Grace Slick On The Joan Rivers Show (1990)

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because of the Acid Queen back in the 60s at that time she was the lead singer for the rock group Jefferson Airplane over the years if you'll remember Jefferson Airplane became Jefferson Starship then it became just Starship now there's no Jefferson there was no airplane there was no structure but she is still around and she is still a star will you please welcome Grace Slick [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] hey do you miss those wild times um not particularly because it's more interesting now because it's more varied it was very focused and poor Spike spike is in the dressing room is it gonna come out he'll come out later all right well maybe okay you know oh and I gotta correct one thing you said there's no Starship there is they'll kill me if you say there's no Starships no why not when did you say I've had it um when did I say I've had it that's a good question about three years ago I think it was just enough of that but you because you certainly had a good time I mean every time I picked up Rolling Stone or whatever it was you were right in the middle of all that's you know you really lived as they say yeah I'm surprised I'm still here yeah yeah uh we did have a good time it was a very different uh era than it is wasn't as wild as we read about it yes it was we got that right so what do you do you have a daughter what do you say to your daughter don't do as mommy did no she um somehow she's more even I think it jumps Generations you get a screwball in one and then the next one straight you get a screwball you know my grandmother was Goofy and my mother was really straight yeah because I saw a picture of you with seven years old playing the piano a little preppy dressed up as Mozart trying to impress somebody yeah when did you suddenly say this is not for me I've got to get into rock and roll I've got to just I saw a Jefferson Airplane playing and I thought well if they can do it I can do it so uh formed my own band and then transferred to theirs later on wasn't hard for women in rock back in the 60s now you know because all of the mans there had women all of them there were about seven or eight bands that played continually and it wasn't unusual at that time and I think oddly enough and I don't know why this is but when the women's Liberation thing started kind of getting headlines and moving uh men started going like that so it was easy to talk then and it's fairly easy to talk now but for a while there was like they didn't want to hear anything it's like she's a bra burner get her out of here you know they were kind of like that so um now kind of they're still backing off because everybody needs a job do you look at people like Madonna and say gee and this this is what I I could have been I mean it could have been Grace Slick and no I don't have that Born to Be brunette tour no no no no born born to be 50. uh no do you if she has more energy she's like a second of the atom bomb you know what I'm saying yeah I don't have that kind of energy takes a rocket to get me off my butt do you do you look back I mean so many people die I mean I was thinking Janice Joplin Jimmy Jim Morrison Jimi Hendrix were you that much involved with drugs I mean was it just luck that you think everybody was yeah it's the physiologically the body changes in other words every day it shifts a little bit what if you had four of something last week you can't necessarily have four today it might kill you yeah see what I mean the body's always kind of changing so I don't a lot of people say oh they kill themselves and they made all this dramatic stuff out of it I just think it's uh real difficult to take drugs and be sure of what's going to happen what turns you around is there any one thing Highway Patrol no I'm way too stubborn to say gee this I'm not a nice person I ought to change you know the highway patrol said you stopped doing that or we take your life license away and I'm more addicted to cars than drugs so I said fine I'll try that out and it got it got interesting I mean it your your peripheral vision gets really wide if you aren't uh slopped up so now what what do you I don't mean this what do you do with your time I mean I'm so nice so you know like you focus all this energy on too yeah uh mostly animals uh I think uh this society's been users for thousands of years we use uh drugs we use each other we use the land we use animals like they're toilet paper I mean we kill them to make leather we kill them to make fur we mutilate them and then kill them in research science we and then there are those peculiar people who want to kill them just to kill them Hunters well I think they need therapy those people I mean I feel sorry for them because it's not like it's a sport because then you could skeet shoot if you really are interested in a Target but these people put on funny outfits and get like beer and go and buy expensive guns and then go it's a whole Macho thing well it's so sick what a big guy I am I can kill a bear with my gun I know I mean we just treat animals like I say like toilet paper and that it uh kind of stems into everything else I think we got to stop using and realize that we're here on the planet with everybody not on top of it like uh we think we're hot stuff you know we can just throw everything away is this what's in your letter to your daughter Newsweek asked you to write a letter right just you or there's several mothers that were asked to write letters to their daughters who else they uh uh asked they asked me because I got straight A's in English composition John all right they just want to find somebody who could put a sentence together no that's not true I don't know I don't know who else they asked and I don't even know why they asked me when they call you know they called up and said I went oh okay so what did you say in the letter well it's just um uh getting along I think with kids is listening because I have a fairly good relationship with China how old is she she's 19. why did you name it China uh in honor of uh a lot of things we learned I live in San Francisco and there's a huge Oriental Community there so uh as opposed to the sort of Christian Western guilt fear sort of thing that we learned a lot from the Eastern uh religions and spiritual practices that do not uh lean on fear and guilt to help you grow okay so you know it it was we also took martial arts we it's the art of the people uh all kinds of things it's just in honor of the oriental people so what is your how old is she how old am I no no no China I just told you 19. 19. okay that's uh what did you say in the letter uh they sort of aimed it in other words my original thing was way too broad I'm I'm busy pontificating you know and they said no let's cut that down and get one-on-one as to my relationship with China how did she get into drugs how did you feel what do you do about it now all that kind of stuff and is she out of them yeah she's got three years of sobriety it's wonderful yeah so she's very very yeah kids start now you know you uh take the away the bottle and where's the you know something else the pipe and it's uh sad did you help her I mean when you saw this guy oh she helped herself because see she'd been going to meetings so with me since she was six so you'd think they would have stopped it from doing that who your child China who's gonna stop her well if you're at a meeting where everyone's saying this is terrible and I'm pulling myself up and I'm changing my life well the child was that small that's why I'm saying that's why she stopped in six months is because uh unlike me you go for years and years not knowing why you're goofy she recognized the symptoms of uh alcoholic addict in herself and she climbed in the car one night and said Mom uh I think I've got to stop doing this you know what I was doing she said I was drinking cooking Sherry and she realized Nobody Drinks cooking Sherry unless you're a little weird and I was necking with someone I don't even like it it was my friend's boyfriend she said this isn't right I'm going to stop doing this it's great and I think because she had heard all this stuff at meetings she knew that her drinking one right isn't that great at that age should do it yeah she's better looking here isn't that nice isn't it so is my daughter it's always nice to have you know the the jeans Improvement yes oh yes the jeans are improving a pleasure to have you on and we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Chris DAgosta
Views: 16,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grace Slick, Joan Rivers, Interview
Id: NkysO0QSoiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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