Grasshopper Shell Structure Tessellation

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okay in this video we're gonna look at using grasshopper to make thin shell structure candela asked structure he actually designed and built a nightclub in Acapulco similar to this what we see here in Rhino so we're looking at geometry that was created in Rhino and we're gonna go ahead and recreate this geometry in grasshopper so that it's parametric and I have a definition already made here and you can see that overlaid on the Rhino geometry and some things we can do with this if I just go ahead and hide what's in Rhino okay now what we're looking at is it's more of a saddle shell it has a dip here in the middle but we can change that to more of an arc type shell if I raise this vertical line here and I also have control of this line here if I bring that down a little bit so we can change the shape of this shell okay so let's get started with this I'm gonna go ahead and open up a new document here in grasshopper make unhide what I had in Rhino okay I will just use this as a guideline to follow so the first thing we're gonna need you see this base triangle that was made in Rhino so I'm gonna go ahead and make that a grasshopper using a polygon and I'm gonna need a number slider to control the radius of the polygon and a number of sides so I'm gonna bring out a number slider and I can right click on this and I can set it to be integers and let me double click on this let's go ahead and name this one so this one is going to control the radius and I'm gonna set the range to be a hundred and twenty because that's the largest value I'm going to in this definition okay and we'll plug this in for the radius and let's go ahead and set our radius value to 60 by default it creates a hexagon with six sides so we're gonna copy and paste this and this will be our number of sides plug that into the US for the polygon and we only need three sides okay so this is I'll start labeling this stuff so this is gonna be our triangle and you see that they're not quite lining up the grasshopper triangle versus the Rhino triangle so I just need to rotate this grasshopper triangle I just need to rotate it 90 degrees to meet this other one so I'm gonna go ahead and bring out a rotate component and the geometry that I'm gonna rotate is this polygon that we made and I have two inputs I have my rotation angle and I have a rotation plane which is by default the XY plane so that'll be fine so copy and paste one of these number sliders and this will be my rotation angle and that's gonna be 90 degrees okay so I'm thinking of this in degrees but the rotate is looking for a number in radians so I need a component that converts degrees to radians that component is called radians and I'll go ahead and plug my degrees in I'll put my radians and there you have the rotated triangle so I'm gonna turn off the original polygon just to get that out of the way okay so this is our beginning I'm gonna go ahead and select all this and ctrl G to group it together and I can change the color of it by having it selected and right-clicking on it and let's go ahead and change its color okay so the next thing I need to do is divide this triangle up so I'm going to bring out my scribble here label as we go this is dividing the triangle okay so I can bring out a divide curve component and the curve that I want to divide is my last component here which created my triangle I can plug that into the sea and by default it gives me ten divisions so I can copy and paste the number slider okay you know rename this number of divisions I'm gonna plug that in and we're gonna set that to six okay we have things lining up with the Rhino geometry now I'm gonna call out those points so that I know how they're labeled they're numbered inside a grasshopper so I can do that by bringing out a point list and I'll plug my points coming out of the vibe component into the P for points and this should display numbers on those points but it needs something to control the font size so I'm just gonna reuse this number slider here okay now you see those point number zero ones hiding back there two three four and five okay so this is our divide triangle go to control gene and group this together change its color okay now the next thing I need to do is I need to be able to call out these points individually so I'm going to do that with a bunch of list items so let's change this to list items and I'm gonna use every point except zero so I need a list item for one two three four and five so let's just start with our first one so I'm gonna bring out the list item and I'm gonna copy and paste this number slider rename it item number and I'm gonna set it to one and my list of points it's coming out of my divide P okay I'll just set this up okay so now if I click on this list item okay I should see point 1 is active here and as we add these will be able to access these points so I'm going to copy and paste this control-c control-v set this one to two highlights point to ctrl-c ctrl-v set this one to three highlights point three and so on so three four and the final one five so now I have all five of my points called out I can group this together change its color okay so the first thing that we're gonna do is we're going to create this vertical line here that you see in Rhino so I can do that here in grasshopper by double clicking and bringing out a line that's a start direction and length and the start of it is going to be from point three so I'll plug that into the s the direction my default is in the z axis so I don't have to worry about that but I can create a number slider copy and paste one for the length change it to length plug that into the owl and you see as I increase this length I like that line in green okay so that's being controlled there so I'll just make it 25 feet for now okay so I have this line I need a point on the end of this line so that I can make a three-point arc from 2 to the endpoint of this line and down to 4 so I can use an end start endpoint component I'm going to just type an end and plug this in and I know have access to a point at the start and the end I really just need the end of that so I'm going to go ahead and create a three-point arc now our three-point put this up here and that's gonna be starting from 2 here's my second point so from 2 to this endpoint and back down to for my fourth item and there you see that three-point arc okay I'm gonna need this later on we're gonna do a surface from edges so I'm just gonna highlight my components that are going to be used in that surface from edges so I'm going to control G this change its shape change its color or red okay so we have that now we need another arc that we have to make and let me go ahead and hide my hide my geometry and Rhyno okay so you see we have this arc right here I want to go ahead and make that so I have 0.2 and what I need is I need a couple vertical lines here mmm and I'm gonna kind of go the long way around this just to introduce some other types of things you can do in grasshopper so I'm gonna recreate these diagonal lines so I have that line and I have that line so select both of those together so I'm gonna make those two diagonal lines so a line from two to five and one to four so let me go ahead and I'm go ahead and group this together just to keep this in order so control actually let me label this so this is a vertical line from point three okay I can group this you know I'm gonna make a couple diagonal lines so I'm gonna bring my scribble down I'm just going to use a line component so again from two to three so that my list items in order so from to read out from two to five okay just D selecting the Rhino geometry so there's two to five and now copy and paste that and go from one to four okay so now I'm gonna use a component that finds ourselves for the intersection of these two lines this one and this one and I can find that under the intersect tab here in grasshopper under mathematical we have a line on line and that will give me a point at the intersection of those two lines so I'll plug this into a and listen to B and then these are my outputs a point on line a or a point on line B doesn't really matter okay I can draw a vertical line from that point so I can these are my diagonal lines I can go ahead and group this together and will change its color and now we're going to create our vertical line from the intersection and I can do that using or reusing these components so let me grab this entire group ctrl-c and ctrl-v drag this down so this is our vertical from intersection okay so that what's really important here is the start point of this so that start point is going to come off of this intersection so I can plug in PA okay just to see that and I know in that Rhino window there I'm just making it really tall so we'll set that to about 40 feet okay so I have that line now I want to create this arc so I just need one more point right here so I need a vertical line that I can put a point on the end of it so I can again once more copy this geometry move this down and this will be my vertical from 0.5 and I need to change its start point so I can change that to be from 0.5 my last list item and the length of these two lines I want those to always be the same so I should just use one number slider so I can get rid of this one and now this will control both lines okay so I can create my second arc so I'm gonna double click and type in arc and I'm going to use an arc three-point okay it's gonna go from two to this point to this point so the first point is from list item 2 and then from this end point to this end point and there you see the arc here in green okay so what I need to do is I need to be able to have this arc only go to this point not keep going beyond because in grasshopper in this version I can't do a network surface so I have to actually have these arcs trimmed to create my surfaces because they're going to define the edges so this will introduce us to evaluating this arc that we've just drawn I need another point along it so I'm gonna bring down and another scribble and we're gonna evaluate evaluate this arc and we'll do that with an evaluate curve and I'm going to plug that arc into the c4 curve and need to set up our T parameter so this goes from this curve is going from zero to one so let's go ahead and plug a number slider in so I'm going to create a new one because I want this to be in decimal and I'm gonna set up the range from zero to one so that's already there for us I'm gonna plug this in to the T parameter I'm gonna click on this evaluate curve and I'm gonna slide this around and you see it's not moving very far so what I need to do is Reaper amortize this art from zero to one so I can do this by right clicking on the C and choose Reaper amortize and now this is moving from zero to one being at the end let me highlight that okay so I'm just gonna set a point doesn't really matter where as long as it's before this one so I have that there and group this together okay so this actually becomes an old arc that I don't I won't need to use anymore because we're gonna recreate one I'm just gonna name this okay so I need to draw a new arc now it's going to go from point two to the point we just evaluated and then to the point on the end of this line so let's bring out this is going to be our new are now bring out a three-point arc okay so it's gonna go from I move this over it's gonna start from our list item number two it's gonna go it's at this point which is from our vertical intersection or actually no it's gonna go from our evaluate point and then the last point will be from this vertical intersection okay this is gonna be our our new our let's let's hide the old arc so we don't see that anymore okay so there we go it had that arc trim okay let me hide some of this Rhino geometry now okay so we just need now to mirror this to the other side we can do that along this y z axis so I just wanna I'm gonna need this for my edge surface so I'm gonna select it and group it together and I'll make its color red okay so we're gonna go ahead and mirror this arc over so I can use mirror component the geometry that I'm gonna mirror is this new arc the plane that I'm gonna marabout is the Y Z plane I'm gonna bring out a Y Z plane there you have it that's merit over so I now have all of my edges and I'm gonna highlight this last edge this is my last edge all I'll highlight it and as a group in red okay so now I can make my surface from edges so that's gonna be an edge surf edge surface okay now the order that I plug these in is important okay so I'm gonna start with my new arc plug that into a and then the last edge that I made I'm gonna plug into B and then we're missing this first arc that we made which should be out here highlighted in red so we're gonna plug this guy in and to see okay so they were getting in the first part of our shell now let's raise this vertical line up tall to make sure this is working correctly so that's the vertical line from point three yeah so that's creating our our shadow and that was that had to do with the four that we plugged in to the edge surface okay the last thing that we need to do is we need to make a polar array okay so that we can array this two more times around the center of that polygon okay so this was our edge surface okay so last thing we need is our polar array double-click on this and name it okay so to create this polar array we need a series a series component and what that's gonna do for us is it's gonna allow us to you use the count for the number in our array so we're gonna have three of these and then the distance or angle we need to set for the array is 360 divided by three which will be 120 degrees so you need a couple of number sliders a couple integer number slider so I'll take this one copy and paste it okay so this will be our account and we're gonna copy and paste that and now we need our angle and I'm gonna set this to 120 and our count should be 3 okay so we have our series the next thing we need to complete the array is we need a rotation so we have some of this set up in the beginning of the definition so we can go ahead and copy and paste that so here we have our radians already set up and our rotate so I can control C and control V and drag this over to the end of our definition okay so the geometry that we're gonna be a rain comes from the edge surface so I'll plug that into the g4 rotate the angle and count is coming from the series so that's gonna get plugged in and that's being output and degrees 120 degrees so I'm gonna plug that in to my degree side of this radians component and there's the polar array and we can go ahead and group this together and change its color okay so that that completes the shell structure and right now we're showing it as a saddle but we'll see that we can change the look of this curve just by editing either the vertical coming from the intersection if I raise that value up okay then I can lower that first are coming from point three and drop that down and we can change its form I like to leave it as a as a saddle I'll bring that back up and lower the one from the intersection
Channel: Alphonso Peluso
Views: 44,913
Rating: 4.9126639 out of 5
Keywords: 'grasshopper', 'parametric, modeling', 'shell, structure', 'candela', 'felix, candela', 'tessellation', grasshopper, rhino, alphonso peluso, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2012
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