Great American Jewelry "What Would You Do?" with John Quiñones

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the cheating husbands Hall of Shame Bill Clinton Tiger Woods John Edwards Jesse James Michael Jordan Jude Law Kobe Bryant Eliot Spitzer Mick Jagger Shaquille O'Neal Charlie Sheen David Letterman and the Governator marital infidelity a slippery slope as old as time itself but what would you do if you saw a cheater in action so this one is for your wife right okay and this one's for your friend yes not your wife is that okay yeah I'm just making sure I get it straight he's buying one diamond bracelet for his wife and another for his mistress could you please hurry without me oh and these customers are watching it all unfold our cameras are hiding at the great American jewelry store in Massapequa Long Island so will anyone take the time to call out this two-timer as a day begins we set the scene and this woman takes notice so this is for the second woman this is your wife it's a friend of mine somebody yeah Julie this is your sister that's so sweet we'll be together soon it's not your sister no it's my wife's sister and you'll be honest questions just listen with the jungle sentence okay she's irritated with her actress for asking too many questions and when Jeremy's wife shows up this concerned customer complains to the owner of the store just what to time why'd respected he's got both of them on the counter English drop dead one is her somebody else oh my god yes so we scrap loved one I sit down are you that dumb you can have it away when Jeremy thanks her for lending a helping hand she lets him know where she really stands I don't live with you but I'm doing what are you troubling okay so sir what would you like to do with the second one what is right this one yeah I like this one better consult is good you're just gonna get one after Jeremy and Michelle leave the store she has some tips for our salesperson evidently the man is buying true bracelets right first wife into someone else was like you didn't have a clue and it's like I'm talking to like somebody from out of space I'm a customer and I could catch on to that I mean I listen ice just said to him I don't agree with anything you doing that's his conscience his wife and he has to answer to God but I mean you were so like lame about it okay either ma'am I'm John quinones okay now we get the necklace for free what did you think of her dumb Larry jump we reset the scene and two new women step into our scenario hurry up hurry up my wife is underway hurry hi Michelle is my wife know so I think we'll just get the I like this one better so we can give it now okay you said you wanted a road filled to just form one no I changed my mind I just want the water get it when Jeremy tries to ditch the second bracelet and Michelle starts asking questions why why were you they helped him cover it up let's see you coming to present we tell Jeremy to leave the scene so when the cheaters away will the truth come into play I'm confused to keep by two bracelets I didn't say no nope these women just keep encouraging our salesperson to help with the cover-up and after his wife steps out Jeremy returns to find out that his secret is still saved oh thank you you're a thank you thank God no hi but I got you water hot water hi I'm Jordan Yannick oh my god I wasn't trying to save him you were protecting her yes absolutely oh I just felt so bad for her and I thought oh this is gonna turn out terrible for her later in the day in watts Gail Pinsky she's a schoolteacher and class is about to begin Gail let's one of our sales people know that trouble is on the way I don't know what today he said he's right he's coming out this is why I have no idea do you think this way I have an idea see a short old man and when Michele arrives Gail has a plan she tries to make Jeremy pay up for his infidelity in diamonds I think you got me too no he's just sitting there this is ha ha [Music] sometimes she just got a single for him we all put up with a lot of stuff my husband when Michele leaves the store Gale takes Jeremy head on as a wife I just have to say something yeah I would be a little more discreet about whatever you doing right I am a teacher and I teach my class that not telling the truth is the same as lying I think maybe you were to see a trained professional cuz I'm not if my husband didn't want to Vegas may I would hope that he would be the one to tell me I wouldn't find out because things like this usually do come out my husband and I have an agreement that if you're not happy in a marriage you get out before you act on it after we surprise Gayle with our cameras she has a surprise for us she tells us that her husband Steven is on his way which gives us an idea why not run this scenario on him Gayle hides in the back of the store so how will her husband react to our cheater we direct Jeremy to ask Steven for advice what should I do seriously asked my opinion I know the risk of being blunt yeah you know come on if you love her stay with her well you don't you get it in wait till I can't even afford jewelry for one woman never must to man up stay or don't decide I firmly believe you know what you love them you stay with them Dominator sorry what can you move on saying I shouldn't move on while I'm still married that's my recommendation and I got a guy you just never restore your thought about California I guess this been on her first guy died with gian it's not a stigma it's not a it's not a badge of just honor people go through rough spots you're a good guy the first thing you said was man up I don't think marriage is something you commit half-ass - can I say how fast yeah thanks it turned into a therapy session ends and huh I got I got I got charged him we have his number how long you been married 22 years I have a confession to make what we met Gail earlier today she's back here Gail she was watching the whole thing sure she is at the end of the day Gail and Stephen share some kind words on how to make a marriage work I say that we have the philosophy if you're not happy tell the other person before you do something about it any doubt that he might cover up for the guy yeah nine million years my husband is a very honest person make a decision either you want to try to make it work oh well you don't if you don't what is the divorce rate Oh 50% it's not horrible to realize that your marriage isn't working living a lie is just not the right choice when all is said and done most of the women who spoke up felt it was more important to avoid a scene than to spill the beans and luckily no real spouses were hurt during the making of our show and once again all is right on Long Island you
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Views: 1,812,960
Rating: 4.7580667 out of 5
Keywords: Great, John, What Would You Do?, Quiñones, WWYD, dateline, ABC, News, two timer, two timer in action, great american jewelry, massapequa park
Id: _ZoRQYuzHVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2013
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