Grazing: Raising Livestock and Soil - Ray Archuleta

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[Music] okay here I'm going to quickly show you again all of us is either at consult erase or elephants uncom gait brown and myself and our partners hoping to school call soil health Academy it's a three-day intense school we only want those who really want to learn though those are the people that show up only forty are allowed in the school it's a three-day school and the farm packed lecture I feel so we opened on school because we wanted to be more ecologically focused and then we're not controlled or being censored oh by the way it's no longer Ken Hardy it's Kathy rich burgher Kathy rich we in the public eye and that full I don't know that full numbers wrong don't you know this just put ray that's all consulting or Kathy that's no help consulting calm right now this is my first roller let us show you that as my daughter's diesel Jenna my rolling my multi-species cover Cup in North Carolina my lawn more just went to cook the carburetor went out and I said you know I need to terminate discovered and I told my daughter I said daughter can I borrow your car I gotta roll my cupboard down did you see the dogs in the back I believe integrating animals into the system so we rolled it I use no murder site terminated just by rolling it now there's a lot more than just died yeah yeah okay I just wanted to say this your equipment doesn't have to be fancy now let me show you my planner daughter unhappy wife he's my dad and I use the blade I didn't turn the plate John just lower the deck plant my sweet corn Dave Brandt make me that for my mom one very cold worked very nicely I do not show that presentation when she's there she would not be too happy how much horsepower do need for alarm one see why are we rolling this why are we doing this why would biomimicry we are mimicking nature when you hear the word biomimicry we're saying mimic nature mimic life hi-oh mimicry fact every one of you that are farming and ranching should wear a t-shirt as you're walking down the airport I'm a rancher that's what we should have a niche t-shirt I'll show you the niche yeah I'll have a lot of young people from all over the country great where should my kids go to school where should they go to college in fact I was going to talk it was about a couple of weeks ago and the young man comes up to me and his dad and his dad says my son doesn't want to teach you just want to go to a run anymore I figured my time I said no go to school and all the biology take all the chemistry take all of our chemistry physics and all learn the logic ecology and economy work with a partner like steep drop people that know what they're doing that's what I recommend to you now I'm gonna give you a definition of viable a burger I want to show you the new science for the future she might speak to work by mimicry is innovation inspired by nature it is the process of looking at something like a weed and trying to figure out our solar cell it's how does nature continue liquids Thomas nature Walker so for instance go outside look at any leaf and the veins of a leaf and what you're seeing is the school for eight years and it's awesome design mimicking a engineer under the burrows fur of his dog and that engineers name is millionaire billionaire guys are cellphone the antenna fractal mimicking the natural system remind this is our goal I wanna make the art texture of the prairie and the forest they're both diverse they both have a living root they are covered 24/7 they both have in the art room they both embrace diversity Wow and they does until all of them have animals in the system the more you mimic it the more money you say biomimicry has been around for a long time my gosh my ability turns I passed the description just ask the beasts watch absurd what did Steve say today we have lost the art of observation it has been there for a long time the way the reason I missed it it was eight years of education it reductionism I forgot to look at the real template this is the template this is the diversity with diversity in transfers nutrients and all types of things from one organism to another new chance get transported through diversity water new treaties we are designing mixes that do this all have a different route death each planet exudes different chemicals into the microbes exciting engine biology that's why I want to mimic this architecture from the Prairie to the forest are makes us look like this see I prove the architecture that I grew I bring the Paula David agree the beneficials how many of you knew there's 1700 beneficial insects for every pest and he know that between 1700 beneficial for every pass but if you're planning nothing but monocultures in there is no beneficials they do have to buy insecticide they do have to buy all the sides let me give you an example how powerful diversity is this happen in North Dakota this is the year I got to behave in 2007 here I learned this is the year that I grew my banette science book to the trash I learned that nature is more collaborative that she is competitive North Dakota gets about 12 to 16 inches of rain you think you're cold no you're not once you go over there and you know in the winter of negative fifty one day I call game and as a game hope we got home I'm in southern Missouri and negative 15 is ready I wear my t-shirt and negative 50 talk about cold hey let me tell you what happened they did some test pumps the district it's of test once they find a diluted oil see Tasha purple county and a cocktail mix what they did is they took the Lupin oil state parks the purple all pieced and mixed of this plot look at the way the biomass out remember this plots were all had only one point eight inches of rain let me visually show you or the empirical numbers one point eight inches that's what I would expect to come to look like right that's a very little bit already look at the other amount of culture now look what happens when we mixed it together it's the plot right next door there they are all the brown in the back if I grew up separate they'd look like this but if I groove together they look like this I was taught competition is you go to Stillwater and do trees but these plants are right together so what happened class nature's collaborative there's a great paper called the stress premium hypothesis write it down you can be Google in its free this great researcher went all over the world look at all the research data and guess what they found out nature when it's under stress does not compete because if it was the case that everything competed when we have invested drought all the force would die all the parameters would die nature is more collaborative and she's competitive now does a competition happen yes do you know what the purpose of competition is to keep integrity in health with an assistant but the overall principle is collaboration even us collaborate and they compete we need competition but overall we need collaboration let me show you but some of you say ok that's North Dakota God loves North Dakota even above the rest of the world I don't know how many times people at all is that this is the ride grown in the monoculture situation in Canada this is right next door with a multi species mix in Canada same thing occurred the same thing occurred right next to each other times how does this martini does fungi they transport nutrients and water from plant to plant they shade they collaborate we don't think of it that way that's amazing I saw that I was bad now back to viral mimicry what we are doing throughout the country we are rolling up covers because we want to mimic the forest floor also when you pull your grass and your pastures way do you pull your grass how many have actually pulled your grass to the park what's in the bottom of the grass when you play the bass it's apart guys is nothing no dead grass armours skin you'll never see the soil better in a natural system never bird this is what we're doing in Tennessee now all over the country this is growing this is a multi-species cover crop will rolling it down for creating that skin all those ecosystem processes are occurring 40% of those counties that County is covered called copy County that is corn and soybean planted right into that multi species mix capturing Sun feeding microbes building aggregates sheltering and then that thing will turn brown and dry and leave the armor and then the corn pops out notice here that whole county had this is the way the don't you looked stratified layers compaction it looked very good they've been no gel for 30 years but the moment they went through three years of covers look at the way the song changed three years of covers that call they were pumping carbon look at the respiration respiration the coding for respiration will work those pointers are working because they're being fed their water-soluble carbon that means the groceries are going down because they're consuming huge thousands of carbonate in fact I guarantee a huge trip in those fields you'll be digested they are cycling my harvest a ray and I had problems in my corner it's not it's not I rescued you stay there for a long time it's not breaking down I told you have a biology problem putting the chemical fertilizer will not fix it you have a biology problem that's the problem you're not cycling adequately enough ok now these are the principles of biomimicry you just write it down and you google it later this you need to ask yourself if your operations do you miss nature runs on some money is your farm running on ancient sunlight or sunlight ancient sunlight is diesel natural gas everything that we are farms run on oil that's ancient sunlight the ferns that are running on ancient sunlight we'll go broke those who run on sunlight will make money in the 21st century make sure uses energy only in needs in cycles everything do you know why Kate brown stacks up operations he uses these gradients to beat his chicken nothing is wasted in the operation your waste products whatever you have an operation either defend and be be utilized again you makes your rewards cooperation and embraces diversity and nature demands local expertise that means look and observe the plants surviving beats of curves excess within nature taps into the power of limits those are things that you're not ask yourself this are you doing this on your operation you have to ask these questions are you doing this you have to be sober about us and look in my capturing Sun in Mike cope doing diversity by capturing collaboration godly doing these principles now into the proceeding since I'm such a big mimicker biology and bio mimicry who made the best soils in the world the animals in the grass there's only four fighters in the world that have soils like the United States it all has large herbivores Argentina a little piece of China Ukrainian my for anyone Argentina United States create Argentina and China there's a little piece of China and United States and some of the deepest best flows the world Iowa Illinois because of these critters all right now we are moving our cattle like this guys our farmers and our managers and our gracious even our very guys are starting to run the cows like the Bison like Africa they grew up in tight groups why did they do that anybody protection from the Predators I'm gonna show you in the predator for the 21st century just a second they don't eat huge herds and they never ready on the rage because they were constantly moving by just my grazing the same way that's the way I'm gonna run my sheep people get confused they say that's a numbers it's not the numbers compassion is a function of time compassion is a function of time these animals were designed to be that type of Groot because the soil would only function if those groups were timing show you these were the Predators that moved we just heard we need the whoops we need the Coyotes we need all these things in synchrony of course we don't want the PE dart but I've been told by a very bright racer it says ready never suit your coyotes and you can avoid it came Brown the same way because the moment you shoot a coyote then the meter kayo comes in and he'll start bothering your seat or your animals I am cautious about way I manage my furnitures they eat the mics the the other things when in nature's out of balance we're gonna pay for it when you start thinking ecologically you start seeing how they were just connected what is density now some people say big reaches up to 50 i stops 50 to 250 250 so higher is ultra high stock density i have a new concept from all of us in holland like to call dibs I don't like the word Bob I like to work adaptive Gracie see nature uses adaptive energy adaptive crazy means someday I'll do 15 sometimes I'll do 200 sometimes I do 250 sometimes I want to on vacation and to give them the groove plenty around you adapt to the climate to the weather to your life adaptive Gracie make sure uses adaptive management all the time in adapts this how it looks like to 50 100 500 thousand pounds to the acre of million pounds to the acre you don't have to do this all the time they might forget this one occurrence once a year that your pastures are grouped up tight tell you why you want to do that I want this I want the trampoline and I want the manure and urine distribution I want to count by one to two feet apart I was a urine in between I don't want to count by here and by the don't work why do I not want that maybe you want nutria distribution because I've got to feed my micros I there's too much ground I didn't feed microbe from here to the door I gotta feed them if I feed them I get more cracks no there's no bear mountain so when I walk into a grazing operation here's the first thing I do I carry dissemble and I'm looking down like this I want to see if there's any bare ground I see fair ground you took too much you hurt the microbes you set yourself back I'm on a trample quite a bit if I live in a very fragile environment with less it's great I only take 1/3 and i trample most of it all the most reason to go oh my gosh my cows are not gonna feed well hop up the feed for the micro herd what's dirt conditioning body score see if you don't give him enough corn and if you don't give enough carbon you're in the door you're not going to get to pass maybe you're gonna buy fertilizer you did move the count correctly rarely ever ever have to apply new change to your paddocks never apply this you don't need them I may give an example stock most people do what you call stock when you probably continuous crazy to just keep them in the certain set stock in other words you open the gate saying goodbye cow and UVB and the cows do whatever they want and guess what they do they eat all the ice cream at the desert I'll guarantee you if I had to serve for most of you you guys would go to the desert plate or you go to the state first animals it the same way they go to the same spot now if I want to take this field and I was gonna get every square foot be covered under this heightened system how many years would it take you to get manure on every boy giving away years it would take 27 years to cover that field with one cow pie r square foot study was done in Missouri State my team carrots so here's what I'm gonna do I've got to use the new predatory it's called Hotwire I grew my cow and my sheep are going to be crude like that I'm going to put the big perimeter fence the best and everything's going to be portable hot-wiring look at the time I was tuned to you about continuous 27 years for teenage you move them and I can get reducers two paper towels one time a day it makes a huge difference huge for your micro why do I want to move them right here and the microbes do not bite chemical nitrogen fertilizer they do not refer it they prefer the back end of a cow manure that one urine that was saliva they want life that's what they prefer this is the new predatory this is where I'm going my whole operation is going to go this direction I'm Vince tre not fine wireframe I got firewire string bubbler all my life stock pipelines are in place I mix these with lemon rows and I'm lube machine and I'm going to make and I'm gonna be either and I'm gonna watch them I'm gonna observe I'm gonna be involved and they're gonna make money for me and I have no influence just got hot water and tiny it's my piece and time to go out there the serve mandamus natural system paid has 5,000 acres he's got enough man just let the cows go wherever the one that's the end of his son setting up the next paddocks one hour of your time oh no kid I wanted to drive the tractor I'm gonna be out there there's the back much that is solar-powered battery operated cane opener got a timer timer timer timer goes off cows hear it bungee cords released accounts move to the next client by themselves you can make those on YouTube there's a guy that may not on YouTube for 60 bucks 30 about $300 that's $300 we'll ever spend all buy one no problem I'm not gonna waste my time I've seen a lot of producers in my observation what they'll do it to save pennies no trip $1 you put your investment we're gonna make you money baby plant these multi speaking mixes these cows are giving anywhere from three to four pounds a day on these mixes absolutely phenomenal the future is pasture raised beef the sad thing about it is we're having to import pasture raised people all over the world because the demand is not being met locally but you have to have the right bed alone you have to have the right energy and do hitters yes sir beautiful question is how would I handle my watery the first thing is what we've done I used two discerning life stuff pipeline systems within RCS my longest life pipeline was 25 miles long when I lived in the websites not bigger lifestyle I plan it is what we used to do is easy to get we should look at the whole plan map and then we would put all kinds of internal fences now no internal fences and then what I do is now build the external fence and everything's going to be a portable fire internally maybe we come to design our pipelines I do not recommend putting the static design just for now you'll have main lines and then what you do where you already have lights by point like I already have some I do designing so what I'm gonna do with my life is my pipeline I am going to move my animals away from the lifestyle pipeline from the drinking truck so my hot pliers would be moving this way and then when they come back we're leaving animals batteries I'm not worried about they'll follow the new grass don't wait don't wait at the hot wire thinking will you let me get to the next piece and then I'll design so we have to what you're going to do is to get a design system what is it that decays into mining so it's not an easy kind of cookie how it is lighted for you but what I would do is you need to come to one of our schools that we can help you design it because then but you better have that appraising right now you go to a local NRCS office and you mentioned adaptive rating they might not get it they will actually try to put you internal defenses no no no no that's not flexible you put internal fences there's no place for weeds to be and you have no flexibility we're getting rid of all the internal gain that hundreds of thousands of of eternal bench you pulled them all out they were wrong so the lifecycle timeline that we have to design it we have to design it yes everything's contemporary so they won't have to do is let me give me something kind of square field you may run a pipeline now gay is an area where they have a very deep frost line his lifestyle pipelines will need a foot to two feet deep it runs some of the surface especially pipe and so when he dies we designed it I wish I had another slide I'm showing you how we ha be eliminated like there simply get me square and run it down this way on one side of the field run across and up the next field so then you have a portable how would you call it come please so that's what we're doing and part of the tubs so that's another process itself but look what we do right here there's not a carpet and the dryer it is the more carbon you leave behind white glasses the more the dryer and the brim of the environment a less rainfall the more carbon you leave behind why forget you got a Keith background covered those Michael swimming water you take too much you hurt the whole stand you will set yourself back on your pasture very badly you've got to manage for the microbes and for your talent you don't take too much carbon from your system yeah well and I wouldn't even see here today if we were all forming like this I wouldn't worry about the carpet in the air that's a non-issue but since we're not climbing correctly there's an issue this is dairy and Wisconsin doing adaptive grazing on dairy cattle now dairy cattle you have to give them more room and personally the way we designed our cows genetically it's not wanting to do well ambassador because we genetically modifying they don't even though fall apart that's why when they tell you other people say you're going to get into dairy me go to jerseys something that graze as well go to a to milk because people are going to pay big bucks for raw milk my daughter's maybe getting paid eleven dollars a gallon in New Mexico for raw milk and then our dairy people are suffering it bugs me to no end for stupid laws and rules because people would drink more milk see because peace understand they're teaching in many venues don't drink milk that is absolutely wrong can you imagine the Bible says all is not really the land of milk and honey nothing wrong with Bella play the way you pasteurize it you boil it you destroy the biology and you homogenizing that our bodies will not take it then they believe in development it's not the milk it's the way we do business is the problem and then our dairy cattle see because I please have that crazy is not for everybody you can hurt animals if you don't know what you're doing the cow first then the microcopy but both of them together you have to learn how to do business and once you learn you're going to love the results you'll get more dresses and you'll get more dress and your passion will get better and your endless party whoa look how it looks do you see how much cover no bare ground or went from one place to another that's the biggest nono I ever seen when you're in doubt you said maybe I've got two or days you know move moment you took it too much either the leave more behind because I'll come back and recoveries will be better again don't forget these four processes you're managing those with the cow and the grass right here when you took too much them now you're here too much please a temperature in the saw went up and then it goes too much up then you lose water in the system at the microbes swim in water you've gotta have that partner either leave more and come back I'm not going to worry about all of them go around manage your craft manage the microphone app to the environment how many of us have been told leave half tank cap raise your hand okay let me tell you say you're in the drought your grass is tall if I get a cap no you take nothing if you can't afford to take anything don't work for soils I'm gonna pee pee you have nothing to take do you see the difference I don't want you to be seven rules absurd watch mimic the natural system now if you've got a lot on grass and you've gotta move quickly when it starts to slow down slow down i grazed my earth we were taught the graze release not like the new feeling the people that's a disaster I praise higher and leave more I believe six to eight inches when I leave the field I've got to managed correctly they remember by the way those do you know why the Cavs have such incredible courts when you had the grasp of leaning back poor animals push you too much protein to the back end you got to have more carbon more energy to get elected rats getting taller and they didn't you've got problem to Pete guy Pete guy is an issue of imbalance of the body you're crazy too short too much protein it sorta dependent I had people telling me I never learn Ian Mitchell is the one that finally came in good reason why now you're getting pinkeye I used to hear well they're crazy too tall stuff really that I thought that'll make any sense you mentioned the Buffalo goes away ten carries merits too tall identify some of them copy many responses to the pink tie his meticulous now when he told me in depending on the species in the plan in the right species of nitrogen is not right in the plan and there's too much protein you'll get problem with pinkeye Wow that makes sense to me grass too tall that makes sense to me at all absolutely totally that's what I wanted to see he said is it good to have multi-species absolutely the Serengeti was it mixed greasy or without segregating I don't think I'm in love they were mixed my sheep were perfect with the beef and I loved the Sheep because I make more money when the Sheep than them in the beef so I'm going to be more of a sheep guy up my sheep first then they come the cattle in the air kappa guy you need to counter first then you can see absolutely against it wants food from the cheap it wants he wants bender in urine absolutely I love you them so that's what I would you push for that kind of crazy why again energy passion now notice happens when our souls get to bear and you have too much paragraphs in between too much soil look at the temperatures where the soil got top 133 degrees local grasses micro step down at 113 enzymatic activity shuts down at 130 degrees look at this this is 96 degrees temperature 132 so it got now water evaporated it's no longer aquatic bacteria to go like this don't stop looking for you then you get less best protection do not separate the magnet from the grass and that's separate matter same thing here now notice here this is it's not Dakota this is rotational crazy this is Hayman notice how likely to soil of a cup or aggregation look at the India trations the range lamb is 27 inches per hour alright Amen is 0.59 pain is as bad as tillage why is hanging so hard on the soil types anybody that's part of it what else you're hauling all your carbon polymer there trims you're taking all the energy from the aggregate you took too much that's my silage is brutal you've got to move manure back for the silage you're taking way too much carbon and put the system to shock and guess what infiltrate explode up the pot that's why hail and if we had a big range simulator okay hail and conventional net all the water or enough the hail and even with the cousin I was shocked I could not believe that what's water ran off Haiti why do take all the aggregation now how do you fix I hate you you've notification what would you do audience now that you've been into the zone of micro DS what would you do time to leave the last cutting I would not feel I had to pierce chemical Falco I did make some oats I put some order to grasp how to mix grasses because hey a Falco pierced and about bug is really hard for swimming because if you look between the alfalfa Bill is a lot of bitter ground and it's not a fibrous root system and your fields actually your animals actually have better digestible protein your feed will be better if you mix it interesting and you cannot get your nutritionist to get and grasp that but everybody wants to do stem cell phone but I don't I do not want to pierce anything hurts myself too much I don't want the lagoon year at the year of the year besides after the fifth year I used razor Belle Epoque 50 year what happens to tell them you know why it's called soil type census alfalfa will poison itself out according to the Russian or microbiologist there's a bacterial bad guy virus attacked the nahji leaders found the diamond and it's Nature's Way of saying I don't want the same root year after year to year telling you something mix it but the nerve but urine on it my gosh you get different take the last cutting go run your no-till drill but a mix in minute looking to the north value you might have a hundred cows thousand pounds lemonade one acre I got two hundred eighties 56 pounds of and 156 pounds of P 572 pounds of cave absolutely amazing and I didn't have to spend your credit the cow is the perfect solar I mean it is an incredible creature the manure is that what it does to the soil let me give you a case study give you two case studies and we'll wrap it up I grew up in the West I grew up in New Mexico our family's been there for five hundred and seventy years for 17 in fact we have a county called Archuleta family day and my and my dad said sounded want you to do two things alive and I said what Dad I want you to work hard not on watching burying your cousin so I buried a good Missouri girl I did what I was supposed to do if you like that goes oh my god he's crazy I am I'm surprised you let me out maybe put a chain-link fence around the county I cut up XP to Colorado pending really now this is the kind of environment I grew up in first for the most part of our state you get 12 it's the rainy heavy rains much the water runs off Wyman right here and the crust all arrangement this is part of New Mexico the met because the fifth largest state my county in Oregon was six million acres 300,000 irrigated acres Conservation District hopes like to manage that one the rancher is down in the southern Florida State was maybe knew I was going down there there was kind of like I'd get a phone call in a maybe think you're coming down here I said how did you know that is a week on connections but it would take me three hours to drive to the end of my County here's my point that is each other this is the way it looks see our range scientist told us this oh no you can't come those back because see these invasive species kicked in called Peter Sellers and skeet look at all the bare ground can you imagine all the heat that's being released and all those millions of acres could this be part of why we're having climate issues yes the snow is getting too hot then all this sensible heat being released and raining away what we have is a green problem we need to be covering the whole country with clean and destroying our rain then the climate would come on I really believe that look at here look at the bare ground between the mesquite and I learned creosote and I would try and I go home to see my mom and dad is in London I said I would be thinking I it hurts to see in my country our country and I'm trying it is how are we going to fix them I'll say my small prayers brothers if I'm not gonna fix this then and I saw YouTube video I saw the video by dimension who is holistic and thought process let's see what he did he bought a keloid cloud don't let the word cloud get you go crazy right now it is it is narrow shank with a very specific shape just enough to break the crust and you do it on a key line you have to do it on a isoline in other words you have to follow the contour then it stimulates the water comes in weeds grow this is the way it looks but let me do the disk your destroyit there's a reason the highway department uses a disk it is great for making highways and run weathers the disk is the most awesome tool for destroying soil industry aggregates smashing them annotating a harmful tool so in college student I used to do my grasp of even NRCS guy we would do our are designed for our grazing species and I would design the mixes and then we would tell them to do such go in biscuit rude grass would come up you seal the surface destroyed the aggregate was a terrible thing to do and they did a lot of bad mistakes so what he did is he just broke the crust that's all you got to do baby runs the cows like Buffalo right in they come to defecate and urinate can actually get this to do with the looks you brought some old hey let it crush them and break the crust but look like he did it all came back no CD the ecological memory came back she fingers data but in cosmic older than North Dakota that to his house warm up over there look at the total amount you guys have two days of frost they get that best buy the car home up like that this is kept gates cows breeze into the authenticates place I've been there in the winter I am a warm season cover problem I would winter kill them it is brutally cold and it blows and there's no trees monkey Beck's guy that was near his cows grazing in the negative twenty thirty degrees out there I say Kate what happens wonder County died he says I improve the genetic pool those cows are designed to be there they can be well we have done it today we change it let me know how much time I got and keep me off oh now here's what's so darn cool but the North Dakota's have done I was blown away what is our biggest expenditure for dairy or beef animal what's our biggest expenditure feed these guys started closing multi-species mixes and grease into the winner they run their no-till drill and planted hundreds of acres of mixes and they get a hundred inches of snow the rain is 16 inches it's totally seven ten comes in rain and the six inches comes in the hole and you break them ten to one ratio most of their precept gets a lot of their preset comes in the snow thinking about 100 inches of snow look at the cows grazing the mixes they save over $60,000 in hey by letting the mixes just grazing their interests community Commons see in North Dakota gave me some of the range between cows that legs everything in the farm must work isn't that a biblical principle and not what you do not eat well that's a meeting from the cow same for the chicken and for even our teenagers somebody says it could right well the teenagers over to look how they're converting dollars it's amazing it go through the snow and they're picking up these look how well they're doing for protein content that's pretty darn good for those mixes look at the food protein that's why one of the things he'd prefer so the things that they use is pretty amazing and you have to design your mixes you can get that neutral quality does that look like a good pie that's beautiful I mean want my cow pie let me put the pumpkin pie you don't want to be a sports bad is good that's that's a crazy beautiful they are crazy I did Bale grazing this year we're delighted avail grazing pro game I bought my sheep because I knew we have a very very bad drought in the fall I mean we hardly got it anyway I started feeding Haiti but I knew I was okay because I learned this from Haiti I'm going to bail critters sorry if I had areas that were bare spots or they'd look really good they were tips on my field I planted my nails right there and I loved them and I met the sheep kind of broke them apart I let the sheep trample your name defecate on my feet and then a trend went in I want to feed my Mike roach and it looks like this when they're done that's what I want to see and then there's a spot where's my slides other players guys but wherever the slides where here's whether I'll see you had to find them before I get off but whenever we did the production on that spot was seven to ten times higher when we scrambled and defecated and urinated there it was ten times better comes done okay it's kicking me off but here's the thing if I could find that slide I think we're done and then we're going to erase him to bacon or doing passion race she the diversity and then there's Gabe planting into some of his mixes and seeing I'm not enough I'm done kicking me off okay unfortunately there's always so much to share I'll leave you with the last line this is North Carolina I dislike I won season mix and we we ran a no-till drill but the herbicide no fertilizer and we we no-till a multi-species mix into our fescue grazing the best to hard it was hot biscuit goes downhill that is a multi species in North Carolina the cattle can be terrible the fescue then we gain about half to nine tenths of a pound a day basic unit to fight really message with them this is a multi 10-way specie mix with no fertilizer no chemicals we know to light it that's race crazy mix here's the crazy design the mix and when the professor saw that as we got in an argument II the professor either by rainy don't worry about us okay so like this Demopoulos he's the crazy professor of love let's do a deal well we were all driving together don't finish up the last story here it was great it was a crazy specialist doctor met or and I have a lot of respect for a doctor for he's actually a grazer himself sneaky lesions and actually cousin himself so we were driving a man we're doing their crazy types and all of a sudden they got a funny said it's grade which your teaches full of crap level apply this is okay I said so we got into these kind of scuffle little argument that argument just got testy we've got new quiet it's awkward moment and I started [Music] oh he was mad he said to me okay really done you designed the things right now so is Johnny Rodgers another grazer because master degree me and they're both good friends love both of them so they said okay you do the mix exam so we decided the mix that makes it came out beautiful now they're doing all Carolina and he's the biggest promoter had to piss him off sometimes we ought to get pissed off to change the way we think so all I was telling him this maybe connect your system guys let's mimicking worked with God I really thank you and today we're gonna have question answer thank you very much [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bradford County Conservation District
Views: 4,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Education
Id: y0Yq3s1wgX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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