Grave of BETTE DAVIS & Last Home in LA

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well the morning line hard stroll powder in the line I hope you're all doing well today today we are going to the cemetery I know you guys love to watch those vlogs and you love old Hollywood so we'll just do both of those today I want to go and see the grave I know I've shown it before we've never really talked about our life the grave and the life of the great Betty Davis a woman who grew up in kind of a traditional Boston puritanical household and had to somehow meld her way into the Hollywood lifestyle and to be honest she was someone who always prided herself in being a Hollywood movie star she said she would always polish all of her awards and was always very proud of being that person and and being seen by that many people and she took it seriously she won many awards and had quite a few battles along the way she definitely did not have it an easy route and did a lot of funny things along the way that ruffled a lot of feathers so Amy happens to love Betty Davis that is her favorite actress of all time so of course I thought we should include Amy in this one so she's on her way over and we're gonna do this as a patreon Sunglass vlog for Jennifer a team I hope that you love Betty Davis so days with Jordan the Lion Amy ja and Betty Davis begin now okay the lovely Amy is here she's wearing the sunglasses we're gonna be doing the vlog in today and you know what we're vlogging today don't you do you know do you remember what the special like day is today for me vlog 1300 we are doing today let's go see some Betty Davis last apartment and where she's buried can you sir hold down the fort for us and then we'll come back and play with you when we're done your gooseneck and me yeah cool all right ja Betty is buried over at Forest Lawn Hollywood we've been there quite a bit lately pretty easy to find - here we are so to find Betty pretty much want to make the left as you pass by this church over here and take that road up well it looks like they're having a service today but Betty is right over here so true to the superstar that she is right out front here right in the limelight the superstar she is you can see it says Betty Davis she did it the hard way why did she ever you can also see that she's buried here with her mother and her sister and actually Betty's name was Ruth as well so the three musketeers that's literally what she called them so Amy and I brought some flowers for Betty since Amy loves Betty so much what do you love about Betty or what is it in her work that made you a fan what movie is it or her acting that you first saw is it really that's a great one now like I mentioned when you see that as says Betty did the hard way she really did because as I mentioned earlier she was brought up in kind of a puritanical traditional household her dad really didn't even want kids he was one of those guys that was just like a necessary evil of having children being part of the family and her mother was actually a really sweet person but Betty said you know there was just one of those households that she they were so strict not her mother so much but when she would go visit any of the family members like her grandmother anyone she said she remembered her mother making her a dress to go to a party and the caller came all the way up to here and she remembered her grandmother asking if that was a nightgown that she was wearing but Betty said that even though you know most of the family had that kind of mentality her mother was a little bit different she was very complimentary towards her kids she said actually she thought that was the most important thing you could do for children was to be complimentary and to help build their self-esteem so when Betty showed signs of wanting to be an actress and everything her mother was very supportive of it now at the age of 7 Betty said her parents never really got along that well her dad was always really mean to her mom so it was no surprise that she said they were having dinner one night and her mom said your dad's leaving he's not gonna live with us anymore and she said I was pretty happy about that he was not a very nice man and I was really happy to see him go but she said that they were so poor that even though she was in a performing arts school her her mother was able to pay some of her tuition by being the photographer for the graduation at Betty's graduation and she said back then a lot of photographers would get something called developers poison and it caused her mom to look really sick and to be really thin and frail and said they didn't have much money to begin with so she remembered being at the ceremony and watching her mom on stage taking photos in like a straw hat and an old dress and she just said I I made a vow then some point she's never gonna work another day in her life I'm gonna make sure that and even though Betty had a audition or a screen test for Sam Goldwyn it went terribly wrong and they didn't offer her a contract in fact she when she did it they were asking her to show her legs and she said why do you need to see my legs if I'm an actress and they said well they want to see your legs so she said I literally was rolling up my dress an inch at a time until they got to my until I got to my knees and then they said ok that's fine that's all they want so that was a real nightmare but she eventually got signed by Universal and brought her mother and her sister and her and the dog out to Hollywood but when they arrived in Hollywood at the train station nobody came to greet them and when she called to check in and said this is Miss Betty Davis I'm I'm here they said we came to pick you up at the train station and there was no one there that looked like an actress and she said well I was holding a dog I thought that would be enough so even though she had some great years and some great movies and some great work at Universal I think that was actually what I first saw from Betty was seeing of Human Bondage with Leslie Howard and she was just so good at playing people that you know almost had no remorse and had no conscience but she said when she first came they treated her like a a starlet they were dressing her up like Garbo and she said us girls that came from the theater were not those kind of actresses and I knew in my heart I wasn't that actress and it was never going to be believable so I constantly had to fight for parts and things that I wanted to do that they didn't want me to do and so she was doing it the hard way constantly and eventually this led her to dangerous which was the movie that got her her first Oscar so Amy and I were just talking about the movies that we liked and all about Eve is one of ours that we share and I found that through the Marilyn Monroe collections Marilyn's also in that movie in pretty much anytime you get a collection they always include that she eventually just got sick of always fighting with universal and even though she had gotten an Oscar award or an Academy Award for her performance as a universal Talent she decided to leave she said she was done and eventually got picked up over at Warner Brothers and she said that was kind of a nightmare as well because they did the same thing they wanted to give her garbage parts and garbage movies and she said I realized pretty quickly that it came down to me if I wanted anything I was gonna have to fight tooth and nail for it and I was gonna have to be convincing and she said I knew it came down to good directors and good writers and she said that really really all changed my career when I got to work with Willie Wyler because she said he was one of those directors that did not let Jack Warner take over his movie said you know whereas before she would work with directors and they would just you know get two takes of her saying the lines and they didn't care if there was any acting involved at all so once she was working with Willie he said I don't care if any you like me I don't care if any of us like each other all I care about is what ends up on the screen in the end and she said he would be a perfectionist till the end getting the exact takes that he wanted and he would only get one take he would only save one take so that they couldn't replace his take and that was also another movie that led her to stardom Jezebel so she made movies for Warner Brothers for years and it was like what was it the Elizabeth and Essex was another great one but she eventually got sick of being there as well and when I mentioned earlier on that she did quite a few funny things one of the funniest things that she did which she posted an ad in The Hollywood Reporter much to the embarrassment of the Hollywood community in the film community Betty had gotten a divorce not how to contract life was in shambles and she posted this thing mother of three ten eleven and fifteen divorcee American thirty years experience as an actress in motion pictures mobile still and more affable band rumor would have it one steady employment in Hollywood and she said boy did that ruffle some feathers so she had a period that she called her black years where her mother died there was divorce there was illnesses and all kinds of things and then whatever happened to Baby Jane came about this was a big deal because she ended up eventually getting her tenth nomination which was the first time anybody had ever gotten that as an actress but if she would win this would be the first time that any woman had won three Oscars and Joan Crawford actually was the one who had found that she loved that script and during this time Betty and Joan both had said that you know if you weren't on a list at the bank then the movies wouldn't get made if you were in it so this was a low-budget film that Joan Crawford was trying to break out in she had been one of those women just like Betty where you know they had hit an age where you couldn't be the young starlet anymore you couldn't be the love interest and he also weren't old enough to play the old lady so Joan had found this and wanted this for her project so that she could get nominated for an Oscar the whole making of the movie was a total disaster for the most part because Joan and Betty hated each other basically just as people they valued everything differently in their professional career Betty was much more of a person that cared about the actual finished product and making sure that her performance was great and Joan really seemed to care more about just making sure that she looked great and that she was great and so when Betty was nominated and Joan wasn't this went crazy Joan decided to immediately call it the Academy get herself put on as one of the presenters for Best Director that way she would be at the awards and then called up every woman that was nominated for Best Actress that she knew either lived in New York City or were filming anything and pleaded with them to let her accept the ward on her behalf or on their behalf if they won and then when she got to New York she told everyone that she ran into to not vote for Betty and the night of Betty was there hoping really wanting this award because like I said earlier she was so proud of every word she got that she polished them constantly always had them nice and shiny and n Bancroft won and Joan got to go out and as Hedda Hopper said Joan Crawford has a habit of making any moment that she's a part of her moment and she did and Betty said this was actually a really stupid move on Joan's part because she said we did this as a low-budget movie with us getting the back end and if I would have won that award we would have made so much more money but Joan cared much more about just having the the revenge against Betty some of the other things I went to mention was the Hollywood Canteen during World War Two Betty was one of the founders of the Hollywood Canteen and got the unions in Hollywood to help build it and so any serviceman that had come to Hollywood to visit during that time could meet a starlet could meet his favorite stars and performers there be served by them get their meals for free and it was just a great place to hang out Betty said that was maybe one of the most important things she ever did in her life because she said when servicemen came to Hollywood they wanted to meet celebrities and before that they didn't really have a way to do it so for two years she was the person that was there constantly taking photos making sure the place was running and supporting the troops so Betty said that being the perfectionist that she was she never really was completely truly happy with anything that she ever did but she said she was pretty darn close with dark victory she said I'll never forget watching the screening of it by myself and walking out of there and actually having to with my hands make myself not smile because I was so proud of what I had just seen so even though Betty was pretty sick the last few years of her life she always was working as often as possible and ended up dying in Paris from breast cancer but her last home was here and so we're going to go over to her last apartment and I'll tell you how she ended up getting that apartment rest in peace Betty Davis so our next stop is going to be just south of Sunset Boulevard on Havenhurst to the colonial house so it looks like this pile of flowers that we're left over there and now dinner for the dear see some tails Waggin I do know that Thank You Betty Davis believe I knew that well here we are the famous colonial house this is Clark Gable Marlena Dietrich and of course many many others but this was the last place that Betty Davis lived in she lived on the fourth floor and got this place actually because Roddy McDowall helped her find it said that she wanted this particular place because it faced the LaRhonda which was the first hotel that her and her mother or apartment hotel that her and her mother stayed in when they first came to Hollywood and that is actually right next door over here so we'll be able to show you a little bit of that they have a historical placard and sign and everything here for a long time after Betty died they still had her name on the directory up there it is yeah oh you're right there it is B Davis so she would have been on the fourth floor that would have been right up here and now let's go look at the place that she wanted to view from her house her room this is all part of it really cool building it's not called the LaRhonda now but you can tell this is where it was because of that sign so this is it this would have been the first place that she lived at with her mother and sister when they came to town look at that doorway and that's something Wow so there's LaRhonda here's the colonial house it's funny I read that she had it decorated normally like he would expect family photos and art books and things like that but what was a little different about her apartment than many others is that when he walked through one of the doorways on each side she had her Oscars there greeting you as you walked through the entrance it's pretty great all right my friends we're gonna call it a night I hope you enjoyed that vlog today and I hope you enjoyed lovely Amy and I showing you where Betty Davis is buried and where her last apartment was now we did try and get inside the colonial house by asking the apartment manager about seeing one as though we were looking at moving in so they had one for rent one for buy the rent was $11,000 a month so we were not able to view it today anyway they said we'd have to do that online schedule it online but Wow $11,000 a month to live in the colonial house want to wrap this up I thank my newest patreon is Christy Peterson Eddie Moran rience Kimora Joanne Kilmer and Aaron Kent thank you all for making contributions to my channel thank you everyone for watching and we'll see you all next time have a great night and good [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 50,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlogger, urbex, golden age, hollywood, travel advice, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, travel guide, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, film, los angeles, tourist, dangerous, Bette davis, Feud, William wyler, Joan crawford, Jezebel, Hush hush sweet charlotte, All about eve, What ever happened to baby jane, Marilyn monroe, Hollywood canteen, Grave, Forest lawn, Warner bros
Id: S1_gVAvjFBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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