Gravity is just a habit

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you [Music] okaygo started 18 years ago and if we had known then that we were going to do a zero gravity I just don't think I want to believe it yeah I don't think it would have spent too much time on it he was just sort of the knife that sounds ridiculous now we started making our own videos about ten years ago and this video idea has existed since almost the beginning of that we didn't think we'd ever get the chance to and yet yeah I mean you have to get access to an airplane and most rock bands never find access to an airplane I don't think we ever thought we would be one of them that does what you want especially diligence and responses okay go wanted to make a music video in 0g what could be more badass than astronaut training or more exciting than making art in space so here we enter the picture and tell them hey we've got an idea when a small agency from Russia that we'd never heard of before was like we can get you an airplane we're like sure you can before guys we wanted to film a video inside a real airplane and the guys from okaygo said alright can we make this plane fly in zero-gravity they were incredibly passionate about it I mean they were they were excited they were and honestly they made it happen yeah everybody excited about the project yeah yeah it has been a lot of work to get the star city to allow this but yeah come on [Music] I'm just because I thought in the in the drawings these are much higher it looks like it looks like an airplane that we're going to be floating in so before the first flight I was really excited everybody else was really scared scared and nervous yeah a little nervous but excited I'm nervous excited too I'm only excited and I've got the patch [Music] before the first flight we were kind of nervous and excited at the same time we didn't know what to expect at all we are just east of Moscow head to it towards a city called Star City which is where the cosmonauts trained and still trained and where we are training for our first tier of G flight with this week we are doing six flights and we it was the first one what we're hoping to do is get it just get used to it and we're getting a medical experience and everything so school morning we're going to get a medical exam [Music] [Music] so you are healthy show me your tongue great that's great one of the best results tell it to me straight doc I went I want I hope everyone had breakfast and saw the doctor today we are flying an ill 76 MDK airplane this is basically what a zero-gravity parabola looks like some newsroom opponent the zero-gravity is achieved at altitudes ranging from 6,000 to 9,000 meters the aircraft starts flying at a pretty steep angle at maximum acceleration thus causing everyone on board to experience double gravity the weightlessness is achieved at about 9,000 meters above the ground when the engine's thrust is reduced to a minimum and the plane follows a ballistic trajectory basically a freefall the pitch angle for ascent and descent is about 45 to 50 degrees and the zero-gravity periods lasts from 25 to 28 seconds [Music] pree common for me to get freaked out about selling this and enjoy it so I didn't sleep very well last night sucker a little kind of jet lag jet engines are on you hear them [Music] why don't what you feel is first you are pinned to the floor the next thing you know is the floor is gone [Music] [Music] [Music] none of us threw up but but I remember I was just I I was I was pretty freaked out by the whole experience the flight itself was significantly more physically difficult than I think I was expecting at least basically just wanna puke the first flight was very uncomfortable very difficult we were dizzy all the time we felt sick I remember thinking what did we get ourselves into like God we're going to endure three more we have that first flight brought us together the crew and the band I saw that the guys were really going to follow this thing through to the end Damien Dan Andy Tim and Trish all of them fimA up three years [Music] normally what people do when they make a film is plan very very carefully and then shoot we go get us in the airplane so we can start playing and once we played for a week then we can tell you what the real idea is we were really looking forward to seeing the script okaygo said there was no script rather a leap of faith a leap of faith this expression defines the whole project pretty accurately we agreed not to agree how we're going to film this we don't care what the shot looks like the crew I don't think they took it seriously at all no not at all like they figured a film crew would show up ready to work and know exactly what they want we showed up and we're like you play with the rubber balls I'll play with the curly hats yeah and you do flips okay then after this flight we'll all get back together see what went well and we'll try it again so for the first week of Plex we did six flights and the crew just sat there watching us like what is the matter with these morons like wait because we're just like bouncing literally bouncing off the walls and being silly the pinatas on here yeah who's got the pinatas I don't think they took it very seriously because they didn't think that was part of a real process hi choreography help Mario we don't we have to learn my initial reaction was what a mess so after that first week of testing we went back to Los Angeles took a couple weeks off to to synthesize all that information come up with a real plan and go back knowing what we wanted to make [Music] we came back the second time by that point not only had someone showed the crew in our previous videos so they've suddenly got they knew what they were working with their attitude went from like who are these jokers - so like super seriously with us and behind us we did our best to help them with everything we could question cool it was like one trician the guys returned from LA we had a proper script to go by and rehearse and when you're done and you're like over here yes so stock drop over and then community No I need a double spacing rating system second times for dojo don't stop can't stop to the basement go the longest period of weightlessness you can get on these types of flights is 27 27 and a half seconds we were stuck with exactly that much time of weightlessness each parabola and we wanted that to line up musically with the song which moves in in 21 second chunks basically each verses 21 seconds each chorus is two rounds of twenty-one seconds so what we did was we slowed down the song a little bit so that each of those 21 seconds chunks was stretched out to 28 seconds that meant that each parabola would would start and stop musically along with the song [Music] [Music] go yeah one they are mine [Music] good one each flight we did 15 parabolas and and all together we did 21 flights oh we did I think it was 312 total parabolas Gosselin plunder with you we did two takes on each flight seven zero-g periods for the first and seven periods for the second the ultimate 15th period was extra for the Thunderdome scene they also pose wanted to shoot it as a single continuous take so the stakes are pretty high I mean nobody wanted to screw up the whole take was there at the end of each parabola the guys needed to stay perfectly still on their positions until the next to zero-g period kicked in when they were able to continue their routine in the end they sped up these waiting periods so the whole video would look like a single prolonged period of weightlessness one you know with you go cook a gym more than you so much [Music] the final week we did to 5:00 today until the last day when we did three we did an unscheduled third flight because we hadn't gotten take it right after the 20th flight we knew we had a perfect take until we watched the footage and found out that some paint had gotten on the lens during the last scene and ruined the entire thing [Music] can you just put our favorite Thunderdome favorite scene 8 the best one we've ever had on the end of the 7 and see what you see well so we then at that point we what we had was either the pieces to try to edit together something not as good as we wanted but still pretty great or we could go up and and do it again usable and I mean this yeah anyone myself I got speaker on I don't think everyone does gonna go up I'm trying to assess people hey Ross I'm assuming you know I know I know it's going to happen that was about as tense a moment as I can remember having within the band because just period just period yeah just because because we kind of knew we had to do it and some members of the band really didn't want to I think we don't have to go up again it's a question of do we just you know we're never going up in that plane ever again after today we just want to go up to the 8th it's a half of a flight essentially and just try it I'm totally good either way because I think we do have it I'm totally good anyway also Andy I really don't wanna push a weapon to it so it is where me alone I'll do it but I don't think it's we're not gonna leave here without a video if we don't basically and II really didn't want to go back up and he wasn't going to stop us but he but he was right on the edge of like I effing hate this I'm for it let's go yeah they're going to be one of those eights where we ask for another Perla and another parabola and another parabola because their last line okay we don't know series I know you're pissed about that if you don't want to do it well I mean we can make a decision that we just do whatever we get for eight and maybe it's a great Thunderdome maybe all we get out of it is a great thunder don't I mean we could make that rule that we don't have some more so we went up and did it one more time goodbye dear hey whatever you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today go I remember lighting the lyric gravity's just to have it that you're pretty sure you can break I was I was in the parking lot of a big box store in New Hampshire [Music] the whole song is sort of around the idea of letting the unfamiliar feelings guide you rather than trying to figure everything out all the time the men of therefore not a long time ago I realized that once you start working with professionals it doesn't really seem like work Muslims oral argument so one of the reasons videos like this one are so successful is because of the true professionals who collaborate on them you just put it all through there uh but we have misciagna I love the guys from the band especially after all we've been through together [Music] we don't speak any Russian everything was done through like hand signals and and like a human emotion I mean the guys got so into it was a great there were like a bounty of like 50 pounds and thumbs ups was my thoughts always about what you believe in we believe that you should never give up you should challenge everything you know and jump in way over your head that's what we all did here we showed the world that nothing is impossible gravity is just a habit gravity is your everyday life and it is also just a habit gravity if we have to have it that's a recipe we try hi I'm Damian Hampton we're in the band okay go gravity is just a habit support our opinion on press Reader [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: OK Go
Views: 660,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: upside down and inside out, ok go, s7 airlines, russia, music, video, live, concert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2017
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