Greek Chickpea Soup for Fasting and Vegan - Revithosoupa - Ρεβιθόσουπα
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Channel: Greek Cooking Made Easy
Views: 10,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greek, Greece, greeksabroad, greekrecipes, easyrecipes, homecooking, greekfood, greekstyle, Greekcookingmadeeasy, Greekcooking, keepcooking, madebyme, greekyoutuber, greek, lovefood, lovecooking, Mediterranean, recipeoftheday, modern, traditional, κουζίνα, μαγειρική, συνταγές, γλυκά, μεσογειακή, easygreekrecipe, chickpeas, chickpeasoup, soup, revithosoupa, vegan, fasting, lent, ρεβιθόσουπα, ρεβίθια, βίγκαν, νηστεία, νηστίσιμο, σαρακοστή, σαρακοστιανά, superfood, chickpea soup recipe, chickpea soup vegan, greek chickpea soup
Id: jIEUw70jKiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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