Grandma's Home Alone Self Defense Part 2 | Ross Smith

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this is granny's home alone self defense man chris i can't wait to rob this house oh no i'm getting robbed if you're ever being robbed this is what you do damn it not you again we're back you stupid [ __ ] step one grab some tear gas get a remote control car take the tear gas suck on this pansies drive it at those idiots come and get me [Music] step two get in a boat oh [ __ ] she's getting away there's a rope up there but i can't climb kaia rope above the laundry [Music] oh [Music] labor step three put down the claymore attached a trip wire she went that way let's go get him all right [Music] step four they need some mistletoe get it point the missile at it houston we have a problem launch it oh who is this neil armstrong the heck step five ah the front door i can't go in here it's way too obvious shut up you idiot merry christmas you filthy animals oh [ __ ] grab the airsoft machine gun and shoot the crap out of those idiots keep the change all right we need to split up i'll take the back door that's my favorite gross step six shut his hand in the window grab some firecrackers tape them to his fingers grab a torch light it up oh that evil witch said seven i like playing jacks [Music] spread jacks on the floor [Music] stupid old hay left our windows open i know it looks sharp but it is shown wrap a cactus like a present this is going to be one surprise gift all right chris let's rock this lady damn that's a nice tv holy [ __ ] hey that damn it chris i said wrong delay now break your [ __ ] pay that well at least there's a present over there let's get that yeah oh god okay oh my god what is it i don't know open it [Music] step nine pour bridge and eggnog into a cup oh man she is the worst gift giver ever she know what i'm still taking that tv come on chris stop beating it up we need that dude we get so much for this on the black market can't wait stupid idiot she left her egg dog out oh nice oh no you're like what's wrong with you oh my god step 10 put down a thousand toy cars [Music] oh [ __ ] oh come on man go get her grab a giant ornament and throw it out the window oh step 11 get those guys tactical center call tactical center have him show elsa grenade ho ho ho merry christmas step 12 fill a canned cannon with peppermints call your grandson to help you shoot it hey ross can you shoot this for me sure thing granny i got you oh oh my god that hurt [Music] step 13 attach a rope to his underwear and give him the world's biggest weight [Music] up his butt [Music] get in the cold chase oh my god my [ __ ] hasn't hurt this bad since that college frag party let's get to the car [Music] step 14 oh we finally got her let's run her over oh no stop right there have them park underneath a thousand pound pumpkin and drop it like you talk [Music] [Music] [Applause] lady we gotta call an uber this car's broken no no no they can still drive really no i actually can't i can really go for a pumpkin pie right now shut up man stop stop all right actually pretty good yeah thanks for watching the video if you want to see more of our videos make sure to subscribe at ross smith and check out houston's channel and put the link in the bio what about my channel [ __ ] that guy [Laughter] think it for me granny i got the whole world in my hands i got the whole world in my
Channel: Ross Smith
Views: 19,781,550
Rating: 4.4941988 out of 5
Keywords: ross smith, ross smith grandma, ross smith and grandma, grandma, granny, grandmother, funny, funny grandma, ross, smith, family, pranks, granny smith, ross and grandma, gone wrong, public pranks, watch, watch this, ohio, home alone, part 2, Macaulay Culkin, grandma got run over by a reindeer, self defense, self defense funny, gangsta granny, comedy, ross smith and grandma vines, funny videos 2020, merry christmas, happy holidays, home alone 2, christmas, try not to laugh, rosssmith
Id: 6X8EbrAlsAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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