Greek Mythology Stories: The Essential - The Origins,The War and Rise of the Gods of Olympus

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in the beginning there was only chaos the world was formed by a bewildering mass where all things were blending together this hectic period lasted for many eras that was when Gaia and other primordial deities began to put order into something that had only known chaos up to that point mother earth without the help of any other deity developed Uranus the God of heaven the one that would reign over everything else the Great God would meet the goddess Gaia every single night these meetings generated many children among them the titans the cyclopses and the Hecate tongue curries for having generated deeply powerful children the God of heaven feared to be dethroned by them therefore right after they were born father sky trapped them in the womb of Mother Earth and this place became known as Tartarus Gaia was forced to contain inside of her divine beings and bearers of colossal power and this caused her severe pain after many errors of suffering of subjugation Gaia grew tired of Uranus's tyranny he began to plot a way to overthrow him she freed her youngest and also the most ambitious son the Titan Kronos had begged him to free her from his father's tyranny assuming the power of reigning over the universe the ambitious Titan accepted the difficult task imposed by Gaia to accomplish this mission his mother handed him a diamond maid scythe kronos then departed towards Uranus's heavenly Palace there he met his father who was sleeping on a cloud the Titan readied himself to strike the fatal blow Kronos hit a proper strike right in the testicles of the god of the sky this yelled a painful shriek unlike anything ever heard in the history of the universe Uranus fell on top of a cloud and his blood painted the sky scarlet red Kronos triumphantly returned eagerly to tell his mother about his glorious achievement Gaia was radiant and very proud of her son as he had been promised Kronos became the lord of the whole universe his first act was to ensure the freedom of his brothers and so he invited them to a proper feast as a tribute to them Don King and Chronos is visited by his father spectrum who told him you are an infamous offspring which stained your heads with the blood of your own father and just like you assert the supreme power you can lose it one day after overthrowing the god Uranus from the heavenly throne the Titan Chronos began his reign as the world Supreme Lord the Golden Age of men emerged during the reign of the powerful Titan during this golden period peace and harmony were common denominators in the world it was a state of permanent spring the abundance turned work like agriculture into something unnecessary it was a world where the word need was meaningless however the life of the Gods was not as peaceful as the one of the man Kronos had become a tyrannical ruler just like his father had been the God loved to yell the following expression this is how things worked in here I'm the one in charge and no one else after marrying her sister that God is gray ah Kronos feared the prophecy of his father who cursed him saying that like it happened to him one of his sons would rise against his sovereignty and take his power Kronos at the zenith of his paranoia started to devour his children as soon as they were born guaranteeing that none of them would ever dare to defy him the goddess Raya was desolated seeing the tyrannical God of our one child after another the Queen was pregnant again but this time she rebelled and made the decision that her son would not be a meal for Kronos for this reason Raya descended to earth and gave birth to Zeus in a cave on the island of Crete she left her son for the raising of the nymphs of the forest Chronos knew that Raya was pregnant and was waiting for the child's birth to devour him Raya locked herself in her chamber and deceitfully yelled as she was struggling with labour pains when she left her chamber where the Gunners was holding a sheet with a rock emulating the shape of a baby she was aware that Kronos eager to devour another son would swallow him at one go without realizing a mistake and that was what happened Raya pretended to cry sad of the loss of yet another child but in truth she was joyful crying for having managed to save her own son from such a dreadful fate meanwhile the young Zeus was raised by the nymphs and breastfed by the goat and Athiya when he got older Zeus started to be educated by an enchanted eagle which travelled the world and gave him the news of everything that was happening when he reached adulthood Zeus was informed of his true identity and also the terrible fate of his brothers termined Zeus looked for a way to free his brothers with the help of the Titan Oceanus Zeus found a potion that would make Kronos vomit his brothers and so the disguise as a celestial lassie Zeus convinced Kronos to take the potion saying that it was a nectar with an unprecedented quality after drinking the nectar Kronos was nauseous and puked all his brothers Hestia Demeter Hera Hades Poseidon in addition to the stone used to deceive Kronos now with the support of his brothers Zeus claimed for himself the supreme power over the world but Kronos was not willing to give up his power without a fight thus the War of the Titans began Zeus had aserp the title of Supreme God from his father the Titan Chronos and freed his brothers from inside the Titans belly this betrayal was the fuse for the Titan amake also known as the War of the Titans on one side Kronos and his Titan allies on the other Zeus and his brothers the gods led by Zeus had to Mount Olympus as their headquarters and therefore became known as gods of Olympus whereas Cronus and the Titans were lodged in the Mount othrys Kronos his army had a general the mighty Titan Atlas who would lead the attacks against the gods of Olympus Zeus aware of the power of the Titan army looked for reinforcements in the Tartarus where he unleashed the powerful cyclopses they in gratitude forged incredible weapons for the gods Zeus was granted his thunder and lightning Poseidon received a trident capable of causing terrible storms and earthquakes and Hades got the helmet of Terror which gave him the power of invisibility the two armies were on a collision course when they met the noise was so raucous and had trembled the universe earthquakes volcano eruptions and typhoons ruled the earth during the battle Zeus unleashed his powerful lightning whereas the Titans who entire mountains against the gods the battle between the gods and the Titans was lasting for almost ten intense years of one-on-one clashes and the Titans appeared to have an advantage Zeus decided to unleash the dreaded Hecate hungary's who were giants with 100 arms and 50 heads the horrific creatures had a decisive impact on shifting the war the titan army panicked and demoralized ran away defeat was inevitable Zeus with his powerful lightning dropped Kronos to his knees the gods sentenced the Titan Pro nose and his allies to a life sentence at the Tartarus and ordered the hecka tongue curries to guard the powerful gates built by Poseidon to hold the Titans but Zeus was holding a special punishment for the Titan Atlas who had led the Titanic troops he was sentenced to sustain the weight of the earth and his back for all eternity Zeus strengthened himself as the God of gods however Gaia the mother of the fearsome Titans was angry with the incarceration of her children and plotted a vengeance against Zeus after the Titans had been defeated by the gods of Olympus it was time to divide the spoils of war Zeus was determined to finish the era when the tyrant gods ruled the universe and so he decided to share some of his power Zeus as the Supreme God started to reign over the sky Poseidon became the lord of the Seas whereas Hades assumed total power over the underworld also known as the kingdom of the Dead everyone who fought by a side was properly honored from that moment onward the government of the gods of the Olympus over the world and man were put in motion but after being capable of strengthening this sort of power the gods will still have to face one last and dreadful challenge the goddess Gaia the mother of the Titans was enraged with the gods of Olympus since they had imprisoned her sons in the Tartarus and so she plotted a revengeful act against Zeus the goddess generated the darkest creature of all the monster - this powerful being was conceived just with one purpose to defeat Zeus the outrageous beast departed to Mount Olympus the gods of Olympus spotting the enormous Beast ran away in panic to avoid being recognized they disguised themselves as animals and found shelter in Egypt their divinity also recognized and revered their only Zeus remain to fight tyfa the clash between them was ferocious Zeus used his bolt as a weapon as well as the size of Kronos nonetheless during the battle Zeus is disarmed by taifa who used the scythe to tear Zeus's tendons the powerful God is defeated and injured Zeus is imprisoned and his tendon started to be supervised by a kid 'no the woman's serpent with the help of pan the god Hermes managed to steal Zeus's tendons and gave them back to Zeus who regained his strength and set sail looking forward to having his revenge against - Zeus had the immeasurable help from amore who fed the beast with poisoned fruit finding his enemy in the debilitated condition Zeus advanced to consummate his victory he shot his most powerful bolt against hyphens head who crumbled and defeat Zeus imprisoned him at Mount Etna which due to the monsters immense power and started to spend lava from time to time after this valiant victory the way for Zeus and the gods of Olympus to reign over the earth was open you
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Views: 1,370,748
Rating: 4.8808475 out of 5
Keywords: history, mythology, greek mythology, greek mythology stories, greek gods, gods of olympus, olympian gods, zeus, cronus, titans, uranus, gaia, the origins, the essential, titanomachy, clash of titans, titan, rhea, hades, poseidon, typhon the father of all monsters, see u in history, zeus vs typhon, greek myth, mythts and legends, typhon, atlas, ancient greece
Id: JJ7BBjoXa14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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