Greatest chess player of all time | Magnus Carlsen and Lex Fridman

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let me ask you the goat question again from fantasy perspective can you make the case for the greatest chess player of all time for each yourself magnus carlsen for garrett kasparov i don't know who else bobby fisher mikhail tall anyone else um for uh hikaru nakamura just kidding yeah uh i i think i'll i can make a case for um myself for for gary and for fischer so i'll start with fisher uh for him it's very very simple he was ahead of his time but that's like intangible you can say that about a lot of people but he had the peak from 1970 to 72 when he was so much better than the others he won 20 games in a row also the way that he played was so powerful and with so few mistakes that he just had no opposition there so he had just a peak that's been better than anybody like the gap between him and others greater than it's ever been in history at any other time uh and that would be the argument for for him for gary he's played in a very competitive era and he's beaten several generations he was the best well he was the consensus best player i would say for almost 20 years which nobody else has has done in at least in recent time and the longevity that the longevity for sure also at his peak he um was not quite the level of um of fischer in terms of the gap but it was similar to or i think even a little bit better than than mine as for me i'm of course unbeaten as as the world champion in in five tries i've been world number one for 11 years straight in an even more competitive era than gary i have the highest chest rating of all time i have the longest streak ever without losing a game i think for me the main argument would be about the era where there's the engines have leveled the playing field so much that it's it's harder to dominate and still i haven't always been uh clear number one but i've always i've been number one for 11 years and for a lot of the time the gap has been pretty big so i think there are decent arguments for for all of them um i've said before and i haven't changed my mind that gary generally urges it because of the longevity in in the competitive era but um there are arguments but people also talk about you in terms of the style of play so it's not just about dominance or the height or the it's like just the the creative genius of it the yeah but i'm not interested in that in terms of uh greatest of all time uh i'm not interested in in in questions of style so you so for messi you don't give credit for the style uh for the stylistic i like i like um no i like watching it i just but you're not going to give points for the so messy no i mean because of the finishing yeah it's it's the um the no it's not because of the finishing it's because of his overall impact on the game is higher than anybody else's okay he contributes he just contributes more to winning than anybody else does what's um so you're somebody who was advocated for and has done quite a bit of study of classic games what would you say is um i mean maybe the number one or maybe top three games of chess ever played that doesn't interest me at all you don't think of the nose no i don't think of it i mean i tried to i find the games interesting i tried to learn from them but like trying to to rank them has never interested me what what games pop out to you is like super interesting then is there is there things like where idea like old school games where there was like interesting ideas that uh um that you go back or like you you find surprising and pretty cool that that those ideas were developed back then is there something that jumps to mind yeah there are several games of young kasparov like before he became world champion if you're gonna ask for like my favorite player or favorite style that's probably youngest youngest part can you describe stylistically or in any other way what what yonka's prof was like that you're that you like uh it was just an overflow energy in his play so aggressive yeah exactly extremely aggressive dynamic jazz it probably appeals to me a lot because these are the things that i cannot do as well uh that it just feels very special to me you
Channel: Lex Clips
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Keywords: ai, ai clips, ai podcast, ai podcast clips, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence podcast, computer science, consciousness, deep learning, einstein, elon musk, engineering, friedman, joe rogan, lex ai, lex clips, lex fridman, lex fridman podcast, lex friedman, lex mit, lex podcast, machine learning, magnus carlsen, math, math podcast, mathematics, mit ai, philosophy, physics, physics podcast, science, tech, tech podcast, technology, turing
Id: x7Ge2FNR5SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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