Gregg Araki Reads Your Letterboxd Reviews

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Calvin for another four and a half star review I am so far up gregorocki's ass the letterboxed audience is obviously even the ones who hate the movie hated in a very creative way which is which is cool Hello I'm gregoraki I'm the director of the Doom generation and now we're reading some reviews here [Music] okay so the first one is from uh Logan Kenny I guess this is a good one extraordinary a nightmare shooting to parade violent and sexual film The Blood and [ __ ] emanates from every frame which is kind of a essay aimlessness of the protagonist searching from place to place in this hellish world where everything is a decrepit wreck inhabited with Psychopaths with shotguns and new people to run from they have each other but soon that will end through violence or other means this is America a concoction of the worst traits of humanity and in the end the violence becomes all too real and scars linger inescapable thank you Logan Kenny this person definitely seems to have gotten the movie this is another five-star review no plot just Vibes just horniness and red light I would disagree and say there's also blue lighting and red lighting but another five stars Amy blue is my Patrick Bateman she's my Travis Bickle she is my Joker she is my Tyler Durden you wouldn't get it I get it just a five star the first 70 minutes oh my god gay teens having sex with an amazing soundtrack how fun exclamation point the last 10 minutes I want to kill myself uh four and a half Stars uh Charlie Nash some viewers will simply pass this off as a juvenile Road movie but it is truly a scathing indictment of the bigotry homophobia and misogyny that exists within American society agree there iraqi's provocative subtext speaks volumes here and wields a brutal power that remains unfairly maligned to this day and also as the incred state buy the [ __ ] soundtrack I don't I don't think you can buy it anymore but you might be able to find a used car like four stars from Saint 10 he probably threw up while typing a heterosexual film by gregoraki into the scripts a producer came up to me and said you make gay movies that gay people hate and if you make a heterosexual movie I'll get you real financing for it I'll get you um you know a decent sized budget I mean it was under a million dollars but it was still more than mine than I'd ever had and so I said okay and so um wrote the Doom generation and called it very tellingly a heterosexual movie in the way that totally [ __ ] up as a homo another homo movie by Grand Rocky but um I purposely made it like the queerest straight that could ever exist and so the subtext of it is so ridiculously uh homoerotic I had this idea that the movie would be like a sort of a trojan horse in the sense that it would appear on the surface to be a heterosexual movie but deep down super queer and subversive Calvin for another four and a half star review I am so far up gregoraki's ass the letterboxed audience is obviously even the ones who hate the movie hated in a very creative way which is which is cool uh Holly Manda four stars damn bro you got the whole Squad horny that's a wonderful version watch with my girlfriend and we got pretty turned on until the Nazis ship so I forgot where it came from but somebody said this movie made me and my girlfriend so horny we had to go home and [ __ ] immediately as soon as it was over and well that is absolutely the most amazing review anyone could ever ask for three and a half stars from Tom de Blanc this is what listening to slow dive does to uh MF [ __ ] I guess yeah I listen to a lot of slow dive when I was right in the script Karen through three and a half Stars where do they find these designer motels uh in my head and in uh the production designer is the late great tourism press and she was [ __ ] a genius and could do anything long the odd super tight budget and a super tight schedule I mean I remember when we did the black on my check room we were like what are we gonna do with the second Motel after doing the the red motel and she had on her desk a postcard of like a bunch of black and white check things and I was like let's do that and so literally she hand painted the whole set like it I mean it took her her and her forever to do that but it's just [ __ ] amazing three stars Kenneth regga Rocky writes dialogue like a 12 year old girl who just about hers words but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I didn't eat this up the bad reviews are great Indigo three stars Pulp Fiction directed by my penis uh your penis is very talented Emma two and a half Stars this is the straightest thing a rock you can come up with I think that's a little bit sarcastic so and quite uh I take that as a huge conflict one and a half Stars knock knead um John water Scott Pilgrim Warren Sykes uh one and a half Stars here roll the food directed by Derek Zoolander this is like you should put this one together with knock me so pirolofu Derek Zoolander John water Scott Pilgrim all like in a pot point five stars uh from Esha Pony pissed I let Tumblr screenshots trick me into thinking this movie would be good yeah I'm sorry sorry about that I'm not really on like social media or you know a lot of this stuff and but I hear that there's a lot of Tumblr stuff about the movie and which is cool because there's a high demand for people who have only seen the movie on Tumblr and now they can actually see it exciting new version except for for us a pony who was disappointed with the movie one star Jack Dietrich sex comment violence comma sex comma style comma blood comma calm comma SEC comma drugs comma Neon Lights comma Amy blue comma sex imma come comma blood uh comma drugs period I hate cracker Rocky Well Jack I love your review even if you hate uh that's it so thanks to the letterbox Community for being so passionate about Cinema and so passionate about the Doom Generation Um I super enjoyed reading all of those reviews bad good in the middle uh everybody have a great day huh
Channel: Letterboxd
Views: 22,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iFTfbCdo1ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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