Grand Final! Leviatan vs Kru | Americas Last Chance Qualifier

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and this is such an exciting matchup the form that crew has been in it's been fiery passion versus the cold iron the discipline of Lev here we get started split is our first map here the pistol round and into the temple crew to take things very slowly Davies though turns the pace up as soon as Taco spots him that's confidence Rendezvous play stuff get out of jail for free card and now we have top of the rest of his team his shots being sent straight through the wall hoping for an easy kill tackle almost going down has to back away for a heel remember noswell was unbelievably good last time Leviathan played on this map one of the big reasons why they were able to pull through and they're going for a wrap around through mid Knox has heard all of this I mean nags has heard them rotate off of a and threw up to B mail with his lurk position deep in mid and crew we've seen them go for this kind of pathing before where they take a heaven control and then pressure into being King could be in trouble one snake bite to his name has to back out just hopping around and he does escape they didn't leave anybody posted up in a heaven so while they go back here they've got to be a little diligent worried that taco could be pushed forwards they still haven't forced out tacos Dash but the confidence from crew in these kind of moments they don't spend much time wondering they just go on the final 30 seconds it's got to start coming through now towards the back of it Shy flash at the top does connect but Klaus what an answer back damage being done tackle he's low though and it's running and gunning they'll finish him off two-player Advantage Spike will be going down into the safe position but a postman isn't too ideal still massive player Advantage but everybody grouped up towards the side and that's what trying to take matters into his own hands risks were necessary really to try and turn the fate of this round and it doesn't go his way a 2v5 that looks completely unwinnable here with nags having his position up towards heaven but mazino and King are going to do what they can it's a freebie here with melter being low enough State fight there's Kesner going down but yeah they all topple just like that the player Advantage being a little bit too much there so crew running away with that one pistol round onto that belt great way to begin and I feel like a lot of people having their heads the crew going on this run because the form of the players is absurd and while that has truth to it kesnet has been on a Monster Run and players like clouds you know uh Davies have turned things around it enormously but when I watch crew move around the map they are so different to how they played during that regular season oh yeah they're they're so mobile they're willing to pressure different areas and return back and cut timings play with different tempos even in that pistol round you know they're wondering if they could call an audible and rush through to be or whether they should end a and they're very fluid with it a lot of credit got to be given to melzer who used to be a player on levia Dan and is now calling to try and take his team to Champions over the top of his former roster the storyline that would be this one should just be slam dunk round the win despite going down up to push it back it's not planted for me and it is close to default but at this point Lev the discipline they show most likely just going to be going down to the spike looking to see if they can get any exits to that economical damage but yeah you say it's not all form when you talk about these teams Josh and they have had these good ideas that Nuance that we're seeing almost you're saying that you know playing very fluid you think of the crew in a regular season very much Brute Force being the name of the game sometimes a lot of five players grouping up absolutely very little Nuance to it and I think they needed a little bit of time with their new coach Adam to be able to come in and help them figure out the ways that they wanted to approach these Maps there was a lot of talk about how close they were at being able to secure wins during the regular season but close really doesn't do anything zero and nine this squad and yet now poised as arguably very slim favorites in this final but as the desk was talking about I really do feel like this is anybody's game up for grabs by either of these squads oh yeah and we're gonna see our first Clash of the rifles in this round where it's it is Cruise bonus but they've got two Phantoms two vandals and a bulldog coming in here so essentially just our first gun round yeah the money is exploration it's on the pry around setting themselves up here focus and lay down towards mid taco slight off angle misses the shot though has to activate the Dash takes another attempt of it get out of there and as to what Sean was talking about on the desk earlier notice how the flash from shine does connect onto melzer and so Olivia tan don't know how many players are outside a even though it smells are controlling a nags controlling B and that triple pack with Davies and Kesner taking the brunt of the map control this system has really worked well for them all through our lcq dog or leading the charge babies you're in the jump spot things about for his team mid-control taken as well bells are deliberately getting flashed again and now he moves away from a main this looks like it's going to end in A B split but remember shy just got confirmation that there were people outside a main so he's got to stay towards a and now Lev have three players over there and here it is a face by King looking for information but it will fall stacked up against him on playlist standing the Xeno that's a read isn't it nags it claiming that kill because you know what the off angle it needed to get value there playing around the smokes but number two player disadvantage for Lev fight planted and again forced to make the difficult tasks difficult decision maybe not for them but to save we know they're prone to it they definitely are yeah I mean even the audience knows what's going on at this point right Olivia town with another one of their save rounds yeah and there's been a lot of talk about this it's one of the ways in which Leviton demonstrate their discipline they want to keep rifles up at all times make sure that they have a decent buy heading into the next but they're not one of the teams that tends to convert at a high rate on eco rounds even when they have you know a few rifles in there and kazden's found one of them they're now only two vandals looking to be brought into the next and while all of this is going on cruise economy grows bigger and bigger these players are all gonna get the 3K they've got the plan bonus any kill bonuses as well added on the end the economy already looking like it's going to be flourishing yeah and we're only into round four Bankers booming giving out loans of this right it puts so much stress on Levitan on their defense side we talk about form with these teams it is an important talking point as well on the other side of things Lev have come into the round with a lot of their individual players haven't seen too much evidence of that so far with this series but plays like Paco finding newfounded confidence that wasn't there on a regular season and I think that's an important point we haven't seen it yet and I think they probably need those players to get online early in the series to get that confidence going and feeling like they're they're warm once they get into later maps and this is a winnable map for either teams straight off the bat this isn't one that's supposed to be one-sided one way or another Lev or crew both have their chances to win on split although obviously crew in the driver's seat at the moment like this decision making it's deep B main control as long as he holds that space he's going to be granting them a lot of information push players into other directions as well show up for defenses towards mids or say I know that space is locked up Trailblazer needs to be dealt with it is nobody was following up behind it there's a bit of danger in B main though here we've got a judge on mazino and usually melzer is going to try and take that space on his own remember one three one that's the idea for crew mazino just holds his ground there is a big chance that melter is dropped with the spike because smoke that's King relieving that pressure as well right from behind a bit of a backstab attempt as he knows still there the judge does not do the work doesn't take out the opposition what an incredibly important fight that could have been in the whole round for crew so you can be main control but still it looks like crew had nothing to do with it again that fluidity on display they force the rotations out all the way through spawners only one player really anchoring and they can hear the footsteps Davies does he win this fight out king as he manager not traded though personally behind and took him out not even sure if that was intended shy onto the corner has to try and get one time running soda I'm sure but he falls could have been everything if he stopped it doesn't look like there's a chance but it's gonna be denied mels is there getting the plant off extension towards it Satchel forward nosua to 1v2 and he's brought down anyway it's a three piece for Davies four rounds of the road out for crew they're feeling it and so many things going their way even despite the best efforts of King challenging them over in B heaven and then in a heaven as well being mobile himself around the map it was this killed I think that really changed the tide of things Mel's the igr once he gets that he gets a read in his head of where the layout is of those defensive players and reads this immaculately plus the fact that he's in good form himself to be able to grab that kill against a play with the judges no easy feat economy they were able to buy in the prior with only one player having a judge but now darker Stingers yeah on the economy this thing isn't a sheriff we've seen miraculous stuff occur with those guns in the past but never gonna need it because this is a half that is steadily getting away from them wall dropping jiggle onto the corner spam onto it as well that was shy just spotted out and now crew all up with four players trying to avoid getting caught out by any individual on the anti-eka round and they just leave the rest of the map to Davies with his trip the trademark broken he has to worry about b-main but again it's the rest of crew just all together trying to feel out but whether or not there's a stack on a that's a goal they're gonna time with it though getting down to the 50 second Mark don't actually have control of of middle B main still making this rotation through they're gonna be heading into taco who only has a sheriff in hand so it's got to be asked to do so much well what can he achieve little fakes with the snake bite nice lineups from Knox is gonna make it feel like it's ending a it's in the off angle misses the shot though doesn't land showstopper now forward positioned a fox in the pen straight into the smoke mezino he's ripping and Terry right through it with the Shadows oh my goodness just like that you needed a miracle he needed something to offset that round Advantage there's one on the board Taco delivers with his first two kills of the match how does he get this one I mean there's no way he even knows the cast needs there yeah surely aiming ahead height hoping that he catches on the floor instead of blast backing any higher up unbelievable that is what Lev needed Taco now has the money to get an OP online the reverse UNO card in terms of the economy uh it's twists and turns isn't it oh you can flip just like that there's an operator on the other side of things as well it's Davey's attack operator he's been set up onto that a-ramp angle might be a brawl waiting to happen here hyper War gonna be fading soon that's King holding close to the corner anyway and if anyone tries to punish Davies here by white swinging kesnitz ready you can also do stuff like if I break this Trailblazer replay is spotted I think lever doing a great job here at just challenging crew as they try and fight for map control nobody's really exposed themselves to Davey's sight line and yet they're still holding them back from being able to take a heaven flash is gonna be keeping it a lot of the love players again tethered that's what you were mentioning earlier right Joshua yeah tagging on to melzer and look everybody else has left it's only Davey's there but they've inserted him and they're going to explore Elsewhere on the map and Lev still keeps three players yeah eight in hand not the pressure and here we go straight into robes that's King pounced the pawn they removed that position all the way back over to eight ring around the Roses never really know where this team's gonna land as a pull there's a knee shy close to the corner him and taco gotta do so much more towards the back of the side now Seekers going across damage done I think straight through the wall as well as a Target Rich environment close to the corner no one's clear those were the time he's running so damn short taco tammys and higher left plant close to the corner away from him nothing to deny this one still active into the elbow you know he's there it's a double faces mezino seeks to gain a bit of information a better ground all down to Taco and Davies has got it watched missing the shot on either side now he's walked up oh it's whiffy he he pops the knives at that point Brad's worthy man I mean Taco had knives at a much earlier point in that round and I wondered if he was going to pop them he had abstracts to work with he could have gone for a denial onto the spike and maybe tried to make the hero play at that point but under pressure feeling like he could have got swarmed and when they became the favorites absolutely we'll see whether that has an impact on either of these two teams bo5s very much you need to be stable throughout it's not about peaking in one map you need to be able to bring consistent performances the whole way through shying only has a stinger here so stinger and a judge being brought in on the defense side yeah as king pops his ultimate and the money is dodgy but they want to might have some Weaponry around these big alts hoping that the Viper's Pitbull offset economical disadvantage the main control is theirs though inside a crew bottom of Zeno they're looking to just post Davies up no way and that's ridiculous Kyle's just spamming that common angle catches mezino and nags looking to control the reaction on the other side goodness me a flick to the side here Mel's are also watching for it anticipating a push out when you've got the two-player Advantage again the pressure is on Lev to perform and it becomes so difficult when Leviathan lose a player on one side of the map and try and make a play on the opposite side they know that there's three players be main they're looking to try and push something out towards hey they know there's only one player there but nags is holding a great defensive angle and hits the shot but I flashed deep into a main that didn't tag on to anyone give them a bit of false information because the rest of the crew now grouped up towards it with 30 seconds left but he's made his way back onto the side 30 seconds left oh this angle isn't it so exposed but he wins the first fight out he gets away three positions tucked into elbow can I get any more here to try and offset it potentially open towards Maine there was two players there out in the open again time is running so damn short it's 12 seconds shy could be an absolute Miracle Worker doesn't win it with a wider face it melzer shutting it down King from long range of the judge it's gonna be some changes after that one surely he's hopping around the corner but cannot Escape it the sight lines were set on to him six to one it's the scoreline that we face right now Josh and this is absolute devastation I mean every round that levia tan has tried to go for a half by or some kind of force they've just been get I mean what is this absurd that's not even part of the game plan they're trying to get Davies posted so that he can work a pick and Klaus just grabs it anyway yeah and that brand is one of the most ridiculous things in terms of how this run has been working for crew they've been getting the first kill 68 of the time I mean it's probably higher now it's probably more towards 70 if you're taking these rounds into account wider is the face again and you're feeling it it's desperation it's running its course for levia King I mean it feels like he has to make a play with a snake bite pushing forwards but already too many players have fallen this thing is in their hands I mean we could buy but we go for plays like this but this is just looking like crew cementing themselves Josh even further yeah they're gonna limit your time they're gonna try and go for this but double Stingers in hand not sure of a result but there's no point coming in the showstopper guys contacted yeah I mean [Applause] so tap onto it hoping he can force the fight towards backside expecting her to be a player there and as nosworth slowly gets squeezed out of this round crew are gonna be absolutely in the ascendancy yeah first map all flying and there were a few questions about whether the break between the upper finals and the grand finals was gonna hurt this team's momentum so far not even slightly no I mean they are looking forward you know the wild thing as well about that first kill start that I was talking about they almost get 70 of their first kills most teams are around 50 right during the regular season they were even worse than that what's Wild is it's not all kesnet it's shed kind of evenly across the board by this team I mean just now Klaus is three and one in first kills the first dance yeah exactly the same as Kesner so these these for opening Jewels are happening everywhere if you told me the numbers that Klaus is putting up here now compared to the regular season I mean I'd assume someone else is playing on this PC because they have just been ridiculous it's like a different player but sometimes that you know this tournament structure this format the crew players have spoken about you know how it favors them the long regular season playing games out for a team like crew You could argue love as well I mean it doesn't favor their play style especially that momentum that they're gained playing matchup match after match I mean there's no team he's got a harder path all the way here to the scram finals on the team like crew they've had to battle all the way from the very beginning they had no second chances at the start of lcq now and here just getting slowed down slightly in mid 50 seconds left and if anything has been a bit worrying for crew in this half so far it might just be the clock they've had a lot of plants with about 10 seconds left and maybe that's something that levia tan can focus on not giving first Jewels easily playing a rolling Retreat Crossfire setup together trapped with him and King noswell can you do the most here well it's all King and seemingly it's three on the ball Dodges The Flash magnificent Elsa last one standing in an ace denied ready much of the disappointment of the crowd yet finally we see Lev getting online a little bit it's got to be more than King though it's got to be more than King he's got three times the amount of kills as the next highest player on the scoreboard for Leviathan wasn't that the story of the regular season exactly that's not gonna be how Levitan win this series is with King going nuts we know that he can do nominal player but he needs the rest of his team to also provide rounds like that to keep things competitive it's a good start though time to keep this one moving again operator V operator Davies it's no piece of it towards Maine steadily taking up that ramp control it's a nice teleport that Davies has got set up it's going to take him all the way back to safety if he gets pressured in sewers so we can just work picks on his own here and he's not worried about any kind of crunch set up chamber so good for avoiding trap plays not that the double Jewelers comp runs too many of them that Leviathan are using but it's it's slow and cautious from crew again Anna Davies is here on this angle just that's the Dodge's Sky utility coming his way but he can hold this space well Maines also being covered by nag set it's just behind him and you can see that Levy are adapting here only using their utility later on in the rounds they know the crew are going slowly and carefully so they're using flashes and Seekers at 50 seconds hang about Dash is here here's the reload and he claims the first night set he will fall pull right at his feet show stop by it ladsden so consistent with it but he's got shy there back up right behind towards the elbow Landing the shots in the right I know he's in a man oh my everything left down to melzer in a 1v3 playing against his former team calling the plan for this round gonna rye and he's just gone to save yeah 10 seconds left what a performance from shy there I mean antako putting on again an ass pass cosplay essentially yeah it's so good seeing Taco activated because this player has been in such a slum for such a Time and on both of these teams you're getting people who have previously given us under performances Taco Klaus you know step up and really show what they're capable of fight for it at the end of the year at the final hour showing that they're capable of getting their team to Champions on a roster in Partnerships but at shooting to get into in tournament that means the most at the end of the year it's been a while since we've seen these two teams at any form of international events outside of lock-in you want to play Let's Play what this is for crew used to be a staple of almost every single event but a bit of a gap in terms of that live fighting hard as well to make sure that their season doesn't end in disappointment I feel like one of the big adjustments Olivia tunnel made is saving their utilities for the first kind of 40 seconds of the round they know that crew are not going for Big five-person Pop hits at the start that means you don't need to throw as much early utility but you've got to make sure that they don't contact into you and crew are taking a lot of space and a lot of Liberties up in a heaven dangerous they haven't crossed the threshold just the open window angle and then just wide open they didn't expect that space tour to be granted to the crew players nags is ready for the push it's fallen to pieces I just love the adaptation from both of these teams love you Tom are playing a slower defensive round in response to that and melzer calls for them to go contact forwards okay if Shy's not gonna use his utility to find out where we are we're gonna walk into him they're scared of us at this point they're scared of the Davies up especially when he's got his tour to force active yeah it really is beautiful the system that Crews figured out a combination of males are working with the newer coach atom and the time that they've spent and some of the time off as well oh yeah to rethink to make sure you don't get stuck in a rut yeah some people warm up a name Lads Tesla's a GTA role player that man is loaded it up trust me that's how he's getting but if it works it works some rest and relaxation it's paying off for a team like crew had a hard time of it it's been a marathon this season final round of the half and apart from a brief showing from Leviathan who have completely been in control never gonna try and mix things up now with Tucker walking down mid the operator in theory should be able to find these players potentially like malzer and nags for contacting yeah but but they normally hold very safe positions Brent yeah while the rest of the team is doing their job perhaps even something gets punished that's the worry falls down nosua satchels up in the air flash drive blinded up he cannot move a muscle he's brought down the alt completely indicated that's a minus eight I have a minute left and around that is precise what a shot it leaves it up to two for Lev final round of this half but all but locked up now for crew should be the 9-3 and if they win this round every single round the crew have got the first Blood they've managed to convert 100 5v4 rate no more worries about the operator contacting Be Heaven Zeno off and down control but he's just one man of the Guardian what can he do he's feeling it there's one seconds left the shot to be found oh propped up finds himself the upgraded a rifle but the plant's gonna go down nevertheless let's get the cosmic divide online do something with it another star planter but here's the Seekers to spot out where the last two players are down it's a deeper smoke that's given a lot of exit opportunities for spamming through the Vandal is risky giving away out in the open Satchel At His Feet shy is dealt with all down to mazino and he cannot withstand it nine to three is the scoreline we look at what an incredibly well played half by crew I'm we've seen this before we have seen this before I mean on split 9-3 as well Levy time have literally been in the exact same spot before during that match in lcq when they played against each other but now they need to turn it around now it has to be a different result and not with the player that has been so fantastic for them on split and had a breakout performance playing the Rays on this map going missing here not able to find the value on the defense side which should be his best this is going to be very tough and we're only a map one this is crazy four players groups up seeing if they can get a cheeky kill and that's what spots it gets out a clue of his life there's a response it's instantaneous here from left shy out in the open another real coverage there but under smoke and Davies let's reposition with the Rendezvous 10 Health though they know what Navy's is as well they know exactly where that teleport went to he needs help from Klaus team flash let's go Davies Dodges it and still lands the kill heel not online fast enough the NATO clean him up and finish him off shy just poking and prodding towards the side here nose was still containing and holding but he does get traded and brought down King he's close to the corner to one and turn angles a fight also waiting to be taken here let's see now if the right chance of this backstab made is there King close again to the corners finally calls out but he's already claimed through and there's mizino final line of defense ready to strike when his team needed it so pissed around the left maybe the start of something string around potentially that's exactly what they need to get this started there's no other option for them if they want to be able to win here on split and that's going to show you a bit like the different temples that these teams are playing at who went for a four-person push down mid and that's gonna force a reaction oh get me there they think they've already won I mean I mean that looks like A5 I'm telling why are we here exactly man I love it I mean this is a day for the latan fans it really is can't lose you really can't if you're tired for one team or the other but yeah the region as a whole is going to be winning well here it is striking back with the shorty getting away with that next set flaming too close to the corner this is suddenly in much more than danger this is looking almost lost the spike out in the open two players left standing not economical Advantage it's gone to pot Spike being down is a massive problem I mean mazino is so far away just assuming that his team are not going to run into nags double shorty kills yeah nags are in the corner just being able to pull those both out is spectacular for his team how do they recover this they have stars that they can put up that's gonna deny Vision but crew are gonna spam no damage done just yet I won't even walking into that direction instead look at melzer watching behind him worried that 30 seconds all the way behind the screens already realizing they could have got out of there but he didn't pick up the spike there's 20 seconds left this extraction process has got to be moved a little faster yeah no opportunities to Pivot over to be it has to land onto a for any chance to win the round here so it's close because he's only open and here it is time playing its Part 12 seconds left goes to the corner it's a 1v1 oh no nosua has the spike sticking it down here melzer does he choose to take the time with it is planted Damage Done only 78 step finisher gotta be joking [Applause] it's not the cleanest round of Valor and I've ever seen in my life but that's incredible for crew try harder now it will do the decision from Elsa is really nice there he knows that there's a big decision process for his opponent to either get a plan down or to challenge him he waits until he hears the spikes unplanted but then oh the classic right click almost portrayed him yeah I mean that is you're leaving up to a coin flip you really are but yeah they're loving it a Thrifty they answered it right back and when this seemed like there was hope for Lev oh dashed dashed in a moment the wind taken right out of their sails desperation on display there attacker hoping to keep Dash maybe take some space towards a but he's brought down so early not ideal yes it's the half five but at this point every single round every single moment counts right there and crew do tend to be quite bunched up in terms of how they defend I mean you watch them on the map and they're looking to try and get active with two or three of them going for pushes or re-clears they're not happy just holding these static positions and I think their idea is pretty excellent they keep putting pressure on teams like that does he not end up walking into them who looking to get up to 11. I think it's smart group up as well and you're up against a half bite it's no danger of getting overwhelmed a singular player giving over a weapon giving up that they having control it's a mad scramble isn't it on the left side hunting for an open Angle an open shot but 30 seconds left which way is this Landing you don't want to be saving these guns what must be running through the heads of the players that are just dead right now thing can ponder the fact that they're down 410 I mean a six-round deficit on the opening map not the way that Olivia time would have wanted to open this so difficult for them to even come back into this it's a trade-off for the cleanup and you've got to wonder if that kind of mentality is they just have to sit there in these slightly slow around stewing on the fact that they're down to their Rivals from latam a team that they've been better than for the last year at least you gotta wonder if that's gonna impact them heading later Lev have got to be able to brush this off unless they're able to mount a comeback because Pearl used to be at the top of levitan's maple but crew have looked amazing at it recently it's the benefit you get when you go through that up as the double ban fracture and Haven the second map you know the second map found a bit of a toss-up when it comes to what crew would want to remove but I think Haven's a decent one and while you would as a competitor want to just focus on the here and now and make sure you get this round there's a little pressure in the back of your head as you realize the score at the top of the screen oh yeah Dash forwards that's deep into heaven with a judge I like judge yep seen this play before but no util to his name that's the money run and dry it's already used as one smoke how does he get in there showstopper not as well can he paved the way he can he clear out a bit of a space in an opening Davies you are mad to take that fight but he does bring him down just a one for one taco close to the corner dog doesn't clear it Klaus oh he's wide open wide open and there's the kill surely running right into him Chestnut he's claiming it it's Carnage in the final moments here three versus three winnable still open control s for crew Level Playing tucked towards side series of these close angles and one of them positions down towards it nagsit he wins it out in the open vulnerables forced to try and train and take matters into his own hands is up to shy 1v1 time running shortest mode I think so it's close but I don't think he's got it damage done but not the defuse barely missing out on that squeaking bye and a Lifeline for Lev they're gonna still be able to buy in the next round it's a Red Bull clutch Davies is actually right inside his Rendezvous there looking to try and fight the showstopper and still get away doesn't quite manage it I thought he was out of range of it he didn't have his little gold vest on I think he just stepped out of range of it to fight the showstopper and take a more aggressive angle but you know the the concept is there unfortunate though millisecond timings yeah actually expecting the pit to be offloaded from that position King he's already vacuumed it up pushing forwards now showstopper all the way through okay spots it and Nails it the Rockets the consistency this is looking like 12. crew just like that that's from back of a round of Their Own awesome movement from Kesner there too using the blast back of the rocket to push himself away from King and around the corner so he couldn't get punished but let's see if anyone is tracking as well at the stats on this it feels like esnick gets a kill every time every time he uses the Joe stopper every single time he's got to be the most efficient race that I've seen with it in this tournament but you've got to remember too that this is kesnet's best tournament run ever we've seen Amazing Star level performances from kesnet since he first came onto the scene and yet this is still him performing at his Peak that is quite ridiculous right there and it's been one of the big reasons why they're able to power themselves forwards here you heard Valen and Sean talk about how much of a weight that just lifts off the rest of the team 36 seconds left and it helps them play better as well I think you know as I said it's not like Disney it's getting all of the first kills he kind of is here on split he's got at least five I think again another seven maybe to save here Josh I mean yeah it's it's tragic I mean Levy a ton of playing for the draw at this point I wonder what this ends up doing to the mentality but this is how they play this is how they've practiced and these are the kind of decisions they go for don't blame them to a degree with it but you've got to keep these guns as well if you're going to make this decision if you're not going to make a go of the round you've handed it over there's a 12 for crew almost anticlimactic in the way that one goes will they keep the gun he stays alive very close doesn't really help them too much and a time-out call for Levy attack look at that movement though I thought we were going to come into map one and have a really competitive map between these two teams and it goes down to the wire because I thought Lev looked explosive with taco and nosworth playing up towards their best this double duelist duel has not been able to get active at all and that is full credit to crew they've just shut it down utterly everything on the line now look at the investment of course you have to buy up around it on round stands between it melzer spamming down damage done certainly and here it is pulling their feet made as well it's all collapsed upon into the choke point you go you do not stand a chance Cosmic divide it's a bit of respite away from all this damage maybe you can get the 3-1 Ford and it looks like they want to try and attempt to try and fight through they were gearing up for it you can see Shahid was holding a flash I think for maybe a pop flash play through to Cosmic divider it had to give up chances for and the weapons are still not good two rifles clap only just going down close to the corner King's got the pit online can it help pushing forwards now crew trying to take space in it but this is an observer's worst nightmare walls and smokes and pits in the way everything is obfuscated faced up though look how close and tight the crew players are together trying to trade each other out inside the pit bully blinds it up Shy can't see anything doesn't know what timing to be taken that's kesnet bringing him down and two standing it's here King with the Bucky he's traded and it's spraying it's random it's a prey [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] it doesn't get really any harder than this here map two of our grand finals of the lcq this is it pistol round beginning on Pearl but we see that answer back that is instantly committing to taking a bit of space over here get right into mid it's tacos leading the charge tank in the alarm bot and also the Trailblazer going down very quickly so the trouble is is supposed to clear all the way through and funnel people in so they get pinched by Taco and mezino that didn't really happen Davey's able to break it back off into a safe spot and now Taco just controls the middle of the map this is going to force somebody to keep an eye constantly on this little area underwater that they've currently got their eyes on but in general they're waiting for a commitment into the a site yeah it's good mid-rounding so far you break all of that you tell like you're saying you have to keep your eyes now looked on the different middle areas of the map just in case a player could be lurking I mean the spike is heading now towards B they have three players prodding over here it's only tesnet yep he's gonna do the most Flash avoided dodged to the side the spike now change of mind changes directions straight back just again lurking into these four positions doing a significant amount of damage they're expecting people to take it off a but there were still four players here they've got surely if we take contact with guest it'll be the leave rooted into the back of the side as a dashboard as well that space is going to be taken killed exchanged and traded high tide in the face of Davies but finally it fades flash forwards here online no one's watching the angle they're taken out but it is again just up to melzer still in that position weaken up from the prior shot and taco picks up three [Applause] what a cool pistol around there by Levy attorney clear gameplay right from the beginning very quickly taking mid control going towards b-link seeing if they can work a pick by catching somebody out of position and then yeah I mean almost overplaying it to be honest yeah anchoring towards the back they they just there's no real reason there to expect there to still be three or four players on a and only Kismet watching B almost caught maybe a ton off guard Xeno was very good at being able to take that space I wanted to see return to that presence here at Taco that is a lot of presents in what a shot okay kesnitz yeah put on our shots like that I shouldn't be surprised the name valued that this guy commands and I think King is looking to try and control the Bulldogs but it's already been taken yeah he's worried that somebody might have snuck up here and he might just get the info yep there's no Bulldog left they've already been here and left they've scampered right under his nose but there is a plant online so time is gonna be ticking put some pressure now onto crew and it's gonna be that backstab you can see still King looking around the art position back of the side control still for love as well as a main the Zeno this is Jewel out high tide in his face propped up Taco spots it there it is you know perfect timing with that one pushing forwards and across fire is excellent so I I believe that's the first time the crew have managed to get the the opening kill and you lose the round in this match so far wow and of course they're massively not favored in that round anyway because their economy is just so much lower but they've put a bit of suppression here on levia tons the bonus round is not looking particularly great take a look at this replay from kesnet's POV if he's hitting shots like that here he's gonna go nuts to talk about this is a great map to look at the form of the players the direct head that just screams out is Taco casner firework that was put into that round here we're heading into the bonus the economy is not too good but they have built up the Reckoning that's the big one mazino picking up all those kills and they're going to use it to try and clear out the site close to it dodging the first one as well trying to take the fight right to the opposing jet player topping around slow down Klaus it's supportive and suppressive Fire I'm through the angle didn't really know what he was aiming at but he still collects the kill the site is granted so like a disadvantage still for left but making a timing now waiting for the next wave of util maybe even just contacting I mean the next wave of utility is not going to come out for quite some time and the trailblades are already looking to try and disrupt that snake bite all the angles pushed out here and yeah contacting deep in the flash ball on flash through the wall Meltzer he Dodges and his two teams team swell mis-timed bit of a mistake almost like that as well celeb trying to again take control back into the round pushing forwards but everybody falling so on this round I've gone away that Livia Town wanted right from the offset not going their way the Reckoning invested too that's a pretty large asset that they would love to have for one of these uh economic swing rounds which no the bonus round is an economic swing around but also their rifles were just so low their economy very suppressed here this is the play where to be honest melzer does such a great job of even dodging the flash that's going to be a pretty straight up fuel anyway yeah but when the blind doesn't connect on him and does connect on shy it's game over that's a britorn guns in the hands of both these teams now and here's that VapoRub that we were talking about previously in the pre-show nags just oh sorry King just spotting that out and realizing that Kesner is pushed up deep towards B here's the ideal is going to be feeding that information to the rest of the team and telling them to more quickly and aggressively take mid control Davies he knows how much they've been playing for this middle position just gets the one and backs out I respect it so similar to what you did on the pistol round and you can't push that as the attackers you just kind of push that you are never famous unless there is a massive addiction a huge psyched exec happening on a that distracts the entirety of the team you're just always gonna die of course he's still got the space up with this wall very dangerous from Elsa oh the knife melter yeah doesn't anticipate it he's still alive 73 how he wins the fight there's no way not a chance but melter is on one how does he get away with that 30 seconds again it resorts to this contacting all the way up he's close it's a flash around the corner he's got backup and the rest of his team Klaus is watching for it was a re-swing there shy out in the open brought down the utility is perfect it is funneling these players corralling them nothing to be found two to two now Flawless for crew and a slight misstep losing the pistol round losing the follow-up but they're right back up to that split form they are I I can't believe this I mean Dave is just fantastically that's a difficult shot to hit and he does great but how on Earth is melzer not getting punished by mazino malzah's positioning is a little too far forward there he's looking to just try and jiggle the Box thinking that Levy ton are going to be using utility if they're taking b-link control and instead masino's walking up behind it he's favored there every time and somehow Elsa drops back and hits their headshot Lev are taking a lot of map control towards mid but they're not actually being able to convert that into good side execs they'll put pressure on the players anchoring sights what we need to see from them is once they've taken our control committing to an a split and then fighting aggressively for for Dugout and trying to you know attack the players that are back there yeah from access to Davies instead it's more contacting around and this could get very sticky in sports not anticipating these players to be so pushed up they hear the updrafts they gotta know they've lost control of Link it's a double push-up attempt King out in the open pops up the orb faking like you could be backing away look who's eager to take the fight it's melter he's still there wants to take it to him he gets the Stinger barely winning out but he does win it nevertheless and this is just a confidence difference at this point and Mel's is looking to try and take the duel there wins it and this is such a similar game plan so far it feels like every single round has ended in a familiar way poking and plotting one side doesn't work out well it's your turn messino and shy this time seeing if they can work their way in but again never to clear out Dugout high tide in the face as well as a player trap there but they're just taking a fight through it Taco over the top that's all you needed to see two kills knife still there no refresher inside has to whip out the weapon now it's picked up the upgrade lockdown placed down they have to fight it and Davies cannot defend it Reckoning time it's running so damn sure Davis makes a choice to try and fight into it this stand up that's the spike drop down out in the open attack code he's noted it's running him down what are we witnessing with only about a second left about to be detained and Tackle pulls it away what a round from takalia knives in hand helping to put pressure on those plays in dugout we'll see it on the replay Davey's perspective as he manages to spray down mazino coming in and here comes the hero of the hour tackle over the top picks off two and then with Phantom in hand ignoring the lockdown and making sure he takes out the player that is just nuts these were the rounds that lever winning yeah we are straight back into it no messing around no time wasted all about Cascade control now taken how does testing angle how does kesnet find an angle find an opening around this the way that you play Operator into this is trying to find the opening way man and there are not all the steps and stuff of course I mean plenty more angles to play for with the new Pearl changes but that is a little bit too much with him falling that's the Go Button Cove well I'm now going down on top of it King doesn't get away with it hunting for that timing that was assumingly too aware for it four versus four now it's evened it up how does the fight get taken operator they have Skye out here Seekers one still escaping Xeno Falls snag set dog the Collision Course straight to Taco Flash in his face he's blind as a bat cannot see anything at all he's falls in the Nana swarms cruising it's Sublime it's impeccable and it's overwhelming excellent stuff from crew the way that Paul B post plans play now is very different for what you will have seen during the regular season it's not just everybody leaving the site and playing utility lineups it's much more dug in playing back holes trying to Anchor and that puts a premium on snake bites on Nano swarms to clear those areas out and the combination of the vulnerable and the Nano swarms there from Davies is so good at clearing those positions and very diligent with it while the wall is up and it puts them at three to three with economy advantage fingers and a half armor what's the play here we're gonna see a brawl and a Clash intermed The Flash does connect 4-1 split towards the a side Trailblazer taking note of a lot of this Taco just pure disrespect doesn't it running right over towards the Nana swarm taking a lot of damage in return nobody's not seeing anything this is getting dangerous here and here's the difference normally mid control doesn't get converted into a sight take this time the lockdown that Mills again onto King he's unaware of King's positioning but wins and there's another one it's instinctual he's just in ridiculous form currently he's running around the map wide swinging people deleting them tackle it's not tackle of a judge and spawn yep yeah well I'm just trying to make the most of it again mezino as well of course we'll take matters at your own hands but sure you get a plant out it's a loss round here for nodsworth too many players to overcome Planet towards the back of the side but he's not gonna be able to get there in time and of course it's being watched by kesnet consistent there are just so many moments already and we're only just finishing round seven where melzer has been in a spot potentially could have got caught out but he wins the gun deal here remember the Trailblazer will come through here not found King so mouses running into a main thinking all right if there is someone there I'll take the duel against them but he's not exactly sure where they are runs out better weapon boom King's dead and we've seen that deal melzer and King very often those are the two igls trying to get the better read on each other and also King you would usually expect him to be the more impactful player currently zero and five getting knocked out by a ten and three Melton who once again Bears reminding is calling against his former team play by left not too much difference again Trailblazer goes through uh trying to clear out this time there's a reckoning laid on top it's gonna be the extra element to really clear them out I mean Lord's dug out on the back of the site and that's it can't hold his ground and stand it down this is very different this time nobody in Dugout nobody in sportswear who can try and contest but Taco just thinks something that the entirety of the site is for free it's not supported there either oh no hell a strange play code broken their advantage now going towards him but again after play for its time there's only one snake bite here they can't really play lineups difficult position to try and do so I'm actually missing as well going a bit further back this really just could be a scramble coming down to just trying to push through these smokes and making the most of it as well it's all being watched again mazino he's been cut off from all of them pushing past the high tide two players into main that's left standing so many tigers to choose from half under the fuse enough time being bored as well all grouped up crew five two three you gotta have better plans than that to beat crew on Pearl only Taco going forwards to try and contest secret there once you get the plant down once you actually get the site you need an idea of what you're going to be doing in the post fund how are you going to be playing it Taco goes forward the rest of his team goes backwards they don't have utility to be able to play lineups properly so they shouldn't be playing off-site I think Taco makes the right play but he's made to look foolish for it because he's the only one going forwards gets caught game over crew now look like they're starting to stretch themselves a little bit momentum flowing definitely on that side look at that ready for the cross it's in the wall once more to try and lurk their way deeper into link I believe it's going to meet them so it's pings out immediately probably gonna be aware of it on the defensive side I gotta say I mean how many times have we seen this from the left game plan it's always the mid-rounding into the middle of the map removing a killjoy utility but it's nothing much bite after that right it's very reminiscent of 100 thieves yeah and they were using their ultimates to be able to get onto the sites in the past couple of rounds they had shies locked down they had mezinos a reckoning but now now those tools don't exist anymore am I stuck in Groundhog Day because we're gonna get down to the final few seconds and it's going to be on the contact plays and looking for a pick and guessing it's got the read here he knows they're in b-link you know those are here not fated smoke around the corner and that's a nice one threatens that they could be walking out that's smart but they've still got to actually convert the mid map control into a split and this is where Lev have been struggling look at the they're so indecisive yeah it just showcases and the positioning the way they're moving around and again it relies on contact plays in towards the site it's literally a repeat of so many of these prior rounds which direction is it gonna go util being used to try and clear out towards the Dugout and now now you have to force the fight towards Secret in their face dashing forwards Taco he wins his time so damn short stay put and denied it the pass is not going down I was up to try to try and do it what's the blind it they push right through and you have to stick it it's the only way you win around but shy is an easy target for it six two three are on a heater this team is able to their opponents how to get into the site and put pressure on these crew players who just seem to be absorbing the aggression and then bouncing back very elastic gameplay from crew you fight them okay they take a bit of contact and then they'll Spring right back at you it really does feel like I'm going insane they take me control they see that kesnet is somewhat tucked getting away from them look at that four rounds in a row the retake's coming to fruition in some way or form the money's not looking good again the blade storm attacker could get something done with it they'd love a Thrifty Round Here so you can see the pings on the minimap right now I'll just point them out in this kind of area whoops that's uh that's a bit large but over towards Secret in this kind of spot so potentially King calling that they're going to go for the same kind of thing over towards middle Trailblazer goes out broken by Davies okay smoke committed onto the turret over to Tommy spots in there that's a pre-fire but all of this is just fake pressure bran it's the same kind of idea once more and I believe we're going to end up with a push into a careful here and those pings on the mini map I think is their idea of where they want to be fighting in the post plan through the Trailblazer re-clearings into links they know it's completely clear they're gonna be calling this now is out in the open pit timing here is so important they're gonna try and Rush him down and there it is we're moving the pit tackle he's leading the charge on the right clicks definitely doing the most of their own this looks like the best chance yet for left but they're gonna be cleared out anyway because of this lockdown giving up the space they can still keep the pit up free reign but everybody playing towards the main of the side class support flash play there's somebody else playing up off of that the turrets even getting into the mix Davey's brought down in the middle of it and two players are left standing now taco on the open hunting just down to kesnet I don't think they're gonna be offering you too much more they want this operator out of his hands but honestly the bank the money and the bankroll slow down goods what is that giving him a warm-up for the next round guess that's got 9k he could afford to throw the operator money's not really a problem is it you could offer it as a donation attacks right off and that round Levitan finally able to convert and off the back of an audible too once Davies used his lockdown they pivoted they went from a passive setup they used King's ultimate to be able to control that area and still whilst leaving the site have an opportunity to be able to get back in more easily they now have lockdown other options available themselves yeah this was the important one yeah there's the opener that really makes the difference too that pit one up and get that opening kill more like it's ending in that round win in the beginning so for left you're blinded up face in the wall tucked to the corner this is a really dangerous position he lands it anyway the opposition taken out goodbye Taco it's still close to the corner this is looking all over the place melzer he's so pushed up there's no one to help him out the cold reason drops down there's golden Trails pointing over the head of Claus say no he's close to the corner that's what the snake bite is for lockdown he has to reposition he has to move everything's fading away out of it he's still looking for kills here it's king is brought down there's really no follow-up there's no trade he's gonna be detained though is there to coverage hunting him down his last player tucked to the corner know there was a gap because that's close to it Gold's still up there sheriff in his hands he's gonna back out kind of Hit the flick and this is all over the place Trailblazer violent entertainment getting off here an accent we're over the flank into 1v1 picking up the operators next set he rips off his head the hubris dare use that against me what a round by nags as well he goes on the flank there's chaos everywhere the rest of his team is holding them back from trying to get in a fast vehicle delaying delaying delaying and next it comes around and has to win two big duels amazing play from Kessler to open things up the dash as well gets him away from the Trailblazer this is not a free kill he has to take a straight up angel again shine and then white swinging off and he gets it done so damn Sharp it was a jumble over towards the one section that previous round but final round now the first half chance for Lev to really bring this one back close to the corner there and the dog is broken you gotta suspect there's someone behind that box and they do with a spam yeah that's a major first kill Olivia Thomas struggling with those massively on the first map now they're gonna make the pivot all the way over to B they realize that kesnet isn't there with the operator that's great they can take all of this room down towards be long without having to be too worried about him on a 5v4 can they convert it would make the scoreline look so much better this has still felt like dominant from crew yeah and yet it would be a 7-5 half if Lev can win the 5v4 not bad at all or cutting it through and Away melter is out they want to try and flood defend this one push them back where they stand here there's a Cove in their face still giving a bit of breathing room for takalia could be alone here what comes down to this aim duel Kesler he's granted it three angles bringing them down smelzer claims two King and noswa love to collect this it's a two versus two out towards the smoke and still not the spike Max it miles away left of his own devices in the 1v2 spike still needs to be planted close to the corner opportunities and chances to win this with King being so low but you've got to think it's favored and with that it confirms they know his positioning shouldn't be lost now by left now they can set up crossfires swing off King's contact or at least it'd be better for norsworth to take contact here a bit of a reposition as well as king goes into spawn I mean this is perfect play by King it's just too much to watch for jump spot first one king wide face danger in the round but no they're collected together fighting them back seven or five that is respectable for Lev somehow it's grounded in the pre-show on top of it about Cruise attack side on this map of pearl they are doing things that really nobody else is doing it just sets them apart from from other teams I mean levia tan as well actually are really messing with their Viper setups I haven't seen many other teams swap the orb in the wall around you know just take a look at the way that King's got things set up it's got the orb over here towards B and then he's got the wall that goes all the way through here that's going to be applying pressure on the defensive side nobody to receive this though I mean a full one setup yeah they are just fully walking all the way in and yet they've got the right read a ton of four players on there will be enough to try and stop this here mizino immediately there with the wall instantly used in response towards tobacco Dugout they are none the wiser its crew are in trouble right now landed the shot still melzer he's alive oh is he still in the fight two kills for it maybe few more but nosworth I think it matters into his own hands trying to come with a pistol Flash no connection into the back they're not watching for it Meltzer again they could not clear him out four kills for melzer on the pistol it's been so monstrous for crew on Pearl and if Lev wanted to be able to win this map I feel like they have to take both pistols they had an amazing strategy completely red where crew wanted to go Krueger baffled that there was four players ready to meet them he had no clue The Tackle was in Dugout at all and like what's that guy doing there yeah and then melzer somehow able to stay alive Dodge it all still persevere and kill 80 of the team massive credit as well I mean gotta I could pop off about that previous round all day long but right back into this one see if they'll poke out and prod and see to their running right into another stack name again not work spotted so nags has gone for that defensive uh sorry attacking orb reposition so they've thrown nagsorb deep down B and once this orb goes down from the Defenders he'll be able to bloom his they can drop it whenever they like I mean at this point they're just facing not even using it yeah very willing to take the fight aren't they jump spot to hear it this high tide just being used to try and reposition close to the corner you call the castle you try and exit out of here now that all this gunfire is going your way gotta know the players are there that is nasty stuff from kesnet just up the traces locks onto his targets there but again there is still that danger because Spike isn't being planted in all of this and as king he's just locked into the corner Knox will stay he's ripping their heads clean off let's do it around and crew that's up to Dave he's backing away 30 seconds left licking his wounds but can you really still win this one out man there's no way spikes in the open it's 20 seconds left and he'd have to recover the spike and kill everybody on site just no chance it's just over and that's two rounds here where Leviathan really should have won them both by stacking the correct site and creating crossfires that have melted crew as they commit I thought we were going to see crew call to cancel they're able to use the fact that they had control of that entirety of belong there with their repositioned Viper all but instead they go for the contact play we've seen both of these teams try to mix things up maybe in the chaos of the situation as well you know wow I was watching it all I mean these are beautiful shots but not so you've got to give credit to them but at the same time able to just walk out no smoke in his face flash connects and those players are kind of sitting ducks there on the attack side the trouble when you use that high tide to try and cut across doesn't block off heaven so there's one hero rifle been kept thrown over to kesnet and he's now gotta try to carry this round as Libya tan I've managed to work their way back into the half and tumultuous already there may be a chance for them for jiggle shy good information gathered with that one at least two players spotted orb gained the crew game plan very different from what we just saw of Lev I mean they were putting a soul Focus to felt like on our backside rounds all towards the middle section of the map but just the extremities farming up the orbs for Crew looking towards those ultimates for later rounds and you've got to pay attention here to takealia I think he's pushed up very deep towards B if he gets overwhelmed it's a disaster for the team smoke so one way you need to try and reposition bullets firing because it's wide up into the open Taco he's lucky to get away there 145 from the sheriff very lucky to get out this is called all of the rotations over I mean look at the pack making its way to be meanwhile the attackers have still not decided exactly where they want to go but regrouping with their Igloo as a main control there's only 30 seconds here it still shouldn't be too dangerous for Lev in very shy should be able to hold on to this yeah but the shoot is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence we've seen big Thrifty rounds oh it spots it gives the timing as well as time is really going to be running short access to the side but already the rotation from left they are grouped up battled up there's a flash into the corner Davies dodging it towards the back oh well Landing the shots yeah the rifles they'll sell them through this one tumultuous players are trying to work starting inside the smoke good luck shots for it all right read of Lev heavy over rotations but no punish there and I think that that seems to be the game plan so far from Levy time we've seen three rounds and in each of them King has been calling large stacks on the defense side in the pistol they had four players on a in the Eco round they had all five of their players defending b as soon as they heard the sky utility in the Cascade and that kind of stuff and our crew are gonna take a tactical timeout Zona talks with the rest of the team oh sorry Adam talks with the rest of the team I tell you these two teams nine players coached by owner and the amount that they've been swapping players are some Lokes online could be deadly maybe the anticipation already there I'm live as well it's the Mind Games online games and a battle for latinum dominant title crew taking the mantle for the first time in a long time versus these two teams this is a fight for even more than that as well not just pride of being the best team in your region the chance to represent the region the biggest stage of the year there it is no Nuance beginning here for crew again heavy play onto the extremity of eight look at the orb funneling it into Klaus maybe that's the big one that they want to work towards as well if they get a b long angle yeah you can go over and collect the B orb too Seekers on the defensive side from noswa it's going to help with information gathering it was a flash there into a main I'm not exactly sure what the records on today these one of the big things that crew were doing excellently was giving false information to the sky on split Taco is alone there's a Cascade being used here reposition of the orb too and yet no defensive rotations just yet I like to see this as soon as the orb gets propped up towards be long as well The Seekers now connecting and collecting into a bunch of these players intermitted this gives them the information it gives Taco a bit of peace of mind as well knowing that there's not a high chance of it being that b poppy so that's the watch for it but now they're going to be hearing it many footsteps great Rumble heading all the way towards the side it's up to shy to put a stock to it so this Utah still lay it down similar positions for it off the turrets contact that popped off because separated away vulnerability as well King's there playing it to snake bites so difficult to chew through trying to get themselves in but it looks like crew are just lost there's the Cove beamed down broken down plants there stuck and planted and extension to the run but they are losing players left right and Center only two left standing it's Kesner and Davies pull off a master class and they're playing from these positions The Cove blocks off one of them that's a beautiful usage of it forced the Beamer down and no question is there there's one top top of the rifle no one actually sticking this enough damage done but well cleaned up Olivia Todd and they've evened it up both teams struggling with the same kind of thing on their attack side they get to the side and they are finding it difficult to put pressure deep into flower and deep into secret look at how much space living time have to play around here they're not getting pushed back they can still play these span angles one enemy remaining and other teams tried to save their Trailblazer so that they can go very deep on those kind of hits other teams are just happy to push through their own Harbor wall with a sky flash but there needs to be something to apply pressure to those players and stop them from setting up so that they can spam you and try and flood retake as soon as you get the plant down Leviton struggled with it on their attack side we were talking about how they couldn't convert the mid control into a side hit same thing here for crew fear is there from kesnet I mean he was fully blinded up still tanking the open angles here doubled up as a highlight setup I believe Taco with the art is holding slightly further back and I was taking the contact of it Flash in his face Taco has to get out of there postured and pushed off the angle once more but the stacker really want to never go with it it's all broken and now they know where the operator is timing that's what he was watching it oh NASA see anything it doesn't really matter because they know that the attackers have control of the middle of the map it's nags at that I'm looking at here with his orb just able to control this area of the map and try and deny information away from levia tan and maybe even work a pick what's the goal maybe moving into it they got off these love players put his wall up so that the players can creep up b-link and it's King getting info on the other side back to back these two vipers are 30 seconds left time once more the fuse running short burning to a crisp Dash into the smoke cuts it up enough of it across her placement it is messy it's a one for one still into the back of the sides mezino striking forwards here with the rifle he can't quite claim the easiest kill but there we go time still running low 10 seconds remaining the spike needs to get planted it's dropped in the middle of nowhere down to just Davies everybody cleaned up onto the site it's picking up the pieces maybe out dude that damage to the economy maybe get a rifle as well and get out of there the rifle's huge Davies didn't want to survive with only a sheriff at that point so we'll find clever your tank kindly for the donation this is it's getting messy between these two teams yeah crew can't quite figure out how to break the defense very similar kind of setups that we saw on the other side of things but also the Lev players aside from that really nice shot looking a bit shaky King with the Crouch spray and remember the way that Leviathan are playing they're quite deep in the sights they're holding back and they're looking to try and spam and then get set up for a retake if you use a post plan Reckoning those players are going to be in much more comfortable spots when they try and get the retake off these are the kind of things they'll be going through each coach is mine and the players has left look like they actually want to try and post up a little aggressive on the defense side oh it's King going for an ALT in mid crew have been playing around there a lot but the trio that takes map control is currently in a main jump spot oh close very close tackle what's getting away with it crew do not want any of this pit yeah no part of it and the rotation can't be heard by anybody on Levitan it's takalia with an OP though again another chance so really do some damage not spot tackle too sure he's gonna go for it no way Cascade is there that is he shuts it down no chance for celebration here's the Reckoning slap that one down onto the side here mezino backing away and here it is we're talking about it prior he's got it in his back pocket is it a flood attempt to try and get back in covers down those spam into it stuns it's rattling pushed up onto them here melter and he has to stand his ground to torch away from the there all stood up yet still they get the kill onto shy you have to try and punish that of course they were locked up into that position now three players left standing to live what can they do slapping cleared out the back of Halls melter he just blinded up but the movement dodging to the side players are dropping like flies one shot there flick and reactions Cove in his face though a time it has to be played King half of the fuse backing away lands it but it mattered most what a retake from levia time I thought it had all gone wrong when Shai had to dash in and try and follow up on the Reckoning without any of the help of the rest of his team at that point crew looked like they were in position to be able to hold on and yet no the third retake from Leviathan so far in this map started up in a player Advantage situation by attacker with this lovely shot but responded instantly and eventually friend I think one of the biggest issues from Crusaders and attacking team is that they didn't save the Reckoning and wanted them to try and use it post-blance and instead they used it to get onto the site they'd already taken down tackle they'd had that trade and they needed to stop the retake from coming through yeah they used it a little too early they gave mezino a chance to respond and left flooded back you said it that was probably the Turning Point here momentum now for Lovington and they have responded beautifully after going down 13-5 in map one a bo5 it's all about can you rebound after big hits like that the fact that they bounce back here on pull with signs honestly okay wow how can I learn that one slip is he Tara taking the contact but he's instantaneous put their shorts and it's not just a read of what nags has been doing pushed up close to the screen's position yeah really well done and look at how confident Taco is without any support of utility to just instantly go back into a main and hold the up angle he went for a pickup immediately regains map control for his team and information which is going to allow them to stack B and stop this hit from coming through from crew I tied propped up you can see the worry don't flash a back pocket of Klaus right there their flash does confirm a lot of players waiting behind it one and done position from Xena there's a smoke as well there isn't really a trade attempt but no they all push it together wading through the high tide is Flawless everybody alive I'm just thinking back to that prior round one earlier the one that really made the difference now because it's be a ton leading to 11. never going around on the horizon but craft beer it's getting away from crew isn't it it is this is another opportunity for them though to try and battle back this is six rounds in a row that Lev have one on the defense side crew that only got the pistol and it was immediately taken away from them but you're looking at the ultimate so they can get up one all the way from the lockdown of the Viper's pit on the attack side that's massive everybody grouped up so the flash didn't connect so Klaus doesn't use the Trailblazer he realizes there's nobody pushed up deep or acquired for Davies that gives them lockdown to be able to take sights look at a steep push in mid Lev are fully aware they have got deep flanks in every single crevice of the map the question is given is it going to be able to work once nags gets his pit down I don't think there's any way to stop him from getting the plant in the Cove there's this updraft Dash forwards like he wanted to try and disrespected it's a dog and shutting it down and Davies is desperate the desperate might just do it two versus two that's what it's come down to into the pit and that's it still alive spike is planted but he is surrounded as you hear the footsteps no it's slow going mizino he was creeping up behind and Max it was not ready for it there's the 12th round locked up claimed up Olivia tan fully in the driving seat now for map number two the flank that you mentioned Brent does end up providing the final dagger in the heart potentially for crew but takalia I mean we were talking and hyping up the Battle of these two jet players the desk saying you don't get a better opportunity to look at the head-to-heads and the form then here where there's a mirror match planted and taco delivers double up just to be able to pick off one and then a right click despite Davey's best efforts I think at that point the damage has been done oh yeah what a moment to come alive what a Resurgence in the final hour Levy a time with seven straight on a map there was at the top of their pool during the regular season but crew looked amazing at it too well out of it yet are they Dash is now active because they want to try and take the fight straight to them but yeah that's across her placement not sure distracted to keep his eyes locked on to kesnet but I'll set him up favorably foreign looking yeah I mean of course after a run of rounds and they get up to the final hurdle War Fades though hideous betraying him left it's three versus three the Reckoning is online and they're gonna use it to clear out this site that's gonna give them an indicator it's Davey's in Maine he's gonna do so much more but it's a war in his face it is the last one look that's the map it's secured it's locked up four and around the mazino 13-8 [Applause] yeah set up for this opening defensive pistol is this gonna be some kind of tiles crunch play Brewers selling their sights towards it I mean look at the positioning here they're preeming if they have a high low setup no it's just slow walk out and yeah no noise made all eyes on the top section of mid hoping for a jump spot anybody that they can pick off but they have complete control of mid they are absolutely hoping that that was going to be an a exec from crew so that they could take top mid controls and funnel people into the Killjoy another fell and they'd give up access to the site what it does mean is that they can fast flank around now they break the turret they obfuscate and still contact that are really not giving anything away in terms of how many players are playing towards the main in this is an important fight to win out paranoia is excellent it's on the back side of that one still maxette is being squeezed close to the corner he will fall that's the beauty of it when you take that mid control and down Davies I think it matters into his own hands a lot of damage off of that shot and players our week they are low maybe it can be winnable still two versus two towards the back of it and that's what there's the one and cleaned up in the end here pissed around the left huge pistol round that mostly comes down to the fight in B main are you talking about it malzah managed to save his paranoia they realized there was nobody on B and he uses it to try and keep those players alive instead they just couldn't hold on for long enough they've had the pinch coming through one player towards spawn one player Market I've seen that come and be made DRX they did that a long time ago on on ascent and actually DRX Leviathan two of the most Innovative teams on Ascent both of which have started to fall off in recent times and are looking to rejuvenate their playbook and find that old form a lot of it I think is going to be based here on where the crew can get the read on what's happening but I've never seen that pistol strap before from Lev so clearly cooking up at least a couple of new ideas a good idea I'll have to see how deep it goes early night hangs onto multiple targets so and that zero point the king just threw that's one to keep an eye on because I don't think crew are the kind of team to frequently go for fast a hits we see them all the time doing one one three setups I was talking about this at the beginning so was Sean where they have nagsette watching over towards B main they have melzer watching another part of the map and then the other three players taking control yeah Taco there it is and so this is more what you're expected to see from crew is then prodding and looking for picks that they can use later on of course the Weaponry looking way too small here but you might end up seeing Levitan saving their utility and that's a great Smoke by melzer yeah he has learned himself into the four position in mid unfortunately unable to capitalize he was making sure the moles couldn't see it tag I'll be spawning out these players here but again basic game plan here for crew follow the extremities build up the old spam of the orbs you can get any picks but it is healthy for love we play as roots up the time running this short says worrying you've gifted a rifle over was that a guardian it needs to be containment classic shots fired there is that damage being done it was getting to the point where I was almost thinking they should just let him live but yeah but at the same time 15 seconds left he actually could have got the plan down on a in that situation yeah and take a look you were talking about farming up the old Toms Davies is only two away from having his null command online an extraordinary ultimate to have for any attacking team on ascent and that's partly because he's been getting the old tops up because he got that killer mazino and dies this is gonna be a large tool for them if they can survive this anti-bonus round which they weakened fairly considerably here Levitan do not have too much going forward hot flash play over the top make some second think any aggression into mid but look at crew already teeth right down the middle clean up the alarm box another flash to re-clear into Market attacker was playing Auntie not able to get a Kill it's a very different defensive setup from Leviton they weren't running this throughout the season King goes for a peek but it's a double catwalk setup a bit of a trap over here kill to give over and meanwhile all this time right they know that crew are going to be running one three ones where you have a player super far back I had this place really far away melzer all the way back here and in the meantime the turret is just controlling and giving information all throughout a main so this turret is getting massive value for Shai it means he never has to worry about that and can focus purely on cat an angel backup hunting for a flash again has to dodge it paranoia dashing across that is perfect play and well not to attracts to join the site exactly right behind them enemy behind Airlines but no brought down left up to two and across the weaker guns crew 30 seconds left slow methodical play from them Hazel Spike planted for round for it and crew are the kind of team that are very good at being able to uh mold their plan on the Fly they don't tend to come into a round with too many set ideas they're extremely default heavy what that means is even when they see a setup like this from Levy attendant Lev have not been running very much before there's not much broad footage of them King playing mid ready to flash through a smoke or anything like that with shy playing over towards hey they just don't run this defensive setup very often but they're still able to find ways around it crew where they're calling now this is one of the few rounds where you might see a fast Talk of the null command and yet still not going for it only three players in a man all three chord by the zero point yeah disrespecting it maybe the goal of this is to pull players and rotations over they're timed potato that's taco adsing but they double face it in the end and Messina will pay for his life one for one there it's not too bad whoa baits out a peek from shy who just manages to get away very dangerous that's exactly what next and melzer are looking for and trying to prompt out trying to punish here's where crew like to group up about a minute on the clock and go for execs this is going to be a 4v4 where you could easily see them just ripping off the null command and sending this one in yeah there'll be no Recon darts combo shine might be able to get away with taking a fight at his very good reaction times you knew that Noel command was coming through the dinosaurs taking a fight just onto the ledge only the one bringing down Davey's flashed up beautiful supportive utility might have even just been King Zone flash I'm not even too short papers just dropped down to his knees Spike planted I think Navy's they have just got that one off but yeah you're right both Kayla is using a flash there but somebody's found value and taco and King are gonna make a very difficult decision of saving this one and I was wondering in the setup to all of this round as well you know we mentioned Dave he's built up that no command really early I was wondering if Shai was gonna adjust the setup a little bit maybe playing offside for the hit to come through but he tanked it and at that point there's really no help in you you are alone on an island but at the same time the fact that Klaus had gone down meant that he didn't have to worry about the Recon doubt it's much easier to try and anchor and take a fight in that spot especially if your reaction times are good enough to pop both the Nana swarms yeah as the null commands coming through anyway which he pointed out he he did manage so you don't necessarily have to play full retake in those situations again especially when you know the crew are not a big five-man rush kind of team will they keep the guns intact yep so early decent signs and a difficult decision for the economy here for Olivia time been attempting it a lot it's where it gets tough though I have on a defensive side they have three rifles maybe not second guessing themselves of whether they want to buy up into this one because they do exactly as nice but instead opting to save for the next but the danger zone here is you give up another rounds a crew they're up on three they can start building towards these ultimates very close to it it's not draft play and this is a much more standard setup from Leviathan having King and mezino anchoring over towards a taco free-floating around the map looking to see if he can force some duels I believe sailing over that's going to clear wine and close yeah so they know there's a flash play up into the clouds thinking about it jump spot Messina's been playing there a lot King close to the corner the other nade has to worry about his back to no keeping it up yep there is space there so pick up the orb and klauses for the Hunter's Fury online now the question is what do you go for you know kezna didn't end up burning his Dash in that situation it wasn't a full attempt at an a-hit that got stifled they were just prodding it out and seeing if they could bait out defensive utility they didn't get the paranoia out of mezino no nade forced out from King he's not a particularly successful pump fake but there's still 40 seconds left yeah a lot of this could come down to whether macino gets killed breaks the top but he's paranoid that's the reposition as well smokes hiding everything but deep into the sides cousin it hurry cut off away from the rest of his team door needs to be closed now but ripped up no players have left falling boys potential for this to really go wrong now for crew Hunter's Fury is coming late as the hits coming through dark lighting them up the utilities this jury might just be better rightful though and Hans a king is leading the charge for his team the igl really taking names hopping over towards Jenny shy just dodging it spotting it out to three two one face I love that discipline the bag set Left Alive it's a 1v2 for him a jump spot doesn't know if he's sticking it and that is played to Perfection almost really love that from left Duo there of King and shy masterfully playing with the player in Hell baiting peeks out of them making them very uncomfortable and that little skip over the top from China to generator like you said just completely ruins them the whole retake too had takolia dashing forwards from Heaven I mean look how aggressive Taco is off the back of the Recon dog you don't very often see a mid-air Hunters Yuri kill onto a jet well that's a great retake we don't quite know what to expect from these two teams in terms of anticipated score lines last time crew played on this map they got smacked around but I haven't been Banning it and that's a massive round to win put it into perspective of the economy once more it's brought them right back into it turret catching the contact close to the corner spam it forces nag said he's got a swing wide out of danger the reaction is quick though through mid because it's going to try and take advantage of the fact that levia trying to fight never be made to get very very deep things will work yes but it's pulled him away from catwalk and now there's an opening there this beautiful crew are finding all the gaps in terms of that defensive protocol it's up to King and the raw Angel nade out top to the floor no angle to watch for pop flash played does he really want to try and take this fight he blinded up the two of them and up long enough to be favored for it close hugging the corner kesnet still there Dash to disengage shy does he want another go with it try and take the fight TP it is tumultuous it is chaotic it's right clicks right into his face just in time no command ripping forwards trying to take away the bladestone from him facing with the fight how's he got that there's no lack of confidence he wants to take a straight to him but he's low Spike drop down 35 seconds left which direction does he want to go into it's a 1v2 backing away [Music] his position is noted it's spotted already he's got two players hot on the tail and they are very healthy attack an attempt to force one more Dash still active as well he's earned that one prior from The Kills he gets the plant down but as he tries to take the fight King it's so damn calm and consistent and that's a frontier ground on both sides but many questions being posed there by crew I think the reactive plate on Mid is excellent from Kesner he gets so deep there and King is in a spot where he's got everything to do he's got to worry about Kesner flanking him from behind he's got to stop the cat push from coming through he's got to make sure he doesn't get overwhelmed why he's using his Molly and his flash but he takes the right risks at the right time and three out of four out of their rounds of retakes something that was fantastic for them over towards Pearl I mean they were almost Immaculate on that I think they won five out of six of their retakes oh the Bible just need to be found here for crew but be hard-pressed to do so even the odds they've got let's move use a lockdown to try and clear out the sides but an exit is on the section to where all the crew are grouped up and even if he did use it there's plenty of tools left for Lev to try and use as well just to get rid of it now it's another swap up and I'm looking at not over this Hunter's Fury he's gonna have a great line to try and put a lot of pressure on these guys if they decide here it comes that's a rip all the way through up trap Kismet avoiding it the bursts now firing off but really no indicator of where they are it was an attempt of a trap play off of Shai's alarm bot that was the whole purpose of it but it was broken so early they didn't know what time is the take with it and instead it's shy that takes a ton of damage and he's got to stay alive here the retake is going to rely on his lockdown massively giving up control of mid damage right through the walls while the wall back else that goes forward and certainly I mean just like that the defense he's won against one HP Kismet bro he's cut off the bottom section of his screen doesn't care how much health he has I mean he's willing to take these fights now mazino the tped into the back of the side so much more to do in that scenario committing the ultimate to shore it up but leaves it up to shy is this kesnet just in full Carry mode oh yeah feels like it he's to take the duel and it's the two big star players for either team it's not necessarily tackle fighting against kesnet but it was kesnet there taking the duel against king king stood at switch trying to shut down the star entry player of crew a player that he could have potentially had at the beginning of the Season playing on his team a one-two puncher would have been nuts to watch but Levitan decided to go in a different direction in the off season and then kiznit manages to take down tagalia finally brought down that one HP reduced to zero but it's level of feeling the hurt it's so tough to tell how many rounds crew actually need here on the attack side for us to consider it a good heart already they're winning in terms of the gun rounds half of theirs coming off the pistol in the follow-up but what remaining what's a good score line here for most teams we would talk about like a five seven half being good on attack but we just there's so many unknowns on this end I don't know what to expect on break for these teams I mean you can go by the Numbers the averages but yeah it feels difficult to try and apply those labels to both of these teams unless we're just pre-aiming expecting there to be a dark landed to zero point so he gets tacked up their attack on our with the dash it's activated he's close to the corner here real danger of this one there it is flash play fires repositions close to the wall here he needs to be bailed out smoke waiting for the bullets three positions even closer here well well yeah that's King he's hoping to try and take a fight as well to try and help him Escape but he ends up paying for it isn't that always the way your teammate gets in danger you die trying to bail him out number pop flash play reactions are good and clean but there it is the Phantom spam masino it's quick on it pushing all the way through trying to take the fight to him and again it's left up to shy scored it on the tail and the magset there's one kill but still two players remaining where Shang is just get government information but this may give shy to what we want and what does that play for melzer oh my in case that whips the shot still it's shy wants to take the fight right to him no messing around no funny bits there's no Nuance for it show me where to go granted Kesner another chance to close them of course he does four to four too close though yeah almost being able to pull it away but this entire round was about trying to bail out they knew that takali was playing in close mid they combo a flash Recon on the Fly you can see the pings as they audibly call for that fight to happen and it kind of Drew in everybody else from Olivia time to try and bail them out [Music] and that's not levitan's economy down as we head into this round they're looking to try and make something happen with tackle pushing out with the guardian and mazino looking to take fights it's smacks of desperation though the way that lever's starting to play this half all the shots missing hot flash play through the middle of the smoke they're playing Auntie is a paranoia it's nice used but a little bit too late there still damage is being done to these players the intermittent there's the follow-up it's not really there it's non-existent Taco open and hunting for a head but nah they're all looking to try and fight mid from many different angles swinging on camera swinging from Market it does feel desperate but also credit to crew they're not getting caught out by this they're being they're becoming defined as a team that neutralizes your aggression yeah Spike plans and usually that's coming from their players on the extremity that's that's coming from you know an AG set or a Davies when he's playing The Sentinel something like that but instead here it's the it's the three players that are looking to try and take map control that are hold of the angles and making sure that Lev don't get away with anything these swings on catwalk might catch off a less ready team but crew look right here prepared for everything and happy to just slow the round down when they're getting pressured who is this crew I mean the courage in the regular season would have been trying to react quickly pop into places guessing it flying off into the distance leaving the rest of his team back I mean if they're able to pull this off and there's still a while to go this beer finds a bit of a marathon and it's winnable for either Squad but I think it was Sean that said it on the desk this morning it could be the greatest Redemption run of all time a team going zero and nine in the regular season and then winning lcq the book their spot at Champs that's unheard of it's unheard of yeah you would it's not that you couldn't write it you wouldn't write it because no one would believe that no one's buying that one here we stand on a fight over a main control here from left normally a bit more passive with the approach but without disrespecting it crew already running grouping up now outside of B because it's online of course they have a lockdown so they're shy and and the pressure over towards a right has just kept these three players over on this side of the map unable to really do too much now they're gonna start to rotate as the Drone comes through but it could be a little too late not time for a lockdown though the results to clear this Hunter's fury it's gonna be utilized I'm gonna clear that one up so I have to respect the space don't forget to bring the opposite side of it though but they will just use the guns rifles spamming down that angle melzer he's the first to fall they finally get themselves into it anything to try and stop plays from flooding in there's close-up positions plan it's time to get off no smoke for spawn you've got to be careful the positioning though is quite nice here and Davies is gonna make sure that there is no retaking utility yeah no recontact no flashes no paranoia everybody has all of their utility left can't use a thing oh damn hard the timing on that old it's really quite precise it's beautiful stuff and now finally is it phase paranoia there's the Go Button being pressed left barreling forward pushing forwards they still need to deal with plows close to the corner he needs to play his life here the longer he lives the better it is and he's playing the second one why not Davies versus King Battle of them time it's Ram Too Short King realizes it he cannot win the round gonna go out and save the rifle crew that's beautiful stuff and while we had questions about how many rounds was a good half by crew at this point I think we can say they are running away with it Klaus wants more bread a is twelve and seven you're fired him out and he's he's so good for it he's in B maimed getting pressured by everybody with a Recon Dart wondering whether or not he should be trying to take fights or what he should be going for and he's just taking the nicest little piece catches tackle there and once they realize he's there spamming through a small amount thinks about Recon darling goes for the wine tweet instead it takes them so long to root him out of that spot that they're much weaker on the attempt getting into the cycle pressure in the rest of his team beautiful stuff from a player that yeah he's had that Resurgence rejuvenation and deeper and deeper and here it is the final hurdle of lcq catfish no longer yeah looking like a shark out there yeah certainly left not gonna be coming into this one with any semblance of physical stroke like a different team taco jumping wide with the knives but it's Kesner who brings him down with that pick they don't rush into things crew happy to temper it once more backing away the spike they need information so King flashes out into catwalk but that also tells crew which areas of the map they're worried about and once you see nothing there you expect King to retreat and they just contact forwards yeah it's a masterful read we're seeing excellent calling out here and importantly risks being taken the right risks it is a risk to walk 30 seconds left you have to be sure that your read is correct the space is given up matino kind of weaving and out the smoke that he plays prior but only the one King such a wide swing melzer spots it does he seek to try and take the fight alone no he waits for his team as well settling themselves here deep dark on the back no one actually dealing with this one but shy God Almighty he's the one who falls I'll snacks it right through the wall yeah I mean he's lit up by the the Drone there's nothing he can do about that I'm forced to save and there's two rounds left whittled it down just one and a half and crew tremendous lead 37-4 and while we have seen newer things from Levitan in these last few rounds I think the last four they've just Fallen back to their classic defensive hold we haven't seen them trying to get aggressive we haven't really seen them mix things up putting this over towards hey putting shy there they're just trying to make their classic sell at work and who are reading them completely every piece of noise on the defensive side has a response oh it's an indicator right and they're just jumping on it and crew are playing in such a classic like n a style I know that sounds a bit silly as a latam team but the North American teams forever have been just pugging just I don't mean that in a derogatory sense I mean that they're just running a default and then Audible and trying to make the right reaction based on information adaptability and it's so adaptable so good Mel's has got the right lead every time just based off info play yeah deep oh that's a punish into the smoke Billy is match the Hunter's Fury is supposed to be the extra piece onto that but there's really nothing else more I mean one tag onto it actually a kill to Davies King facing them this has turned into an absolute scramble king with a solo push rewarded with two and here's the response here's the reaction canceled Messina was thinking about getting deep onto B and realized he didn't have the time didn't want to try and fight a 1v2 on site and leave his team to play the rest of the round potentially alone they'll take risks here it's a two versus three the no command's already let loose and let rip no abilities inside nice set what position do you take on favor with that fight ton of damage also back at a sight they go they realize it's probably the only chance they've got but some time it's Relentless in terms of the pressure the util is being flown their way flash over the top there it is gliding all over the place a fifth round on the board took everything to get there [Applause] a set play that really didn't work Crews still had the right read and yet love muscle past them they either need to have amazing strats cooked up or win these big ones the pistol the bonus snowball at the advantages getting it forwards comes down to this look at this stack just looking to play a retake essentially once the kill Pro utility gets burned and it's played as well just to give up the side entirely Nana swarms front section of Jenny in the switch hoping for an easy kill even the alarm but as well committed this might actually do some damage now it's broken both teams holding on to their utility mazino still hasn't used this paranoia King still has a flash on the other side of things you've got Recon you've got paranoia still so this is going to be a big retake and look at shy he's miles away from this he's going to be on a very late re-push up through catwalk This is probably gonna happen after these guys from who have already committed yeah it's going to come down to this push and pull which team gets the most out of their utility paranoia sent flying over the dart eventually dealt with the backstab of shy does collect and does claim a kill Davies they're wondering where is the opposition to go in any sort of Direction and leaves it into the 1v2 shy still healthy low enough there's the shot that lands were close it's quick with it three kills on either side but he does win out his and both teams looking really good there in terms of how they were trying to fend people off the timing excellent from shy with the backstab but overwhelming utility and Heaven control from crew there was a setup there for levia time to try and Flash and peek into heaven and disrupt all of this this is the play and what is that yeah on the jump up spot that's incredible awareness from kesnet because he knows the only reason to flash Heaven is if the jet is going to try and push and they he knows the only way they're gonna do that is on the jump up box that's the play That's The Kill that in my opinion wins through that retake and it's a ridiculous one the pistol round was so damn important leading into the A5 and we've been saying this all series long but it feels like the other team immediately wins the Eco that's very true enough to lose of it so but crucially you know the other teams were able to win the epoch because of like large stacks on a certain site something like that lead can't really goes for that kind of play they're playing the attack side here even if they group up crew are gonna have ways of holding them off yeah so we need to see I mean share of headshots essentially right that's the win condition for Lev if they want to get back into this one early Carmen core Strat yes spawning on the play stuff yeah and it's going to come down to the left players the dart as well because an important to respect it no space gain though in mid nobody really wants to vacuum it up on the leather pack side ripping up looking for the bee splits how's that mid control see if they can deal with this turret there it is finally gone deep shot start going close to the corner it's our week hasn't it just need to be careful here because they have lost control of that mid you can see him slightly aware of it 20 seconds left in the round coming down to it time starting to really burn down you don't want to be saving these guns if you are low if you've got to make a go of things you got to try and push forwards well why not with the time pressure comes the mistakes but still it's all onto this can they try and get this planned on for in seconds left no it was noticeable with it not winnable [Applause] unfortunate scenes for levia Thunder because they did everything else beautifully the contact play into B I mean I was reminded of what coach atom said during that coach interview where he said we gave them too much space on Pearl referring to Olivia time we gave levithan too much space and part of that was how they were playing on the defense side but also here you know sat really deep in sight allowing Lev to walk in on B and only the time helping crew in that kind of spot yeah ended up in a little bit too much from Carmen core there so this guy in round 15 has nothing going for it on the cruise side all of that damage done in round 14 leaves them with a single bulldog and lever's still going to invest the lockdown that's a massive amount of respect yeah there's other side melzer Taco oh Damage Done he doesn't win his fight out two players detained though is it gonna be an attempt up on this can't stick close to the corner let's make sure to try and defend his teammates this really is anyone's game dropping the gun Damon's eventually going to be fading away three versus three still rifles and a hands Xeno and shy messino taking a fight into them up close on to Heaven that's a dangerous play to go for when you're in a 3v3 with better rifles yeah but he makes it work I've handed over the guns though it's still crew could turn this I don't really have the utility to get into this they have a paranoia mezino's ready to hold it he's waiting for any noise not ready yet there it is ripping across the site there's the one obviously the follow-up yeah mazino watching onto heaven dealing with it melter be happy to do some damage happy to take the guns away but no shut down in the end so respect showcase could have gone a little bit wrong there but no love win that round and a big one for mazino I was asking another player to step up alongside King in the first half on on Pearl when they were able to mount that level of comeback I feel like it was mezino having those big moments he's a player that got exchanged in the offseason from one team to another Messina was always the second best player on crew behind kesnet he has to show it here in this game they're gonna head into a rifle round he's got his arm and all I've seen some wild strategies with his ultimate but he just plays things slow and cautious oh fake of the TP trying to beat the shots maybe as well close to the corner that is kesnet so you're gonna fight into mids lots of opportunities these kills to flow one way or another that's it don't expect that one kills Ray player to be cutting it up close into the corner and to be main this is crew really setting themselves up now for that tenth round of this fade it's all about the time he's taken inside of it another one blooms and Blossoms vizino holding the paranoia I mean he's waiting for it some sort of signal there it is for the rest of his team trying to move forward with melter inside the smoke holding it counter paranoia swinging wide everybody stunted and stopped in their tracks the King was one player Left Alive with the spike 45 seconds it would have to be 135 just not probable just not likely it's a double face it's gonna be meeting him here yeah easily one with the gun duels easy being the important word there I think Levitan making it far too simple for crew to dismantle them I mean in terms of the positioning that these players are dying look how much look how aggressive shy is in this spot just completely alone and then how aggressive masino is completely alone as well and the other three players are playing around with me nosworth isn't really assisting as taco and King push-up D only two players there get caught taking a jet Head to Head you know shy and mazino are not controlling the outsides of the map in the same way that crew are they're trying to actually get aggressive and see if they can make something happen and when those individuals get stopped they really don't have a great way of responding so we've been picking up that old top it makes me think whether or not he's gonna make the large wrap around all the way back to a main and that's an area that shines currently controlling maybe the idea is to get the null command online for this round for a drone if their plan is to cross over its way going through mid with no smokes up is dangerous very dangerous quite exposed anyway despite that utility down to a minute left they made it too obvious now look what Elsa is tucked in and again look mazino is just on his own trying to take map control here and it's very dangerous if Nelson Davies try any kind of re-clear situation they might catch the omenon attack because net the spike is over towards B at the same time here this is a strange play but mazino's got his all he's going to be able to TP on B and up the rest of the team I mean they're going to attempt of a fake as well you gotta win these fights though mizino he's so damn low he can't die it's not in time then they close them out 25 seconds left Spike making his way towards B but have anchored it towards the back of the site now it's melder a nag set together side by side willing to put a stop to this one shy drops it down the spike out in the open this comes down to this it's Anarchy it's Carnage it's individual fights the final few seconds and King's not in position not at all to try and win it out has to save the gun wants more and crew flooring their way once more to another map win and not only does he have to save but gets picked off in the end devastating situation for the igl41 to be in forced to play on the map that they've been Banning recently and running an elaborate fake that was overcooked to be honest the thing is when Taco isn't having success entering on a real sight tank you can't actually run those kind of fakes very well because the Defenders just aren't going to give you the the time of day they're not going to respect it King's built up this ultimate but look at the Silver Lining to see if there is a wafer I have to get just a one round at a time mag's also sitting on a big ultimate of his own though he's locked down on a play could be looking this is just fast beat really the turning point and yeah it will be the fast B play now when King's in this spot he normally just throws tons of utility into Lane for taco to entry on the knife Odin spam into the corner he knows the sidelines he knows the lineups but there's danger there could be punished start tagging them up there's gonna be the race all the way up King's back into the fight but again Klaus still kicking with the Odin spamming away 22 bullets left but still just enough to evaporate and turn left into absolutions mean it's a blood bomb towards the side Nowhere to Run nowhere to hide close hopping around looking like he wants to get more kills but he still has to reload the Odin watching his back throughout all of that too making sure he couldn't get punished and puts things in an impossible situation for taco and noswell they got 45 Health between them not enough is it especially with them groups all the way up playing it together safety in numbers happy to give nosworth free access to the a site as soon as the plan goes down it'll be the indicator and just player of the map so far for me is Klaus he's just had so many of these routes where he's controlled the outcome of of what was happening completely also realizing he has to try and take an early fight but Atara oh boy and if that isn't the story of ascent match point I don't know what is yeah Alice deaths just needs to be breaking down that one around slow motion replay it stretch it out to about two minutes now this one's been devastating but I think clouds is heads up play here I mean the Odin pickup is magnificent for any sort of fast pushes yep you try and run it down with a bell commands you're gonna get feed down and this is the kind of setup where I would be expecting usually they didn't even realize that they got the Killer there so coming into this crew up towards map point to the side is crew you just need the one more again still with the alts in the back pocket it's LED pushed to the brink here Guardians purchase and taco once the leader for his team great opener can you capitalize can you turn it into anything else Dash forwards into it paranoia cutting close that is a hunter's Fury it forces him into an updraft right out into the open why why that's amazing coordination and communication for Klaus to set that up what an incredible call xenos creeping and crawl onto the side trying to make something a bit nozzle why not let it rip son I'm gonna try and find a pick but there are no targets there shots going so damn wide here two players trying to make the most not hiding the noise here shy still is walking there's one AG set two versus three now grouped up together but brought down with just a guardian 30 seconds left I'm just saying goodbye to the dreams of trying to win out this map instantaneous is the trade crew just Sublime is going to begin with an enormous crash towards rubble and the team that ends up winning these has such an advantage in the mental game the map control game heading later absolute brawl and Skirmish that's going to be taking place the horn has taken care of but they still are not backing away from it they want to fight behind the wall close to the corners util declared them out snake bite easy task to withstand all of that but just a one for one and everybody backs away let's pretend it didn't happen they're wondering if King is going to take something aggressive on the other side of the map he's normally pretty active when he's on his own like this and now the crew realizes he's not walking into beat they're trying to re-swarm on them no utility and used to straight up taking the fights but he didn't the match honestly shy sheriff in his hands short work chewing them up three versus two now and crew are the ones who are left really scrambling on a bit of a gamble wondering where they might land the two killjoy players are going to be players to watch here on Lotus Davies has been so excellent since committing to The Sentinel instead of being a flex for the team and shy with sheriff in hand can occasionally just pull magic out of nowhere a ping on the door there surely they don't want to open this and go towards C just being cautious of it perhaps yeah waiting but still making no noise it's up as three they can take the better trades 30 seconds left space and there's a deep flank on deep flanks they hear it it shines turret still active from this range yeah there it is it's going to spot him and Max said the Davies have gone round the world here and they've given away at least one of their positionings now for Levy of time you can't be confident they're both here so King Taco still have to look the other ways it's time to shy shine out beautiful damage definitely chugging him down and it gives his team the information 1v2 for Davies you play this one time on your side if you are Olivia time babies half on the diffused but already creeping closer to defeat there's King right over the shoulder pissed around the win for Lev major for them and also in terms of that fight over towards Rubble I mean mazino was hiding inside the Viper wall to dodge Guiding Light that came through and then ends up teaming away both teams are just desperate to fight two nailed for this area of demand and often whoever wins whichever team gets the dominance in that kind of area and ends up winning these duels which we're gonna see one again they need to decide you've got to use the TP to evacuate and get out of there Spike dropped to the floor so at the moment it's kind of let me attack having to give up that space right they're giving uh credit the crew a bit of respect to crew and allowing them to own that area that can sometimes condition Lev into playing passively or focusing on Mound in the future rounds [Music] it's gonna be the impetus to hit the site though as soon as Davey's pushed away just being Farms really trying to min max this one but it's going to be an attempt to try and re-fight smoke drops off as well Cuts away one of the long-term angles mazino goes to the corner doesn't have the gun but a job shy that is beautiful with a transfer bike plan and that's such an incredible player to be in position to help mazino because now Shy's got up to his lockdown they're gonna have this they're coming to a bonus round with and for Lev they couldn't ask for anything better shy going nutty on the pistol and then also farming orbs and getting a couple of kills there towards the end put a rifle in his hand he's creating magic and he's got an ultimate that you can definitely build a game plan around here it's a massive one look at that Excellency that's what the doctor ordered yeah and I I have been impressed with Olivia Tanner how they're able to bounce back from getting outclassed in some of these Maps you know opening they go down 13-5 Ascent they lose 13-6 and yet they're still bringing it afterwards satchels avoiding all of that util over the top though there's a TP and they see none the wiser melter is there is finally up from his teammate is happy to apply shy is so out in the open now locked down to the Empire no chance in hell he's gonna be able to use it oh he's watching from The Spectator seat and when crew a dominating Rubble This is Gonna Change the Way That Lev have to approach things lockdown here that their opportunity to build some kind of round that focuses around that ultimate that they got online so early torn away from them no chance they're going to have to start respecting the crew have good ideas on Rubble control they're seeking to re-clear this one to be half Autumn snake bite does it land towards the back does melter gets hacked but he does has to drop down back to the corner there's one isolating the fight sound Davies okay cleans it up towards the end but not without the difficulties and casualties only two players surviving for crew thank you this is really going to put a different feel to things I can't believe nobody checks from Elsa here this is like one of the most common plays to go for as a defending Omen it's teleporting up top and in the chaos of all of the other utility being thrown having to dodge you know nade and potentially seizes our haunts along with other utility that's been thrown in apologies uh having to dodge the nade combined with the flashes it's a difficult one this time yeah 11 gonna be granting full respect over towards that Rubble control he didn't want to mess with Kismet when he's earned that show stopper full control but look how fast he is on the rotation he's already through the spawn masino has just walked in I believe it spotted him yeah he knows the cross was there yet still the fight gets one out and the lockdown should push them all the way back what a flick beautiful for the reactions once more Davis does respond bringing him down nice trade but he's gonna be detained need some help players hot on his heels seeking to try and bring him down though to give up the space they realize it risky to try and approach it at least they are granted the plant usually Commit This one that's close to the corner King is caught out and they're sided but he does at the back of the rest of his team snake bites there shy doing a wonderful job of trying to stop them out towards waterfall they take the fights together I'd like to call from Leviathan making sure that they can use the lockdown in this spot and not over committing to a fight towards a rubble like I said I really feel like crew have dominated that area of the map to the point where Lev have to start showing respect it's hard to criticize mazino for going for the play where he just walks in to see I do think it was way too high risk I reward but it gets the reward side of it when you noted that naxa knew he was there and yeah he just delivers two kills he already had a lockdown I mean they already know that they're getting the sight yeah and he just walks in completely alone is like ah don't worry I'll take this round I'll go for it let's never attempt to things it's a half I crew wants more it feels like they're trying to funnel Levy guitar into going for sea hits and if that's the case crew need an answer for how they're going to deal with the sea here sometimes that's going to be teams with an Odin sometimes that's going to be stacking all of your killjoy Viper utility over there or trap plays but at the moment I feel like prove successfully conditioned despite looking like they're about to go 14 down Lev to start the map towards the left instead of towards Rubble question is how do they actually turn that into round wings no way Malta what is this put to the corner going out slight pocket to work with but now now I'm going to be walking towards him now exit has a shorty Brent yeah into the back hiding behind the box and we saw him got two earlier can he do any more it's contacting no way how do you get out of that spammable location Davies where do you prioritize your shots into the horn it has to be done that's it though will be dealt with my face giving him that space as well show stopper around the back first time I haven't seen the Kill Light Up in the feed there from kesnet pushing through into the smoke but that is watch for shy super discipline there he knows exactly what his role is meaning even the Fatal with the Nightfall no more noise cues spam enough though denying the plants there's not really knowing where this is going I can't hear any of this just sees the shots going wide resetting it making it the interest and expensive but it is four to one still Lev running away with his rounds now they certainly are but it's rifle is going to be a back online for crew and this is their opportunity to respond they drew out the Nightfall in the prior round by virtue of Kesner using his own show stopper so ultimate situation fairly even bit of an advantage I would say to crew potentially the fact that they have the lockdown are we really gonna see another fight happening over here towards Rubble and neither team wanting to give up on it at all not willing to be disrespected but might get difficult just to paranoia sidestepped and avoided waiting it out here's a horn there's layers to it with the util sent flying you can see it snake bite Nana Swan hops up that is a nasty shot by melzer just tackle in transition a more diligent approach in terms of clearing this area from left so they've got a little more map control but they've paid for it with a like that life is their entry player so you know far forwards not worried about stairs at all slinks towards the breakable door as the tree door is open to these a players have got to stay towards that site but people are contacting him to be yeah and what are they trying to find though the spike is in middle of nowhere so picks that one up once they claim the V side cancers it picked it all the way up but again once we're getting caught out there's two players watching for him this player advantage repeating it further and further away and they haven't even gone for the plant no not yet they want to try and force a fight as well they can they don't feel comfortable to try and get the plant down as you tell out in the hands of these players but we're getting away with too much else are you shy and King makes it a match trying to find those openings facing it all together Spike dropped out a range of them King retrieve this one but there's really no time I mean 17 seconds left I know exactly where he is with the flash that indicator snake bite down Olivia in form of Chase now there is yeah pushing forwards and past still the play out online King close to the corner has to pay no time to unlock it and there it is Why by Melissa sacrificing his life but for the greater good some of these Liberty turnarounds are mystifyingly overcooked and that's an example I feel like we saw another example of it on Ascent where they tried to run that incredibly elaborate fake attack but this time Port they have a control they're in a 45 sure but for whatever reason they don't bring the spike they have noswa lurking through when they're committing to be this the players are not in the right place to actually execute the plan that they're looking for [Applause] it's a bit of a head scratcher but Leviathan is still in the lead through committing bodies to controlling Rubble again and left this time not really wanting too much to deal with it they'll switch UPS I'm gonna need being thrown into it diligence by Lev they're going to make control to clear out take control of B Main Satchel does that take out the alarm but I think it should yeah it does breaks it but meanwhile there's this deep push flash it's Dodge King to reset the game it does well to get the one but traded it's a pretty big Advantage I would say for the Defenders actually having that Viper all down it's pretty massive puts a premium on mazino smokes of which he's already used one and is about to get the other back in 25 seconds so difficult portable is now posted up towards A2 and can tell the rest of his team to go and stack towards C and towards B the question being do they want to play a retake they have great alts for retake here crew but sometimes you don't want to give them the space leveragist and it is a contact in and try and take this fight together with them choosing to use their own lockdown really getting bogged down now it's being used that's deep onto the side lockdown for a lockdown it'll be clearing them out nades sails through all the way to the back it's damage exchange and kills are flooding on either way I'm a direction two versus two now 25 seconds left the plant has to start coming online and Tackle here an extension into the round a bit of a breather playing together both of these teams not willing to give up an inch a more util they're standing do they anticipate yes it's spotted tackle here and it's not planted for them no reaction in time to try and watch that and as soon as they realize this yeah of course you're gonna try and stick it nags it he knows he can just stick it it's not spammable doesn't have the right before it no high pan weapon Mel's just watches for it three push what a crumble on the fly from La Vietnam that's two rounds in a row now where the chords just haven't made sense I don't think they probably want much more of a macro but that one on the Fly the two players they'd already naded and cleared out waterfall that was the area where a lot of players were retaking from and the lockdown was coming from there they needed it they cleared it out that's this play that you're watching right now and so they don't have to worry about that too much and instead decide to push into that area to play the post plan from there when it's not planted for them players potentially getting stressed here with the backs up against the walls we have in the past seen that bring out the best from Lev but it looks like they're losing their grip on what was a great start to Lotus once more given up control everybody walking over towards the seaside so made there takalia vulnerable that has a showstopper he's so damn low and a storm at his feet almost bringing him down there to repositions of Davies and that's it I'm already doing this man it's another swarm sit down Pride actually earned the first kill and now the door opens up crew eager to draw some more blood eager to take another fight there's nothing to cut this one up they flipped this side up entirely taken towards the back section of it and repositioning once more to Waterfall again not planted for them there yeah I feel like we're gonna just see exactly the same kind of situation occur he's got to go huge it gets stunned up now here it is rocket online skips across the angle nods were no world in which he's able to get that one kill found from him but how do you win this one you just can't again plan a close cut to the corner it's just a repeat and for the four that's where we draw it same situation occurring again and one of the things that I didn't mention prior which is important in those kind of spots is that lever not getting good post uh leather not getting to plant positions down right they managed to get into the site it's amazing work by Nags Head but then there isn't anybody else on the site and they still don't feel comfortable planting in an open spot partly because that door between is being opened they don't want to plant for Mounds because that's where they're coming from that's where the retakers are flanking them from lever being forced to play at a cruise Pace right now and it's setting crew up for these really nice retakes where Lev have no good post plan positioning double Satchel so you're gonna get him judging his hands before he glided up Boombox and they're certainly damage time but Davey's water he responds my way just ridiculous following it perfectly the lines coming through the smokes the traces pinpoint accuracy Davey's one of those players that's just been so much better at lcq than he was in the regular season he came into this team a newer addition without the experience of the other people on the team and he was playing all sorts of different roles he was playing everything what if he was a Phil guy the glue guy during the season but it meant his individual performance suffered as a result of it here at lcq he's mostly focused on being a sentinel player on the chamber sometimes playing aggressively on killjoy he's able to still take fights and it's just refined his game so much focusing down the rolls here does bring out the best in people but you're really seeing that across the board of crew and mag said as well across the board I mean Mel's calling I mean goes without saying about kesnet just his fragging capabilities is killing prowess the whole team coming alive and this is the final hurdle here potentially 10 seconds left really didn't have to face before earning that chance that qualifier spot into Champs and wouldn't that be just absurd even to say it out loud we've been witness to crew multiple maps in a row multiple games in a row or just them going on a tap wondering okay well makes for a nice storyline but when does it stop it just hasn't train keeps going that's nasty nasty and This Crew train is just running down teams in front of it oh yeah they they have taken so many teams out of this tournament where you felt that they had a chance of being able to win it you know a lot of people at Cloud9 is the favorite to be able to go on a a ridiculous run and then you don't let me turn a lot of people thinking they might be able to get up to their former glory and crew are giving them a bit of a beating here on two out of the four maps that we've seen this one still looking a little close but crew in control oh for the moment for the moment it has been quite lopsided in terms of these rounds it looks like they're gonna re-push this I mean Davey's baiting like he's the only player there holding passively and instead Kismet and Klaus want to re-fight be Main and they're getting such great info right now to break some of this utility there it is three push catching them and you talked about it just a bit prior Josh I mean it's crude at a playing at such a pace they're forcing them to react yeah taking these moments into their own hands that refried out in towards B Main they weren't ready for it no and that's the kind of thing that when the signs are flipped you'll see the crew players deal with those moments really well so you know looking up this time nags it knows he's got a site set on to it even a snake bite on top fully aware with the turn of taking that contact is one more player just sitting outside that position forcing a rotation from Davies but at this point three players can King get onto the side to get the pit off it looks so damn unlikely and one of the key parts to all of this is that crew have been winning Rubble control and so melzer is left alone to control a and they can commit two to C2 to B if the attacking team cannot push those players away from being deep on a you you're just left with so little of the map to play with it turns Lotus into a a two Spike site map yeah totally isolates it and crew are hunting for the gardens they want them out of the hands of these left players Crossfire setup they're a little bit harder to chew through than maybe they anticipated so saving off away some of that damage there a little bit of excitement towards the end of it still has to be the Tyrone for life because they've just been getting rolled I mean that's what five rounds in a row being lost out of time by just running out of options yeah they've been getting annihilated and at this point think about things from the perspective of the levia tan guys you realize who've got the answer and a lot of it is that proactivity in the mid round yeah I mean speaking on that proactivity even the little you know bits and pieces from Levitan they try and poke towards B try and break some of the util I don't know if you know it's in that last round they pulled back the alarm box we didn't get broken by the Satchel yeah and then replanted it again in the middle of the round which halves the amount of time yep that it's gonna be down for so it doesn't get destroyed gotta earn back but here we go this time choosing to just disrespect seeing if they can take the fight towards it Satchel plays again across horn it is there paranoia on top do they really seek to try and take the battle yes they do a night four this time it's gonna be used to supplement it attempt to try and take the fight and the push this time being one out by them yet Davies wants more there this time they better get lucky they're tracking down the traces through the wall he's brought down and leaves it to an exit finally they break through and push into a and take this control Spike planted now with the orb and with the plant shine Taco are getting their alts online so this is now going to be helpful for the next unless nagsic poses a bit of a problem but surely not yeah he's got him in the back rubber shy and Lev now have a real chance at tying this up at 6-66 coming out of owner's timeout I said they have to fix something they either need to be able to go into control Rubble or have Sea post plants work for them and this time they make sure that melter has not gone for the regressive teleport and hold anti-flash use the night ball to push all of those players away the Nightfall is a great Difference Maker isn't it and in the next round they have lockdown they have showstopper hit for post plan many different tools here for levia Tan to pull round 12 out and send us into the next half even well there we go takalia off the rip off the Jump and a rocket it lands true Flames a Target nade rebounded nobody can choose to fight him who stands his ground down black is fast off the rip they're gonna try and Float right back into this no denial of it Utah being used in a snake bites there still it is chaotic Scrappy all over the place still with the pit laid down it's a massive Advantage now for left there's really no breathing room in this the shorty shots going wild king no kills claims you should run what's the back away and leave this one and finally a bit of a braver enough for this lockdown to be just planted almost where maybe out into the open King Falls what a kill that is a massive one no more pit now to push it back but time is running short you can see it I mean you're hearing it it's ticking away with how fast this Spike was planted time is just out of there hands kissed it lucky with it but still doubled up double face there has to be somebody sticking it they know it before some out of the open sight lines are left happy to clean it up so six to six evened up on that side timeout come back owner finding value against the team that he coaches location that spot that's gonna be happening you know the tournament really the culmination of the entire year and crew looking to join Zeta Giants Navi the teams that have already made it out from lcq live trying to control Rubble in a similar way we saw from crew in the first half mazino posted up there fairly deep and now they're going to start rotating other people away what's the rinse repeat isn't it I thought we were just seeing prior [Applause] or open wide folks like they could be rotating into sea Main let's get out I feel I feel like I missed something early on in this round but Klaus you know he doesn't have a Trailblazer he doesn't have flashes to be able to use must have used the Trailblazer really early on I feel is it just more healing pistol just opted for a ghost yeah yeah sure yeah he must have done that's unusual for the attack side I mean trailblaze is just such a massive tool but they've got a specific round in mind maybe got a flash is back online regend contacting again through it's not util to meet on the other side but it will make some second guess themselves down to 40 seconds in this one there will be nobody to meet them except now it's being shored up you can see it's King approaching that position close to the corner jump spot smokes up bit of damage being peppered into him with the paranoia through giving up the space now to them melt it trying to get this plant off there's a need Taco still holding on to it now and there's a call in the moment this is crew so that's actability flexibility it's a triple fight as well all the way up into heaven close to the corner though Prowler naded his feet counter play with the util horns over the top they've regained still that controls this needs to be an attempt by left of time to play through now winning that fight shy he's been the Difference Maker in this map and even in this round maybe he can win it out for them Davey's though on the flight the distraction it's just perfect where's the last player left standing cutting around the corner not a swarm no chance of sticking it King he's forced into such a difficult decision trying to stick this one now half will he be able to get it it's a wider face of baby's nose how to play it what a ridiculous round from Davies he spent that entire round waiting outside sea for Shy's turret to deactivate Shai had a turret holding him back from the look the entire time and as soon as shy took a step a little further out Davies was running I mean he was doing his best Usain Bolt impression to try and just get back to fight this one puts another Swan down was worried that someone would be on it ridiculous look at the wall slide there I mean that is around that owner is devastated that they lose because it could be everything you know how important these pistol rounds are that could be the whole season that's it an end much earlier than any team really wants any player really wants and a massive stack here from Levitan over towards the sea remember how important that was on Pearl to get lebs comeback started on that map crew won the pistol Lev stacked a site and crew walked into it this time Mel's got the Reed and they are pathing in the complete opposite direction no danger whatsoever here over towards a yeah who are going to get the freestyle of their life and I mean in theory here kesnick could take the plant as well and start building up towards the showstop and then they can use so I don't know whether they'll exactly kill yep there they go for it so Spike this over to kesnet building up another one of these alt orbs and now you know once you realize that the round should be favored for you kesnik can actually go and try and Hunt some of these kills too it's what I'm sure he would like to do and it builds you up towards the ultimate he only needs one in the death or two and survive no Cruisers you'd love to get aggressive try and hunt for some of these kills build up the alts to be said for love but now they're grouping up it's onto the edge of this fight look again for it yeah rifle over to Davies as well so he wouldn't give it up that's so smart I love that just Min Maxi the smallest things yeah it doesn't want to give away the weapon but still wants to try and claim the kills only his life still gets him one step closer to the ultimate yeah only needs an old orb and on this map the attackers have really their choice pick of the litter oh yeah somewhere and and I can which one is likely to go for will really dictate how they've played the rounds do they want to run a trap play with a paranoia and a horde perhaps to try and stop him from taking the C orb do they want to push really aggressive with a a nade and a seize to stop him from taking the a orb or run some other kind of aggressive play over right on the money honestly I mean deep up outside sea yeah they've got multiple options but it's about picking the right side of the map and it looks like they've done so they group up already disrespecting moving across there there was an anti-flash position Pete by Taco and crew have immediately caught the cancel oh yeah they realize that this is a common trap play that they're gonna see and they want no part of it instead working towards B looking to try and pick Kesner up the orb over there same time as this as well Max is just disrespecting and he holds all day you know that YouTube being used is happy to just take all that space I mean he has looked so deep yeah and this is massive for them crew can either commit to the a push with the showstopper or go back and try and push masino away before they go back to a and they've decided for the more rapid approach with a minute still on the clock there is no one really hard defending the a site it's gonna get slowed down my ball is going to be ending at some point but if you drop the nanosworm still set up there it is that's through nobody spotted Thorns tree giving that space up and a fast flank occurring from Lev as well three players grouped up it looks like they're not even gonna use the showstopper they realize there's no one home you have to be careful though from behind these plays are going to be trying to fight them back now where's the noise yes show stopper another Satchel in play as well to just evacuate and get out of there but util's being used and they still need to try and fight over this face kissing it he's close to the corner battle on two fronts out towards the side the shots are missing not quite hitting them even with the reset of the movement it is chaos and a reposition of melter is necessary backing away as is Davies they've played this situation really nicely not fighting too heavily just repositioning mistake a lot of teams do tend to make as well and by doing that we give no options no openings and left forced again tail tucked in between their legs they back away with what guns they've got but this is an advantage that it's getting away from them on a map where they need to win I'm sure the time is low but that's a 3v4 a 3v4 that they decide to save instead of going for it and being confident that they can turn a situation like that around and they've given crew the lead their economy is not going to be in a great spot only three rifles that they can really work with an owner is called a timeout again oh yeah you saw it's emotional reaction to them losing the pistol round as it all slits and especially for melzer who's played in this system before a long time ago uh admittedly you know all the way last year but still Lev haven't changed too much in that time period isolate them and kill them it's melzer who's got a fantastic read of the game his calling has been setting him apart Battle of the mines versus Planet like King but this time crew but all the guns let's respect being showcased as well they take all of that control onto Cena mags oh he's at a slight angle isn't he right here parlor's broken such a wide face still it's the one for one let's cause some worries everybody watching towards an a main position knowing to do lost control of it one of the other major differences is that Levy attorney committing two plays to defending C in situations where crew just left it to one it can weaken the other side of the map but for now it seems like the correct play for one trade I mean the Defenders are spread thin across the map here made into the back shy he's got a bit more stuff out wide yet tucked close 77 help still no wait as you get to vulnerable done it's impeccable just perfection well even in and out I'm playing off with one another leaves it down so just smells it a lot of bullets paranoia does Miss but well we'll be meeting the firing line oh my god did leviator need that [Applause] the biggest Play Just when his team needed it the most and it's all about evading the nade that's a need that's supposed to clear out the entirety of the backside and give the attacking team perfect confidence so that it can get into this spot and shy evades it tugs around the corner and swings out exactly as the snake bites come through and attention is pulled away yeah look what it means to him let's put them back in it's nine to seven yeah still the round deficit is there but I mean that was a round of they really had no right winning the Weaponry was not good and now you give yourself a little bit of a comfort a safety net in terms of the economy you know there's still a couple of people really low Taco shy but there's a bit here to work with to do Bowser is very aggressive in this spot compared to how you'd usually see him play but not rewarded for that free firing on the corners so we've taken control all of front B and C but there's a very similar situation occurring when mezino is up towards Rubble do crew have some kind of plan to deal with this Omen push him away there are lineups you can use here for the snake bites Lana Nana swarms Trailblazer but mazino can always try to answer with a paranoia in a one-way The Omen has many tools for this spot part of why it's so matter on this map axis got a lineup I think there's a snave that's gonna be landing on top of the pillar already backed away not sure where the Statewide ended up Landing teleport in order gotta get out of there guys saw the bullets and meanwhile Davies keeps catching the look and with melzer himself on top of it on top of the Box tacos day realizes The Squeeze is on and the showstopper is a Damage Done sure certainly the casualties flying back and forth because it's still active and alive in the fight but a spike is dropped out wide onto the open side here with 15 seconds left they realize it's not winnable Gotta Give it up I'm backing away so 10 seconds left the Vietnam once more earning themselves a breathing room an extra Lifeline maybe a chance to drag it back even crew with a clear plan of how they wanted to retake Rubble control and the plan worked they were able to shove mezino away but in the same time they tried to overcomplicate things perhaps just a little and they ran I believe it was uh Davies and Melton here they are trying to run with the spike into B assuming that the rest of Olivia time would be trying to help mazino maintain control over a so they're thinking in their heads all right the Defenders are trying to fight over Rubble will reacting to be we'll be able to get a plant down but in that kind of spot King comes up huge another fight to be taken this is a skirmish they sort of util horn over the top orb to cut up that sight line control given up just a rubble through happy to take it now and wait it out left realizing that they two favorites instead just backing up away from all of this it's a one-way setup perfect timing the door starts to rotate now where's the pivot kessnet hunting for a head hunting for a kill not given sideline for any amount of time down to a minute on the clock here for crew knocked down to Davies has just been calling that angle over towards C and the rest of the team now coming back to return to him if next picks up the ore but front B he's going to have his pit online but doesn't want to commit to that here 40 seconds in a round Satchel's being used to there it is right yeah it's getting precarious because again still have that util in the back pocket I've really been doing enough to try and drag it all the way out yeah committing King and shy to these kind of spots the two top fraggers for the team are locking down C almost snake bites though and down to that 20 second Mark here it is Do or Die Satchel combined with the flash cuts across the angle again they towards the back they have to take this fight now and shine again could be the difference making him and King have just been fantastic in these spots but again it's nosworth trying to throw it up 10 seconds remaining the plant will go down anything tonight is Taco he has grenade but already being stuck Klaus avoiding dodging juking the bullets these players are low kesnik getting healed back up by Klaus may end up being super important but Taco has to go for a play mizino is so far away he can't afford to wait for the omen Taco's got to make something happen now and the Trailblazer yeah wasn't broken in the air attackers there flash over the top not connecting too hard no plays really falling foreign [Applause] this team is playing with the clock down to the wire oh yeah we saw many rounds like that come down on split and almost none of them punished and this is another version of that 15 seconds left as they tried to get into the site flooding in to try to deny and yet crew end up finding the Angles and the trades that they need to get a plant down and win that round in a 3v2 that one may have been the trickiest for the attacking Squad because now as kesnet's just been farming orbs all around the map he's about to have another showstopper online we know the impact of that Kevin levia time to stop them from getting in position to execute I can't use his lock down here he's in a position to spam the wall here's the all being picked up it's banana swarm anyway just defending his position still it's close three Trailblazer around the back now to show stopper all but he misses the movement kick polishes right from the back still inside stand up Davies they're gonna fight to his adversary with shy falling now it should be the side cracks wide open the pit free reign of it launched down shots just missing nachos still alive to the pit active once more but as well everyone just really seeking to just lay claim to one section of the map already they cut it up tree control is there but a pit Still Remains active and still alive where's the util postman's playing away from this one is always tricky knocks it falls that is the Crux of it it's left up to Klaus I think he's already made noise they already know where he is waiting for it dodging with the flash someone needs to tap this and look at that from mazino gliding across the ground sets it up for his own team if not himself won that retake the pit spamming being able to find incredibly important kills they're coordinated the Seas trap smells are down to a fraction of his health and taco just sprays into the smoke to kill Davies the coordination with how they put their aggression together is great but also crew got to be kicking themselves I want to be aiming for that at all and so many of these players have experience in this kind of situation I said last year crew won the South American lcq and made it to Champions off that oh also on the other side of things noswa has always made it to Champs fire lcq always every year he doesn't want to see a streak like that end today it's more the economy taking the tumble here for crew that really should be set up for this one as it's a pop flash play they want to disrespect it taco from The High Ground melter so you can to punish and capitalize and he gets out of his life no clouds alive though to be able to heal him up on a 3v3 with guns dropped in places where the crew players have no chance of being able to recover them yeah really a chance of it so still favored towards living Italian Taco's done enough here I can't believe mazino here I mean the Steep push out of a main and you're up against the half by yeah and also the angle that he's fighting on is kind of favored for Stingers risky isn't it Davis is there though only the ghost in his hand to really try and challenge that all right mazino is a very confident player but we've seen him get punished a few times in this series and he's looking like he's about to be punished be capitalizes those are the mistakes that are gonna can't you offer the knees and what a brutal one yeah you've granted all that space yeah but we've handed over the right foot and now sight line set grouped up once more King pass to try and do it the spray down does not receive two he's brought down with a trade plant more time being bought into the round but it leaves it once more to shy he has been a Difference Maker the numbers he's putting up and short of that spectacular moment but he just opens himself up he's not favored for it [Applause] that's a backbreaker Josh that's an enormous error from Levitan an owner has no more timeouts he was just gifted an opportunity to talk to the team by the fact that crew wanted to take one tackle Taco that's a 2K there and it's a great play by melser that one excellent trying to find the timing Justice tackle use the name but you pointed it out immediately as soon as it happened it's a massive overstep by mezino when do you ever see an omen playing in that kind of position either the jump spot just doesn't it doesn't clear enough you just expose yourself these are the small mistakes that happen when there's everything on the line and Kings popped his Biker's pit at the very start of this round based off a bit of noise happening over towards Rubble very early this is a really heavy a setup right now look at the alarm bot here too you know even if King has people walk inside of his ultimate they're not going to be able to get through uncontested so King can play very safe inside of this and still help over towards B oh it's C where mazino is that's weak and mizino cannot afford to fall here again no he's a long player to hold back all of it the onslaught that might just be coming in his Direction across Mound through a hungry throwing them away it's fun well it's raining through the angles no damage done nobody stayed over towards a so it's going to be a little more difficult to return in that direction Davies can pop his lock down though and they'll have access to the B side it is going to be tough to deal with King inside the pit though or picked up Klaus big ultimates to work with got it online they're gonna aim to try and fake this they just handed the spike over to melzer he has us all 25 seconds left goal to draw rotations damage being done the rifles down into the angles are locked down on top of it there's no time 15 seconds gonna get a move on but it's being watched for the lockdown we'll push them back you have to respect this one king not getting detained giving it away seven seconds remaining has to be the plan and he will commit to it now he alts to get themselves onto the site they've granted it but they don't have any of the extremities shy pushed up locked down into the smoke timing is everything and he's got the knife out King defends it the lockdown still alive and it just I mean it's gonna be pushing them all away and all the way back King such a play to make in a moment might have just done it down and out against it aims to take the one but King my God man how much can one leader do he's been there as a rock every time Leviathan need him pulling his team through with his individual play sure there's been sloppiness in terms of the decision-making and some of the calls at times but when he's asked to deliver he's been there to step up and he trades perfectly here and this defense of the lockdown that's that's really what wins in the round I think too so many alts used in that crew now poor only kesnik close to his showstopper with a hero rifle on himself and melzer to go to Champions gonna slip away from crew they're two rounds away but this one looks difficult surely we're set up for an 11-11 game you gotta think mazino Shadows traveling smoke committed there to the front section of B azina wants to get down yeah I mean my eyes are now drawn to kesnet what is that off who knows feeling yeah Damage Done nobody healed I'm used to bring him back up still I don't have to deal with that alarm but now they're gonna be walking right into mezino breaking a Trailblazer is good it was a key piece of util I'm not gonna have that one to clear through paranoia on top Kesner wants to try and face wider here's a showstopper at work in play mozino out wide in the open court on the ante Eco they can't afford to be playing 4v5s in these kind of spots they say so that will cost you taco stalwood the defender Nightfall this is a try and supplement and help him out again that supportive oh that's his way across but it's side step by crew they want to set the sights again over towards B There is util here melter pressing forwards alarm box spots it out falling as they are crumbling this is around the crew really shouldn't have won but not a spike planted positioning is good at the Players they have a massive Advantage here and taco and King do you fall into your old ways and save it looks like the decision is made for them [Music] no money in the bank and levia tan in a 2v5 forced to make a terrible decision here to the jeers of the crowd as crew get up to match point to tournament point one round away from Champions and they managed to do it here on this map by winning two thrifties both of which feature mizino being the first or not first but a large error the crew were able to capitalize on caught out playing too aggressively over towards a not respecting the showstopper enough in this round trying to fake the teleport away hoping Kesley would fire it off into the distance Match Point lever need two in a row here's the play that made all the difference because the showstopper and those two hero rifles one on nag set precise singing sweetly now there are no more Second Chances there's no breathing room no buffer at all like you said Josh it's that 12th round for crew it's Matt Point Match Point tournament point and look at where they're going I mean crew are set up to go for some kind of a here there's nobody there's no one home push all the way out Taco it's the show stop offloaded shy does collect it's corralled Davies had nowhere to run for that one but he's gonna be calling that one out surely all that pressure was going their way and crew not wasting time with this one Spike it's time to get planted but already it's being granted to them as well and a 4v5 postman who does this favor yeah I love how I've surrounded them they didn't actually give up too much map control here pings abound all comes down to these individual Jewels this class really gonna make a go of this one here with the rifle anything to clear into the corner a Maids Prowler it expires all this broken in the middle of it Satchel now on top time running short this is it this is for everything Klaus he finds one tree fight taken Melton not enough damage to really bring them down but everybody Foley is left up to King but he will go down [Applause] and after yourself is coming for the crown
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Keywords: Kru vs Lev, Kru Lev valorant, Lev Kru valorant, Kru 2023, Kru Lev fullmatch, Lev Kru fullmatch, Kru Lev tarik, Lev Kru tarik, Kru Lev highlgihts, Lev Kru highlights, Kru vs Lev Elimination, dsg, Kru vs The Lev, Lev vs Kru All Maps, Lev vs Kru, Lev vs Kru Esports All Maps, Lev vs Kru Esports, Masters Tokyo, valorant masters, valorant masters 2023, valorant masters game
Id: HcYywFYRhPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 4sec (12664 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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