Gradient with respect to input in PyTorch (FGSM attack + Integrated Gradients)

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Hey there and welcome to this video! Today, I will  talk about gradients with respect to inputs and   I will give you two examples of how you can use  them. The first one is adversarial attacks. The   goal is to fool a pre-trained network to change  its prediction by modifying the input features.   The second example is going to be about trying  to explain predictions of a pre-trained neural   network. Before I start let me just give a quick  shout out to the more notorious gradients and that   is the gradients with respect to the parameters  (which you can see on the right). They are used   heavily during the training process of neural  networks because it is with their help that we can   update the trainable parameters. Anyway, let's get  started. The first example is going to be using   an algorithm called the Fast Gradient Sign Method  (FGSM). I believe it was first introduced in this   paper "Explaining and harnessing adversarial  examples" written by Ian Goodfellow and other   authors in 2015. I'm not going to describe this  paper in detail and instead I'm just going to show   you the place where they propose the algorithm.  First of all, the figure is really instructive.   The setup is the following. We start with an image  of a panda. As you can see the classifier is able   to correctly predict that it is indeed a panda.  Our goal is then to find a small perturbation of   the image that will fool the classifier network.  Funnily enough, the small perturbation might not   even be visible to the human eye. So how  do we come up with this perturbation. Well   it is nothing else than the gradient with respect  to the input, however, we are only interested in   its sign. Since we add this perturbation to the  original image we are hoping to increase the   classification loss. Also note that we multiply  the perturbation image by a small epsilon to make   sure that the change is minimal. All right, let  us first create a couple of utility functions. We are using Pillow to deal with images. We are  using torch to do deep learning related things   and finally we are using torch vision transforms  to pre-process our images. Let us start with   the star of the show which is a function that  computes the gradient with respect to inputs. The first argument of this function is a callable  and it should define how we get from the input   to a final number representing let's say  the loss. The second argument is going to   be our input tensor and finally we have keyword  arguments that we can pass to our "func" callable   what our function returns is the gradient and  it has exactly the same shape as the input. Here we are assuming that our input tensor is a  leaf node and by setting "requires_grad" equal   to "True" we are telling torch to compute  the gradient with respect to this tensor.   We take our input tensor and we run it through  the "func" callable. What it could represent for   example is a forward pass of a neural network  followed by some loss criterion. Here we tell   torch to compute the gradients and finally we just  undo what we did as a first step of this function.   This function then returns the actual  gradient tensor. As you would probably agree,   this function is extremely simple yet it  does all the hard work. Let me now define   a couple of boilerplate utility functions  that we will use in both of our examples. The   goal of this function is to take an image that is  lying somewhere on our disk and convert it to a   tensor that we can right away use with pre-trained  networks. The composite transform contains the   following steps. First of all, we resize our  image to be a square and then we crop a smaller   square in the center. We then convert the image  to a "torch.Tensor" and finally we normalize.   Note that these means and standard deviations are  available in the documentation of torchvision and   I guess they were just computed from the training  set of Imagenet. We transform the image and then   we add an extra dimension to the front of it  representing the batch dimension and we return it. This function will take an input tensor. It  will undo the normalization that we did in the   previous function and it will turn it into a numpy  array that we can use in matplotlib right away. We remove the batch dimension. This transform is supposed to undo the  normalization we did in the "read_image" function. We run the transform and then  we permute the dimensions   in order for the channels to be the  last dimension and then just return it. This function is motivated by  the fact that gradients can have   any values whatsoever and our  goal is to take a gradient tensor   and turn it into a tensor that has elements  in the range of 0 and 1. This heuristic can   help us visualize the magnitude of the  gradient in different parts of the image. We first compute the absolute values.  Then we take an average over the channel   dimension and finally we put the  channel dimension to the very end. Here we divide all the elements of the tensor  by a number that is very close to the maximum   but it's not quite the maximum here I chose the  98th quantile but you can play around with this. Here we make sure that all the  elements are in the range (0, 1).   And finally we turn it into a numpy array and   return. All right let us now  move to the actual example. As you can see I imported "torchvision.models"  in order to be able to load a pre-trained model. I'm also going to import some of the  utility functions we just implemented. We will pass this function to  the "compute_gradient" utility   it will compute the negative log likelihood  loss for a given input image and a given target. We run the forward pass and  then we compute the loss. We print its value and return it and now  we're ready to write the attack function. All right the first argument is a tensor which  represents the input image. The second argument   is our pre-trained classifier network. Epsilon  will control the size of the perturbation.   Number of iterations represents the maximum  number of iterations we run the attack for. What this function returns is a new image  that is going to be hopefully as similar   to the input as possible. However, the  predicted label is going to be different. First of all we clone the input tensor  so that we are not modifying it in place. We check what the original  prediction is on the input image. And now we move to the main "for" loop. First of all, we make sure that  all the gradients are set to zero.   We use our utility function "compute_gradient"  to get the gradient with respect to the input.   Note that the target here is going  to be the original prediction. This line represents the core of this  attack. We compute the sign of our gradient,   multiply it by a small number and then we  add it to the current image. We also clamp   this image into the range of -2 and 2 in order  to make sure that the image stays realistic. We take our new image and we  let the network classify it. If the new prediction is different than the   original prediction we managed to fool  the network and our attack is over. Finally we just returned a new image, the  original prediction and the new prediction.   Let me just stress that the idea of the algorithm  is to move in the direction of the gradient and   that way we are hoping to increase the loss.  All right, let's see this attack in action. we load a pre-trained resnet using torchvision  we set it to evaluation mode because it has   multiple batch normalization layers  and they behave differently at   training time and at inference time. We  use our utility function "read_image". Here we run our attack and the  only thing left to do here is   to visualize how the image looked  like before and after the attack. We turn the tensors into arrays so that we  can visualize them with matplotlib and we also   create this difference array that is supposed to  highlight where exactly the biggest changes are. Finally, we format the plot a little  bit and then save it into an image. As you can see, in each iteration the loss  was going up and after 16 iterations we were   able to fool the network. Also note that we are  getting this warning because our clamping was   not that strict. As you can see the original  image is clearly a lion and that is exactly   what the network predicted. Note that I actually  added the classes corresponding to the label ids.   When it comes to the modified image, the network  thinks it's a golden retriever. The difference   between the original and the modified image is  really subtle. It is the color of the sky that is   slightly different. Anyway, I find it impressive  that we're able to fool the network with such a   simple algorithm. The second example is going  to demonstrate the Integrated gradients method.   It was introduced in this paper called  "Axiomatic attribution for deep networks"   written by Mukund Sundararajan and other authors  in 2017. Again, I'm going to leave out all the   details and just focus on the essentials. The  Integrated gradients is a simple algorithm that   allows us to determine how much different input  features contribute to the final prediction. Instead of just using a single gradient with  respect to the inputs they propose to generate   a straight line path between a baseline input  and our actual input. For example if our inputs   are images the baseline could be an image that  is entirely black. Anyway, once we have this   path we collect multiple gradients along it and  then aggregate them by the following formula. Here we can see visually how the algorithm  performs compared to the simple gradient   approach. It seems to be way better. Let  us create a script called "". The goal of this function  is to run the forward pass   and then to extract the logit  corresponding to the target. Now we can implement the function that  computes the integrated gradients. The first argument is the input image Baseline  is the other image as discussed in the paper.   This is going to be a classifier network. Finally,  target is going to be the ground truth label id. Number of steps will determine the number  of tensors along the line from the baseline   to the input image. This function  returns two different tensors of   the same shape. The first one is going  to represent the integrated gradients   and the second one is going to be the  gradient with respect to the input image. This path list is going to hold all the tensors on  the straight line from the baseline all the way to   the input image. Note that the last element of  this list is going to be the input image itself.   Here we are computing the gradient with respect  to all the tensors that are lying on the line. This line approximates the  integral proposed in the paper. Finally, we return the integrated  gradients and also the gradient   with respect to inputs. Let  us now see whether it works. As in the previous example we load  the pre-trained resnet and set it to   the evaluation mode. We load our image  and then also convert it to an array. Here we prepare the inputs for the  "compute_integrated_gradients" function.   Note that this baseline image should be very  close to just a black image. The reason why we   construct it like this is because the resnet  already assumes that the input is normalized.   Here I call our function and I  also hardcode the target label   to be 291 corresponding to a lion.  Now the only thing left to do is visualization. As you can see I'm using the "scale_grad"  function that we wrote at the very beginning   of this tutorial. I take these scaled gradients  and I multiply the input image with them. This   way we will have an idea what parts of the image  are explained by the algorithm and which aren't. Now we should be ready to run it. Here you can see the results. The first two images  represent the baseline and the input respectively.   The third image shows how the single gradient with  respect to the input explains where the network is   looking. The brighter the pixel the more relevant  that given pixel is for predicting the lion class.   Even though it is really noisy we clearly see that  the face and the mane of the lion are something   the network focuses on. Finally, if we look at the  rightmost image it shows the Integrated gradients   approach. It has less noise than the other  approach and one can clearly see that the face of   the line is the most important part of the image.  Before I finish this video let me just show you   two really amazing open source projects that are  focused on the two subjects that I discussed today   the first one is named Foolbox. It is focused on  adversarial examples and it implements a lot of   different algorithms and some of them don't even  require access to gradients. The second project   is called Captum and it is focused on interpreting  of predictions of neural networks. It is closely   linked to PyTorch and it has an amazing API and  a wide range of implemented algorithms. Thank you   very much for watching this video. If you enjoyed  it do not forget to like it and if you would like   to get similar content in the future do not  hesitate to subscribe! See you next time!!!
Channel: mildlyoverfitted
Views: 1,412
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Keywords: gradient, adversarial example, adversarial attack, explainibility, interpretability, explainable AI, artificial intelligence, python, gradient with respect to input, pytorch, live coding, integrated gradients, fast gradient sign attack, machine learning, foolbox, captum, attribution, partial derivatives, understanding, resnet, torchvision, optimization, gradient with respect, hands-on tutorial gradients, hands-on tutorial deep learning
Id: 5lFiZTSsp40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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