Green Project - Humorous Post Apocalyptic Survival

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what's up guys and gals welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're gonna be checking out a game called green project it's right there on the screen ignore the messy looking like these menus i know they look low budget all right just ignore that for right now and also i'm gonna have to ask you to ignore translational issues this game clearly came from another language but it's out now on steam and it is a post-apocalyptic survival game and actually there is a lot of care put into the pixel art and sort of like the mechanics of the game and so i figured we'd show it off here today so let's start a new game zaron games presents there's our little spaceship right there that's us we're gonna crash aren't we yeah we're definitely taking like a precipitous dip towards the oh they left us here just like so the ship went on without us feels bad his compatriots forgot him in space a long dreamless cryogenic knight was fortunately with him to make him wait some 300 years you see what i mean like the entire game kind of roughly translated like that an autonomous system with artificial intelligence ends up establishing his return on native earth after a destructive fungal pandemic degrades mankind thanks rosanto i assuming they're they're referencing monsanto there it's an earthling and he's at home and he will survive or not armed with his proto-kohler pouch brief of the in his 80s scout formation he will adapt or fade away in the dust of mother earth i almost grasped like eight percent of what was said right there i get the rough idea we crash landed on the planet now we must survive and we have like a jason statham head that is i don't care what they say that is jason statum's head right there we are definitely post-apocalyptic survival jason statum there's no way that there's twigs yeah i'll take some twiggies sure why not i don't know if they're going to be useful the space castle is broken but the trunk is unharmed i wonder if the wasa is going to take it off my pay all right well let's look inside here uh we've got ourselves a plastic bottle that is full of 100 water units in the future we no longer have need for the metric system all right we have only the universal system uh we have a can we got a tin can of peaches which we can eat right now to bump up all of our health and whatnot our hunger and our third so i'll just do that right there hey there's stuff on the ground right there give it to me i want that there was another one laying on the ground so we have 10 rations we got lots and lots of food so hopefully we'll be okay um there's a dead guy over here hanging from from that sign so you know that's unpleasant don't tell me there's still a speed limit i should probably read it anyway so welcome stranger my will is written on the cement barrier over there i've given my corpse to science and it is now impossible to use it in order to make your vegetable garden nicer i guess is what they're trying to say it'll probably still be good for the composter though if the ravens left you anything all right life hanging by one thread jeans yay other stuff that will no longer be useful and in bonus we get some lifeless organic matter that's true nothing says let's survive like chopping up a dead body that you found hanging from some barbed wire that's always a really good start to every adventure at the moment i'm in my undies so i'm gonna put some jeans on there we go i've been jeans and then i'll put my knife inside my inventory too just in case i need it uh so far i haven't found any combat or anything inside of the game but who knows we might run into it uh we can't read the sign but there's the concrete thing right there uh it looks like he's got some things denoted we are right here would be my guess he's played some light tic-tac-toe before drawing a picture of his own death and then of course as always e equals m c squared in case you forgot it looks like there's something of interest over there to the right but one thing you will find as you play this game is that there's like a lot of toxic waste all over the place so getting around can be kind of difficult don't get carried away leon if you think about repairing this pile of scrap to make the fool on the beach the only thing that you'll find is tetanus yeah okay i get what you're saying uh fixing the car will give me tetanus can we look inside the car oh nice there's a chocolate bar inside of there can i stack that i can nice and we got some ferrite huh so that's probably like some iron or something chocolate bars will be good for eating this right here has a box of nails inside of it so maybe we'll grab that any type of fastener is going to be really really useful in a messed up situation like this so i am down with it uh there's toxic waste right there in case you were wondering about it i'm tired of planting trees to repel the toxic bubbles and the other natural humanocides don't walk in it will not bring you good luck if your heart tells you to go and explore further i went there a long time ago and remember an old man who played with the mutagen fungus and also ate some weird insects that were raised in enclosures as for myself i have satisfied myself with chicken and rats but you who has read me will have a better taste of what food really is go see if that man's still alive and if he hasn't mutated like the insects and make sure that he doesn't eat you ciao i have a collar which is waiting for me oh yeah it's the guy that hung himself what do you say over here let's see here i thought that my strength would allow me to stay alive for a long time but i prefer to let this legacy like a wise this one's a tough one definitely need some better translation over here listen listen listen listen listen i'm gonna treat it like i've landed on a foreign planet and that everything is written somewhat in nonsense all right we're just gonna give it a go on our own because the more i read signs the more i get a little bit concerned about the fact that like maybe bad things are gonna happen to me is there water dripping down right there is that what that is can we roll around the back of the boat we can obviously go inside the building okay well we gotta get these bubbles to go away so maybe we'll find some see oh a corn nice i will take that ear of corn i want to know who decided to call it an ear of corn because it doesn't look like an ear if anything it looks like a dong i would call it a dong of corn but then again maybe that's not for polite speech so this is our shoes all right i'm not shoeless i am no longer joe jackson all right we're really kind of beefcaking out this shirtless jason statham look and we've got some kind of chest over here it's got saws it's got hammers it's got files it's got a flask that'll hold stuff there's a water collector that's inside which is a dumb idea that won't fill up with rain so we should probably build one outside was the oh nice a sleeveless jersey yeah we call we we call that a we call that a tank where i'm from it's got other names where i come from that are not polite for youtube speech that would probably get me banned or something so we can't go there but anyways uh corn will apparently make me more irradiated that's sort of horrifying all right let's see what else is inside of here uh we've got what looks like a cook pot where we can make ourselves coffee chamomile we can make ourselves corn we can make all kinds of stuff how hard is it to make corn i just need like cooked toxic mushroom gotcha uh so i need five corn and then i also need 20 water is what it looks like okay let's say that i put this inside of here because it's got 100 water in it will that give me the water that i need in order to make the the corny goodness that i want to consume with my face looks like there's time inside of there apparently it's good for purifying and detoxifying i had no idea that time would get rid of radiation is that factual is this game just making stuff up right now i don't know if the game's lying to me or not we got a butcher's table right there we've got another locker right here that looks like it's got some more tools for us i'm gonna take the axe out because i feel like that sounds helpful we've got two corn right there that we can kind of condense inside that area i'm gonna put the nails inside there too these stack they do they stack good because i was kind of concerned about clearing out my inventory space we also have a watering can that's full of contaminated water okay uh let's put the axe right there we'll put that right there we'll put that right there maybe can i take it out of my inventory and then put it right there there we go all right so for f1 we can have an axe and now we can walk around with our little axe right here oh we can chop down trees too nice sweet dude so apparently we've got like fatigue and stuff that gave us some logs some twigs and some other little things not really that helpful of a situation it looks like grass is actually growing out of the base of the tree though can i get rid of these bushes over here oh i can nice okay let's chop up some bushes in goodbye bush i can't get rid of those twigs right there however that worked pretty good i do like the pixel art of the game and the little animations and stuff they did it reminds me of games from back in the day on like pentium one that's what it reminds me it reminds me of video games from like 1994. like this is what they used to look like it's taking me back to my childhood got some more raw wood right there i don't know how hard it's gonna be to chop this up and make planks out of it but probably be an okay place to start i'm not really getting any seeds from the trees oh you get organic waste from the stumps too for composting nice okay nice well we're learning a new thing right now chopping down the trees chopping down the trees there we go get rid of that thing right then can i get rid of the stoop too i want to kill off the stomp allow me to slay the stoop there we go the stoop hath been slayed it has been destroyed uh we could probably get a pickaxe or something to clear that on out so i didn't get any seeds or anything from this though to be clear all right so there's no seeds we can do oh it's got durability on the axe so we have to be careful about the way that we do that too so if i tend this area i guess i'll make some corns there we go oh we've gotta compost it first oh okay makes sense that's fine what's inside these crates over here another time we've got some more chalk a lot that's good some more organic waste too that'd probably be helpful and then it looks like we've also got more nails and a another metal grill okay uh we'll we'll stick to it for right now um this looks like the workbench over here and i thought i saw a saw around somewhere where did i see the saw at let's see here so let's say that i wanted to do like farming we've got a water collector what does that take us ten planks we need like a hammer we need some nails and we need some branches which apparently we already have on our person so that's good put those over there because i guess they're not auto stacking for right now that's all right like i don't really care if they auto stack like i can fix it every now and again where was the hammer and stuff at like i thought i saw maybe it was inside of this thing yeah there we go there's a hammer and there's a saw as well what are these stacked to more than six that's okay by me i'm gonna put the compost inside of there and then i'm gonna put the rocks inside of there and maybe some of the ferrite inside there because i don't think we're gonna mess with it for right now but i wanna get some planks done uh let's see if we can do basic crafting tasks and get them knocked out so let's say if we wanted to go it's not diy yeah planks dude there we go okay all right yeah do it so like if i put the wood inside of there apparently those are sharpening stones for repairing tools it's good to know okay i figured out you got to put like very specific stuff in there if you have like extra if you have like extra bits and pieces inside of here so let's say that you have like two stacks of logs in here it won't work you can only have the one stack of logs let's go ahead and we'll get this started real fast and so we're i like that little animation right there too it's kind of like one of those weird things with this game is that like the translation is really bad but you can tell it like the effort is in there for like the rest of the mechanics which is really what i'm looking for i don't really care about all the text and whatnot and all the uh i don't really care about the text and i don't really care about all the descriptions and stuff like that what i'm looking for is like is the game fun and playable so if we had some nails we can make a wooden chest and i do think we are gonna need some storage stuff pretty soon the other thing that i would look at is like maybe getting a water collector would be a smart idea put it outside for when it rains or we can make a composter that's another option you go see where those grills at yeah give me the give me the grills and then give me the nails alright so we've got all this stuff right here so like what we want to do is we put these inside of here and then we put the grills inside of there we can make a composter it's going to take us an hour and a half to mash that thing out so it's definitely using up a lot of our time but we have a composter now which is pretty sweet so the composter it says that it needs to be placed outside so let's take the composter and let's see if we can figure out where we want to put it so the composter can be pretty much anywhere one square away from me it looks like oh it can't be on the concrete space okay there we go so now that we have the composter we got to put compost inside of it right i think that if we take yeah there we go we got organic waste right there i wonder if he just auto puts it in there if it's in your inventory let's find out let's fiddle with it all right so basically what you got to do i figured it out you got to put it inside your slots over here and then you hit f4 and it'll put it in your hand and then you can just throw it in there and load it up and if you've got five organic waste it appears as though at some point that will get done uh we are looking a little bit hungry and we are looking a little bit thirsty and so i would start with some chocolate man i'm gonna eat all the chocolate right up front because i'm worried it's gonna go bad and hopefully that gives me oh my god it's farting in the breeze well that's good that means we did something right i mean i can live with that as long as it's looking good over there i'll probably make some more planks now since we're getting closer to night time we can take the grill out and then we just put the wood in there there we go a little five stack and then we can go [Music] yeah let's plank it on up planks away i actually i'll probably spend a bunch of time just making planks today because it seems like planks are going to be like a fundamental thing that we have to have you know while we're out here in the post apocalypse getting wood giggity giggity goo and all that uh the good news is i can stack up the rest of this too and it looks like those stack up pretty high i don't know exactly how to use the sharpening stone i assume that there's like some kind of like sharpened tool thing inside of here oh really so we can make more tools to sharpen with oh nice okay so we can make wood saws pretty easily it's just going to take okay that's fine we just got to throw one of our sharpening stones inside of here we'll be able to sharpen this thing let's go for one more it's only 5 30 right now so it's not that late in the day we still got a little bit of time to play around with i'm not gonna like recraft that thing until i know that i'm gonna need to recraft it and then we'll fiddle with it oh we can make a backpack too better than dora's backpack but it's not pink so we need string we need like a cloth bag we'll need a knife okay i'm excited about it that'll probably increase our inventory space by a little bit too which is really what we're kind of suffering from right now we got to track down some water i think i put all my water inside the chest over here so we're not gonna have anything to work with right what did i do with my water bottle oh yeah i put the water bottle inside of the campfire forgot about that uh so i wanted to drink some water it filled us up it got us going is this contaminated over here like i know how i'm supposed to use this right here we put that right there and then we go with f5 and then i assume we fill it up but this is probably like bad water right like there's probably water that i don't want to drink yeah it's a plastic water full of contaminates so we got to like boil water somehow we boil water over here is that possible okay so we can boil water right there you can actually there's not enough oh we gotta put wood inside of there oh we gotta stock up the fire i think this is firewood right here as i think what this is i think we've gotta like take the it took me a second to find this but it looks like we stock up firewood right there in order to boil water yeah it takes one log off each time that we do it i don't know if i can put the branches in there like the branches don't seem to be maybe i can put the branches in there it looks like the branches don't have like any physical representation oh the branches are all going on the ground right there okay so yeah we can actually officially only use logs to start the fire i guess for whatever reason uh but we are full up on like all of our problems right now so i guess we can sleep for a little bit who knows what's gonna happen tomorrow it appears as though he woken up at 3 15 in the morning i have that same problem dude like i go to bed around midnight every night and i swear to god if i don't wake up at 8 30 right on the dot no matter what every single day it's just like the weirdest thing how life just gets me like that like i always end up waking up at the exact same time don't need an alarm honestly i set an alarm like just in case but i don't need one we're gonna try and see if we can get something around here the organic waste is nice i'll definitely take that i'm sort of afraid to destroy all these trees uh we've got a bag of compost right here okay uh let me take a look at the compost bag so it'll turn a sand parcel into a fertile one okay well i mean we could definitely use a we could definitely use a crop plot so like i'm gonna give it a go here oh okay so i get it like it's not even the prepped area that we've got going on right now um so we have the we have the composted ground ready to go i think it just gave us a false read back right there so i think what we can actually do is i think we can start our planting we can get some of this corn laid down in real fast the other thing i wanted to do was kind of like pass some time just because like it's sort of early in the morning and dark which makes it difficult for you guys to see uh we can turn on lamps and stuff while we're inside but outside not so much apparently we have like a hair growing and a beard growing mechanic as well we're getting like fuzzier as the day goes along apparently i have grown in fuzz i wanted to take a look and see what else i could craft over here we've got 20 more planks so like a wooden chest would be a good idea we do need more storage space i think that would probably be a good idea however for right now it looks like we need what is that right there that's just iron okay so i guess we're gonna need some kind of forge or something too before we're able to make some of this stuff a cupboard for jars there's a firefly floor lamp so it actually looks like we can do quite a lot of cut like there's a lot of stuff to craft here like there's a great deal of things that need to be taken care of so a machine that turns fruit into seeds okay so that requires cloth string and a grill i don't know exactly how that works right there we can make organic waste out of fresh grass i guess apparently i can also gather grass i think the water collector is honestly the first thing we need to get done though uh we don't have access to any water after that barrel runs out over there and so my thinking is let's go to do it ourselves or was it farming it was farming all right so we got the water collector we got nails in there and we got those in there we also needed to put some of those in there and then we got to put the hammer in let's make our water collector i'm waiting for the sun to come up anyways it's still like super dark out here so we're not going to be able to chop trees or do anything crazy interesting until the sun comes up anyways i don't know what time the sun plans on coming up uh 6 a.m apparently is the answer to that question uh so here's our water collector we can put this just about anywhere i'll probably put it right there my reflection in this water confirms that i don't have hair on my head anymore but it grow back quickly if the hormonal disorders that i had before my departure re-emerged to beacon yeah you're growing hair man i'm just saying hormonally you appear to be growing hair my guy looks like hair is definitely growing now we've got another grill right there i'm gonna take that in with me do we have time or something around here yeah we had another time right there if i consume it my radiation level goes down i don't know if i can make anything good or special with it that'll make that more effective that's a pallet right there i don't know if i can chop that for wood maybe or something it doesn't look like i can but we do need to find some seeds for like trees and stuff that sounds like the number one thing that we need to get underway i also needed firewood we don't have enough firewood to boil water and so these basic tasks are all things like our food supply is pretty much taken care of for the foreseeable future like we've got a lot of food ready to rock i think if we can get our wood supply taken care of today and we can get our planting done today everything will be super swell hey i got an elm seed nice can i just plant that wherever i want to plant that because i wanted to get rid of the bubbles over here and it said the way to get rid of the bubbles was with the seeds so maybe if i plant a seed over here oh so i've got a okay oh we gotta compost it too so i see what the principal mechanic is gonna be here like they want us to go through and effectively like rebuild so we can get to the steel works if we can get the road going down here uh don't step on the bubbles it'll kill you instantaneously i tested that out when i was playing for like 10-15 minutes before i started the episode you step on the bubbles you will absolutely die instantly so just don't do that come on there we go all right so where is my stuff at we'll take the compost and let's get another batch of composted ground going it looks like i can only plant trees in locations that have been prepped so we'll put like the five in there so that's producing hasn't been raining lately so we don't really have an opportunity for any of that to happen the other thing i wanted to do though is we'll put those seeds right there yeah dude and we'll just get some corn going like something that we can eat with our bad cells out here we're obviously gonna have to water it i don't think we have any way around that and the watering can was right over here so i'll take that with me watering can go ahead and throw yourself on over here let me see if i can make use of you i don't know exactly how much water it's gonna take in order to water each of these uh it looks like 50 so it's not as expensive as i thought it was going to be but there you go they're all watered up i mean it's contaminated water so like hopefully we don't get any contaminated corn out i'm a little little concerned about that it does look like we can work the rest of this ground so they gave us ample locations to really kind of yeah they gave us lots and lots of room to effectively just like grow as many plants as we want to grow so i'm very happy for that i don't think we can cut the grass or anything right here i don't see any grass being able to be cut and so like i saw some stuff that i felt like really sort of implied that we were going to need grass for things but i can't remember where i saw it at i still also have no idea what this workbench is for so it's possible that like it just hasn't been implemented yet we've already done we could do another water collector i mean that is an option it might be better saved by doing something else for a little bit but like what other what other tasks do we have here so we've got sites we can sharpen all of our gear over there but it doesn't look there's anything too crazy to build as far as husbandry goes we've got traps to catch animals i don't think i have any wire just yet so that might not be an option we can get a pig trap as well i guess there's apparently pigs running around all over the place but a non-lethal oh we've got a lethal trap right there it'll catch rodents and other bees we need a spring and we need a wire do i have a spring and a wire we have rope that's kind of like wire not really but sorta so i guess since we don't have any like wild wire laying around anywhere what do the pliers do we can dis mismantle objects that we place for tools and fabrication that actually sounds pretty good because i can tear down some of these fences out here like do i really need like all this stuff out in front of here this might be a really good opportunity for us to get wire i may also be able to take apart the space pod that's the other part can i disassemble the space pod doesn't look like it can i disassemble that no okay what about the fence okay so i can't disassemble the fence either i was hoping i could get rid of some of this fence work over here and like disassemble our pot like disable our pod and like maybe disable like disassemble some of this stuff but i guess not i guess it's only for disassembling things like this right here which i don't want to do like that's completely unnecessary at the moment on the plus side we got all of our watering done so we're looking pretty good right now it's looking like we don't really have a huge amount to worry about what i would suggest is that we take some of these logs yeah and i'm just going to throw them in there so that we have plenty of like plenty of wood for boiling water uh which is pretty important at the moment and what you'll see is when that's done it'll kick the water bottle out on this side which i didn't notice the last time that it did it so that's a good thing to know as well it looks like our radiation levels are just consistently going upwards i don't know how we're going to get a long-term solution to that i haven't completely and totally figured how we're going to solve that issue but we'll get there at some point i'm sure the answer will become clear here or there we've got a good log supply so we should be good on water for like the next three or four days that means we can rededicate most of the the logs that we're using for making a few more other things and we've got that right there okay what else you got for me over here i don't know where i get screws and stuff from that's one part that i haven't been able to determine maybe i could disassemble the car possibly maybe we could try it yeah let's go let's see if we can take apart a car i don't know if i'm that good of an auto mechanic all right let's go see if we can knock this thing out all right so taking a look at the car it looks like disassembling is definitely not an option it's a bummer that this barrel right here doesn't catch water either because that's what i would figure it does it does look like we have a road down this way or some kind of patchy concrete it's going to give us access to a bunch of stones pick those up where i can and it looks like we've got maybe like a little mineable area over here maybe if i get some iron i can make my own screws yeah so that is the only living tree i didn't really notice until he brought it up maybe if we start so like do we have a pickaxe anywhere we have a hoe it's not really the same thing let's go look and see if there's a pickaxe cause maybe if we destroy the stones we can get iron and then if we can get iron we can use the workbench to turn it into screws and things like that possibly yeah it looks like we don't have a pickaxe available right now i went through all the crates and everything and all of our storage just to make like a hundred percent sure that we didn't have a pickaxe around and we definitely don't have a pickaxe around so unfortunately gathering oars is gonna be off the table for the moment we're gonna have to get to the bottom of that and figure out where in the hell it is that we get a pickaxe from but for now i think that our best option is going to be the growth of trees in varying directions so it says there's a steel works over here that might be a good place to consider trying yeah like if we compost the ground right here and then we put a tree in right there uh they were saying that the trees will run off the gooey stuff at least that's what they suggested when i walked over here he said i wonder if planting trees will get rid of it it's possible we have to water the trees as well and get them to come back to life i don't know i do have a watering can i mean we can try and water one of these trees it's useless to water here it's better on worked ground yeah so these trees are not going to help out with that but if our compost gets done we can plant a tree over there and see if that gives us access to the steel works or like one of the other areas which would maybe lead us to a pickaxe possibly that's one thing to think about i will definitely equip that real fast and let's see exactly what goes into this process of making a super alive tree uh i'll go with a let's see here we'll equip that and we'll put it right there we've got that and then do i still have the seat on me i didn't have any seeds on me so we'll try and plant oh yeah there it is look it's got green ground right there yeah maybe that'll help clear out the bubbles dude i'm ready oh we've planted one tree it's like happy with us right now it is pleased with our progress yee ye uh my name is flattercat thank you for joining me for green project it's kind of an interesting little game and i'm sure it's still a work in progress from some of the stuff that's like missing or unexplained but i thought it was worth bringing up because i do really like the pixel art the pixel art takes me back especially when you zoom out the game is actually pretty decent looking and it's got stuff like your character's hair grows and like other little weird features that just seem to work like the controls are they take some you got to figure out the controls you know and you got to figure out how things work the game doesn't like readily just be like this is exactly how this works you got to kind of fiddle with it but once you do like i'm fairly satisfied with my progress right now you can check out a link for it down below in the description my name is splattercat thank you for joining me as we attempt to rebuild the world after apparently having run off to try to do something else i don't know why we were in space or what we thought we were doing out there but hey apparently it was unnecessary that we go uh we've got two water collectors ready to rock hopefully it rains at some point i figured i would double stock up on the old rain catchers but i don't know uh make sure you check out the discord at discord dot gg slash flatter cat gaming also make sure that you check out the twitch stream i'd love to have you there take care everybody and i'll see y'all tomorrow with some hot fresh off the indie skillet
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 70,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Green project gameplay, green project walkthrough, green project playthrough, lets play green project, green project review, green project preview, green project impressions, green project guide, green project tutorial, green project download, green project steam, green project update, green project wiki, green project trailer
Id: jBbY6owGmXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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