Graeme Souness RAGES At Simon Jordan Over Why Celtic Are NOT That Much Better Than Rangers 😡🔥

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with Mr sunis in town and in studio of course Graham whether you like it or whether you don't as a former player manager of the mighty Glasgow Rangers it's not looking great at the moment they go to Celtic Park on Saturday and they lose by two goals to one we disappointed watching it I know there's a cup final involving the two old firm coming up but what was your takeaway at the end of It ultimately disappointment I um I felt the started didn't consider goal after couple of minutes this time but um weather the early storm which always get a parkhead start to settle down into a chance Fab still had the best chance of the first half a header where he got inside the fullback he's put it away from there only he knows um I think the sending off was a sending off in a modern game and then it was obviously a very difficult game for him after that what was lunr thinking about at a time like that to do that when he is much needed listen he's got a nanc to he thinks he's favorite for it um the Temptation was too great cuz he is I think he's got a good player him I think he does a good job but he went to ground you go to ground today you risk everything um you know whoever you're attacking will make a meal of it and that's not that's not being critical of that um Celtic fullback His Name Escapes me but that's right throughout the game in every country you watch the game played so yeah very disappointing um last three old firm games you know for me there's not a lot between them yeah ultimately and it's it's not a new thing you have drawn 3-3 miserable first half in that game but fabulous in the second half came back from the dead got a 33 and they've lost two games two1 the last two at parkhead and they've gone down to 10 men I don't believe that there there is a big difference between the two teams But ultimately at the start of each season you know you're going to win the league or lose the league by your all firm results that that's howb was Alis Johnson that's how it generally works out there are those great can I just finish positive Gulf there's a g yeah there're are head of Rangers I'm how do you expect me to answer this question but I'm trying to be I'm trying to give you some facts to back up my thinking right you're saying there's not a lot between the two sides there is lot there is not a lot but they for me they have better Strikers I don't I don't see a golf in the quality of football to play I think they're better better goal getters which ultimately does decide games I I I look at I look at if we go and win next week at Hen Park there's three trophies to win at Scotland they would they win two out of three but of course the most important one is the league that says more about you and Celtic are on course for their 12th title in 13 Seasons that hurts of course that hurts but I'd also like to tell you that you know the new manager I think has done a fabulous job he he he has been there for what is it seven six months whatever it is you know he signed three players two on loan he spent 4.3 million on DMI he spent 4 million quid to change things I'm hoping this window the club somehow find a Josh to support him and he can get some of the players in that he knows and trust and it will make the difference in the league next year but I would not be critical of the manager I wouldn't be critical of the players right now I think he's getting he's getting a tune out of those players they've slipped up badly at Ross County slipped up badly at dundy and that's why they all came down to Saturday's game that they lost but that's when he needed to get a tune out them up at R I would Jim you can ask me any any guys you want will not be critical the manager cuz I think he's done a good job well and it could still end up with two trophies I'm not criticizing him but I mean Rangers you want me to criticize him and I won't I think Rangers fans have got their heads in their hands at the moment G even though there's a cup final coming up Celtic on course for their 12th title in 13 season this is an unrecognizable Rangers I've answer the question I won't go and be critical of them let's listen to clemon it was asked post match is the title race now over it's of course extremely difficult uh we're not naive but it's uh it's not about that it's about showing uh these next two games and then in the Cup Final to show quality and to show reaction after a yeah disappointment to lose here and not that we didn't take our chances well enough that we made wrong decisions uh and to react in football it's always about about reacting after after disappointment so we need to react fast against D the thing is Simon you look at it and you've been up there with me me how do rangers change this recurring story line well you know a lot of that 12 years Rangers weren't actually around to compete with Celtic because of what they did in their own past but Graham contradicts himself because we had this debate two or three weeks ago about Rangers and Celtic and seemingly in that conversation that argument it wasn't really important to see the the old firm Games come out and the the results of those old FM games don't determine the league now the if you don't beat the old firm games which is what I said three weeks ago you don't I've always said that when in the last conversation we had I made the argument about no you're getting mixed up again I'll tell you what I said and you weren't listening I was at my very first press conference I was asked about the The Firm how much you have to win I said this is what you're mistaken I said and at the old firm games I don't care this is my first press conference I don't care if we lose them all as long as we win the league and I quickly realized that wasn't the case yeah what I said what I said in the conversation I said my very first press confence I said in the conversation last time we disc against the old firm was if you don't get outcomes against the old firm team surely you can't win the league and you presented a different argument well you need to you need to up that tape because that totally against my I can quite easily do it we'll do it well I can if you want to look we'll do it in a second but the point is is that you you look at Rangers and Celtic first of all Celtic are going to win the league by being the best of a bad Bunch neither of these sides are outstanding neither of these sides I would look at Once Upon a Time the argument the Celtic and Rangers coming down to English football would make a splash in English football they wouldn't they would struggle in the championship these two sides right now I think they're both poor sides and I think the fact that you know we're talking about spending 4 million quid on players the only team you've got to beat in that League to be able to really be significant as Celtic and Rangers haven't been able to do it they've taken one point out of 12 and you have to look at um Philip CL clamont who I've been a great admirer of but when it comes to the business end of the season if this was on the other foot and this was a new Celtic manager and Celtic had the league in their hands with a game in hand and they go and get done by Ross County and dundeey and don't take a point off the opposition he would have something to say about the Celtic manager yeah I think it's fair to say this is not clemont's team that's what it was his team when everything doing okay it's it's not his team he would prior to prior to this prior to this game prior to the previous Celtic game at home with a 3-3 he would have still been saying to himself I need to strength in there I'm not happy with him he's not good enough that that doesn't change a good result or a bad result you Simon G that neither side is particularly good at the moment well I think I think there a factor for I think it's a very simple reason for that Rangers got 3 million quid I think I'm correct in saying 33 million pound from television last year and bornemouth got over 100 million bouth but when they do Celtic win Cel I'm one question at a time ask you asked me is Simon correct in saying the standard's not great that is a that is a fact it's not it's not we would all want it to be but with respect Graham Rangers and Celtics turnover granted compared to hang on I'm finished compared to hang on I haven't finished finished yet and in so far as comparing it to bourou and the 110 million quid they get but when you put Rangers and Celtic that get 80 90 million pounds turnover against the benel teams in the Champions League they still come up short and their turnovers aren't bigger and their revenues aren't bigger you to come up short R got to have a European final last year but in in when I'm talking about in the recent times in the last a year ago year two years ago two years ago how how recent are we talking about last two years ago what we're talking about now yeah you're talking about selting the champions times of now right and I'm talking about Rangers I'm not actually focusing particularly on Rangers I'm focusing on both of them you're refering more to Celtics I'm looking at both of them and saying both of those sides Celtic's winning of the league which is a validation of Brendan Rogers is primarily because they're the better of the bad bunch and I'm disappointed by both of them and your point is of course absolutely correct but I'm now saying I look at these two sides and it will probably be picked up by The Daily Record as not even being that competitive that they'd compete that highly in the championship and then now tell me that the comparisons would be different there because the turnovers would be similar well I I think if there were I can't see it h but if there were down here you say they starting the championship it'll be a matter of time before they got out with that and then we started to get then you start to get the kind of money that's thrown around down here but it's not going to happen AG it won't happen in a very short period of time they would both be challenging and the fact is Celtic are on course for their 12th title in 13 seasons and there there's a Rangers Fan one of a few get get in touch Nick is a big Rangers Fan the squad needs a clear out and the manager is looking a little bit like he's struggling just now he needs to win the Cup Final or he will be under pressure says Nikki Rangers if he wins The Cup Final everything for that weekend the everything be Rosie in the garden for that weekend but the bigger picture is and I've said this too many times winning the league means you're the best team in that country winning cups you can be lucky and win a cup you know the best team in the in Europe right now are Man City but they're not going to win the European Cup happens if they don't win it is clar under pressure going to into next season you're always Under Pressure you're only ever one game away from being under press no I come back to it's not his team and I think the time to judge him would be a year from now if he gets that far and I hope he does because I think he's I think he's doing a good job there if he can get a decent window with decent you know better players than he's got I've said to you already I don't believe that're they're that far apart Celtic have won three and drawn one so far of their matches against Rangers now the two of them are in a cup final and it's pretty much must win for Rangers the thing is can they do it how do rangers change this recurring story line 0371 7234 uh y's a big Celtic fan and I think you you're a Celtic fan who joins us in a semi-regular basis and I'm delighted about that good morning good morning Jim yes I've been on before um fan of the show and a big big Celtic fan as well so um yeah couple of points I wanted to make was I disagree with what gra was saying earlier about there not been much between the teams and what Simon was saying about the team's not been up to mustard really um basically I think Celtic have got Rangers on toast that um they've got their number and that just from a psychological aspect until Rangers accept that that that is the case and that they are second best which they'll never do because I wouldn't do it if if the rules were reversed that it won't change then so I don't see it changing anytime soon and as far as s not been we've been ridiculously complacent this season and a bit pedestrian at times in spells and that's what's cost it the only reason Rangers even had a sniff at this title is because we we let it slip um kind of mid mid Midway through just just after clemont came in we had a a big sort of commanding lead and then we got a bit complacent and then Rangers overtook us and then we wied them straight back in again and shot past them as we always do so you you think quite simply Celtic have got Rangers number it's as simple as that um 's got a point G when it seems to come to the B when Rangers are called upon to do it against Celtic they can't do it they can't do it this year um they're not a mile in front they six points in front that's not suggesting they run away with the league six points I think Rangers will point to the game listen at the end of the season when you win it or you don't win it they always look as a player as a support you look back only if we'd won that one only if you'd won that one against and they also slipped up against Ross County Celtic could point to the same games they dropped I come back to if you win the league it means you're the best team that year by comparison of Rangers and Celtic Rangers took one put everything they one point Celtic are miles away from them but six points was that's that's the league but we're talking about the comparison between the two sides they'll all beat and that's what we're talking about we're talking about the winning of the league comparison you in CTIC are Miles Ahead of Rangers six points I do yes and I think Simon's hit the nail on the head there again that we've taken 10 points from a possible 12 against Rangers everyone can say that you everyone can point at the end of the season if we had won this and won that and not lost that one that's consider these games were the crucial ones because Celtic have won three and dra one so far they have won the league which means they are the best team in Scotland this year but crucially though when they over for meat it's Celtic Who come out back to it this guy has spent 4 million quid in building his Squad this is not clemont's team I would judge him a year from now if he's got two windows and he gets support from the board then we could be talking about a different but right now we're going early on him we're not going move clont out the argument and just talk about the difference between Celtic Rangers because the only team you're comparing Celtic Rangers to a Celtic Ranger you're not comparing them to hearts or Kil manik are you right so the bottom line is if you look at the argument between us which is Rangers and Celtic Celtic are in a different position and a dep far better side than Rangers you say they're not that far apart but they've taken one point off them yeah and they might win the league by six points they might win it by nine points but the point is the only comparison is between Celtic Rangers not Celtic and Kil man or Rangers and I forget the point so the last three games I can't even remember what the first one was but it's been 3 three 21 21 and the two two ons were when Rangers went to 10 men is that suggesting they're miles apart if you're if it's not the six points you're gauging it by then gauge it on the head to head it's not ask who's a big Rangers Fan it's not like a team they bashing him up Jason you've been listening patiently what what do you want to say on this subject have Celtic got Rangers number mate absolutely not I mean Celtic are not that far ahead of Rangers I mean the both teams have been playing worse than last season and it's not clemont's team you know the fact is you lose against Ross County and you draw with dunde they are the two crucial games that we absolutely blew it and I wanted to go to Graham here and say would you actually say that Rangers that's probably the one of the worst Rangers teams that I've set eyes on I mean gam when you had Glasgow Rangers when you took over as player manager first thing you did was you get Terry Butcher and you got Chris woods and you sold up the defense okay and all I'm saying is that defense that we have the now is a joke that's what's lost as a league right but having a terrible defense and to see Celtic are a Miles Ahead our fans uh I disagree with that fan because at the end of the day yes the better team has won the league but at the same time the whole the whole thing is is Rangers basically gave the league to Celtic at the end of it because they two games were the Coster WIS we should be sitting ahead of Celtic right now but after watching that Saturday game especially with lomom you know costing us that game we're coming in with a tackle that tackle that he did actually sorry s but actually remed me back in the day when you were a manager with the tackles that you get you know players got away with back in the 80s and the night you know so see see for me unless unless H you know we have to change the defense clemont I can't blame clemont because he's not had his own team you know judge him on next season you know because as I say he gets in the players and uh you know anything can happen conceded less goals than Celtic no but that's what but that's what I'm saying the two teams are are actually worse than last season I think it's both of them are 10 points down than last season would I be right and saying that well Jason listen thanks to the call many many other old firm fans trying to come on and John is one of them John I think you're a Celtic fan what do you want to say m just Celtic are Miles Ahead it's it's proven so it has like the last 13 14 years Rangers have won the league once yeah well I mean the facts are the facts Celtic are on course for their 12 title in 13 Seasons but G you're saying even although when they meet Celtic invariably come out on top you still think there's not much between the two sides when they meet head to what criteria working by Rangers are not beating what criteria working by that the Miles Ahead well Miles Ahead means that they're going for their 12th title and3 no no no we're talking about this year as Simon pointed out earlier some of those years Rangers weren't even in the Premier League so please tell me both of you yeah what criteria are you working with when you say Rangers are are miles behind Celtic one year you're saying they haven't been bashed up 51 in games right and and you would you don't just pass that off that is a fact I'm about to give you an answer question they took one point out of 12 that to me defines it now your argument would be ah well I'll Nuance that R never anything the conversation we just had a moment ago with Rangers didn't get bashed up by Celtic any of the games no is your argument and six they've lost the league by six points so that would that suggest that anyone with the the but the only comp remotest bit of common sense that is not an enormous margin that would suggest these are not far away from each Rangers are better than the rest of the Dr in that league so the only comparison is between Celtic and Rangers forget What's happen comparison you still got to be so your suggest game is just the they just win easily that's not the case am look at the point at the point look at the points t that's not the case and look at the reality you're right to suggest because Rangers only come back into the spfl in 1617 so we can't say 13 Seasons we can only say eight right eight seasons right they won they won one title out the last eight which is a fair more fair analysis but we have to define the result being they took one point out of 12 and and and how many points Celtic win the league is irrelevant John don't don't wear your Celtic shirt when you give me this answer but you've been good enough to come on me how big is the gulf between Celtic and Rangers the man I'd say Rangers will be about four five years behind behind so Celtic will dominate the league for another 45 years oh hands down and just another one H griam said Rangers were in the Premier League when celic won the titles Rangers claimed they won 56 titles does the first division the championship in the same division do they not count now he wasn't going to miss on that one John thank you for that the fact is at the moment G whenever they meet Celtic win that seems to be the case does it not you're stting obvious again J I mean this is argument Central you know it's promoted a station for confrontation you're doing your very best and you're doing okay but the two of you are not football people I will tell you forget supporters for briefly a moment the football people will tell you that they don't if you were to ask any football person coming and sitting in this chair would six points if you win a league by six points points and if all the results are decided by one goal that is not a team being miles in front of anyone else that is a football person's opinion on it that would be their take on it not a journalist not a supporter and not you two but that's a wonderful observation but if any other Le it's not it's a fact no it's your version of a fact it's a fact I've just told you get any football person in here and ask football person someone who's been involved in football professionally or someone who's played manager someone who's involved professionally what what I found for football people in my experience of football having employed lots of them and own a football club for 10 years it's some of the most disingenuous divisive excuse orientated people are football genus this is a it's a matter of opinions if you look at any other league fact if you look at any other league besides Scottish Premier League right it's a two horse race so the only thing you're comparing one another to is C we have spent half an hour talking about two horse races six points is 21 21 3 three I can't even tell you the result aree but what you are is your your your word isn't the law you're not Judge Dread right you don't get to Define what people think because you kicked a try and listen to this I know you're in the game briefly briefly 10 years is you in the game briefly 10 years is a fair let me explain to you how football people professional football would would view this Rangers are not a mile behind there's not an enormous Gulf the results tell you that and the Sixpoint Gap tell you that they are not a million miles away from them Jim White and Simon Jordan Monday to Friday mornings from 10: on a.m. on da via the talk sport app and on your smart speaker talk sport
Channel: talkSPORT
Views: 207,496
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Keywords: Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man City, Manchester United, Reaction, Tottenham, White & Jordan, football, funny, premier league, simon jordan, simon jordan talksport, soccer, sport, talksport, talksport caller, talksport funny, talksport live, talksport live now, talksport live stream, talksport rant, graeme souness, graeme souness simon jordan, old firm derby, scottish premiership, celtic, rangers, celtic spl, rangers spl, brendan rodgers, Philippe Clement, celtic vs rangers
Id: HeFpzQ50Nxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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