GraphQL With React Tutorial - Apollo Client

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hey guys how's it going i'm back here with another video and today i decided to basically create a beginner's video introducing how to work with graphql for a front-end using react and we're going to be using apollo client which is a a way to interact with a graphql api and it is a really good library so in my opinion it's probably the easiest one to start with and i'm going to show you guys exactly how to do that so if you didn't see my last video basically i went over how to create a graphql api it is totally not not necessary if you if you already have a graphql api you just want to know how to connect it with a front-end but just to show you guys this is what i created not this over here this over here very simple api we have um the schemas the only schema that we have is a a user which contains an id a first name a last name an email and a password and all of this data since i wanted to make this video fit for everyone not like a specific group of people using a specific group of like a specific database i'm using just a json like data you can see right here it's just a random like data set containing a bunch of users you can see that each user has a first name a last name and an email and a password so that's basically what we're going to be using as our fake database right so currently we have only two two things that we can do in our application the first one if you go here to yours to my schemas the first one is a query and the query just returns all the users very simple query it's called get all users it just returns every every user and we have a mutation and this mutation specifically is just to create a user so you basically can see that it adds to the user data a new user containing the information that we pass in and if you're not getting what i'm saying like if you're if you don't understand what i'm showing i'm gonna link up here the first video which basically i go over how to create the graphical api and you can watch that and then come back to this because this over here is really important as well so what we're going to be doing now is we're going to be implementing everything into a client using react because a lot of people will ask me and it's not it's not similar to what people are used to do when you're working with the rest api where you just make a like a nexus request an api called a fetch request to to your api you need to use a little a library and in this case we're going to be using apollo client so to do that we're going to come over here and we're going to basically just install our our libraries right i'm going to cd into my my client folder as you can see and in my client folder i already have a react application there's nothing in it there's only the app.js and you can see that the app.js has nothing inside of it just a just an empty tag and what you want to do is you want to install two libraries so you're an ad the first one is apollo client like this and the other one is graph ql just these two libraries and if you're using npm it is npm install apollo client and npm install graphql but i'm using yarn so it's literally just this this right here i already installed it i'm going to show you guys in my package.json it's over here um let me come here yeah apollo client over here this is the version i'm using so if it's like far in the future and for some reason the apollo client it's above version three so it's a bit different for versions two to less so that's important but if apollo client changed in the future i don't know this is the version i'm using and you can see graphql is also installed over here so what do we actually want to do well first of all let's start creating our application right so in our app.js what we want to do is we want to initially just set up our project so that it accepts graphql so the first thing we have to do is we need to import some packages so i'm going to import from apollo kind so from at apollo client i want to import some stuff so the first one is apollo client why because we're going to be using that to create our provider and then we're going to be importing as well in memory cache because we want to have caching in our application we want to import apollo provider and obviously if you're a beginner don't worry about knowing what all of this to do does we're just going to be using those to set up our application and we're also going to import something called from you'll see why we need to build a link to connect to our api so from is just a uh it's a method from the apollo client library which allows us to do that and finally after we do this we we maybe we need to import a method of determining if there was any errors in our api uh we're gonna import it called on error from the packages uh at apollo client slash um client no it's not it's not client it's slash link right slash link yeah and slash error so a public line contains an error library inside of it which contains ways to determine if to catch errors right so on error is in my opinion the easiest way of doing this and i'll show you guys how to build this so basically the fundamental idea of how to make your api work in react using a polo client is you got to come over here above your app dot js in your parent like your initial component you have to create something that is the client the client will be just a way it will be a an instance of the apollo client and this is how we're going to determine if if we have a correct connection or not so let's create a variable called client and it's going to be a new apollo not a polar provider apollo client and inside of it we have to pass an object containing two things first of all it's a cache and we're gonna as i mentioned before we're gonna have uh in memory cache um this is not important in the beginning but you can worry about that later and we're gonna have link and the link will be basically the link to our back end to our server and obviously we we can just put here local not not obviously but we can just put the the actual url for the localhost we have to make it a diff in a bit like a bit of a different way and this is why we actually imported the from thing over here and the http link we have to build an http link over here and let's do that let's create a link equals to and we're going to use the from library and as i mentioned before don't worry if you're a beginner and you're confused about this i was super confused and it's not very useful to understand everything in the beginning just know that this is a good way to build your your basically you start your graphql api so we're going to use from the from method and we're going to pass an error link which we're going to create right right like right after this and then we're gonna pass a new http link and pass here um the basically the uri which is the url for our api which in my case it is running on you can see right here it's running on localhost 6969 slash graphql so let's come over here and say local http actually two slashes localhost let me close this localhost um 6969 slash graphql and this is the link for my uh api right and why do we actually need an error link is because if there is any error if graphql catches any errors we need to tell it what like how we want it to respond i'm going to show you guys a very simple way to catch errors and very simple way to like build this error catching system but this is definitely going to be more use like in the future if you want to optimize this then definitely do it this is just a way to not like carry that much in the beginning but we're going to create an error link it's just a link that that tells us like a a function that tells us um what we want to do if there is any error so this is why we're going to use on error and on error we just want to come over here and grab two things graphql errors and network errors i want to emphasize that if you're if you're confused right now um just stick around because this i honestly recommend just copy and pasting this because it is definitely not important in the beginning but it is necessary to start your api work right so then we're going to basically just ask if graphql errors and by the way this is the sample i'm getting over here for the aero link i actually i believe i got this from the graphql documentation so i didn't create this error catching system it's the simplest way that they demonstrated to us so graphql errors um we're just going to ask if there was any errors then we want to map through all the errors and then for every error we're going to grab the message the error message also maybe we want the location for the error and the path so those are the ones we might want and then what we want to do is we want to just since we're mapping we want to do something for each of those errors and for now let's just alert a message saying something like graph ql error and we want to show it like this let's just show the message right now so this is the basic idea of our error handling right here we're just showing any errors right and for now i think that that's it this should be okay um we can't even ask if there was any network errors if we want um i don't think that's totally necessary but let me just check um maybe the if statement shouldn't be here no that's correct yeah that's correct i think so actually let's just leave it like this i think it's fine um let's come over here and now we have an error link for our link and we actually started our client so this right now it's done for setting up the graphql connection and honestly just skip around after this because it's going to get a lot more easier so now that we have this we can basically wrap our whole application with an apollo provider and what will this do basically between this apollo provider tags is where you can reach all the like your your graphql api so it's going to be served through this two components and we obviously need to pass a client and the client we're going to pass is the client variable that we created over here and now we know that anywhere inside of it we can easily just make make requests to our api server and now that we have set up all of this by the way i need to put error here i accidentally wrote it wrong now that we did all of this let's create an example right let me create a components folder i just want to have two components one of them is going to demonstrate how to create a user how to run a mutation on react and the other one is how to run a query on react right so the first one is going to be query so let me create a component called getusers.js and i'm going to use the snippet that i showed you guys in the last video basically just to create everything just a simple functional component which we just want to use it to render all the users in our application and to do this in in react you got to follow us a simple recipe the recipe basically is that we need to create a folder in our application actually this is in the recipe but you need to create a file for your mutations and a file for a query so i like to create a folder called graph ql like this and inside of here i put two files one for mutations where i'm going to store all of my mutations and one for all my queries so this is what i'm going to do queries.js and for the queries i want to put over here the query that i want to make and what exactly is the query so if you watched my last video you know that this is a query this is the query we're making in our graphical um gui to to basically get information from our api this is exactly what we got to put in our queries folder and a query queries file and over here the only thing we need to do is we need to import graphql from apollo client i like to call it gql from at apollo client and this variable right here will allow us to make a query and to make this query we can just say i want to export this query so i want to act so that i can access this query in whichever file i want to and let's call it load users it's just going to return all the users and it's going to be equal to gql and this gql query now we can output inside of here the whole query that we want by the way i know it's weird to put this to like back quotes i don't know if you guys can see clearly i'll try to zoom in for just a second it's you have to put all your query inside of this two quotes right here which are like i always forget the name but they're like back quotes and i don't know why they did it like this honestly it looks weird in my opinion but this is what we have to do right and what do we actually put inside of here well we put a query that we that we have right that i taught you guys in the last video so let me put here a query um this query basically says i want to get all users and for each user that i get in my like my my data i just want to show the id the first name and the email and the password so this is basic idea of our query and this is fine now that we have our query done what we want to do is we want to like actually use that query for something right so let's come here to our get users and let's start importing some stuff so the first thing i want to import is the use query hook from um apollo clients so let's say import um from up at apollo client and we're going to have some some different um hooks that we want to use right so the first one is use query it's going to allow us to get informations from a query and we also need the graphql to to use it in order to actually get the data right so after we did that after we did this um we can simply come into our function get users and we can come over here and say const and we can pass all the different information we want to get from that query so if i say use query and i don't want to get confusing i don't want it to get confusing right now but the idea is you're going to say const use use query pass here the query that you actually want so let's import the load users query that we just created um and let's put a link to our graphql slash queries file and over here we're going to import load query load users and what we want to pass is load users inside of this use query so the use query hook is very simple you pass the query that you want to basically fat right you want to run you want to execute and over here you can get some sort of information the information that you can get can range from any errors that occur to like if the data is actually just loading so it's a state basically you can get loading to represent like if it's if the data is being fetched but it hasn't been fetched yet and that could be useful sometimes but the most useful thing is the actual data so data right here will return the data from our query so now that we have this what we have to do is i like to simply create a use effect which is going to wait for this data to be done so it will be received and it's going to be constantly obviously checking to see if we actually have received the data so i'm going to pass here a news effect and the user effect will run infinitely until we actually there like as long as there is a change in the data this basically if you have never if you don't get this i have a video for a full on video on use effect basically we're going to wait for this data to change it's going to run once before it actually loads and then when this variable changes it's going to run again so that it basically knows that we have new data coming in and now that we have this for now let's just console.log data just to see how our data looks like um let's actually try to to make this work to do this we're going to come here to our apollo provider i'm going to import the get users component and let's make this run right so this isn't running let me run yarn start it's gonna run okay something's already running on port 3000 um what exactly is running on poor 3000 oh my actual project is already running okay let me close this um okay i had a different terminal sorry but yeah this is the terminal you can see that for now we have to not only run our we our react so it's running right now over here on localhost 3000 but we also need to run our server so i'm running here node index.js it says server running let me run that coming again and now it's running again so let's check here um the way we build it it's it's it's supposed to whenever i run this over here it's gonna return some data as you can see right here so we're returning get all users it's an array of a thousand elements and you can see that it's actually an object containing a property called get all users and that contains an array of a thousand objects i'm not gonna actually get all the all the all the elements should i get them um no it's too many it's too much data to just display it in my screen but you can see that we actually got the data from our um api which is awesome right so what i actually want to do is i just want to display like the first so let me come over here and i want to create a state and the state will just be a list of users right const um list i'll just call it users and set users it's just a list of users it's going to be equal to use state and it's going to be an array and in order to make our are actually users appear in our screen we're just going to say set users equal to um the data dot get let me look at the console log again it's an object containing um get all users so this is what we need to put dot get all users and then get all users is an array containing a bunch of arrays and i actually just want to get the first one so let me just say zero and now we can come here to our div and we can just say something like users dot map and i want to map through every user and let's just grab the value and for each value right here let me just close this and this so you guys can clearly see it for each user i just want to return the name of the user for now so let me just return vol dot first name because that's something that we have in our application so let's see if that works let's refresh our page um cannot read get all users of undefined okay that's because we actually haven't received our data yet so let's ask if if data so that's something important we're going to ask if data only if the data has been received we want to set all users to be equal to this so we've got to wait for the data to actually be received so let's check this and is not a function why is it not a function this should actually be a function um let me see what exactly would be console.log get data dot get all users zero let me just check to see what exactly is this so let's see apparently it is yeah it's an array right oh no it's not actually an array it's just a it's just a person which is weird let me look at get all users um oh okay okay it's it's not an array of arrays it's like it's just that the console.log divides it this way so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna instead of saying console get all user zero i'm gonna just set users to every single user and it's gonna be huge but yeah you can see we have all of our users being displayed here we got that from our api the api is over here you can see that if i run this we get all the users so it's the same users and obviously this is a thousand different users being displayed in our screen which is yeah it's okay right so now that we have this i'm actually not gonna not gonna be displaying this i just wanted to show you guys how to do this um i'm gonna show you guys exactly how to actually work with mutations so if i were to have a form where i want to create a new user how would i actually send that data to our graphql api and actually make the run the mutation right so insert the data into our database or into whatever you can see that the last element here and all the users is called adrians and this is something that i emphasized in the last video because we're going to be adding and currently the last element is idea a thousand because we have a thousand users i'm gonna be adding another user through this mutation and it's gonna be called pedro which is my name and it's gonna be of id 1001. if you want to see the the the behind the scenes of creating this api mutation on the backend again watch my last video because i showed exactly how to do that but what i'm going to do right now is i'm actually going to build a component here not another folder a component called form dot gs just going to be a a simple form um that is going to contain like a way of different inputs like first name last name email password and a button to send that data and i'm going to come back after i just created the simple form because it isn't useful to know how to create a form for this the the important information is actually making the form be submitted to our api so i'll be back in a second okay guys so i'm back right here and you can see that i created a very simple form as you can see nothing too fancy or anything i just created a form called that has like inputs first name last name email and password i created four states um over here one for each input i also need to import the state and i created one for each input and basically what i do is whenever you write on the input it just sets the value for the state to be the value for the input very simple stuff over here just making the form work right and at the bottom i have a button which when you click on it it says add user so let's actually import in our app.js let's remove get users because we don't actually want to use that right now we just want to use form and by the way when i write form it's being automatically imported over here so you can see get users in form are being imported so if you go here to our app react like the the react tab you can see that the form appears here i don't care about it how it looks i just want to make it work i'm going to zoom in as you can see it's a very ugly form but obviously it's very simple as i mentioned before so what do we actually want to do here in our form.js to send this data to our graphql api well the first thing we actually want to do is not even inside of the form.js we want to come to our graphql folder and write our whole mutation so what exactly i showed you guys what a mutation looks like in graphql before it's a bit different from a query it's a little bit more complicated but i'm instead of just copying and pasting from what i did before i'm going to show you guys how to create it from here because we i didn't save what the last mutation that i showed you guys so basically to create a mutation we're going to do it very simple very similar to what we did with the query we're going to export a variable called let's call it create create user mutation something like this and it's going to be equal to gql and just like before we're going gonna put the back quotes to to write the mutation inside of here and now with a mutation we gotta write the word mutation like this mute mutation then the name of the function of our mutation so if you recall in our api over here i'm going to open up the server folder in our api in our where we defined our mutation um there's the name of the function right create user just like the name of the query has to be the same so ghetto users we used ghetto users for inquiry we need to put create users similar to this so let me just copy create user over here and the format for a mutation is very simple it's very simple basically it's almost like a function you put create user and inside of here you have to call create user again but it's a bit different and i'll show you guys why and then after the create user again you need to put again um the curly braces what happens is at the top here you have to define the arguments that are going to receive right and also the type of the arguments you're going to receive so for example for create user we want to receive a first name and for each variable you have to put a dollar sign or a money sign and you're going to put first name and you're going to define that it is a string like this similar to what we did in their backhand we're going to do it this way then we're going to put the next element which is last name right so i'm gonna come over here and say last name it's also a string then email is also a string um string and then let me see oh i forgot to put the the money sign over here money sign then password it's also a string so this is basically the idea we're just defining the types of the variables and the variables itself and on the other create user the one down here we have to just grab the arguments so put first name and actually now we're saying that first name is of type first name and i know this looks super weird um i literally don't know why they do this this way but this is how it they actually do it so i would just recommend doing it this way and honestly i would do it i would actually put a like a space between stuff um just so that we have a better view of it so like this just put a uh and just press enter for each one of them and here for the create user we're gonna do the same thing so for first name it's gonna be like this and then for last name it's going to be at last name this is quite boring but basically this is what you're going to do an email is email and then password is password so i have those variables that we want to actually insert into our database and then down here is what happens after the mutation so after this right here right so in inside of this two curly braces is what happens after the mutation is done so we can actually return something for example i just created this user but i actually want to keep track of their first name for example so let me let me write first name i want to just receive the first name as a return from the mutation right or i can put an id i can put whatever i want i'm going to put an id actually so this is the basic idea this is how you create a mutation in your graphql application in your react right so after we're done with this mutation we gotta start working in our form.js component by basically start importing this actual mutation so let's come over here and say import and again from our graphql folder but this time it's from the mutations file we want to import create user mutation and we also need to import the used mutation hook which is different from the use query hook that we had before so use mutation from apollo client it's a hook from apollo client and we're going to be using that to actually make the mutation so in order to make that mutation we're going to come here somewhere in our application before we actually want to insert the data so up here i want to insert the data in this add user function that we created so up here what i want to do is i just want to create a call the user mutation hook like this and pass the create user mutation similar to what we did with the query again right but the arguments that we get from the query from the mutation is a bit different so the first argument we can get is the actual function that we're going to be using to create the user called create user it has to be the same as the one you put down here on your not down here on your um index.js so create user so over here we're going to say create user and then we can maybe grab some error that occurred in the while creating the mutation and this is the actual standard so you can see clearly i don't want to confuse any of you guys it's different from the query so it's actually you're using square brackets and to get the arrow you need to put a curly braces when with a query if i come here to get users it's not square brackets it's curly braces and you just put the variables like this i have no idea why they made it different um but i'm not gonna like it's just i don't know why they did it this way but now that we have the create user function create user is a function that we can just use and pass in arguments and it's automatically going to make the api call so let's come over here inside of our ad user we want to call create user and create user very simply you're just going to pass the object containing the variables that you want to insert but it also needs to first grab a it needs to have an argument called variables and then the variables that we want to insert needs to be inside of this variables argument so it's an object containing one one property called variables and this variables property contains an object containing all the data that we want to send i know that seems a bit confusing but as you work on it you'll definitely get it so the variables we want to send is first name and we want to give it the value for our input called first name and then we want to send last name which is going to be last name then email which is going to be email and password which is going to be password so we're just passing exactly the format of our create user variables and we're passing the values for our inputs which are our states over here that i created outside of the video because it's not important for this video so now that we have this we might also want to check to see if there was any errors so to check error very simply you can just say if error right if error if there was any errors i want to print out console.log error i don't think there's going to be any errors but this is the idea right and now that we have this done we can actually test to see if our mutation is working so let's come over here um i'm going to open my inspect i'm going to refresh this i don't know if there's going to yeah there's no console log but i just want to open up if there is any errors we can check it immediately but you can see clearly that when i run the get users query a bunch of users appear here to the right and the last user is called adrian's of id a thousand now let's try to run and create a user here so i'm gonna create this right here um my shadow and i'm actually gonna put a random email at and the password is gonna be um subscribe okay this is the information we put right when i click create user we don't get anything like immediately because you can obviously do that uh later like what you want to what you want it to happen when you create a user but if we come here to our network tab you can see that there was a graphql request made as you can see it says graphql and it was actually a mutation which basically just sends the data and it says that the status was 200 so let's check if that worked let's come here to our graphical and and get all users again and see if we actually have a new user in our data let's refresh this if i go to the last element you can see clearly that now there's a a user of idea a thousand one called pedro and hiki uh his email is adsd whatever we put and the password is subscribe so this is the idea we can add how many users we want we're making the request we didn't get any errors and this is the basic idea of making a mutation work so that's basically it i really hope you guys enjoyed this video because it was actually a hassle to make this video because i know it's pretty long teaching apollo client and teaching how to work with graphql is really hard in the beginning and i'm currently in the midst of like so much work that's why i actually didn't post yesterday but i really hope you guys enjoyed this video if you enjoyed it please leave a like comment down below uh comment down below when you add questions you guys ask because if you look at my channel i enter every single comment i try to help everyone i have a discord where i help a lot of people so if you're interested in that the link is in the description subscribe because i'm posting every single day and i see you guys next time
Channel: PedroTech
Views: 69,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: css, javascript, learn reactjs, nodejs, react tutorial, reactjs, reactjs beginner, reactjs tutorial, react js crash course, react js, node js, express js, pedrotech, traversy media, traversymedia, clever programmer, programming with mosh, tech with tim, freecodecamp, graphql, graphql tutorial, graphql react, react graphql, graphql apollo, graphql apollo client, apollo client 3 tutorial, apollo client 3, react graphql tutorial, graphql react tutorial, apollo client, apollo server
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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