Greg Glassman Town Hall

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[Music] all right so uh I want to welcome everybody here today and you know we've had the pleasure of spending the last 24 hours or so with mr. Glassman assemblee crew from Cross Fit talking about chronic conditions and the CrossFit methodology and philosophy and the potential for curing those chronic conditions and you know I know a lot of our staff and a lot of our tribal members and fellow CrossFitters and Wellness Center members and whatnot are here this is going to be a really good talk about about curing chronic conditions and you know it's the underlying reason why we do what we do through our wellness centers and why our tribe and our leader our tribal leadership supports what we do so much so I know you guys didn't come to listen to me so without further ado mr. Greg Glassman thank you I might just like that hi-yah thank you for having us here it's really really an honor and a privilege to be here I'm gonna share something with you because my mom said I wouldn't share it with you I told her I would I bensharon if I'm gonna keep sharing it so I can get mom points my mom lives in Choctaw Alabama she was born and raised there and she retired she went back there and my mom's daddy my grandpa his mother was a Choctaw Indian and she's she's a believer she's a supporter and so she was really proud that I was coming here she's been supporting the schools for years and there's a thank you from my mom now this shifts into kind of an uncomfortable talk and to talk about dying hate to do that but no you're a you're a hero here I've been saying good things about you all day you get to you get to have your phone go off if you forgive me what mine does I'm gonna put five buckets up here and I'm gonna call this one chronic disease and I'm gonna put some smaller buckets this one I'm gonna call kinetic and this one I'm gonna call genetic and this one I'm gonna call microbe ik and this one I'm gonna call toxic although I picked toxic because they all went kick and I like that but technically this should be poison of which toxic is a specific type so if we got any super thinkers out there I'm just covering my butt but I got five buckets here in a little game I want to plan them explain these divisions and I'm gonna give you some songs I think life-saving information but what I'd like to do is play a little game here and I'd like you to just kind of throw some u2 throws at me some horrible things that can happen to you that would kill your butt all right let's start with you heart attack I'll put that right here you yeah cancer I'm gonna put it in here with a little bit of caution because not all cancer goes in there there are some cancers the would go in here there are some cancers that that could go out here and there's some cancers that go in here but it's not the bulk of them and about many of those like this one there's not much you can do you understand if you get bad parents it's hard to fix it the genetic thing right you picked the wrong folks okay so in the in the sense of anything we can do something about this is gonna go here right here for sure and I'll just spill the beans for you it's a epithelial candle cancers related endometrial dysregulation or epithelial does dysregulation so give me another method unfortunate circumstance diabetes yeah we're loaded in this bucket give me another one somebody else just yell it out car crash I love it it's kinetic give me another one what is it what'd he say oh yeah um that won't kill you you wish it would but it wouldn't right Shaka that's not that's not that's kind of eternal but it but it is a chronic condition Alzheimer's right here suppose that were like you know someone held you down and gave you something goes right in here toxic poisoned how about if you did it to yourself on the regular as a bad habit cigarettes go right in here if I hold you down and shoot you up with heroin and I've poisoned you if you do it to yourself it's chronic disease okay name some I was let's just do this AIDS microbe ik genetic cystic fibrosis right just bad bad luck I've played this game for thirty minutes at a medical school with its staff and almost everything that comes my way is either chronic disease or its kinetic and that just means like physical shot stabbed dropped cut in half crashed genetic bad genes right microbe ik virus bacteria fungus prion and in toxic you've been poisoned okay now I want you see this a big bucket you notice that big buckets a big bucket you see that this big bucket according to CDC accounts for about 70 percent of deaths according to gallup by means probably more trusted 88 percent of deaths this is somewhere between 30% of deaths and so maybe as low as 12 that's a CDC numbers a Gallup number the CDC is using older numbers because it makes it look like they're doing a better job at what they do but the expense is pretty much agreed on this is 86% of medical expense 86% is going to the chronic diseases and so what I want to do now is I want to give you some sense so I mean this this is this is a big chunk right seventy eighty eight percent of why people die in eighty six percent of our medical expenditure these things are by and large accidents I think you understand that car accident is largely accidents those poor people in Vegas that were that were murdered that was that was that was you know accident wasn't something of their own I mean accident out of their own control so much right you got bad parents did you screw up nope you got you got you got a bug you know we can wear a mask you see watch the people you see those people were little masks everywhere you always wonder about them I like I wonder if they're contagious or they're afraid I am but I but I had a client that wore masks like that all the time and his thing was he didn't want to catch what everyone else had but he was sick five times more than I ever was I don't know what it was buying and end up poisoned these you know I there's not a lot of preventive opportunity here we can see there tonight and what are we gonna make sure we never get poisoned I don't know you know childproof cabinets I mean what do you do childproof caps don't drink out of unmarked bottles is but these things are largely accidents and these are not but forget all of this what I'm gonna do now is I just want to go through and I want to tell you because look if this is killing as much as eighty eight percent of the people and certainly no less than seventy if we could if we could do something here you'd want to do it no okay well I'm gonna tell you what you can do it's this is really easy first thing I'm going to tell you is that all of this the problem and the solution are actually very simple very simple here's why I say that there has two root causes and it's set in tourism it's kind of a fancy word for sitting on the couch watching TV being sedentary like we're all doing right now but but 20 hours a day of this or 24 hours a day this isn't good okay and the second cause so it's got two causes the second one is excess carbohydrates CH O's abbreviation for carbohydrates they're made of carbon hydrogen oxygen too much carbohydrate what's carbohydrate well it's broccoli but that's it's hard to get an excess of carbohydrate eating broccoli the car behind that we're talking about the easy way to get excess in carbohydrate is sugars and starches but we're gonna make public enemy number one sugar because for most of us here the most of the suffering that we see I think would be avoided if we just eliminated the sugar but we can start backing off on all carbohydrates we eliminate the sugars and if you if you find perfect health you let it go if you're still not there you got a little extra weight there's some blood lipids that aren't right then what we still removing the starches less potato less rice but we want to start with with the flatbread with the honey on it right I know it's not flatbread uh fried bread fried bread with it with the honey and how many was the recipe yeah yeah so so it's simple because these are the two factors and what we say is you want to get off the couch and off the carbs and that is simple but I got to admit this because I'm sitting you're telling it's really simple but it's also really hard it's simple as opposed to complex simple in a complex or opposites hard and easy or opposites but something can be simple and hard and the reason it's simple is because there's only two elements that set in tourism and carbohydrate and the reason it's hard because it's getting off the couch and not even sugar and that's hard to do and and I just I'm gonna be honest here there's nobody out there anywhere they're people that have hadn't had any sugar in a forever and they haven't sat still in years and they still part of them do that because they're worried about sugar and they're worried about holding still because even the people that are most active and have the most willpower recognize that you can succumb to this in a heartbeat I told the example earlier today of my Nicole Carol who has been she's our director of training she has been a CrossFit superstar for fifteen years now she's just just she's probably one of the top five trainers that walked the earth today in my opinion just an amazing amazing human being well on the subject of said in tourism and this she does not miss workouts does not miss workouts um she said she worries about missing work up she's afraid if she does she'll miss another one in a second when the third one and won't work out she fears said in tourism and that couldn't be further from her life and the article that we wrote on her about her experiences with proper nutrition the title of the article and she picked it was getting off the crack so that tells you something about her sense of vulnerability someone who is far removed from holding still far removed from eating too much carbohydrate still recognizes the trap and so if it's true for her it's triple true for me and triple e truth beyond me for some others so there's a simple problem in in in in the there are very few parts but it's complicated maybe it's it's it's hard rather in doing it and there are some complications the complications come in describing what happens when you're sedentary and you have excess carbohydrate I have to talk to you about glycation about oxidative stress about about inflammation and then you will tell me about inflammation also and we're talking about that concentrates and prostaglandins and it's very very complicated but all that goes away if you get off the couch and get off the carbs and so it doesn't need to be complicated unless you have to understand exactly how it is that you're killing yourself beyond not doing it okay so simple second piece here and this makes perfect sense and follows they are self-inflicted now if you have fallen long sofa I don't think you can deny self-inflicted if you will accept that that the theory here is it it's it's caused by sin and terrorism that is sitting on the couch and eating too much carbs and and that's the simple truth of it well then what would happen if you didn't do that it wouldn't be that right these are willful behaviors you understand that that that it's not that it takes the decision to get off the couch but you have to there was a there was a there was a a willful act to get on the couch and stay there and and it's not that during the commercial the the the cake came out of the fridge and again your lap you got up and went and got it during the commercial so these are willful acts and if you don't do these willful acts you won't have this simple condition and so it's simple and it's self-inflicted if you can accept that I think you'd have to see then it would be preventable and how is it preventable by now it's self-inflicted get off the couch get off the carbs then it's preventable you're not self-inflicting this this misery on yourself for curable now curable curable doesn't mean get better curable means eliminate the root cause but I'm gonna tell you that it's not just curable it's largely reversible largely can you get so sick and so damaged through chronic disease that you're not gonna get better absolutely many have the casino is full of them but listen if you had a chronic condition wouldn't it be better to not have it get worse even if you couldn't make it better and if you could make it just a little bit better isn't that a lot better than making it worse and what if you could make almost all of it go away I'll tell you what we've seen the chronic disease we're always amazed at how much of it can be reversed even when there's parts that can you can do permanent you can kill yourself with this of course you can be permanent damage but at any point the first time you eat one meal that isn't that isn't loaded with sugars and you do some exercise where you haven't the day before you've removed the root cause of your disease at that very instant and the root cause doesn't reassert itself until you have that first bad meal again and we'll yourself back to the couch don't work out so curable and to large extent reversible number five deadly I don't think that needs a lot of explaining somewhere between seventy to eighty eight percent of the population and by the way this is holding true globally it's become an asymptotic figure for developing nations for third world countries and in indigenous populations American Indian in wheat the Maori the original settlers we're calling now I think of Australia the incidents in and the costs are always greater always greater deadly there's nothing there's nothing as deadly nothing number six costly what a bankrupted tribal economy we do it with disease unbelievable costs eighty six percent of current medical expenditure there's no portion of the economy growing faster than the expenses around chronic disease and it's more true in your community and in the mexican-american population and the black population then it than it is anywhere else and this is the last piece number seven I want to talk about addiction because it's not lost on me let me tell you how I arrived at this kind of understanding I'm sitting there one day and I'm thinking okay I get it you're sitting on the couch and you're eating jelly doughnuts and you're watching friends until you get diabetes and you're an unfortunate victim of disease but if I sit on the couch and I shoot heroin or watch a different Channel I'm some kind of degenerate how is that different again their willful behaviors their chronic recurring willful behaviors that contribute to your final demise so I was like I'm not getting the difference again I gotta look this up so I put chronic disease in addiction into Google my first thing came back was from the National Institute of Health and it was an infographic there's entitled addiction is chronic disease there these are willful destructive habits I'm not saying if you sit on the couch eating a doughnut you're gonna die I'm saying if you do it every single day you spend six hours a day doing it you're gonna die you got a short and brutish life I turned then and looked at these two things set a tourism and carbohydrate excess carbohydrate what is the addictive nature of that I mentioned it earlier my Nicole Carol says she's afraid of missing work out because she's afraid she'll miss a second one she was afraid she'll miss a third she's afraid she won't work out for a month or maybe never again I put set in tourism into Google and with the word addiction when I get pay dirt there have been many scholars that have suggested that said and tourism is a recurring self-reinforcing destructive unhealthy behavior we looked at the carbohydrate anyone here ever had any inkling of the notion that sugar was addictive this is Karen Thompson right here she's written a book on sugar and addiction if it's not addictive then we need to re-examine what addiction means anyone got kids here I got a bunch of them I got high I tell I said cuz I named one of my kids I said there's no lie she won't tell for a piece of candy it's just amazing I mean it's it's just it's crazy the behaviors of nuts it's tough but simple chronic disease it's simple it's self-inflicted it's preventable it's reversible curable deadly costly it's an addiction we're here to tell you that the that chance Adams in the wellness program here has an answer they are they are as we speak day-in day-out in the business of reversing and preventing chronic disease reversing is great because someone comes in the door may be obviously damaged and then later we all see this over time they get better it's hard to see the prevention you don't see the Alzheimer's that won't happen the stroke that won't happen the cancers that won't happen the heart attack that won't happen but it is a fact nonetheless otherwise you don't believe in preventive efforts and that would be kind of like being crazy wouldn't it to think that you know checking your tires wouldn't preserve the you know I mean these kind of basic stuff CrossFit is here and I don't mean me I mean chance and the Seven CrossFit centers and your 1414 wellness centers is here reversing chronic disease we've come to support that effort to give encouragement to give support recognition and to talk to you about that to let you know that I don't think you want it I don't think you want any of these you know we asked the public what don't you want to get it's cancer and heart disease the public is really afraid of cancer most of all heart disease second and all kinds of competing things that the public fears when you ask physicians what they don't want is diabetes is almost every time right on top I don't my diabetes it's it's a horrible way to die it's a horrible way to live and we all have we can all do something about this you know I had in other talks I'd said that after looking all this I go it's your fault and I know that doesn't sound good though no one likes me what do you mean my fault you know because maybe not maybe your doctor told you wrong maybe you read wrong but but what I'm trying to do is suggest something that's very very empowering because if it's your fault only you can fix it and the truth is whether you see this is your fault or not only you can do this chance and I can encourage you to get off the couch we can invite you off the couch we can have you into the gym make sure you don't get on the couch when you're in the gym but at the end of the day it will be a willful decision of yours to not be sedentary and as that doughnuts calm and you go no that's see that you got to do that if you can or maybe it's best not to touch it huh but it's a it's a it's a willful behavior on your part nothing could be more empowering if I were to tell you that there's something that's killing seventy-two eighty eight percent of the population you'll and and it's coming your way and we all got you like what a little bit but you can prevent it that's the message you want to hear so this is in some sense as a best case scenario you can opt out of what's gonna kill three out of four people in this country nine out of ten of the people that are that are customers of this casino and only you this is a this is the largest this is the world's most vexing problem it's by far the greatest medical problem but there is no medical solution only a lifestyle solution and so the doctors here in the Choctaw Nation can recommend that you go to the Wellness Center and you and you get with chance and his people but there's nothing in their bag that's gonna that's gonna make make make a that will be a fix it'll be symptomatic treatment and it's it's ineffective its costly and it's it's putting it's putting a band-aid on a broken bone it's not it's not it's not good enough if you have any questions we need to make sugar public enemy number one you know what I wish I could stand up here and tell you there's another way cuz I'd do it you know can we come back to the sugar later all right we can't you got it you gotta get it out you gotta get it out of your diet there are people who like anyone interesting the Games athletes here alright um there are people that tell me that the Games athletes need more carbohydrate than other athletes I don't know that to be true in fact I say that suspecting that it may not be but more importantly I don't care if it is or isn't because here's the deal pushing carbohydrate through your system to burn it off for athletic performance does not mitigate the damage of the sugar the sugars damage is intracellular and extracellular that's is inside and outside the cell just being there and being burned does the damage and so if you make yourself skinny you make yourself fit seemingly fit and you do that with a high carbohydrate load the oxidation the inflammation and the glycation that is the sugar covalently bonding permanently to essential protein structures that processes all under way and so for those that are you know like wow my athlete so I need a lot more I'm not I'm not I'm not fighting chronic disease I'm going to the game so I need a bunch of carbs well what you're gonna do is you get into fit and and extremely sick and we see it and we see it regularly we have several really good examples within our own community and support network two of our very best friends in this business that know exactly what's wrong Tim Noakes insomnia incan and one very very young one a senior and accomplished researcher and scientist and Hall of Fame marathoner both developed type 2 diabetes eating perfectly exercising inordinately both were shocked at their diabetes one was diagnosed as a diabetic the same year they do on the World Championships of the professional triathlon series yeah how's that was that amazing here was his line he goes I couldn't be any fitter I couldn't eat less I couldn't do more exercise how can this be he had a PhD in physics so he took a month off of everything I'm trying to figure out what was wrong when he figured it out immediately was carbohydrate his paradigm was flawed and he was fueling his triathlons with giant bonuses of carbohydrate and through oxidation glycation and inflammation developed type 2 diabetes he was gonna be a very dead champion triathlete question great great question um I'm not sure what naturalist sugars are they're um fructose fructose is the worst sugar but fruit isn't the worst of food fruit juice maybe the thing about fructose is I don't get a whole bunch of it in an apple I get all I need for a meal for sure but I don't get I don't get in the mount that makes me just oh that's horrible but I will in a glass of orange juice and I will in a coca-cola so sucrose which is table sugar is a disaccharide of glucose bound of fructose because it's bound to fructose it's a problem the glucose is less a problem but a problem and in high fructose corn syrup I have even more I even have more sugar so and my in my the monsters in the sugar world fructose is number one that makes that an outstanding question and so yeah one of the natural sugars is the worst okay galactose the milk sugar has a high glycation propensity but I don't I don't believe that people are glad cating with dairy I don't think that's it happening I think it's a good question but I'll make it easy for you if it tastes sweet it's a problem I love them of course and what do I love most about them yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely um do I believe that keto giant ketogenic diets play a vital role in a potential in cancer treatment huh diets who stop juvenile epilepsy yeah I do better the brain will take ketones preferentially over glucose yeah I can give you a dose of insulin after you fasted for 10 days that would kill anyone in this room and you won't even feel it because your blood sugar low as it is even slam to levels it would be fatal for any in this room won't affect you because you're already running on ketones yeah I can't overdose you with insulin if you haven't eaten in seven days I cannot it's not amazing cuz you don't need glucose after you haven't eaten for seven days yeah ketones are magical there are there are researchers that believe it is maybe not before everyone here but young thing asks a question is good we got it we gotta take a moment here um this is the future right because she's gonna be delivering this lecture when I'm gone there are there are researchers that look at my mitochondria folks that are really concerned about the mitochondria and how it functions they believe that the mitochondria luxuriate repairs rebuilds fixes structures removes pieces that are oxidated they just it goes that the repair process starts and it only happens in the presence of ketones in the absence of glucose and it's led these people to believe that that is the natural state that you were meant to live in the ketogenic environment Malou and that you were meant to tolerate the occasional foray into the glucose rich environment I think that makes perfect sense it would be hard for me to take anyone in this room and put you to a natural environment anywhere and you'd find all kinds of sugar it's just you know it's just not what's out there so yeah you've now I'm a big akima genic diets and look at look at Walter Longo hello NGO and look at the YouTube stuff on him and look at Dominic D'Agostino two of them if you're interested in ketogenic things I think you've found some interesting ketones huh how'd that happen that's I've never heard that before and I'm not surprised thank you for sharing it's a beautiful thing to to share that was I said this if I thought that we were going I don't think there's a neurological order that disorder that that won't respond favorably to a ketogenic diet I don't think there's a one whether it's MS you know thank you for sharing first of all thanks for coming down and sharing all your knowledge staying on the keto topic what are your thoughts with carbohydrates to fibre and the new marketing scheme with net carbs well you know I get the net carbs we want to separate those soluble from the insoluble right you know I mean that makes sense to me what was the rest of the question you know I make it I make it even easier for everyone I'd do this I'd put fat in the numerator and I definitely want I want to drive it up so I'm gonna take more fat and I'm telling you you need more fat you die but I want to simultaneously reduce my carbohydrate intake okay and and notice there's no amounts listed I'm not telling you I'm just telling you you find some way to measure find some way to assess and periodically drive the fat up and the carbohydrate down until one of several things happen and they'll actually I'm giving you three because I don't care which one you pick is they really will do something say I want an a1c less than or equal to five okay and that what that does is it's a measure of glycated hemoglobin it tells me what your average is blood Sugar's been you only get an a1c less than five if you consume basically no refined carbohydrate I want to see the race of your triglycerides to HDL I want to see that less than or equal to one what I'd ideally like is your triglycerides to fall off the scale to undetectable levels where the test is no longer valid and depending on the tests and the method I doc what is that twenty three thirty five forty in there it's a there's a point where the test is no longer reliable at that at that low so you you dismiss the number it's so low I want a number so low it's dismissed hdls less malleable is less that we can do to adjust them but high intensity exercise will elevate them but the really thing you have control here's the numerator so I want the triglycerides HDL less than one and there's a researcher named Barry Sears that has been measuring the ratio of a debt arachidonic acid to EPA and he wants that less than or equal to one and these are two fatty acids that control the icons and prostaglandins that govern inflammatory process that's a lot but one of the things we're really concerned about is inflammation and we're concerned about inflammation because it is part of what happens when these things go south on us is inflammation locations and other part oxidative stress is another this measure of inflammation is only to be less than one if if your blood lipids are in perfect order and and your blood sugar is in perfect order and all of that in fact so what I'm telling you you just play with this until you get one of these and I don't care which one cuz you're not gonna have you're not gonna have this good and these bad this good and these bad this good and these bad it won't happen and so this gives you some options here this fits with the zone it works with paleo it works with macros it works with net carbs it works but I don't understand any of this but I know the distri know fat and carbohydrate and I know what it's like to eat more bacon and less toast so I can I can increase my fat intake and some of this is what about protein I'd hold it constant now this isn't helping we can make it's simpler and simpler and simpler the problem with a one plan fits all is not that the one plan won't fit everyone physiologically but it won't fit you psychologically or temperamentally and so someone's asked me what's wrong with the zone today well one of the problems of his own is that I have to be able to teach you that if a quarter-cup is a block and you need three blocks then you'd need 3 times 1/4 cups and I've had people go how many is 3 1 quarters I'm glad you're laughing because I have to then say it would be three quarters 3 1 quarters is 3 1 quarters is 3 quarters and they're like let's do paleo you know it's funny isn't it so I decided you know um one size will fit all physiologically but maybe not temperamentally or intellectually but I don't care either I don't care what I want is health and you know like I wanted my dad to do the zone he wouldn't do this on was gonna do his own that's why and so he he blew a crappy a1c and a doctor's visit dude your pre-diabetic am i so he's gonna lower his a1c B's not gonna do anything I want so first thing does is portion control I've never gone there I don't talk about portion control well I'll tell you why if you cut the high glycemic carbohydrates and your diet the portion control will happen all irrational food choices are around high glycemic carbs anyway here like steak yeah but as much as you love it I bet you've never finished a steak and then gone and cooked another one and you're getting in the car and you go back to the store and go to the steak right no anyone gonna have three eggs and three more and I ate the whole does and I feel like a turd imma get another dozen Anita maybe you just you don't do that but how about with pretzels or candy or sugar-free Entenmann's right fat-free enzmann sorry yeah you remember the Entenmann's you read a little slice of that and watch a little TV think about a little slicing dicing with a little slice in this it's gone and it the Entenmann's is toast all the rational food choices around high glycemic carbohydrates seriously stupid things with fats and proteins and so my old man he takes the portion control so he reduces his portions but he can't get his he can't get his a1c below like six and a quarter so he's okay I'm still like a diseased own I'm not gonna do pay him I could do anything my son would recommend so what I'm gonna do next see how I got so what he does next is he removes the added sugar all right and I'm watching his plate he's it's it's turning into what I want on his plate but he's doing it his way good on him he got his a1c it like five and a quarter congratulations dad and you didn't listen to me okay I'm not I'm not that invested in how you do it this is the most general of notions wondering to do Femina protein a carbon of fat fix your protein somewhere around 21 to 28 if you're big dude 35 grams per meal or don't even remember any of that I mean this is for the people that have to have numbers but take the fat up in the carb done until one of these things just hits that sweet spot and all along the way you should get leaner and leaner feel better and better have more more energy sleep better nothing else should be going bad at the same time the neat thing about finding that sweet spot physiologically is that we don't get side effect see with with medical treatment so often like well I you know I we brought your cholesterol down but you might your stroke might have been because of the weakening of the vessel wall sorry about the side effect my bad you don't have that when you find that sweet spot where an organism should work so so rather than side effect the specter of side effect is eliminated and what we see all of a sudden is a side benefit and what's a side benefit it's when when the client comes and tells me hey I came here told you was for weight loss but and I've had this happen I had Crohn's colitis and now I do not I didn't want to tell you because I was embarrassed but you know I've seen that with Hashimoto's thyroiditis lupus erythematosus my introduction to the to the autoimmune disorders was clients come up and telling me that they longer had him yeah it's remember someone to me I had a she was time right itis I think what's that I thought was like a motorcycle or something and no no she was a horrible to Billington all good I'm glad it's gone you know she's how'd that happen I go know she says when you did it oh thank you no and then I saw another one and then another one and then another one question sir we recommend a diet of meat and vegetables nuts and seeds some fruit little starch nor sugar but do that again meat in there so the vegetarian meat okay but vegetables nuts seeds you can do it it's the meat part right if you're a vegetarian or vegan when I say meat I want you to hear tofu tempeh spirulina natto fractionated isolates and our protein powders one of those I need a non fibrous vegetable protein and and the key is that the fiber ASSA t of the protein will determine its absorptive rate and and what the gritter is a glucagon response so if I if I'm trying to say mix of grains with legumes to get the full complement of amino acid I got I got beans and rice so I'm getting all the protein I need you're getting all the amino acids you need but it's a fibrous enough protein in conjugate when I when I dissociate those amino acids if there's enough there's enough fiber ASSA T that the impact is blunted in terms of the glucagon response in dian dian it was still an insulin rich environment so vegetarians that aren't getting one of those non fibrous proteins at every meal run the risk of hyperinsulinism and chronic disease that being said if you can give me tofu tempeh natto seitan fractionated isolates or protein powder at every meal and for someone your size or somewhere in the neighborhood of of 28 to 35 grams per meal you will be perfectly healthy that's my experience that's my belief okay um I can use this diet to accommodate just about any food allergy my friend Shaka is is a Jain they buy religious conviction don't eat meat that's okay that's good kosher any ethnicity you know I I'm not I'm not telling you what to eat but how to eat you know that's a great question I appreciate it are you vegetarian yeah yeah tofu tempeh you know tofu tempeh spirulina natto there we go tofu tempeh spirulina natto fractionated isolates you want me write those down I'm gonna do it we got it welcome for the one guy you'll save a life right now no I took it's a good question and anyone who says hey I'm gonna do this but I'm gonna do it like this and I like do it like that it's good so tofu tempeh natto those are soy products spirulina blue-green algae what we call fractionated isolates it's factory made protein assembly like the Morningstar fake meats and that kind of stuff it's good stuff and protein powders the powder the powder is Asian the powdering of the of the protein destroys the fiber ASSA t so i get a rapid absorption and glucagon response those are my six and I don't have any other I wish I did I wish I could I wish I could give you more yeah but that'll help and we've worked miracles with that in Santa Cruz I stepped into the nutrition world in a vegan rich community and became a star it was great it was great when I meet vegetarians I don't I don't try and talk him out of vegetarianism what I do is try talking me to sound and nutrition and then and then then it'll be their decision to contain or not but the first thing I wanted to do is experience true true health no and if you're gonna tell me look dude I sit on the couch and eat like that my numbers are good they ask me am I gonna die unfortunately no I mean I yeah here's the thing um I do not know of an adaptation from good nutrition and I do not know of an adaptation from exercise that doesn't belong to the other camp and I had forever the experience of exercising people and recommending nutrition and that gave me a perfect view to see what happened when someone would exercise and eat right and exercise a Nadi right board I'd never done was recommended a meal plan and not exercise anyway I'd never done that 35 years of training in 1995 I travelled around with very serious administering the Zone diet and for the first time in my career I was putting people on a nutrition plan that weren't they were not exercising I was not making exercising recommendation we weren't even talking about that these were sedentary people who were eating poorly and we would got him to eat well and weren't exercising much to my chagrin it was it was hard for thing for me except and it really bothered me but everything that I'd ever seen happened not to the same degree but the same manner of thing was happening from nutrition I was getting increased bone density from changing my eating increased muscle mass from changing my eating and so I believe now that these things are in an indispensable pairing that provide the same benefit but through who through different mechanisms and so do both but if you're only gonna do one eat right now axl flooger our chronic disease physician he was up until just recently and he's a little bit on the fence now but he was the big exercise guy and I think that and we don't have it's not a strong difference of opinion but he just thought he thought it would be better to exercise and eat poor than to eat well and not exercise I think you may be wrong but but this factors into it long ahead of being able to determine which is which is worse easy it is so much easier to get people to exercise it is the heat right and so it won't ever in a clinical situation you won't have that trade-off you're very likely to have people I'm coming to the workouts and I'm and give myself an a on the workouts in B minus or a C on the food and I can take up anymore your evening I want to tell you CrossFit's here to stay in the form of that man and staff I'm not gonna quit back in his play I really like what's happening here my interest extends I told you my mama's tiedoll y'all but chronic disease is my thing and I also believe that the need here the resources here the mindset of your leadership the support of your medical community the support of your chief the number of gyms you have in the equipment that there is nowhere on earth where the problem is worse than the opportunity to address it is better and so that makes it for a smart person right here in the Choctaw nations where you start and what I plan to do is make a sizable impact here through through through chance and then I want to package what we've done and I want to go to other communities where there less resources where the problem is just as dire and there are a lot of them where there are brown people were there black people like my neighbors and friends brothers in Hawaii the malory that we've talked to in New Zealand we're gonna do this we're gonna do this I want your help I want your support if you're skeptical and why you should be I'm I tell you there's no bigger I'd sit through most of what I listen to you know I like it somebody are going good you like me what I asked is you suspend belief support us to an experiment prove us wrong prove us wrong thank you very much [Applause] so on behalf of the Choctaw Nation Gregg a little medallion with the Choctaw Steel and whatnot on it so I'm gonna grace them with this and again appreciate all your help anybody want some photo ops for anything like yeah I'm here for you I feel free to come up I'm not running away take a picture shake a hand all those things so everybody thanks for coming out thanks for hearing us out and travel safe [Music]
Channel: ChoctawNationOK
Views: 7,369
Rating: 4.8588233 out of 5
Keywords: Crossfit, Wellness, Choctaw, Choctaw Nation, Diabetes, Chronic disease, Health
Id: XTxxeFGMqC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 18sec (2958 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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