Great American Steakhouse ONION MAKER Product TEST | Emmy Gets New Glasses

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greetings my beautiful lovelies hello its Ameen welcome back today's video is sponsored by glasses where you can find affordable and stylish prescription eyewear you can get a basic pair of glasses that includes frames and prescription lenses starting at $30 and it can choose from a huge range of glasses over 4,000 selections of in-house and brand name glasses including these these are for soles what do you think I also got some others what do you think of this pair and to choose a pair of glasses you can use their virtual mirror tool which allows you to take a photo for yourself and see how the glasses fit how about these ones yeah steve urkel lives on I got a couple pair of sunglasses - I got non prescription ones so when I'm wearing my contact lenses and I got a pair of prescription as well oh yeah also when you order from glasses there's free shipping free returns and there's a hundred percent money-back guarantee if you're not happy with your purchase so be sure to check out the description if you're interested and you will find a coupon code to receive a discount off your next purchase Thanks glasses USA all right so now back to the task at hand which is to test out this gadget so I found this at my local thrift store this is a great American steakhouse onion machine so basically what it does is it cuts the onion into this flower shape and you batter it and deep-fry it and you eat it like onion rings it's also known as a bloomin onion so it looks easy enough 1 2 3 so easy let's see if it works comes with this little core plunger thing comes with this cutting blade it looks like a giant apple corer kind of but with more blades and here is the base this goes on top of this like this recipe booklet as well right there it comes with a few different recipes for dipping sauces and such so I'm just gonna do the basic great American steakhouse dry onion mix and the batter is basically this dry powder in combination with a milk and egg solution my past experiences with items that require plunging have been comical so we're making a bloomin onion we're gonna need some onions it says to try to get the larger the better so I've got myself a good-sized yellow sweet onion here let's talk a little bit about onion anatomy this is the root end if you look carefully these little dried-up bits right there that is the root we do not want to cut this side because the whole thing will fall apart this side is the stock end if this was growing this would be the green kind of chute that would come out kind of looking like a large green onion take the outer papery skin off now I'm going to cut a quarter off the top right about there like that now we're going to take the core this is like the plunger I won't need that right now now we're gonna place this inside the onion and plunge it in there and twist it but don't go all the way down again because you'll break the onion try to get it right in the middle twist it getting juicy here okay all right now we're going to use this contraption and we're gonna place the onion right on there the little root sits in there and then we place this on top and this should line up and with a lot of force and very quickly we're going to jam this down so I'm gonna turn this like this so I'll be in the correct position from past experience this has told me that I am going to be vertically challenged when it comes to plunging these kinds of things so I'm going to grab the steps to look stepstool is ready so let's go ahead and see if this works ready one two three it totally worked oh it's gorgeous look at it it's beautiful it's perfection okay now I've got to get it out of this thing okay okay look at this look look look look look it totally worked it totally worked it looks beautiful now that I have my beautiful onion we're gonna push it down back through the blades we don't want to push back up otherwise it'll cut all the way through use our plunger and kind of gently but firmly push that through all right it's free yes and there is my bloomin stinking onion it's gorgeous it's open it's beautiful okay so the instructions say for this to open beautifully you're supposed to soak it in cold water for about an hour but that looks pretty perfect to me so I'm gonna go ahead and start breading this bad boy it's gorgeous I have to say that is pretty close to perfection so now we're ready to make our dry mix I'm shocked that no craziness happened when I did my plunging I was expecting my onion to like fly into my face all right want a quarter cups of flour one and a quarter teaspoon of salt one a quarter teaspoons of onion powder that's funny you're cooking onion and then you're having onion powder to it some paprika whoa crazy with the paprika garlic pattern instead of Cajun spice I'm gonna use a combination pulled bay and homemade barbecue rub all right so there's that and a lot of black pepper whisk that up a little bit there's a dry mix now we're going to make our a little wet bath it's a one-to-one ratio of eggs and milk I'm going to be using bata milk I remember thinking buttermilk was gonna be like buttery as a kid and I remember tasting it Mike oh no that's not butter is it it's a little bit like yogurt if you've never had buttermilk it's tangy 2 cups of buttermilk and 2 eggs we're gonna lightly beat that look slightly the fat so now that we have the dry mix and the wet mix all prepared we're going to make it friends with our little onion here's the onion and now we're going to take the dry mix and cook the whole thing I'm using my little sifter here not overfill it and get all that flour into all those nooks and crannies toss the bottom in there as well make sure the bottom gets some love be very gentle with this we worked hard to get it to its state of perfection we don't want to Mar it now we're going to put it in the liquid bath place that in there again be very gentle to our buttermilk bath dredge it back into here try to get as much of the flour into the petals we want all the petals to be covered I'm gonna take a lot of time and try to get each petal here so it opens beautifully I've never actually had a bloomin onion before I can totally get the concept it seems like it's just a tasty beautiful version of an onion ring that looks great each petal seems to be separated and I'm gonna give it a good tap to get to the excess flour out now we're ready to fry our onion I have a large Dutch oven with almost a gallon of hot and vegetable oil this oil is heated up to 375 degrees make sure we have our lid handy just in case we have a fire now we're going to place the onion into our oil and we're going to put it root side up so I'm going to use my little spider here and carefully drop this in Wow let it sit for five seconds and then it says to push it down and that will help it open up okay now we're gonna let that go for three minutes it's amazing dropping that onion into the oil makes the temperature drop about 75 degrees so that's why we have to have hot oil when you do this make sure you have a pot that is large enough there's a lot of spattering and bubbling that happens so you want to make sure you can contain all of that oil this is pretty dangerous stuff okay there's my timer [Music] and now we're going to gently turn this over oh my gosh a little nerve-wracking but this looks beautiful yes it looks so good okay another three minutes in the VAT and oil but it looks beautiful yes I'm so excited about this chrysanthemum beauty you so three minutes are up I'm gonna fish out my onion carefully it looks gorgeous be very very gentle now we're gonna drain it upside down on a rack to allow it to drip out any excess oil Oh place onion root side down on a double layer of paper towels to drain not the side okay okay you you are so beautiful here is my beautiful bloomin onion and it looks gorgeous it came out perfectly perfectly golden brown nice and crispy and it looks like a stinking flower yes what you do next is you can take this cora and you place some sauce in the middle but it just looks so beautiful I just want to leave it like this so I'm gonna make a basic fry sauce and include some sauces in here but none of them sound like anything I want to I don't want an oriental dipping sauce I don't want a balsamic Dijon and young herb creamy dill so I'm just gonna make my basic fry sauce is what I love on burgers it's basically one part ketchup or half a part of relish I don't like too much relish a little bit of relish and mayo mix that up all right I almost don't want to eat it it's just so stinkin beautiful but it I must oh yes all right let's give that a go the docume that is great and it's just like an onion ringing the fact that you've got some batter and you've got a very well-cooked onion in the middle but different shape a little bit different flavor this is a little bit more highly seasoned than onion rings but this is scrumptious you've got a sweet onion and of course it's deep-fried and battered and everything fried seems to be better right all right I'm gonna try one with some fry sauce mmm gosh good - mmm so there's a little bit different than some onion rings or no bread crumbs it's not like that crumbly bread crumbing and batter this is more like a fried chicken batter a little bit tangy from the buttermilk and nice big crunch great sweet onion flavor delicious this would make a perfect appetizer great with beer great with American classics like hot dog or a bag mm-hmm so the breading in this recipe I think works really well it's highly seasoned but I think that's important because you're just deep-frying an entire onion it goes really well with the sweetness of the onion as well I also recommend making this fry sauce it is excellent on burgers so there is the Great American steakhouse onion machine this actually worked really well you do have to follow the instructions to a tee make sure you cut on the right size put it in the right place get a large onion those one's open up better if you eat a lot of bloomin onions then maybe this is the gadget for you'll thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys enjoy that one I hope you guys learn something big thanks to glasses for sponsoring this video and be sure to check out the description if you want to receive a discount off a pair of glasses be sure to share this video with your friends and follow me on social media so you can learn how you can win this little gadget and I shall see my next one do take care [Music]
Channel: emmymadeinjapan
Views: 757,305
Rating: 4.8903961 out of 5
Keywords: onion, blooming, Great American Steakhouse Onion Maker, maker, Outback, Steakhouse, cut, gadget, test, review, make, recipe, deep fry, fry, emmy, emmymade, emmymadeinjapan, flower, product, product test, will it work
Id: e-yIoG7k2Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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