#GrazieVale: Valentino Rossi's Top 10 battles - Part 1
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Channel: MotoGP
Views: 4,613,253
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Keywords: motogp, moto2, moto3, crash, overtake, rossi, marquez, clash, suzuki, yamaha, honda, ducati, ktm, repsol honda, fabio quartararo, sepang 2015, malaysia motogp, qatargp, spanishgp, frenchgp, italiangp, catalangp, germangp, dutchgp, sanmarinogp, aragongp, japanesegp, australiangp, malaysiangp, valenciagp, mandalika gp, joan mir, brad binder, portugese gp, miguel oliveira, jorge martin, johann zarco, luca marini, enea bastianini, sepang, top 5, top 10, tech talk
Id: -I5nFqoyMeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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