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now they're my friends I'm in Great Yarmouth once more now yes I'm wearing the same shirt as I wore on the last episode because it's the same day it's just a little bit later on that's all you want to get run over by the horse that'd get more views wouldn't it you two we get squashed by horse anyway we can't come to Great Yarmouth we can't come to the seaside without having fish and chips now people who watch my channel regularly will know I like my fish and chips and I'm really fussy about them uh there's people in Whitby I will probably know as well however I did ask online and I asked my viewers which was the best and uh we're gonna get the Wally trolley coming behind a minute very busy on the seafront here I asked my viewers as well and my friends out there which one was the best didn't get too many answers however did a bit of research online and apparently grelly's gets an excellent write-up I looked on TripAdvisor read all the write-ups here and it gets 4.5 out of five um and literally it's got 152 excellent reviews there move out the way of the uh the Wally trolley here bad time I'd go on it big kid there we go um best fish and chips ever delicious we've got on here as well brilliant got another one that says best fish and chips uh our new regular chippy so we're gonna head over there we're gonna have a wander up we're gonna mark it out of 10. uh hopefully it doesn't have skin on it um we've had this conversation before some people like skin and it's some don't I'm gonna find out though before I order it which has skin on it and which doesn't because sometimes Cod has the is it codded the way around Cod doesn't have the skin on it but haddock sometimes does you'll correct me in the comments down below sure you will if you're new to the Channel please hit that subscribe button if you like the content also give it the thumbs up it's free now without further Ado my friends let's go [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] worked up an appetite I tell you it's right over here it's grelly's traditional uh fish and chips right over the road from Pirates Cove Adventure Golf so you can have a round of Adventure Golf first then go and get your fish and chips work up a bit of appetite with the sea sea air I'm gonna head over there we're gonna order fish chips we're gonna order the peas and we're going to order a curry sauce you know the normal and then we're going to mark it out at 10. so come on onwards foreign [Music] [Music] without the skin if that's all right and also I'll have a curry sauce a mushy piece and a tin of Diet Coke please um and that's it thank you very much that's it thank you how much is that 11 30. there we go superb I'll contact this yet yeah brilliant looking forward to this I can't wait I'm starving all this year there we go thank you very much brilliant I shall take a seat over there and then brilliant thank you very much come on oh yeah I can't wait for this established 1970 I was one year old when this place opened unbelievable oh man I can't wait for this right okay so we've got the fish and chips here now before we start little little surprise well you've probably seen it already unless you've picked up on it um actually cooked in beef dripping now that is the way that fish and chips should be cooked and I can tell you now looks absolutely super before we go any further I've got the peas here I've got the curry sauce take a closer look my friends foreign [Music] [Music] right okay my friends so before we start okay let's pop the salt and vinegar on now let me get this the right way around and I like that you can put your own salt and vinegar and we're going to put the vinegar on First and it doesn't wash the salt off so we'll stick that on first there we go plenty of vinegar on there and we'll get the salt on there as well get some salt on there excellent here we go and we've got the curry sauce and the peas now I'm only going for the peas first I'm just going to look at the price for you let you know how much it was it's on my revolute here 11 pounds 30 Pence there uh that was for fish and chips haddock and chips curry sauce peas and a Diet Coke which I don't think is too bad don't forget I asked them to take the skin off as well on this one so we're going to go in for a chip first I think uh cooked in beef dripping exactly how this should be yeah got Amusement arcade next door wow they are really nice they are really nice let's buy into one of these there you go um you can tell beef dripping got plenty of salt on there it's burning my lip right we're going for the fish nice crispy butter on there wow there we go no skin because I've asked him to take it off oh my word wow that is a tasty fish that is a tasty piece of haddock that is the Butter's so crunchy mmm right not too greasy nice thick chunks of haddock in there just look at that wow oh brilliant right going for the peas you can't see the peas from outer space not too fluorescent very nice very nice right we're going for the curry sauce which is always my favorite good consistency there as well not too runny to take a taste of this it's got a little bit of a kick to it as well that's actually that's actually really nice that's beautiful smooth spicy yeah that is gorgeous that's a very very good curry sauce that's actually one of the best questions I've tasted for a while I've got to say right I'm going to eat these come back here we're going to mark them out of 10. what more do you want sunny day Great Yarmouth great fish and chips right leave me with them and then we'll mark them out of 10 but I'm telling you these are beautiful very very nice [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] [Music] oh right absolutely fantastic I've got to tell you um in fact that that um curry sauce was that spicy to blow my nose halfway through off camera um thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed that the chips and the fish everything was absolutely perfect and you got that taste that you can only get when you're cooking beef dripping and if you watch my channel before you know that is the only way really it's the fish and chips should be done in beef dripping uh so it's what we used to get when I used to go to the Lake District with my mum and dad I've said this before but for those who don't watch the channel on a regular basis I used to go to the lakes and we used to stop off at fish and chip shops up there in Yorkshire and they all used to be cooked in these dripping these cooking beef dripping and it gives you a totally totally uh different taste to it the butter was crispy just though it should be the fish beautiful nice chunks of haddock in there um they asked I asked to take the skin off they didn't know it was coming they looked a bit bit gone out when I when I pulled up with a camera there um and um I said I don't like the skin and we could take it off uh so they took it off for me very accommodating um they were very friendly back there as well they do deals as well for families as well uh which is great in this day and age with the uh with the cost of living crisis at the moment and and in fact my watching my phone's just pinged interest rates gone up um so you know absolutely spots on this place has been here since 1970 as I said everything about it was beautiful got the I've got the breeze from the sea coming over there it's just a thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed them it really did now the piece for me was spot on the curry sauce excellent curry sauce highly recommend it um so I've got to give it um I've got to give it a 10 because there's nothing at all wrong with that at all absolutely spot honored I like smaller fish and chip shops like this as well which aren't franchises uh you know support local businesses I highly recommend it so if you want to trip out come to Great Yarmouth get some great fish and chips come and see Growlers it's just off of Trafalgar place there they're really really nice in there highly recommend it it's a 10 all day long that's grelly's in Great Yarmouth just off Trafalgar place what more do you want that's it I think I might go in there put my uh knotted hanky on my head go and get a deck chair and take my take my shirt off and go and sit on the beach for a while like one of them old postcards that you used to get from years ago anyway that's all from me the McMaster in Great Yarmouth if you like the content do hit the thumbs up and also think about subscribing it's free and I'll see you guys in the next one bye-bye
Channel: The MacMaster
Views: 34,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fish and Chips, Fish & Chips, Great Yarmouth, Fish and Chips Cooked in Beef Dripping, Beef Dripping, Seaside Fish and Chips, The MacMaster
Id: _ANZoYmHwdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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