Greatest Sports Moments of 2016 (US & Canada)
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Channel: WTD Productions
Views: 1,046,877
Rating: 4.8467212 out of 5
Keywords: best sports moments 2016, 2016 sports highlights, best football plays, nba finals, cubs game 7, one hand catches, biggest hits, buzzer beater, best crossovers, top sports plays 2016, miracle plays, clutch sports moments, greatest us sports moments, super bowl, world series, march madness, curry, lebron, hail mary, kobe, people are awesome, best dunks, top 10 plays, college football, best moments in sports, 2016 year in review, sports, 2016, OSU, Bama, NFL, basketball, baseball, NHL
Id: 8pmXiMcN_Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2016
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