Great Impractical Ideas in Computer Science: PowerPoint Programming

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I feel kind of bad for everyone who will be forced to suffer through the bullshit I'm going to pull with my PowerPoint presentations from this day forward.

👍︎︎ 402 👤︎︎ u/Flemtality 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm kind of impressed that someone at Microsoft put so much effort adding complexity to one transition in a way nobody would really expect and hardly anyone would use.

👍︎︎ 196 👤︎︎ u/BobGenghisKahn 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Lol. Get fucked, asset stores.

This is wicked cool stuff though.

👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/wigg1es 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

If anyone is wondering about the license of the 3D objects:

17. and Office Web App media elements and templates

If you use Microsoft or the Microsoft Office Web Apps, you may have access to media images, clip art, animations, sounds, music, video clips, templates, and other forms of content ("media elements") provided with the software available on or as part of a service associated with the software. You may copy and use the media elements in projects and documents. You may not: (i) sell, license, or distribute copies of the media elements by themselves or as a product if the primary value of the product is the media elements; (ii) grant your customers rights to further license or distribute the media elements; (iii) license or distribute for commercial purposes media elements that include the representation of identifiable individuals, governments, logos, trademarks, or emblems or use these types of images in ways that could imply an endorsement or association with your product, entity or activity; or (iv) create obscene works using the media elements. For more information, see the Use of Microsoft Copyrighted Content webpage:

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/MostlyRocketScience 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

That's a very high quality power point instructor. Usually what people get is someone reading out a manual or worse. The instructor looks up some basic functions and tries to describe what he learned the day before from an instruction manual.

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/brihamedit 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

The recurring fractal stuff at the end was wild!

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/Zillamatic 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Google Slides: introducing a free presentation maker for all to use :)

Microsoft PPT: hold my beer...

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/RabbitHole-in-one 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

he definitely talks like a software programmer

👍︎︎ 94 👤︎︎ u/Guitrum 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Excellent, this will really wow my coworkers and distract them from my lack of meaningful content in my presentations.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/AmpleJar 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] we should eat on the PowerPoint but hopefully them as much there is you will learn something interesting and I think you'll probably learn some stuff that is actually useful as well as the type of stuff that is not at all useful and a beginning I'm gonna just go over some basic PowerPoint programming principles and then I'll go over some of those stuff like how you can actually get Turing machine and PowerPoint a quick question here how many people have taken to 51 and then after that I'll go over some like grants opportunity of powerpoints to talk some programming but it demonstrates the principles of cool so your first question might be like why would you even try and program in PowerPoint and for me I have two reasons to be forgiving in PowerPoint so the first reason was that I got into this in fourth grade and I was working on a computer that was running Windows XP and only had a very limited set of programs so I'm like Microsoft Office suite and then like paint and no pad if you're trying to do some type of programming you can't really program to be no powder paint so you have to use like PowerPoint or Excel and PowerPoint was my it's my favorite place the other reason is that PowerPoint actually has a ton of features and whenever you have a lot of features they can interact with each other in different ways and that gives you a lot of edge cases and those edge cases often have very interesting behaviors in PowerPoint I'm like in those software where if you have an edge case you just like make sure that that user can't do it in PowerPoint then something very interesting happens so that means there are a lot of accidental features and that is very useful for PowerPoint programming now before we talk about carpentry we have to acknowledge the fact that there is some stigma associated PowerPoint apparently there was some study which said that PowerPoint is worse than use those four presentations makes presentations worse which it just shows that if you have the software in computer and you're not going to use it for presentations that you should be using it for something else maybe karma perfect all right so also there's a very bad PowerPoint presentations so because number one has so many features you can combine them in very powerful ways so do not put text on top of images and do not usually think it was innovations random alright anyway so now we're going to get into the actual programming part so the first thing you want to do is set up your PowerPoint IDE which is easier than fit which I think it says a lot about them so the first thing that you want to do is you want to notice that PowerPoint has a quick access toolbar at the top so this is gonna be very important for PowerPoint programming because there a lot of features that you want to access quickly and you can just take any option you can right-click on it you can add it to the tool so if I might have this little thing I just have another thing which is very important is that whatever you go into options in the Advanced section the maximum number of undo spy defaults white people have sets of 20 and menu changes any because 20 is like way to keep on new staff to do real programming and then yeah so then some other stuff which you want to worry about is any grid settings so whenever you're adding stuff in PowerPoint by default the objects are gonna like Snap to each other and if you like right-click you can go to the grid settings and you can either turn that on or off so you can like gonna on personally I like to keep it off a lot of the time so they don't like the optics going where I don't want to be so once you've done that now you can actually like you want to insert some type of like logic into your presentation so how are you going to get it like any type of logic at all so the first thing that we can turn to is paper links so if we just right click on something we can add a link and we can play inside of this document and we can right so now we have a very basic sort of setup here we can quick takes us to the slide and then you can go over here quick and that takes it to this slide so this is this is very useful this actually gives us a lot of sophistication so we can create like all kinds of quizzes and stuff and in fact there's a formal way that we characterize the computational power of this which is a faux finite state automata the computing power of a PowerPoint with hyperlinks is actually the exact same computing car as if you're a goal of DFA so we can actually use the PowerPoint as a pretty good demonstration of what a DFA is so if you're not familiar identify any it's like sort of like a flowchart setup where you have a start state which I guess I've dropped mark here and then you can enter in some sequence of characters so in this case it's going to likely step sequence that starts and ends with the same character and then we can just just be like and input and it's gonna accept that sequence or you can like go back to the beginning and it's a different so using this we can like compute anything that only requires us to store a finite amount of memory so you can do some some interesting interactive stuff with this so if you want to do like the keypad so here we come like enter in some four-digit code informs you and nothing direct the correct code that's why MIDI is seven 131 that's four GPI so that's correct and you can actually enter any code into this thing it will accept it or reject it so then we have a guess on companies like to you for this finite number that's good you can call me but say I'm planning over the length or magnitude seems like you might be a lot but you only need nine because the only things you remembering are how many digits have been entered and whether any of those digits are incorrect right so that's gonna give you your mouth before you can enter and whether it's correct or incorrect and then we also this starts like that's how you get a nine so that's that's that's kind of neat that we could do this without too many slides and that's because there's not very much memory involved there are some limitations to this though it's not like a real application because we're using a slideshow editor you have this annoying thing at the bottom and any time you like click or scroll you like jump between slides so this doesn't work for like an actual application to most applications when you click or scroll we don't go through all of their possible state sets so it's one basic problem so that real quick we don't go to the next slide automatically we go to you the transitions tab here and it says advanced slide and there's a check come on Mouse book and a checkbox for and after a certain period of time now it's kind of interesting that there these are checkboxes and not radio buttons because it means that you can uncheck them so we can just get here now you click play we can't jump between slides anymore wonderful you have to use the hyperlinks all right now you still have this annoying toolbar at the bottom now that makes sense it's a slideshow editor so of course it has like a slideshow toolbar now would we expect Microsoft to like add a feature that lets us turn our PowerPoint into an application well let's see so if you go over here in slide show view as legend sub and there's this thing called browse that a kiosk full screen well what's a kiosk a kiosk would be like you go to like some store it has like some interactive display so apparently Microsoft has a special bow would predict you're going to use PowerPoint to make your interactive display at your store and if you set it to that then we can now notice that the toolbar is gone if we scroll we do not jump between slides and in fact the only thing that works is the safety so now we have something that works a little bit more like an application now if we save this presentation and who's this keep that so we open this it's going to open like a PowerPoint which is what we expect because it's happening but if you're gonna send this to someone and you want to think it's an application this doesn't really work so well so it would be nice if PowerPoint had a way that we'd actually save this I in some in some way that would launch automatically like an actual executable so if we change the file type there is actually a special file type to this so you say that as a Hartman show doggy PSX instead of the etx then you just jump to the application don't look it looks fairly similar to the actual application still one slight if user experience problem is that I it does not have a way to exit the application so that's not a problem you can just you know I insert index and do we have the ability for our PowerPoint to tell itself to exit important to have and I could go to to insert and go to insert and then insert function and we can set those to hyperlink to pin show those relaxation and now the exit button great so now we have something that looks like an application behaves like an application you can exit you can enter and you can't go completely crazy so that gives us the sort of basics of art like PowerPoint environment now we want to talk about sort of theoretically how powerful this computation is so you can go back to here so there are supplementation's right so how many memory State like how many memory cells can we simulate it worked like simulating so many bits of RAM or whatever the issue is that the number of bits of memory we can stimulate is logarithmic with respect to them the number of slides so we actually need like a ton of slide and to simulate like 10 bits of memory we need like two to the ten minutes lines so is there like some way that you can do better that we can do more complicated calculations the answer is yes and the key thing is that carbon has on-click animations and those on-click animations they're sort of like event-driven programming are going to only trigger whenever you click on them and they will change the state of the slide so if we go over to our playground file so we're gonna do a little demo so this is portal things as I'm a portal so if you want to make a little game here you have to city portal your goal would is to get the character to the exit so we can make it so that if you click on the exit this character is going to disappear and this vector to do it here and we can set that see how they trigger on click of one of these items so that's how we can actually suppose to be triggering on so that I know there is a little bit of problem here which is that all the items have very useless names pictures cute picture for picture 5 so this teaches is a very important lesson empowerment programming which is that you have to comment your code so if we open up the selection pane here you can see a list of all the objects and you can set this to be doors and now again it's like these and we can tell them to have a trigger door so now if we brought this presentation and actually before you do this patience ft / 80 so now we can pick on the door and if I the spirits and we play again and videos not exactly what we want with pretty close and if you want to fix this we can just change this one so that instead of it being set to be more quick we can set it to be with previous and now whenever you click on the door those two animations happen at the same time okay so in portal you can't actually go through the door though until you open the door so we might want to make it so that you have to like click on the button to open the door before you get through the door and this is a demonstration of how you do state management so does anyone ID on my you this may be so that the door can be interacted if you click on button first yes okay yes that would work but we want to do this just with on like animations it's make another picture of the door which disappears when you click it and then the one who checked it quick yeah yeah exactly yep so I'm actually not to boarding it this year I'm and you could use the same thing usually operated eyes which is what I'm gonna do which is I'm gonna make this appear so we make this door here and then we'll make that have a trigger so if we were ever here except this to be and then you will have to store we have a trigger great the door opens can go cross if we run that again so now we cannot quite here until you click on button and then just to take this one step further I mean portal you guys have to pick up the cube before and put them on the button before you can actually go through the door you can't just like shuffle button yourself because then so we can have this cube and we can make it so that we can actually pick this up and this is a good example again a state management because picking up the cube it's so like a boolean like I did how to keep what you don't so we can make it to that we're gonna add and effects that this is going just here and then we'll have this appear and you don't have to happen whenever you click on [Music] and when this happens we cannot use the same strategy where once you have the cube we want the button to become interactive so we can just copy this how the second one this one is not gonna be interactive and then just make just disappear at the same time I think you miss book John and you want me to be right on top of each other so you can not use the alignment tools if you wanted to actually release one PowerPoint forbidden things say exactly where you want to be so right so if I'm it's not interactive we can pick this up is interactive and go across and what we might want to happen is this cube is gonna actually don't watch the button can ever be put on the button so you want this to clear here and then we also want this guy to you so now you notice that something interesting happened and this is one of those cases where you kind of think about how PowerPoint is actually programmed like how its resolving some of the stuff that you've setup because it's actually a little bit under specified when you set up a slide with animations what the starting state should be because every element can either start on the slide or or start off the slide and what Harper does is it just scans the animation tamed linearly and checks to see if the first thing the item does is disappear or here if the person a doesn't disappear it starts on the slide if the first thing it does is appear then start off the slide which makes sense if these are not on clicked animations but it does the same thing for on click animations it just looks at the arbitrary orders of a generation so in this particular case both of these disappear before they appear so they both start on the slide we don't actually want this one to start on the slides we go to animations we can set this to disappear and we can achieve that immediately so that is so the basic state management now you might wonder like how we can simulate like multiplicity memory like if we want to actually set it up like this or a gram of limbs and this actually isn't too difficult so we can have this live demonstration where each of this each of these buttons so in comedies each of these buttons is going to change what state were in by making all of the circles disappear except for the one that's indicated and what's really cool is that if we copy all of these then our codes can actually figure out the dependencies between these and you'll get two separate modules that both operate independently which is different from if you say just copy like the circles then it's it doesn't have the quick targets so it's just going to throw those animations right there at the top but if you copy them with always one group and it's going to properly and I would consider late multiple bits of memory so this is actually a very important part for the carpenter machine because we need have a tape and these are actually the memory modules from the PowerPoint Turing machine tape so in this clip these buttons and the way that these work is instead of having the bit that's sex video on its visible we have that the only one that invisible that way to take candy in front of a sort of like detector and the only click on the things that is exposed and we don't have to have like separate interactive buttons on every single I takes off cool so if any questions by the way so far great so now we can look at the actual PowerPoint turing machine and how it works so this is what it looks like if you in expanded view so we have four tape here which is just a bunch of these memory cells stacked on top of each other then it also has the memory cells have these arrows to move them so whenever you click on this it tells the tape to move over and that's using a motion path animation and then we have the set of these detectors back here so this is for actually reading from the tape and this is gonna like correspond directly to where that hole is and then this is for reading what state to go into then it has these blockers which ensure that the instructions happen in the correct order Bitola state just happen in the correct order so like the first stage is reading then we're going to have to like write the data and then we have to move in like pictures that were in the right state and that's gonna be controlled by this and then this is going to determine which which piece of data was read from the tape so we can actually open now this is gonna get a little bit slow possibly because it has a lot of stuff so let's go all right this is a binary actually let's go that's a little more interesting so it's gonna recognize columns feet in length so we start by actually selling the data on the tape and we just you know put here and that's taking something disappear so this orange thing is showing through and it's the thing that just could actually leave that data that we can until the take to move over so we need you like 1 0 0 and told us there huh so now it has those rectangles to make sure that those things in the correct order so it's gonna start with the lead that it's gonna do the right then hotel to move and then hotel to go to the next state and I go to click to keep advancing this but I'm not to make any decisions when I'm clicking because everything's blocked except for one interactive zone so if you set up like a macro that just clicks around this like randomly which you can do pretty successfully then it will just advance automatically okay so this is a pretty basic Turing machine program where we are kind of picking up the first bit and then checking it against the last one and do we mean that and then we just kind of do that repeatedly right so we now realize that we've reached the end of the string and we can check to make sure this is a 1 which is a 1 so we're happy to me just erase that moving on you can see that this is not like the most efficient programming language but you could argue that it's very intuitive because you get to see all the stuffs the consolation happening yeah I'm not sure why then other people use powerpoints to present on Turing machines they'll just use powerpoints like machines it seems like that would be right so this is the last part Phenom erase this there and then it realizes that it's reached the end at this point right right so like it's a cool yeah so that does the carpentry machine and like if you wants to see the different stages of the calculation generated for your like picking for it here these would be perfect angles are gonna like appear and disappear as we actually go through the evaluation I think so that's forcing that step there and then it's programs using these punch cards these are the actual instructions and that tells it what to do on every single state so the whole indicates what it should do basically Gaeta batteries so I it reads like a blank that you would be blank column yeah so are there any questions on this yep have you read the coin yet I know that would be no painful thing so sure why you would look like I guess you'd have to have it I'll put the binary code for the PowerPoint file that seems like the most reasonable thing to do and yeah you could do that you need it to have a lot of memory but I theoretically you could make it so that if you run on an empty input it's gonna output yeah so that is basically how I know I get a lot though but it does seem like a good way to like a fee of power from 2007 which this works by weight on versions all the way back to 2007 and you want to have that power in 2013 in Harbin that carpet 2007 that so they're gonna be slightly heard of it important hi yeah that would be slightly harder the other problem is that you need to have a visual display and making a visual display we mean you have to have a bunch of tiny colored rectangles that appear and disappear it'd be kind of interesting because you need to have like an actual kind of little graphics adapter like coming out of the Turing machine where like whatever you hit certain funds that makes the rectangle again disappear you can do it it would be very low resolution screen and if any other questions cool yeah could you write a program to compile to Microsoft to compile as a PowerPoint yes who's good if someone who tried to do this someone like a link from someone saying that they were trying to make a compiler that we compiled into powerpoints they decided not to because it was too hard but instead if they made a PowerPoint CPU where they can take it already like compiled by simply code and then they can have a I use the PowerPoint to do this calculations or they're like there's no like icon code which like inserts all the data into the PowerPoint then has it like add the numbers together and then reach the data back out of the PowerPoint and that doesn't make instructions I like that so thankful yeah any more questions because if not I will go over some other PowerPoint tricks which are quite interesting cool yeah so some other fun PowerPoint things that you can do so Carmen really demonstrates this principle of combined combining like features that are not going to be combined and getting the interesting results so one thing these and I definitely closed the Turing machine okay so one really good example of this is PowerPoint has a in each transition which is relatively new for transition and what it does is it interpolates between two slides so looks at the two spies tries to find this sort of like edit distance between them and then figures out what element to move say like transition one slide it to the other but this gives you a commission questions like if we have two elements on this slide and one element on this slide then what does PowerPoint do with that like okay it moves it to the closer item but like what if the color of this item is different like its PowerPoint going to have a problem with that I just read it to the other item okay that's fine it evaded that but if we change this color as well like what's gonna do now it's gonna move back to this like sort of like meta distance calculation right so it's actually closer to this one now the Edit distance is such that it prefers to go to this item okay so that's like kind of fun but like what if we just get rid of both items and we get it like a circle what's it gonna do in this case but this happens with PowerPoint where you try something and then there's a little bit of disappointment but then you try something else some way of forcing it to do what you want to do and then something interesting happens so let's add something like let's see what's a good example we can go to anistar so you can add the star and so the key thing is it looks like Cartman will only interpolate between two shapes if they're the same shape and actually just to demonstrate this if we have like a another circle here and we actually stretch it and stuff in this case powerpoints going to actually be happy to interpolate time all right so now I got the start and the interesting thing about the star that has this this yellow control point so we can change the shape and that's gonna be interesting like as powerfully gonna properly interpolate between those two different shapes let's see yes so it's available but it's gonna actually do that interpolation for us all right so that's interesting because it means that powerpoints really just checking to see if the authors to the same type that I put the same type interpolates between them and apparently it has the ability to at least do some level of interpolation involving these these yellow control points or the package itself so there's this item a shape in PowerPoint which is this freeform shape so if we got a freeform shape right then we can add like another freeform shape that looks entirely different now it's technically though both of reform shapes right so theoretically PowerPoint on set interplay between both of them right now if you were like a sensible programmer given this task what you'd probably say is okay these form shapes can never interplay between each other like was tasked with making it more shapes interplay between each other we need nobody music but it's also like very difficult to make but it's in there so that's kind of interesting some other interesting things that we can try so this is not going to look great but we can do it so here we have like image in PowerPoint we can format this shape you can tell it's fill to be a picture fill it now of course Chris always looks terrible but anyway the other thing about this is that how is it going to interpolate between these two items because now it has to intercalate not just the perimeter but it also has like all this texture inside and it's actually going to just do some kind of work trance nation actually works like close the inside so if everyone has to develop this thing dick just have to interpolate the perimeter it has to be perfectly all of the interior points just in case there's like an image that has the texture so that's that's kind of funny so what are some other things well now that we have this knowledge that we can take freeform shapes and we can interpolate between them what happens is if we just have some like non-refundable food but carpet has to be a very useful feature of taking shapes and merging them sprites if you just have these two shapes and we tell them to purge now what's a good shake is this you renovate this can't be a sorry can't be a square so it's probably a preformed object right so what's that to question initially which is if we just go back to the beginning and now we're thinking you suppose ATM news if you just go back to the beginning here where we have this circle of this rectangle if we really want these to interplay between each other exactly simple we just Union it with something that's already completely on top of it and I'm going to scream you miss with something that's already put me on top of it and now theoretically they're both to Bernie into freeform shapes so what happens so what are some other things that we can do here how could we like combine the features that probably we're not meant to be find so here's some text so what happens how does this thing work with text so it we have text it's in this case in this case it just disappears so that I mean this makes sense because first of all this text is actually part of a rectangle itself so these are the different types of objects a rectangle it's a circle if we have this circle and we put text on that I mean but we'd really expect it to do if anything is interpolate between the two circles not those the text content that would be kind of weird if it did that yes and I'm aware that that's a terrible design choice color anyway so in this case it just fades between men which is disappointing if we or if we have it just have different style text okay so if the text is exactly the same and it will interpolate between them and actually we go to the fourth transition effect options it has object stories and characters so actually if we set this to say characters and I'm continuously now it's gonna actually interpolate my character by character basis so it's a [Music] v8 so so that's that's nice you'll learn something actually one thing that's really useful about this is if we set this back to objects and we have say any circles and if we really want like this circle this one's feet red right so in this case you can get rid of the text on all of these so in this case it's going to interpolate right it's going use a good one if we wanted to use the red one instead what do we do well we just like put at least text like an X on this on this as long as it's the same exact tag now it's going to be forced to interpret that instead because it has to have a sex match so if we want to we just think these these text ties invisible by going to text bill no film because you can change the belt on the outline of the text and there's no reason why it has to have either fill and outline you just say no don't film the outline but I have visible text and then you can just do that over here as well I mean you can't see it anyway that will prevent it from becoming visible whenever it so student waiting and if you work and I would say between them and you now know that these two objects you actually have them interplay between those two things because in this particular mode it has to enter pretty stuff with doing stuff with the same text all right so what are some other random things we do well we can insert some more text and we can ask yourself a question which is what happens if we take this what happens if we take this text with text box here and we stay do a shape union with some of the shape I suppose to do the circle right so what is the union of these two things so we already know that if we take two random shapes we can select them and then they can tell to compute the union writing that gives us this new combined shape that if we like look at the points that's made up of you know that's like you're some compliant version but what's going to happen if we compute the union of these two things so like the reasonable thing to happen here is that you get a union of a circle and rectangle right that would be the boring thing but if PowerPoint is able to figure out but that's not really what you want here and something very different happens which is that it actually ends up tracing the text so you haven't heard of the text into a face version itself but it's very useful because it means leave for the taxes you all have a ton of stuff that is someone's enemy design because of something else which we learned so if we do this if you take this x-ray and then you can grab these we can use a different thing fragment but it's gonna actually cut me text into pieces so now each letter is its own separate object so what happens if we add a little frequent objects well now that three per month it's gonna actually destroyed itself into that letter a bunch of these things I don't know buy these features or implement which I definitely comment like where I can have text I want to treat it as additive shape and not as if it's like actual characters so you use powerpoints do that coincidentally if you're doing it in the 60-ton and you want to export these about PowerPoint does have an exports of video feature so you can use these if you want to get this like interpolation effect so you can just video and then use it what everything you want so what are there some other interesting things we can do with this let's see so another feature which PowerPoint has is the video effects so you might be familiar with these is the very dated looking implementations to make them more exciting now we can take these mini effects and actually convert a piece to the objects as well right now this is a little bit the 3d effects are normally they don't play nice with a lot of other things because they're fairly complicated so you just like if you take this object of the 3d effect on it and you try to like merge it with this object it's going to just treat it as if it does not have a 3d effect and then it's invert them so you know it kind of works but frequently these don't work well with other features but what happens if we apply moves to them oh so it actually does a 3d transformation on that so this could be useful if you want to have something like the rotating thing right so you could use blender or whatever three software you're supposed to use yes you are planning to like make this do some kind of crazy video tation yep okay so I'm interesting also speaking of 3d stuff as anyone like trying to get a 3d asset for something like for any type of project I'll share people some people yes so I found it surprisingly difficult how like hard it is to get 3d assets like if you try to get 3d assets we can just go to like uni assets or so if you want to like get some asset for something so like all the assets are actually like really expensive and somewhat terrible I need something I'm good at but those are the tough ones and the descendants only had free assets like these aren't even taking right this is like 50 fish icons or whatever so like getting into the 3d concepts the stuff is actually surprisingly hard like getting to the off census is pretty easy probably cause two guests are way easier to make than 3d assets but if your this PowerPoint has this insert says 3d models so if you insert 3d models we can now search for model and we get a lot of 3d models they're all significantly better than the ones in the unity asset store that's kind of funny so if you want 3d assets for your project you probably should not get immunity immunity now set store or any other asset store because I don't make like pretty expensive you just go to PowerPoint and then go to a density models and you can get high resolution 3d modeling that is not cute very surprised with the quality these models because it actually has like everything I'm also like surprised at the quality of the plankton renderer because it also might capture reflections on paper mundane objects and stuff now there is one problem it's a PowerPoint file and not a 3d file right so we say in this PowerPoint file somewhere let's just say that I saw 3d ready sitting out this is a PowerPoint file over here now you might know that [Music] [Music] [Applause] PowerPoint media and oh there's something called model the GLB this is actually a file in community but if you want to do in public for 3d out of Pediatrics link apparently carved was a better asset store most other things yeah I do not know that's a good good good question you try to look at that however I wouldn't be surprised that the licensing is pretty good because given that your ad also like include a PowerPoint presentation most of the like I think that it probably have it set to be some type of royalty-free license but a monster or not she's Bobby Jack yeah so let's see what are some other random experiments anything wrong so going back to a North transition that's very fun I'd if we answered like an image like what happens if we give this image and then not great because and then so the question is if we promise image then what happens whenever we decided to work between it so we go to transitions isn't this more so this is like interesting because what I would probably expected to do is reshape the rectangle into the other rectangle while doing a cross state between them because that's what it does for textures on other objects but it's actually gonna do a crop so it actually does a sort of like crop and zoom effect which could be very useful if you want to let me zoom in on some type of detail and honestly exactly how this works because it has to know that this image is the same image as the other image I asked to deliver a position but it must be knowing that people point to the same image asset so it decides to just see yeah you know I'd like to copy to copy the same image that is a good question the best way to test that would probably be to take one image and put it straight into PowerPoint and take the other one and paste at your paint so as we just take this and we in I'm not sure if our plans gonna do some like like detection to see if these are actually the same image so this is actually the exact same size now yeah so you can discover a lot about how PowerPoint whoops inside by doing something severe to educate things because we can like figure out what the internal representation of these images probably works [Music] all right this requires more investigation why this guy knowledgeable pixel-based image dip to figure out how that line the two images that i yeah it looks like it's actually somehow a pixel-based image what happens if you decide it like if you tell it to do like some kind of resize to something like seventy pixel there's any percent right so now this is going to this should be right we force it to could be pixel without whole completely different so in that case fine that's just the same like image comparison algorithm like that sadly some ways summation I have right now [Music] yeah one thing is that we did but once it's like that 99 should be third then it might be because it just knows yeah may be able to across state now if it's actually different dimensions that's my guess okay well that's not what I was expecting because I mean crossfade but it got rid of this object entirely like I was thinking it might slide it over and crossfade but that means what this is somehow failed it's like comparison to test whatever that is what it's like one long alright so you can see that you can spend a lot of time and waste a lot of time by a to talk okay okay other fun things that you can do is if we have like image so the cool thing about the merge tool is that you think it will only work for shapes but it actually works so you can use PowerPoint for pretty specific designs oh yeah cool any more English parents what about between 3d objects between 3d objects so I I definitely would be shocked if it interpolated the International does not do that but I'm pretty sure like to think it to be to the initiative in here but if you if you do between two or three objects that are the same object then it actually does a very good job of it so if we this takes more than others these feedback loops are actually like very large like I was again surprised by like like you and I this [Music] [Applause] is slicing so if you have PowerPoint presentation and you want to make a summary slide you can do that solicitors like this is they slide all about rectangles and this is a slide all about circles and then this is our summary slide we can drag a copy the slide onto this oh yes good you might think the right question what did you then make a copy of that yeah the first thing you picked yourself which is like if you're a software developer it smells like make this thing you're like okay but don't stick with dependencies ready we don't secret dependencies and so what happens [Music] that's nice that's what he doesn't have a personally all right so the Commission is to make some some cool retro religions yes what yes we can all right this is looking pretty good there is a problem though which is that it has this white background because it's a slide which is something that we didn't expect if only there is some way to get rid of that oh there's a way to get rid of them so yeah there's a built-in option so we have to wait for it to do the population I because it's just like doing this over and over again it realizes that I love this like change have to read like review this is these thumbnails and it just keeps doing that now you're doing edit though to tell it to like do it again because it does have a live on how many times it will it will do that and mention that's less than 2 so this is going to be out so this one so we can click here and actually do the zoom animation because that's what it does whenever you click on the thumbnail know for some reason it also decides to keep you know there's stuff around the edges here and that's because we chose to make the thumbnail have a transparent background and it decides to retain a copy of the slide that you came from as the background just to make it look more in fact I guess you know those with our crackers we can also do like a dragon fractal so it's likely only to to get thumbnails here just cover this race I'm gonna propagate that blue square down on all the thumbnails you can see there there are only two thumbnails here but now it's gonna keep on propagating and there are a few fixed points of this and that actually gives you that this is just a 2d fractal still it's just that by placing the objects offset it's gonna look like a step to it you can use glow effects so that's what the screen is from is that an edited will effect to both of these gauges so if we take that full effect off what we're gonna casting which is an actual presentation feature which is sicker than if I was going to press five which is you can have PowerPoint automatically design your slides for you now this is actually this is actually used for making presentations so you'll find the Delia's interesting as these other features just like some bullet points so what it doesn't actually figured out Mike on fire microwave the concept of bullet points which I was pretty impressed by and will give you suggestions actually is [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Tom Wildenhain
Views: 1,422,305
Rating: 4.9385762 out of 5
Keywords: powerpoint, programming
Id: _3loq22TxSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 32sec (3092 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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