Green Grass Cloggers- music by Strictly Strings @ Appalachian State O-T Fiddlers Convention
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Channel: jlw37663
Views: 4,444,406
Rating: 4.710207 out of 5
Keywords: Old-Time Band Performance, Watauga JAM, Appalachian Heritage Council, traditional Appalachian music, Appalachian State University Old-Time Fiddlers Convention, Appalachian State University, fiddle, banjo, mandolin, guitar, doghouse bass, Boone North Carolina, Vilas, Zionville, Watauga County, bluegrass, Green Grass Cloggers, square dance, round dance, hybrid high kicking clogging, high kicking buck dancing
Id: VdvKE2WtH2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 11 2015
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