Great Games on a Word Processor? Amstrad PCW Stargliding
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Retro Recipes
Views: 131,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer, retrogaming, retro, retrocomputing, commodore, commodore 64, commodore amiga, electronics, refurbs, refurbishment, restoration, soldering, how to, refurbish, atari, apple, c64, a500, retro gaming, music, chiptunes, 8-bit, chip tunes, Sid chip, ASMR, amstrad, cpc, 8512, lord sugar, alan sugar, locoscript, cpm, zilog, zilog z80a, zx spectrum, schneider joyce, geek girl, gamer girl, perifractic, ladyfractic, lady fractic, word processor, perifractic retro recipes
Id: bwuH09S5YSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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