Grapevine Pruning - Spur Pruning & Basic Grapevine Parts Explained // Growing Backyard Grapes
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Channel: CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY
Views: 157,849
Rating: 4.83181 out of 5
Keywords: pruning a grapevine, pruning backyard grapevine, growing backyard grapes, grape pruning, spur pruning for grapes, cordon, spur, basal bud, bud, cane, grapevine parts explained, growing grapes, pruning grapevine, harvesting grapes, 3 year old grape vines, neglected grape vines, harvest grapes, grape trellis, vertical gardening, organic grapes, trellising grapes, summer harvest, organic garden, DIY grape trellis, pruning grapes, calikim, pruning, grapevine, viticulture
Id: 22zdYq0uENA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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