Graphene SuperCapacitor Breakthrough Is FINALLY Here!

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this video is sponsored by clickup picture  this a world powered by nothing but wind and   solar electric vehicles with endless range sounds  like a dream right but there's just one problem   to achieve that dream we're gonna need a better  way to store all that energy and distribute it   efficiently so far the solution has been batteries  but one technology that's gained a lot of hype is   the super capacitor particularly super capacitors  that utilize a new material called graphene until   recently this technology wasn't widely available  with graphene supercapacitors gearing up for their   commercial debut it's worth exploring what they  are how graphene factors in and what this could   mean for both great energy storage and individual  applications so what are supercapacitors well i'm   glad you asked when it comes to energy storage  we typically think of batteries which rely on   a chemical reaction between the cathode and anode  and an electrolyte batteries are great for storing   lots of power compared to their weight their  gravimetric energy density or specific energy   but while batteries have high specific energy they  have a lower power density how much energy they   can discharge per battery unit this is why they're  so great for evs where you typically don't need   rapid bursts of power but steady power for longer  range the batteries can also take a long time to   charge and those charge discharge cycles generate  heat which leads to degradation so what if we want   to store and release energy rapidly well this is  where capacitors come in capacitors are similar   to batteries in that they are both ways of storing  energy but capacitors have some very fundamental   differences capacitors have two conductor plates  usually made out of aluminum separated by a   ceramic or glass insulator called a dielectric  that collects positive and negative charges   unlike batteries restore energy chemically  capacitors store electricity statically   basically capturing static electricity because  the energy isn't transferred to another material   it stays electricity it can move around much  more efficiently how efficiently when it comes   to power density capacitors are roughly 100 to  a thousand times more efficient than batteries   this means if a lithium-ion battery has a  power density of 100 watt hours per kilogram   a capacitor would have a power density of roughly  10 to 100 000 watt hours per kilogram think of a   flash bulb in an old camera which uses a lot of  energy in a short period of time instead of using   a battery the flash uses a capacitor which draws  energy from the battery to charge slowly over   time then when filled and ready it can discharge  instantly nearly and power that big bright flash   we're all accustomed to without a capacitor the  battery could only power a flash so bright and   it wouldn't be the same and since capacitors don't  use chemical exchanges they don't heat up the way   batteries do meaning they don't degrade as quickly  a 3 volt capacitor will stay a 3 volt capacitor   even after hundreds of thousands of cycles now  where capacitors utterly pale in comparison to   batteries is in energy density tesla's current  model 3 cells hold about 260 watt hours per   kilogram whereas dielectric capacitors have energy  densities less than one watt hour per kilogram a   standard laptop battery weighs about one kilogram  for a capacitor to store the same amount of energy   as a laptop it would need to weigh 260 kilograms  about 573 pounds that's some laptop you'd be   lugging around now a supercapacitor sits somewhere  between a standard capacitor and a battery   they use plates and dielectric but they also use  an electrolyte ions build up around the insulator   creating a double layer of charge the plates are  also carbon coated which increases the surface   area super capacitors also have a much smaller  distance between the metal plates around 10 to 100   000 times shorter than a standard capacitor that  smaller distance leads to a larger electric field   keep this in mind for later basically these  distinctions mean more energy storage compared   to a standard capacitor a supercapacitor  can store up to 28 watt hours per kilogram   28 times more than a standard capacitor and while  that still doesn't match a lithium ion battery   it's getting closer and in some cases it may make  more sense to use a supercapacitor over a battery   for example supercapacitor powered electric buses  are very common in china the buses may not have   anywhere near the range of an ev but they don't  need to they can simply go one or two stops and   then recharge in a matter of minutes then be on  their way similar to the gyrobus which we covered   in a recent video check it out here they're also  used in grid level renewables supercapacitors   show up in wind turbines to help control wind  pitch they're also great at helping stabilize   energy delivery during peak periods anywhere that  benefits from large bursts of energy in a short   period of time really and while scale may be an  issue for things like phones batteries and evs   for grid storage that's really not you could  have fields full of massive supercapacitors   out in the middle of a solar or wind farm and it  wouldn't really matter that they take up a ton   of space and since supercapacitors are carbon  based they can take the strain off the supply   chain for elements like lithium nickel and cobalt  remember diversifying our energy storage materials   is a really good thing and this is where graphene  comes in but before we get into that let me take a   minute to give you a behind-the-scenes look at how  we make our videos and talk about our sponsor this   week click up when i went full time on youtube i  didn't understand how difficult it was going to be   to manage a team click up is the modern  productivity platform that helps you manage   whatever you're up to maybe it's your business  or a side hustle we're even starting a new click   up space for our family to track all of our home  to-do's and wishlists before we used to use google   docs for writing scripts and trello for tracking  progress and a different calendar for keeping   track of it all with click up we can actually  bring it all together in one place it's packed   with features and customization options that no  other productivity tool has so you can work the   way you work best here's the task for this video  i assigned it to juan to finish the video editing   but then he had the nerve to assign me to subtas  a ceo's job is never done but it's so fulfilling   finishing a task and moving it into the completed  column the kanban board view and the calendar view   are the two views i use most plus as a head honcho  i love creating dashboards to get an overview of   how everyone is doing go to use code  2-bit to get 15 percent off click ups massive   unlimited plan for a year meaning you can start  reclaiming your time for under five dollars a   month graphene comes from graphite that's stuff  inside pencils graphite is a allotrope of carbon   having the same number of atoms but arranged  differently giving it a distinct property graphite   typically has a three-dimensional crystalline  structure graphene has a single two-dimensional   single atom layer thick hexagonal honeycomb  shape why does this matter the structure allows   for the atoms to form strong covalent bonds as a  result graphene boasts a tensile strength of 130   gigapascals a hundred times stronger than steel  yet also remains incredibly flexible this unique   atomic structure also allows the electrons to  move around more freely making graphene insanely   good at conducting both heat and electricity  because graphene is so thin and conductive it's   an excellent candidate to take supercapacitors to  the next level so remember earlier when we said   supercapacitors have a shorter gap between the  plates allowing them to have more static charge   while typically as we mentioned those plates are  made out of aluminum you can picture like aluminum   foil and that may appear to be really thin to our  eyes but when we get down to the microscopic level   you can see it's actually pretty thick now compare  that to graphene which has a thickness of only   one atom now in that same amount of space we can  fit hundreds of thousands more of those gaps which   in turns means more energy storage the main reason  we haven't seen graphene supercapacitors before   is that age-old question and issue of making  them economically sound to mass produce and this   is where skeleton technology is making a seismic  leap forward this european tech company based in   estonia a country i highly recommend you visit has  found a way to break that cost barrier how do they   do it by using what's called curved graphene which  essentially uses crumpled up sheets of graphene   the exact process is a pretty heavily guarded  company secret but suffice it to say it has   brought the cost down so much that they're  just about ready to hit the market how does   this technology stack up their current 3 volt  ultra capacitors have a specific energy of 11.1   watt hours per kilogram with a specific power  of 28.8 kilowatts per kilogram now again that   may not sound like a lot especially when you  compare to a battery but the company says by   using graphene they've improved their technology  by about 72 percent now you won't see these super   capacitors replacing lithium on batteries anytime  soon so in that sense they may not totally change   the energy game the way some have prophesized but  that doesn't mean they can't have a major impact   on many of the technologies you're using today  skeleton technologies offers curve systems   for electric trains throughout europe that  can recover up to 30 electricity depending   on whether train is used as a long distance train  or a full stop commuter train this means cheaper   shipping and public transportation supercapacitors  could also be used for low voltage situations   in your ev like your lights power autonomous  vehicle computers ac and even other functions   taking the load off your car's main battery  could theoretically increase range between 10   and 15 percent for model s with 400 miles of range  that could add another 60 miles 20 miles more than   the average american's daily commute but when it  comes to evs the real value of a super capacitor   is in energy generation during braking if you  own an ev have you ever driven a car that has   one pedal driving if you get off the accelerator  pedal that's pretty much max region that is the   maximum amount the car can recharge your battery  pack too and it's pretty good but it's not like   slamming the brakes right if a car pulled out in  front of you you'd slam the brakes and use your   normal mechanical brakes imagine if you had a  three or four kilowatt hour ultra capacitor on   board that could charge and discharge at ludicrous  levels and save that energy think about the   applications for evs in races like formula e where  you're stopping and going constantly at full speed   it's pretty exciting and there's a ton of  applications for them super capacitors could also   help you with rapid acceleration like your tesla  model s ludicrous mode typically to achieve those   quick bursts of power you need a larger battery  pack but doing so also stresses the battery which   is why tesla doesn't recommend using ludicrous  mode all the time pairing a super capacitor with   a tesla battery could also help your vehicle  accelerate really quickly without the added   battery strain preserving its lifespan again the  racetrack situation right that's the perfect use   case for this but the applications don't end  with vehicles as we mentioned supercapacitors   are also already in use in grid level renewables  but what about your home solar intermittency can   wreak havoc on batteries as fluctuating outputs  can interrupt battery charging and discharging   high energy demand in short periods of time  can seriously impact the life of a home battery   installing a supercapacitor run in parallel with  a home battery system could help reduce stress   on a battery by allowing sufficient energy in  a short amount of time and leveling those peak   power requirements super capacitors could also  make home solar systems more efficient allowing   storage of more pressure sunlight in a shorter  window of time one study suggests that adding a   small fast responding storage device to your solar  system could increase energy efficiency by as much   as 83 on a sunny day and up to 114 percent on a  cloudy day this could also help reduce the battery   size since supercapacitors can share some of the  power load this could bring down the home battery   system cost while also increasing battery  life making home energy storage systems more   cost effective in the long run so will graphene  supercapacitors be the game changing technology   that they were all projected to be well the jury  is still out on that for one skeleton technologies   has to prove that they can manufacture graphene  at scale we know how to produce graphene   but what we don't know how to do is produce it in  the kind of volume and quantity to bring graphene   prices down low enough because the applications  for graphene are far beyond supercapacitors but   that will be their biggest challenge and  until they've completely figured that out   which really nobody else has that will always be  that risk for this company now i know most of the   technology that we talk about on this channel  tends to be five ten sometimes twenty or thirty   years away from hitting the market but thanks to  skeleton technologies graphene supercapacitors   are about to be on the market like this year  or next so they're right on the horizon and   how much they can produce and in what quantity  remains to be seen so where do you think super   capacitors could thrive do you think the weight  for a commercial application for graphene has   been worth it sound off in the comments below  all right that is a look at the graphene   super capacitor this is pretty exciting stuff  and in summary tldr they're not as energy dense   as batteries but they're dirt cheap to produce  if we can get the graphene part sorted and they   don't really degrade because there's no chemical  reaction so they can charge and discharge almost   instantly so anytime you would need that sort of  thing they might make a ton of sense all right   i'm right tube adventure thank you guys so much  for watching we'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: Two Bit da Vinci
Views: 222,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: two bit da vinci, graphene battery, supercapacitor graphene, supercapacitor battery, new battery technology 2022, graphene supercapacitor, graphene, supercapacitor, super-capacitor, super capacitor, graphene super capacitor, graphene super-capacitor, graphene supercapacitors, This Graphene SuperCapacitor Breakthrough is HUGE, what is a supercapacitor, capacitors, energy storage, skeleton, skeleton supercapacitor, skeleton battery, Graphene SuperCapacitor Breakthrough Is FINALLY Here
Id: 87o8AIldbh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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