Grasshopper Tutorial Part 3b: List Manipulation with Cull Index

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hello everyone and welcome back to part 3 B this will be the continuation off the list manipulation portion and again I'm going to emphasize it again as I did in the last video this is the most important lesson in my opinion so if you really want to be good at grasshopper I think this is the last thing you should really pay attention to so let's get on to it so in the last one we did we focused all the lines to one point and so yeah we're gonna do the same thing except if we turn this off let's say if we didn't do a list item we remember what happens if we do a list item it would be the you would just have these vertical lines Lizzy and see it kind of draws from one point to another constantly and that's all it does now what happens if we skip one of the points so once if we draw this this and it actually starts here and it keeps drawing and diagonally the rest of the way so basically we're just going to eliminate a point here we're going to eliminate one of the points in the list because right now the list is reading out the same thing here zero through nine and zero through nine so I would simply remove one of these zero through nine once you remove the point zero once you remove the point one yeah so we're gonna learn how to do that today and I'm going to delete this rule so we're gonna do another this is basically the same formula so I can actually copy and paste it but I'm not gonna do it for this one so I'm if you if you are learning grasshopper I would recommend not copying and copying and pasting scripts it just makes it harder for you to learn it's a little bit confusing for you to understand so I'm gonna type like how I learn I always type everything out even if it's the same exact thing because it kind of solidifies it into your muscle memory and kind of head on how these things work so I'm just gonna type everything out for you guys so construct I'm going to move we know this is 0 0 so we have 0 0 0 so construct point move X and then a series and we're going to use the same numbers so I'll just move these into here plug this into here the motion X and then we're gonna move this geometry so I'm actually gonna hide all this other stuff there we go so right now how these points and we're actually into another move well because the same thing here y-direction when you move it up to 5 so yep that's it for that and now we're going to do instead of a list item so this is the kind of the star of the less of last lesson we're going or the last part now we're gonna do a call index instead so let's pull up our panels again to help us understand this so I'm going to pull up my panels and extend them out you just click at the edge and just drag it just so it you see they're reading both to 0 through 9 so basically it's saying when I do a cult index it's saying which one am I going to eliminate going eliminate 0 eliminate 1 2 or 9 or you know either one so let's do that right now I'm gonna eliminate one of the top ones so we're going to look at this panel so as you can see this has 0 through 9 right now we're technically 1 4 not technically but 1 through 10 if you want to think about that way so whole index as you can see it says call or remove index removes index removes elements from a list or coal it just removes one element which is this count as an element so right now it's set at it's an empty parameter so it's not saying anything so I'm gonna remove now I should say tooth right now so the entices matches what this indices I entices the two and two here so I'm just gonna make a number slider to and plug it into the indices and then the list and then you plug in the list into the geometry as you can see it highlights everything but that one point we have and we can kind of drag it around and see how so zero is that point as you can see zeros here one is here and then so on so forth I'm gonna see and then when you hit ten it goes back when you hit ten it goes all the way back so we're gonna remove this point right here this Third Point and let's see what happens when we draw a line real quick so line we're going to use this bottom geometry and this top geometry as you can see it doesn't make it literally skips that one point it completely skips the fact that that point is there which is what we want so it completely skipped that point if we want to remove let's say this bottom point because I don't want that line drawn there I would say we would have to do another cult index on the bottom on the bottom portion so we know this is the top and this is the bottom so we already call it indexed the bottom part or in this art : X the top part now we do the bottom part if we wanna do that so let's do a cold index and I know that I want the last point gone so it's going to be nine so again it's quick nine so on the parameter for that list instead of this plugged all the way into here we're gonna plug it into here as you can see eliminates that point from the list so if we to give you guys more of a visualization I'm going to use on the panel to help you guys understand it so this is what : next says you can I think this will clear up a lot of things so see call index this is zero through nine and now it's zero through eight same thing here we go to a panel plug it in here and just go down and if we compare it to let's say this one right here 0 through 8 and 0 39 so eliminated literally the ninth one see there's no ninth one here this one I eliminated 2 so it will be 0 1 3 0 1 0 1 3 so see that's that's that part so all we did really was move or eliminate that one point here so this was just basically a how to use cult index so this is I think one of the most important ones call index and we just drew a line for the visualization of how the point is manipulated so let's see I wanted number 3 so you can see you can kind of scroll through it to see how it works and 10 or 0 well let me this one and 9 will eliminate the this final point right here so let's scroll through this and see so you can have a straight line so these two are literally the ones that are Col indexed right now and we can drag it out and you can see the bottom work and you can see the top work so so yeah guys that's it for this part tutorial it's using cult index so yeah thank you guys for watching hope you guys have a great day
Channel: KineticArchitecture
Views: 5,613
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Rhino, Grasshopper, CAD, AutoCAD, Autodesk, Architecture, Rhinonest, Rhino5, Google, 3dsMax
Id: NLn_jIlik7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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