GRAPHYNE - What is STRONGER than Graphene? - Explained in 3 min

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[Music] so zero here you probably heard about graphene but have you heard about graphene yes the name is a bit derivative and lacks originality but hey I didn't name it so get over it anyway the idea is based on a theory back in the day around how carbon atoms can connect to each other in many different ways so you know very well by now that carbon can make four bonds and that means that it can connect to four other carbon atoms the idea then came from graphite when they discovered that it was nothing more than atoms connected in a hexagonal pattern so making a huge sheet of graphite and you get graphene the bonds are so close together did they aren't really strong and just to give you an idea a single carbon bond is 346 kilojoules per mole two bonds and you get 602 and three bonds 835 it's one of the strongest bonds you can get while still having a fourth one available to continue the chain hence where they got the idea for carbine watch my last video but what is graphite and it's simple really it's a mix of graphene and carbine there are a lot of depictions out there about this one but to make things simple just picture a sheet of atoms where instead of a hexagonal pattern with single atoms you have something like this the idea here is that you have chains of carbon connected by three-two-one bonds which makes the chain super-strong now the problem is that because all of the bonds are taken you can only make a chain with it but if you introduce a benzene or a carbon hexagon you can actually create a sheet of this stuff the closer they are to each other they're stronger they are so in this case we would have something like this graphene one which has one C 3 C one chain carbon 2 which has two of them and 3 which has 3 & 4 which has 4 & 5 4 5 so you get the picture but why is it stronger than graphene or carbine that is due the amount of three bonded connections in between carbons along with some graphene components to it basically you have the best of both worlds combined in one sheet it is stronger than graphene because of the triple bonds and it is stronger than carbon because you have main chains connected to each other for me a sheet and that can handle a lot more stress instead of a single chain just for you to understand this going back to the bonds energy you need about three hundred forty six kilojoules per mole for one bond and about eight hundred thirty-five kilojoules per mole for three bonds see the difference now the problem is that graphene is something that is really hard to make and most likely we won't see it for many years to come however scientists have theorized that the compound would be at a minimum forty times stronger than graphene beating carbon by a factor of more than three but take this number with a grain of salt because these numbers haven't been tested yet like I said this is only a theory alright folks that's it we're done here [Music]
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Views: 22,700
Rating: 4.9512691 out of 5
Keywords: carbyne, graphyne, anything stronger than graphene, what is stronger than graphene, explained, how to, borophene, what is graphene, carbyne vs graphene, graphene technology, graphene production, elon musk, graphene strength test, global warming, graphene
Id: 1dvzigXFoXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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