Grain-Free Butter Bread - Food Wishes

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[Music] hello this is chef john from with grain free butter bread that's right after roughly 1 000 requests i'm finally attempting a grain-free bread and the reason it's taken me so long is because i was fairly convinced there was no way to actually make a decent bread without grain but much to my surprise shock and amazement this was not terrible in fact i can't believe i'm even saying this it was delicious so with that let's go ahead and get started and first up we have to separate some eggs and as i may have demonstrated before my preferred method for separating eggs is to crack it into an open hand and let the egg white run between your fingers into the bowl and i find that not only an effective method but also super fun and if someone's watching it looks really cool and as usual it's always okay to get a little bit of the egg white in the yolk but it's never okay to get a little yolk in the egg white otherwise they're not gonna whip up as well but anyway we're going to go ahead and separate six eggs and besides our eggs the only other thing we want to do ahead of time would be to butter and parchment a bread pan and after rubbing the inside with a little bit of softened butter the only place we have to put our parchment is on the bottom so we'll just cut one piece the same size as the bottom and sort of press it in and that's it we'll simply set that aside and move on to the actual recipe which we will start by adding some grain free almond flour to the bowl of our food processor and the finer the grind the better oh by the way i heard you can do this with other grain-free flours like macadamia or coconut so as usual i encourage you to experiment i mean you are after all the swaggy pee of baking grain free and then besides our grain-free almond flour we're also going to need a touch of salt as well as some baking powder and believe it or not that is going to be it for the dry ingredients so to finish this up we'll go ahead and transfer in our egg yolks and if you're thinking to yourself shouldn't you have just separated the egg yolks right into the food processor so as not to dirty an extra bowl for nothing well yes yes i should have but anyway we will add our yolks and then last but not least we'll go ahead and add in a generous amount of melted butter and that is going to be it for what we're calling the base and we'll take that base and process it until it comes together forming sort of a sticky dough ball and i'm not going to show it here but you probably want to stop once or twice and scrape down the sides so that we're confident everything is mixing up thoroughly so that's what i did i pulsed it on and off and scraped it down once or twice until it all came together and sort of ended up looking like this and then once that's been accomplished what we'll do is just leave that as is while we move on to whip our egg whites and to make that job a little easier i'm going to add a pinch of cream of tartar which i believe they get from skimming off the top of regular tartar but i'm not sure but what that does is help your egg whites whip up a little faster and a little easier into a little larger volume and if you don't have any don't worry about it just leave it out and what we want to do is keep whipping these egg whites until we reach soft peak stage or as i sometimes refer to it shaving cream stage and what that is exactly well you know what let me just show you all right we want to whip our whites until this happens all right we get some nice very soft peaks but they do hold their shape alright you see that so that right there is just about perfect actually check that that is perfect and then once our whites are whipped we'll head back to the food processor and add in about a third of the whites all right maybe even up to 40 percent and what we'll do once that's been transferred in is pulses on and off which is really going to lighten this mixture up but probably not all in one shot you're probably going to have to stop like i did here and take your spatula and scrape everything down and then give it another mix so we know it's all mixing evenly and yes of course we're knocking all the volume out of the whites we added but that's okay we really need to loosen this up before we add the rest of the whites plus there's probably still hundreds of thousands of microscopic bubbles in there and then what we'll do once that first third of the wice has been successfully blended in is take this now much looser base mixture and dump it right into the rest of the whites oh yeah just take your spatula and scrape it right in and what we'll do once that's been transferred in is fold slash stir this all together until everything's well mixed and while having this well mixed is the ultimate objective we want to try to do it without knocking all the bubbles out of the whites so we are trying to be as gentle as possible but on the other hand you do have to stir this pretty well otherwise you might get lumps of that thick base in this mixture which we don't want and i tried doing this step with a whisk and a spatula and they both work about the same but i thought the spatula knocked out a little less air than the whisk and what we'll do once that's been successfully combined is we'll go ahead and transfer that into our buttered loaf pan and that's it other than cleaning up that little drip this is ready to transfer into the center of a 375 degree oven for about 30 minutes or so or until it looks a little something like this so this looks done and absolutely gorgeous and possibly sort of bred like but we should probably test with a toothpick and if you stick that into the center and it comes out clean you're done but if it comes out with wet batter on it you're not done put it back in for a few more minutes but as you saw mine was perfect and assuming yours is too what we'll need to do is wait 10 minutes before we unmold this and just to play it safe i do like to go around the edge with a thin knife just to make sure it's not sticking anywhere and then what we'll do after waiting like i said about 10 minutes is go ahead and unmold this and we will leave it on this rack until it's cooled completely before we slice it all right fine you can do it if it's still a little warm but like all breads grain free or otherwise i highly suggest you don't cut into this hot since you're going to lose moisture so i patiently waited until mine had cooled the room temp at which point we can grab a knife and slice in and while this is supposed to kind of sort of look like white bread if we're being honest it actually looks a lot more like a pound cake so it doesn't really look exactly like bread but all in all i was fine with the appearance it looks perfectly edible and then as far as the taste goes i was shocked because as this is baking it smells like scrambled eggs and so i was pretty sure this was going to taste like airy almond flavored scrambled eggs but it didn't at all it actually has a surprisingly neutral flavor okay there is a little hint of toasted almond just a little and a very very faint egginess but generally i would describe this as having a very neutral almost like a bland white bread flavor so i have to admit i really was surprised and by the way things only got better with the addition of butter so good plain very good with butter which brought me to the ultimate bread test will it toast and the answer was yes very nicely so i enjoyed some toasted with butter very much so if you're one of these poor souls that only gets to eat meat and vegetables and are not supposed to eat hardly any carbs and you lay awake at night dreaming of a buttered piece of bread to eat with it well this is not exactly that at least it gets you close to that experience and speaking of experience i decided to finish up by trying another piece of butter toast and topping it with a professionally sliced and fan strawberry to make sort of a quick and easy strawberry shortcake substitute that i think we're going to call strawberry shortcut and so far out of all the different ways i've tried this bread i think this was my favorite but anyway that's it what i'm calling grain-free butter bread which i thought would be a much catchier name than grain-free egg bread but anyway whether you're gonna make this because you don't use grains or you just want to try a new fun recipe or both i really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to for all the ingredient amounts of more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 360,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grain-Free, Bread, gluten, free, almond, low, carb, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking, recipes, baking, baked
Id: 4I5R1Y55kaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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