Grasshopper Tutorial: Changing facade depending on sun (with Ladybug)

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hello Ron today we're taking a look at grasshopper ladybug and obviously Rhino so in this attire what we're trying to achieve is basically that we have this form that we put in and with that we also have surroundings and those surroundings determine the size of those panels on top of that so if we open grasshopper yeah I already have the setup script but people will go through it and this cuts discussed each and every point of it and so it would be more clear so what will basically happen which is hide this year for one seconds those things and we basically have the output of ladybug which is basically this shape here and it basically determines each of those meshes or of the rectangular of the inputs surface that we gave it and it basically changes it um according to their iteration parameters that we have here and this will be happening also as well with the ladybug tool and I will get you a step to step tutorial of how basically we can get from basically nothing at all to the reasonable so just by starting we basically need to I think need to start showing you where to get this from so you basically go to the food for final calm and you just type in ladybug this and then you here the ladybug tools and you can just download it you have to login most likely and then you can download like this version led back to 0 0 6 7 this is like a tool and again it is useful for all kind of radiation analysis so um once you have to download it you basically need to installed as well and um once you have it installed like the typically you need to put it most likely in the special for us opponents fuller you can start scripting the starting so just to basically make this place a little bit easier so we basically we're going to take an EP w file which you can get to lo get there in a second and this will get us the data that we need for the areas we want to take so this will be the data and this data then will be transformed to a ladybug yeah like this very nice drawing obviously and this data then will be a use for our form which will be something weird I don't know which has a relation to its surroundings which we also define and then it basically will make a small definition of each single point on this mesh obviously put in and will then change its size basically depending on how big it is so it will either be like pretty small when there's no lights and it would be very big if there's a lot of light all the other way around it could be either way so first of all you need to do so we gonna use under our grasshopper settings we go under a ladybug LP and then there would be the ladybug ladybug - you just have to put it in here and it'll basically like come out like this then the next thing you need to do is you have to get your EPW file so a very good way to get this is actually by just going to this google EPW ladybug and then you go get a map of those things at home so for example here we have all the different zones datas of every single country um and we can get those data in order to help us out so maybe we can just go to I guess like New York somewhere here almost getting it hears and um so they have settled flat piles for example if they have and then you can just like click on it and would be able to to download your file to clipboard let's go here and then it gives us a zip folder I think I just get this on my desktop so far now on and we open this file here and then we have UCF dv/dy file APW file and stat5 it actually could be that you need to install this plugin it should be called energy plus yeah it's called energy plus it's by Microsoft with Arsenal and you can just download it and this basically configures your laptop or a computer I'm in order to be eligible for those files so you might need to do that as well under download it so free so it's fine ok so once we have the EPW file we're just gonna extract the true directly or desktop and then we have this so I'll collect it correctly but um we just basically now we go on to import this file and we want to import it with this tool on the ladybug EPW file and so we gonna accept a file path and this will be a go stick file you got your desktop and then we have to give you double your file and we're gonna input this right here it will take us a few seconds and then it will be there and what we're gonna get to is go to the ladybug realization analysis and this will have several components as well for example the North basically Direction the geometry context um the orientation study which might put additional points sky matrix which you also will create and then also edit like around it and fake it commands so what we're going to do first are we going to create the geometry and the context of it so I already had some some other things set up here so we've done me to do much more but we maybe have those rectangles just extrude them a little bit move them around as well maybe because some variation and give this kind of almost like urbanistic environment to the scene so we are able to we're gonna create a urbanistic environment that could be set there and we will have a more or less very organic organic shape that would be happening here so it can either be some kind of loft or something to curve thing but we I think in this case we actually could maybe try something different as well so I'm gonna just create the curve that will be its head like around here a little bit so that's all curve so first curve and that curve will be somewhere around here this and now we gonna we can input those two curves and basically set the one cut first cup here and the other curve here and then we gonna just make a small rule surface command which basically connects just to first the surfaces together and to make it flip them as well as artists so they're in the right direction and now we have a curves which are obviously changeable and on what we want them okay so those are our input curves for now we can obviously add them and finish it later but so be our input curves so this actually the first part and now we wanna this would be the context of it then we also need to import the geometry assert that was the they're gonna use and we're gonna also use the context of it and this would be those things here for example have you have them here and they would be used as our context later we will what was needs to do if you just put those things in here for now nothing will really happen because the problem is that there is no data that can that ladybug can use because we don't have the EPW file connected to it so what we need to do is to create the selected sky matrix and do that we go to de visualize validator and sex guy matrix like this and we would be able to get this from here so come on sky matrix I also need to create the cumulative sky matrix which takes the VW file in this case I guess we shouldn't even need to be double that and it gives the output of the sky mountain so um and the thing what happens as well is that we actually need to create the egy so it's basically our hours and months of the year and we need to create less of that and this was also available in ladybug as well so just a pitch your eye a grandeur it's the person well it's Python script in ladybug but you can use it so it wants to have the input of all the days all the months all the hours and what we want to basically do we want to create all the hours and all the days that are throughout the whole year so we want to have like an object which basically it's the average of the whole year of days and hours and months to change the size of things so I'm gonna create a serious that this that has a step up one because it calls only in the kid one-hour intervals okay one we will create for the days so we have 30 days every month right then one we will create for the four events which are twelve in human way and then we run also creates a way of the hours of their 24 hours on on earth so we're gonna create that and same with the months and same with the ACE turbine and if you put in this for example the time actually met me too are some days no that's wrong um there might be a small miss configuration because it needs to have serious starts with zero but in this case you want to have it stuck with one order to function properly so we've put it on eight days I think it might misbehave because of the month of February so we just keep it at 28 days from which is fine it's like more than us and we take this H oh why data in here and know that we have this we also need to determine the grid size basically which is on the the ruled surface that we gave it like this here so it will determine the sizes of each of the elements and as well as certain distance from of the base so you're gonna just create like a very small distance from the base in this in this case here and we're gonna create that's it now see in this 21 meters so the grid says could be maybe round five we can also obviously Justice um on the go and the next thing we're gonna put the sex crime matrix obviously in this one hopefully it kind of works because it's kind of unfortunate as the moments actually don't know why it's you misbehaves hold on one let me actually check the other script becomes there I certainly have it correct but corrected yeah okay well we always need to there's always sometimes this command run it so in order for the script to also before because it takes a long while to be used or takes a lot of processing power as well so we wouldn't have to create a boolean toggle here as well that goes in to this one so a good way to be run once you click it and we might need to wait a little bit because it could be quite intense and obviously also there might be the case that your hand spins up a little bit yep higher CPU power drawn and create the direct diffusion and this component needs easier you mean started for the energy consumption at the energy fusion program that I was talking under your class program this one here or for this to run properly so it can determine the right thing so now that this took about 40 seconds to be calculate it and hopefully lavance with the pans and not be too loud and you can still hear everything perfectly so this took the time to do it and as well there is actually a for the relational ancestors also tool to use your multiple CPUs which most of computers have nowadays parallel so we citizen true as well and then we're also gonna run as I so just use the same one here and again wait a little bit of all that was pretty fast I guess and it gives us the radiation analysis of our things now it could be the case that's if you want to change on the part you got to go you want to change this those things and maybe move them around a little bit and maybe you're a little bit unhappy with this space and then you want to move it up a little bit it gives you the data on the go as you as is your move moving around so for example if you want to have it more or let's say more radiation the northern part might need to look and change those things a little bit as well and it basically gives us the kilowatt hours per square meter on each of those things and what we can do as well okay and we don't need to also change the grid size and this can be done for example here so we can make the grid size smaller and so the result will be more detailed anyways to get more information out of it cool thing as well as our rule for example remove those things a little bit further from from from the areas you see a a better result in those things I can let me just see if the surface might be the other way around because it seems to as if the result okay okay that make sense before was actually calculating the bottom part only that's why it was like so like nothing happening but now we actually have a more accurate result of our thing so it is actually good that we put this thing in here and for demonstration purposes for example if we taking this quarter note down here the closer you see these surrounding areas here that your clothes are getting less Sun for example if you're gonna make this one a bit bigger you see it casts a shadow in the real world and so those things would have less shadow in total so now that we have that we basically have or mesh on the surface and we can use this now to actually modify it as well so we want basically that's the areas where there are whether it is more blue it basically will be a higher or modern design though um opening of this video so we have a context mesh and has now put in that as well the analysis mesh which will be colored and and then also the vectors and the central points of those maps and then then there is a result depending on those points so what we are going to do is we are gonna take the mesh that we have just mentioning you here or we actually might want to use actually the contacts mesh know if we want to use the analysis match obviously so we know exactly we have and we have the the all can use to both this one here as well but I think I will realistic for the content analysis mesh for now and we kind of now we were able under mesh analysis and match explode we can basically explode the meshing each of each mesh in a single face basically each match is like that like in a single it's a single unit that we want to control so we have to dine out for each of the matches to the better to go in this case 162 and we're gonna have also the radiation results so we want to basically scale um the I get to Michael glorious drawing board here we actually gone on actually how do I make a new file here and normally so we're gonna use the radiation results and we're gonna create a list of one two zeros we turn that and this list will be determined to the scale so the closer is to one it will be more full like cover up at all and the closer is to zero it will be a smaller one basically from the initial point so in order to that we basically have we have this the results if you look at the results closer a little bit like this one here we see we have few zeros and here and there but we in all in all we have different sizes of the kilowatt hours that are produced by the way just so it's kind of clear you also can see it's like all video of what you want to do on the kilo and this will be a result of the kilowatt hours per square meter per year so this is the potential harvesting energy that is available and it can be solved for example today in today these solar panels for example take what 20% of this data so also if we just make a division of this by five so this would be 20% of the results and if we add mass add this together we basically get the total kilowatt hours first for this whole building if you put square if you would put solar panels on top of each other of of the whole area and it will be the result that we could get if you would fully cover it at 20% efficiency rate so we have that and we want to basically we have to remap those numbers now so we just different with numbers I think it's under math domain and we're gonna also we have to use the found the balance of the result here and we gonna use it the constructor main command actually might not need it but just for drawing purposes it might be useful so began to have the domain of those things and this would be our source and then this would be the value of its and the targets will between zero and one most likely so I'm just gonna put this here I'll put this together nice tight nice nice and now we have L this target here we have a list of zeros or 0.1 till 0.94 and this will be basically our scaling factor for each of those openings in order to create this state which changes depends on that so we're going to use scale and the it wants to have a geometry Center and the factor pond so the texture point will be this point here at the center will is actually given we also created but this will be like a test points here so there are those points here and um there will be the center of the Year and scaling points and then we are going to use the faces of the meshes as well and there we have danced so now we basically have this mesh that basically changes dependent on those things so for example right now we see here there's not so much light so there is like this huge big thing and if you're gonna remove this recalculates and it changes accordingly back for a bit more so we know what to do in order to get the best outcome possible to the solution or if you want to do something a little bit less or create shadow of how you want it that you can do it and the cool thing is now because you have the EPW file or the files on the ladybug side you can basically put any EPW file in about every any single country in there now we have the result for example of geometry and we want to put like a NASA state how we saw that the other one on there as well so we're going to use the here for now closer that we're going to use under mesh and face boundaries we are going to use the mesh boundaries the commands in order to get the outlines of the mesh and we are on a caustic wanna use this as well for the matches that we have yeah we actually will have to use for the meshes that we have begin so right now if this offends mash and those matches as well actually here because I think it was like recovery and now we're gonna basically use a just a simple rule surface just how we might in the beginning so we go full circle to connect those two and now we have a nice feel to that and you can obviously fully customizable and changeable might take a while to always change those things and obviously we can just take this geometry here I learned of you in a preview so that now we have or nice skirt that perfectly fits on the area and if we also wanna and we can use this geometry and we cannot we will be able to position ourselves back here there may be and then we can use this geometry perfectly for a rendering theory for example I will not use any settings or just see how it will look playing out all of those things and as the renderer basically continues well the area in here yeah you can trick the rendering obviously as well but yeah so that's basically the way how you can tweak your design according to the needs that you have and you can really change it and adapt to it and it gives us obviously a lot of more possibilities because you can always continuously change in it you have the data you can you can show the data as well with the command like this one here as well ladybug tool and actually what we gonna fix it quickly yeah we have we have it tools as well of data here which always makes a really nice way of persuading your client or a teachers or whoever you are not pleased with this grandiose discovery so thank you very much and I hope this can help you as well to understand it and to use ladybug as a tool to alleviate your designs to make sense or to if you have a solid reasoning that's no one can take away for you so thank you very much and goodbye
Channel: GH Tutorials
Views: 16,781
Rating: 4.9413204 out of 5
Keywords: grasshopper, tutorial, gh, learning, rhino, rhinoceros, sun, architecture, sun design, parametric, art, facade, opening, epw, ladybug, solar radiation, arquitetura, design, how to, learning grasshopper, rhion, gasshopper, grashopper, gras hopper, solar panels, computer aided design
Id: J0RjO46wKcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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