as we do this and I I'm tripping on a little bit because I wanted to go back I'm not sliding Elon Musk. He is a Different generation than we are. He's an entrepreneur. He's done amazing things He sees potential and he says let's explore this potential and so he probably is Accelerating the evolution wherever that evolution is going to go We have to make a choice now where we didn't have to make it five years ago Now we have to choose are we going to follow this path now? I have to tell you Brian audiences all over the world when I share this story and I've got a presentation that goes with it and I before I even Share my opinion. I can see people in the audience and when they see the picture of the chip I say here's the chip Here's what it does and people are out there. They're shaking their heads and Then when I say in my opinion, this is a dangerous thing to do. It's a slippery slope I think we may not want to go hear people stand up and applaud people at least in the ilk that we are communicating with believe that there is a pushing a Boundary and two boundary. They don't want to cross
Channel: London Real
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Keywords: london real, londonrealtv, brian rose, gregg braden, gregg braden interview, london real gregg braden, gregg braden events, gregg braden london real tv, gregg braden london real, brian rose and gregg braden, gregg braden and brian rose, gregg braden wired, gregg braden europe, gregg braden part 1, gregg braden part 1/2, braden london real, gregg london real, gregg braden londn
Id: 4N3fGnP9v_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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