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we are now on quarter four week eight of our most essential learning competencies at the end of the lesson you should be able to first you may describe experimental probability second perform an experimental probability and records result by listing let's have our first activity in this morning this should be entitled make hashtag make prediction the direction is you're going to write yes if the statement is sure to happen maybe if it's likely to happen or no if it's impossible to happen question number one the baby cooks for the family you may comment down your answer grade 5 learners in the comment section below if it's yes maybe or no time is up the correct answer is no very good grade five turners question number two the lost cellular phone was found it is yes maybe or no time is up the correct answer is very good grade 5 learners this would be maybe and then question number 3 the teacher teaches the pprs comment down your answer grade 5 learners if yes is your answer you got the correct answer grade 5 question number four the man collapses during the rally if it's yes maybe or no you may comment down your answer grade five learners in the comment section below good job the correct answer is maybe okay now question number five the cat drives the car is if it's yes maybe or no good job great pipe learners no is the correct answer congratulations great pipe learners you did a great job in this activity now let's proceed in discussing experimental probability what is an experimental probability an experimental probability is based on actual experiments and adequate recordings of the happening of events to determine the occurrence of any event a series of actual experiments are conducted one of this is tossing a coin okay now tossing a coin we have a head and a tail these are the sample space or the list of possible outcome and it has an equal chances to get a head or a tail experiments which do not have a fixed results are known as random experiment the outcome of such experiment is uncertain random experiments are repeated multiple times to determine their likelihood an experiment is repeated a fixed number of times and each repetition is known as akshaya probability is something to do with ranges let's start with 0 percent to 100 percent when we say zero percent this would be impossible to happen rate five donors and we have 25 meaning to say this equivalent to one port or 0.25 this would be unlikely to happen and when we say 50 this would be equivalent to one half very good grade 5 learners or 0.5 this would be equal likely to happen and then we have 75 percent it's equivalent to one report or 75 hundreds this would be likely to happen and we have 100 it's equivalent to one or certainly two now let's proceed to second activity in this format hashtag what is the probability that the direction is right impossible unlikely equal likely likely or certain question number one the spinner is stopped at yellow this should be impossible unlikely equal likely likely or certain you may comment down your answer in the comment section below grade 5 learners time is up the correct answer is unlikely very good played by them question number two if you pick a marble without looking how likely will you get a blue marble it is impossible unlikely equality likely to happen or certainly to happen you may comment down your answer in the comments section below great five learners times up the correct answer is likely to happen as you can see in the back we have most number of blue marbles so this should be likely to happen question number three if you pick a marble without looking how likely will you get a blue marble if it's impossible to happen likely equal likely to happen likely to happen and certainly to happen you may comment down your answer in the comment section below great time learners time is up the correct answer is very good equal likely to happen as you can see the number of marbles are the same with the blue and the red marbles okay question number four if you pick a solid figure without looking how likely will you get a solid figure if it's impossible unlikely equal likely likely to happen or certainly to happen you may comment on your answer in the comment section below time is up the correct answer is very good grade 5 learners this should be certainly to happen because all of these are solid figures question number five if you choose a toy animal without looking how likely will you get a bird if it's impossible to happen unlikely to happen equal likely to happen or sir likely to happen or certainly to happen observe what animals are in the maps comment down your answer in the comment section time's up the correct answer is impossible to happen because great pipe learners as you can see the animals in the box there is no birds in the back soon therefore the answer is impossible to now experimental probability is something with to do with events that are use probability these are dice spinners coins of cards and ball in a box now this should be the formula for the experimental probability it's defined by the probability of event is equal to the number of times an event of euro over the total number trials now let's have our first problem for today you ask your three friends david ira and julie to toss a pair of coins 15 times each in a row and the outcome of this experiment is given as below so this would be the coin toss the number of heads and the number of tapes we have david ira and julie so david toss six heads and nine tails i rat those seven heads and eight tails and julie toss eight aheads and seven tails now let's have our solution to get the probability of head we have to determine the number of times ahead of cure over the number of times a coin is then to determine the probability of tail so we're going to find first the number of times until cure over the total number of times coin stores okay experimental probability is a probability based on the data collected from repeated trials so experimental probability is equal to p over n where p represents the number of times independent cure while performing this experiment in this time or a favorable outcome now and represent the number of times an experiment is done or the total possible outcome let's have the solution so coin tossed by david ira and julie the number of heads the number of tails the experimental probability for the occurrence of head experimental probability for the current sub now let's start with david we have six number of tents and nine number of tails and for ira we have seven number of heads and eight number of tails and then we have for julie we have eight number of heads and seven number of tails now let's find the experimental probability for david in heads we have six number of heads and the total number of trials is 15 then as you can see 6 over 15 can be expressed to simplest form so let's divide this one by three so six divided by three the answer is two fifteen divided by three the iso is five now let's proceed to find the experimental probability for tails we have nine number of tails over the total number of trials we have 15. as you can see again grade 5 learners 9 over 15 can be expressed into simplest form so let's divide this one by three nine divided by three is three fifteen divided by three is five therefore the experimental probability four head for david we have two pips and for the experimental probability entail we have uh three fear now let's proceed to iraq ira got seven number of heads over a total number of trials we have 15. therefore ira got 7 over 15 experimental probability in getting ahead and then we have eight number of heads and the total number of trials we have 15 therefore 8 over 15 is the experimental probability in getting tail for ira and lastly for julie we have eight number of heads over the total number of trials is 15 therefore the experimental probability in tossing head for truly is 8 over 15 and for getting a tail we have 7 number obtained over the total number of trials is 15 therefore the experimental probability in finding tail for julie is 7 over 15. now let's have our second example for the day a manufacturer makes 50 000 cell phones every month after inspecting 1000 pounds the manufacturer found that 20 pounds are defective what is the probability that you will buy a phone that is defective now we have the solution the total possible outcome is when expecting 1000 pounds the manufacturer found out that 20 is defective so 20 is the favorable outcome now let's have the solution so experimental probability is equal to b over n now the value of the favorable outcome is 20 and the number of trials is 1000 so as you can see we can simplify 20 over 1002 okay let's divide this by 20 20 divided by 20 is 1 1000 divided by 20 is 50. therefore the experimental probability is 1 over 50 or 0.02 example number three in the deck of 52 well shuffled play card what is the probability of getting king so this would be the deck of card now let's have the solution the total possible outcome is 52 the favorable outcome is getting a king remember that in a deck of cards of 52 cards there are four suits has a king so there are four kings in a deck of cards now let's have a probability we have experimental probability is equal to p over n so the favorable outcome is four and then we have the total number of trials we have 52 so as you can see 4 over 52 can be expressed into simplest form so let's divide [Music] both numerator and the denominator by 4. 4 divided by 4 is 1 52 divided by 4 is 13. so therefore the experimental probability is 1 over 13 or 0.077 now let's have our last activity in this morning study the spinner wheel then answer the following question this should be the spinner wheel we have one two eight then we have different colors so the question is what is the experiment what is the probability of getting three you have 30 seconds to tie to type in your answer in the comments section below hammer starts now okay great five learners the correct answer is very good so we have one number of favorable outcome over eight number of trials therefore the experimental probability is one over eight good job now question number two what is the probability of getting even number your 30 seconds timer starts now time is up great five learners as you can see we have four even numbers we have two four six and eight now let's uh show the experimental probability the favorable outcome is four out of eight number of trials so as you can see four over eight can be expressed to simplest form so four divided by four is one then eight divided by four the answer is 2 therefore the probability or the experimental probability in getting even number is one half now question number three what is the probability of getting odd number so these are the add numbers then timer starts now okay time is up now let's reveal so the favorable outcome is four because we have one three five and seven so these are the odd numbers in the wheel now the number of trials is eight then as you can see again we can simplify 4 over 8 so by dividing both numerator and denominator by 4 4 divided by 4 is 1 then 8 divided by 4 is 2. therefore the probability of getting add numbers is one now let's proceed to question number four what is the probability of getting factors of six you may comment down your answer in the comment section your timer starts now okay great five learners time is up now let's reveal the factors of six we have one six two and three therefore the favorable outcome is four and then the number of dials is eight then simplify four over eight divided by four both numerator and denominator four divided by four we have one eight divided by four the answer is two therefore the probability of getting a factors of six is one half okay last number we have the question number five what is the probability of getting numbers as a product of 10. 30 seconds timer starts now okay now let's reveal the product of 10 no so we have 2 and by so let's rebuild the favorable outcome we have 2 and the number of trials is eight then as you can see we can simplify two over eight to simply spawn so let's divide both numerator and denominator by two two divided by two is one then eight divided by two the answer is four therefore the experimental probability grade five donors is one over four now we have another question for question number six what is the probability of getting vowel in the word mathematics your 30 seconds timer starts now time is up now let's find the vowel letter in the word mathematics we have a e a i so we have how many favorable outcome we have four favorable outcome over the total letter or the total trials we have eleven so therefore the experimental probability is 4 over 11 because there is no simplified form by 4 over 8 now question number 7 what is the probability of rolling an even number on a die now your 30 seconds timer starts now okay great five learners so these are the lists of possible outcome so what are the even numbers in rolling a dice we have two four and six so therefore the favorable outcome is three over the total number of trials we have 6 then let's divide both numerator and the denominator by 3. 3 divided by 3 is 1 then 6 divided by 3 is 2. the experimental probability in rolling a die to get an eb number is one half okay now question number eight leio is playing cards with his friend when he draw a card from a pack of 20 cards number cards from 1 to 20 what is the probability of picking number card which is a factor of 30. so these are the numbers so from 1 to 20. so you may comment down your answer in the comment section below grade 5 donors your timer starts now time's up great five learners so these are the factors of 30 so the favorable outcome is 7 and then the number of trials is 20. so as you can see 7 over 20 cannot be expressed into simplest form therefore the experimental probability with a factor of 30 is 7 over 20. now question number 9 if a number is chosen at random from the numbers 1 to 20 inclusive what is the probability that a single digit will be picked you may comment down your answer in the comments section below your timer starts now times up now let's reveal so this would be the single digit number so we have how many we have nine so this would be the favorable outcome and then the total number of trials is 20 therefore 9 over 20 is the experimental probability in choosing single digit from 1 to 20. now grade 5 learners keep in mind that probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with the likelihood of the occurrences of the given event and experimental probability also known as empirical probability is based on actual experiments and adequate recordings of the happening of the bed so a 5050 chance means exactly the chance which is also equivalent to 0.5 or one-half and to find the probability of an event use the formula probability of event is equal to favorable outcomes over the total possible outcome or the total number of trials by doing a probability experiment we can determine the number of times and then cure we also tabled and record the outcome of probability experiment now for your home learning task grade 5 learners i want you to answer assessment on your self learning module this will be for week eight so i want you to remember this one the first step is to establish that something is possible then probability will occur so that's all for today great five learners thank you and see you again next time for another fb live discussion
Channel: Val Live
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Keywords: education, valenzuela, deped, SDO-VALENZUELA
Id: qddY4XR6Nwg
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Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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