Great Western Ranch

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vast beyond imagination as far as the eye can see the great western ranch 457 square miles of magnificent New Mexico land raw wild original sandstone Bluffs carved by wind and water twisted rock spires reaching skyward flattop mesas deep vast areas ancient volcanoes long silent playa lakes and rich pastures of native grass this is the land of the Anasazi and the Spanish conquistadors of homesteaders and speculators of sheep herders and ranchers the Great Western ranch encompasses over 170 6,000 deeded acres and nearly one hundred and sixteen thousand acres of leased state and federal land a place unto itself the ranch is so immense and varied that it defies easy definition to the hunter the Great Western is a pristine natural Game Preserve home to elk mule deer and antelope cougar bear an all manner of small creatures and birds to the rancher the Great Western is a place of rich grasses numerous pastures livestock wells and various water resources a true four season ranch where cattle graze year-round to the archaeologists and the historian the Great Western is a place where for hundreds of years people have come and gone leaving behind traces of their lives in the ruins and rock art preserved on the ranch from Interstate 40 Highway 117 runs south and west traversing through the Magnificent volcanic formations of El Malpais National Monument and National Conservation Area leading to the main entrance of the ranch Great Western is located 143 miles west of Albuquerque New Mexico and 80 miles south of grants the Raymond Navajo reservation and El Malpais is kindig Lluis to the ranch from east to west the ranch spans 53 miles and 26 miles north to south and the western boundary is just over a mile from the Arizona State Line hunting on the Great Western is not merely good it is superb perhaps the best New Mexico has to offer the ranch is home to a resident herd of 1,500 to 2,000 elk as well as a large number of antelope and mule deer rich vegetation essential water resources food plots and diverse terrain provide excellent habitat expert wildlife management contributes to the overall health and size of the elk population the largest ball harvested on the ranch measured an astounding 427 inches Bulls up 340 to 360 are common what makes for great hunting also makes for excellent ranching the pastures and rangeland are well watered and support a significant and viable livestock operation seasonal pastures allow for year-round grazing while natural corridors enable Cowboys to drive cattle easily from one pasture to another the ranch is fully equipped with barns utility buildings stock pens and well built recently renovated housing for staff a historic Adobe Lodge provides comfortable accommodations for up to 26 hunters at a time evenings are complemented by an exquisite night sky and the chance to see stars in their truest form pure and unpolluted for centuries men have hunted the wild animals that range these lands on the ranch and at secret places are carvings upon the rock more than 1,000 years old that tell of deer snakes lizards and creatures pursued by stick-figure men the land is today as it was then rich in natural resources vast in size unspoiled by modern man stewardship of a place such as this is a rare privilege the ancients came here drawn by its abundance they left their marks in the sandstone postcards from the past promises to the future that this land if respected will reward those who are fortunate to walk upon it wild untamed timeless great western ranch but true American original you
Channel: Hall and Hall
Views: 44,645
Rating: 4.9460917 out of 5
Keywords: Great Western Ranch, New Mexico Ranches for SAle, ranches for sale, Quemado, New Mexico, Grants New Mexico, Four Season Ranch
Id: jnMKkp-2Njo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2015
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