"Grace Be Multiplied" by Dr. Gerald Jeffers

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yeah Prakash and mmm America today and rememeber Boutros Chiquita llama Ricky cacciatore animal down own art worthy now alone are worthy [Music] to the book of second Peter chapter number one and verse two if he would stand all over the house and honor to the word of the Lord second Peter chapter one verse two we are surely grateful to the presence the sweet presence of the Lord that is here with us second Peter chapter 1 verse 2 when the King James version of the Bible thank you musicians thank you and it says grace and peace everyone say be multiplied there are actually 5 dimensions of grace and that's why grace gets multiplied it becomes exponentially greater he said unto you through the knowledge of God and of who did you notice how he seems to separate God and Jesus had help you to understand that the Greek word for an also translates even truth from the knowledge of God even Jesus want to speak to you this morning on this subject grace being multiplied grace be multiplied one more time lift your hands and just worship your God because you love him in this house speak Lord we love you so much we thank you for grace we thank you for mercy thank you for love thank you for kindness Rockit areas sandra borrow coriander a meritorious Jeremiah thank you for Lord God in the name of Jesus before you're seated would you greet a few people around you shake someone's hand smile at them tell them welcome to a time of celebration hug somebody smile at somebody amen come on go across the aisle make somebody feel welcome and I just possible and still Navarette to this afternoon come on give God thanks and praise for them right now we appreciate them but the Lord is so marvelous done in their life the life of their family a man and to all the ministry that is here Amanda as my wife was up speaking the man of God leaned over to me and such boy she can just she just reaches these notes when she sings us at yes she does it so effortlessly a man the Lord has really blessed my wife and we thank God for her would you put your hands together for her thank God for her second Peter chapter 1 verse 2 the Apostle tells us and this is his salutation to the church that grace would be multiplied for of course it under helps us to understand what grace is we oftentimes use or see the phrase unmerited favor but in simplicity grace is the giver of all gifts we use an acronym for grace G r AZ e God's riches at Christ's expense here's how it works Asante of God decides what to give to you the love of God paid the price for it because it was too expensive for you to have and then the grace of God turns around and gives it to you and then your faith reaches out and accepts what grace brought what love paid for and what sovereignty declared I said love bought it grace brought it my faith caught it now I got it I personally have been amazed by God to understand the Lord came to me a few few months back and said to me you and most of my people have no concept on grace he said you don't understand grace he said if you understood grace you would not have some of the struggles you're having he said grace is not based on works not your works at least it's based on God's works people say I don't understand how God can love me he said how do you love your kids some of you act like you a better parent than God you can love your children with a sinful nature when they get on your last nerve but you marvel at God loving you who has no sinful nature you must be a better parent than God but I'm marveled as God began to teach me about grace I did not realize let's look at Genesis chapter 6 verse 8 in the Old Testament Genesis chapter 6 verse 8 in the King James Version I did not realize the prominence of grace even in the Old Testament now I knew a few scriptures like this the problem is this because we don't see the word grace in the Old Testament that often we don't recognize the presence of grace but I wanted to show you one incident where grace is mentioned but no I found what and you'll often times see this in particular in the Old Testament when it talks about grace you'll see it in connection with the eyes when Noah found grace he founded in the eyes of the Lord when Esther found grace with the King she found it she said to the king if I found grace in thy sight because eyesight and grace are put together and the reason being is because when God looks upon you he loves you and when he he love begins to rise from him looking at you grace comes to give to you what love paid for you to have now let me show you where grace is not always so obvious in the Old Testament but yet it's very paramount Genesis chapter 1 let's look at verse 26 Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 we're still in the King James and God said let us make man after what after our image and after our likeness let him have dominion wait a minute hold on hold on here's your question how much praying had Adam and Eve done Oh none how much fasting do they do then how do they have a right to dominion to an entire planet oh that's called grace grace gave them what they did not deserve to have and the reason why many of you are struggling with God you are trying to earn God's love you are trying to be good enough if I pray enough if I come to church enough if I give enough money if I read enough if I stay consecrated enough maybe just maybe God might bless me with the ministry God asks you the question why do you give to your children did they earn it they act like it huh some Yuka gave your children cellphone the USA came out with a statistic some years back it said to raise a child from college from raise a child from the crib taking them to college not paying for college from the crib to the beginning of the age of college and not paying for luxury items such as toys and vacations it costs to parent well over $300,000 per child what do they do to earn that one parent went up to the childhood yep pay me right now just give me dude there's the way to pay that back that's what God's trying to get across to you I'm giving to you because I love you no no you're not worthy to receive it but because I love you I decide to make you were let him have dominion over the what fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle and over every creeping thing I'm gonna give you Jimmy you know I don't know if you caught this I'm gonna give you Jimmy in over four areas the number four in the Bible deals with the material world did you order this Oh sis did you notice Ephesians chapter six verse twelve did you notice Ephesians six and twelve here can you see if he's in six and twelve for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world and against Oh I give you dominion over four fowls of the airs of those are the rulers of the darkness of this world fish of Asiya spiritual wicked because you see the fish of the sea are the depths of the ocean we've explored more space than we can get down to the depths of the ocean this is spiritual wickedness in high its the tap I give you Tim how did you get this Dominion you know seventy many of you you're wanting a miracle ministry you wanting God to use you in healing miracles signs and wonders you're not getting it the reason why God's not released to some of you because you think you have to pray so many hours to get it what did Adam do to get this God gave it because he loved him you're in my image you're in my likeness I love you your children give one red nickel towards this I remember one time going over a house and I was visiting and one of the one of the children came and grabbed my finger you know five-year-old so king-crab might come see my room parents are smiling you know all in agreement this is their room name paid nothing for it now but my room on the door was Johnny's parking keep out open the door this is my bed Chow took ownership and God spoke to me and said are you getting a clue yet the parent paid everything and then gives the child the authority to own it do you understand God he paid for everything and they gave you the authority over at somebody lift your hands say Lord I thank you for Dominion now listen even when you're mad at your children I know some of you to save to ever be found there but even when you're mad at your children listen to your language it's time for them to eat come here sit down you call them to that which you have provided and prepared you have put a particular seat just for them you're angry with them eat your food you're mad at them and yet you're going to provide for them you provide a place you provide a seat and you provide the food why is it do you think even if God is upset with you why do you let the devil convince you but he's he's not gonna just throw you away because you didn't pray today he's not gonna just throw you away she doesn't beat no he's not pleased with that but that's because he loves you and he misses you he wants to hear your voice not because he's so angry with you go to Song of Solomon so you can see this chapter 2 verse 14 Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 14 and so I'm getting this about grace because as you know this is your twenty-fifth year and as my wife was bringing out five times five grace which is Grace multiplied and there are other numbers that are associated with five there there are five dimensions to grace I don't I'm not gonna try to go through all five dimensions but I will just tell you this quickly so the dimensions the first dimension is grace the second dimension is Grace multiplied the third dimension is great grace the fourth dimension is all Grace and the fifth dimension is becoming a dispenser of grace it's not active that is five dimensions because five is the number of grace all right no washes the man is talking to the woman and he refers to her as a dove now this yes this is very poetic and love language yes it is but it's also very spiritually significant the whole I want to tell you why God doesn't do certain things through the earth because the church is the gatekeeper question last year when same-sex marriage was legalized ask the Lord a question I said what's up with this I'm gonna be honest with you I was rather shocked at the answer he said son he said homosexuality less means been going on in my church for years he said before was ever legalized in the world the church legalized it by sanctioning it he said the church is the gatekeeper in the earth the church opened the doors to it and all the world did was legalized what the church had already legalized see if God's gonna work in the earth he's gonna work through the church keep up Song of Solomon - please verse 14 he's gonna work through the church why because you're the bride that's why he gives you grace to operate now did you notice this he calls her his dove but then he says this let me see your countenance and I was I want to see your face because you remember of course in that time period women where were rails over their face so he said unveil yourself to me then he said let me hear your voice he said not your countenance it's calmly calmly means it's beautiful your face your excuse me your voice is sweet I don't you're catching this he's in love with her and he's now caught he's got her caught between a rock and a hard place he's taking her up the side of the mountain and there now could he's caught her between a rock and a hard place and in this most difficult place he's requests to her as show me your face you don't get it God many times will put you in the midst of tough trials where you have nowhere to turn and say Sean your face what do you mean show me you I brought you here so you could unveil yourself to me and let me hear your voice because your voice is sweet to me when you don't pro my god when you don't pray you are depriving me of the voice I gave you I don't care for your husband praise if your wife prays if everybody in your family prays I didn't hear your voice somebody lift your hands and let God hear your voice I want you to hear my voice I want you to hear my voice so grace is given to the bride that she may function in the dimensions and the level I I don't get faster from the day you were born to the day you were die you could never earn God's anointing anointing is strictly given by grace and the Old Testament watch this watch this in the Old Testament there were five ingredients they made up the anointing oil there were different elements that she put together that were comprised the anointing oil that God used when you added up the shekel weight of all of these ingredients it totaled 1500 basically 5 times 3 3 deals with completion 5 years of grace in other words anointing is done or given to you by complete grace thank you for grace I said thank you for grace so meal but what it is it is elective grace particularly resided with the leadership of God all right let me show you First Samuel chapter 3 start at verse 17 for Samuel chapter 3 he started verse 17 I want you to see this again because we don't see the label disgrace we don't recognize it as grace but once you understand what grace does then you know you can recognize that grace is present someone say Lord I thank you for grace alright listen to what he says and he said what is this thing that the Lord has said unto thee I pray thee hide it not for me God do so to me and more also if thou hide anything from me of all the things that he said it to me now this is Samuel being questioned by Eli to tell him what God spoke to him now you have to remember something according to theologians Samuel is approximately 10 years of age and God reveals to a 10 year old the outcome of one that is overseeing a ministry how does the 10 euro get that now I'm going to teach them this a bit because see what happens to us when we start learning about grace oh that means I don't to do nothing the devil is a liar you just hold on to your seatbelt there hold on to your hold ago seatbelt because you know how grace grace is going work with you now but grace is gonna help you to work these these like go around teaching we don't got it nothing cuz grace it at all oh no no no no no some people the reason why the Apostolic Church shunned away from grace is because we saw it as a license to sin because we saw the charismatic movement and other people use it if they could get away with anything they wanted to because grace would cover it that's not the purpose of grace say man all right go to now go to verse 18 so so he's asking he sing to him I want you to tell me everything now Samuel is gonna start to explain to him everything that God told him to say this is a ten year old this is no small matters that God is talking about God is talking about killing Eli and his children and he puts it into a mouth of a ten year old oh you didn't catch that he puts execution in the mouth of purity it was a child go now to verse 19 because I want you to catch what what the scriptures is going to say about Samuel verse 19 Samuel grew the law was with him and what what and what God did not let anything that Chow said fault anything he said God did how do you earn that that's grace grace is all proved the Old Testament how do you get power with God the first thing you have to understand is that it's given to you by grace the next thing you got to understand you have to work with grace to maintain it so you don't contaminate it alright let's go to Hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 let's do the amplified classic on this one Hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 King James tells us that is therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy find grace to help in the time of need but we want the amplified hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 and I want you to hear it as it is written there because a lot of us don't understand grace quit God needs you understand grace because God is getting ready to multiply grace to this church on your 25th year we are currently in the dimension of grace it's a dimension of grace because God's getting ready to do some things but he needs you to understand how he's operating so you will work with him someone said teach me Lord all right so listen when he said let us then fiercely confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace the throne of grace or throne of God's unmerited favor to our sinners that we may receive what okay we read a lot of these things but don't understand and let's go to the prize Moses put grace and mercy together God's grace and mercy brought me through but did you just read this how do I get mercy how do I get mercy by going to the throne of grace grace is actually the giver of mercy mercy is not on the same level with grace because grace gives mercy let me show you with the mercies for let me let me just show you with the mercies for because gosh want to liberate somebody he said that we may receive mercy for our what anybody how many failures in this house all right don't make me have to come down there with all and start rebuking the spit of line now don't don't don't do it to me don't do it to me I know some of you your halos held up by your horns so he's all your failures I'm gonna give you mercy but that mercy came from came from grace oh you still don't catch it it's the throne of grace oh God it means that the sovereignty of God has sat down on the throne of grace executing orders and grace carries them out the sovereignty of God says they should die because of what they did but the love of God stands up and says but I love them and want them grace says I'm on my way I'm going to give them what they didn't deserve I'm gonna pick them up I'm gonna give them mercy I'm gonna give him another chance somebody lift your hands and thank God for His grace did you see this that we may receive mercy for our failures find grace to help in good time for every need appropriate help well time to help coming just when you all right so when do I need grace all right Romans chapter 5 verse 21 do I need amplified version please Romans chapter 9 verse 21 do I need grace some of you willing to digest some of you you need to buy the DVD CD take this home digest it because the dells been beating you up some of you the reason why you don't approach God the way you know you should is because you feel like such a failure you feel like such a mess up you feel like I've just been coasting along in this ministry for the ride God said grace has come to show you how I see you and it's time for you now to become who I for danger to be by my suffering sovereignty means that God is an absolute control concerning all things at all times if a 1 mil second God is not in control he is not suffering it means he rules supreme so even when the devil comes in on you don't take evil make it for your somebody just do this and say thank you for turning it around somebody stand up a moment and just turn your body one time and say thank you for turning it around grace is getting ready to turn some stuff around and as easy as you can turn around your body that's how easy God can turn your situation around Romans chapter five chapter five chapter five verse 20 listen to the way he puts it but then law came in only to expand and increase the trust passes it making more apparent and exciting opposition in other words it's only by the law of God that I knew there was sin it's when God said thou shalt not that I realized there was a problem because I was enjoying thou shalt not he said now but where sin occur increased and abounded sin means missing the mark and others where I kept missing the mark God had set for me a mark to make and I kept missing it and I increasingly kept missing it listen to what he then says grace God's unmerited favor has surpassed it grace surpassed all of my failures all of the missing of my mistakes grace surpassed it and increased the more and did what super abounded what you really trying to say please drowned it so that it is submerged in God's grace and cannot be found oh god somebody lift your hands the Lord I'm ready to receive your grace I need your grace I've been messing up I've been hitting and missing I've been steppin wrong I haven't been doing stuff right I have I've been haven't been controlling my mouth I haven't been controlling my thoughts I've been watching stuff I shouldn't be watching I've been singing stuff I shouldn't have been but I thank you right now for grace not as a license to sin but grace right now is enabling me to get out Grace's it's being multiplied to me so I can stand next for Alec's line that's super bounded so that just as sin drained and death so grace is unearned and undeserved favor my train also through the righteousness right standings with God which issues in eternal life through who did you notice that right standings is not through you that right standing us through the work of Jesus that's why Peter says I want you to experience grace multiplied in the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ I want you to understand the sovereignty of God the Father but I want you to know Jesus the daddy oh not two separate cards one God operating in many capacities your father your daddy we're talking about one person father speaks of how you lay down the law daddy speaks about how they got you wrapped God said I love you so much but even though you did wrong even though you didn't handle it correctly my arms open to you someone lift your hand still one more time and worship him right now grace be multiplying our logic Ishimaru Honda a baby baby kosher today under a baby Hickey Shetty I want you to see from scripture why God began to tell me that myself and others do not always understand grace correctly go to the 1st Corinthians chapter 15 we're gonna start at verse 9 we're in the amplified version again 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 9 I want you to see this regarding grace listen to Paul from the least worthy of the Apostles who have not fit or to certainly be called an apostle because I once wronged pursued molested the Church of God or pressing it with cruelty and violence he said I hurt God's kids and I hurt them severely i damaged them Oh Oh God it's know what you love them and that's what Paul saying I shouldn't I should I don't have the right to be in the office of an apostle because of extensive damage I did but listen to them next verse next line if you can you turn I didn't work for it I didn't earn it in fact my actions actually caused a negative and a deficit but grace is so powerful it overcomes my negative and deficit and leaves me with a surplus he said but by the grace unmerited favor and blessings of God I am did you catch that language no no did you catch that language I what does that sound familiar anybody remember Exodus chapter 3 around verse 14 the Lord said to Abraham or excuse me to Moses I am that did you catch the difference Paul said I am what I am God said I am I didn't trim the watan to that I don't appreciate one day but for now I'll give you an excerpt Paul Paul said God's grace costs maybe I am that it means it gave me identity identity comes from grace you know why I leave out a lot of you cannot accept who you are in God you've never accepted His grace you accept your faults your failures what you're not you allow the devil to rehearse them in your head you allow people's words to affect you in what they say and how you're not and what you're not doing correctly and so what ends up happening is you believe what is being said rather than what grace is telling you grace is telling you you're the head and not the tail you're above and not beneath grace has said your royal priesthood grace said you're a king and you're priests grace said you're the salt of the earth I said I am that I am somebody shout out the grace of God you say how could I ever have a ministry someone shout grace how could I ever be powerfully used by God someone shout grace how could I ever be used in winning souls somebody shall graze how can I be used in miracles signs and wonders somebody shout Christ because what I did would never allow me to become who he said I am i watch this washes he said by God's grace the unmerited favor blessings of God I am what I am and His grace toward me was not found to be for nothing fruitless without effect in fact this is in the next line I want you to see people say well God's grace did everything I don't do anything read baby read I worked what grace will make you work harder not stop you from working I worked harder than all of them he's talking about all of the Apostles now see see a lot of you are missing this because if I was to come up and tell you that I worked harder than everyone else got a big head don't you brother can you fit it through the door like dump you like dump truck pickup aisle five it's the mother lode we need to pick your head up you see how he's talking about himself did you catch that I worked harder than all of them the apostles though it was not out really I see how he flips not was he understands God had to do it through me see God doesn't mind giving honor to people we think all honor goes to God no no you need to read aren't also goes to people the Bible says in the out of the rules well shall receive temple honor God gives honor the people say man you're in His image how could you not receive honor he said but the grace the unmerited favor and blessings of God which was in me so grace causing me to work harder than everybody else of the Apostles it was really the graysons worked through me that did it grace caused me to work harder crazy causes me to apply myself more grace does not take away me working harder grace does not do everything and I do nothing and that's what God is saying to this church you say we're working as hard as we know how that's why God said I'm getting ready to multiply your grace because I'm getting ready to multiply your works somebody clap your hands and tell the Lord thank you see grace equips you grace gives you what you can't have I'm not supposed to have fits I'm not supposed to be here I'm not supposed to be in this position I'm not supposed to have this anointing grace gives it Grace's the giver of all the gifts of the Spirit every gift is given by grace how do you want to know how some of these people like Kathryn Kuhlman different ones got all these miracle ministries grace it wasn't because they were so holy or so righteous it's because grace sovereignty selected them and said that's the one I want to use love paid it for them grace came and just handed it to them grace is the UPS of the spiritual world bring him the package your faith has to sign for it you know what's happening grace is knocking and a lot of you are at home you're too busy too busy with so many other things to caught up with your problems and your situations until you've never opened the door to grace and sign for the gift the grace has for you touch the person beside you say unwrap your gift I see that's why it's called the present the moment you're living in right now is called the present PR es en T it's a gift unwrap your gift baby live Christ gave it to you all right look at Romans chapter 6 verse 2 I better start a verse 1 let me start also again in the amplified classic Romans chapter 6 let me to verse 1 we start a verse 1 see God said this church I'm ready to multiply your works there's an expansion that is happening in the midst of this church but to do this I must first go to the personal level and multiply grace to you to help you to deal with situations of life that are already overwhelming you you say now wait a minute God have been fighting all I know feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water God says I know I've been having you there to train you that you can't do it on your own strength so that you'll be receptive to grace because when you've been Gege gurgling long enough you ready to accept any kind of help no matter how it comes I'm not really trying to check out if it's a pretty hand or ugly hand just grab me I don't care if it's a manicured hand if the hand got warts grab me see when you get desperate enough you stop being finicky when you get desperate enough desperation will cause a hunger which will cause you to be pliable and that's why God's willing some stuff so overwhelm you that you can't handle it so you become pliable some of you could I be honest with you you too gifted for your own good the old Saints used to tape say to us us younger Saints is it child you too big for your britches that meant you think you grown you think you're wearing bigger sizes than what you actually are what are you trying to say God's trying to say to you because some of your so gift in so talented because you can administrate make things happen you are giving too much credit to the gift in the talent I gave you therefore I've got to let that gift in that talent get overwhelmed to where it cannot handle what you're dealing with so you will lift up your hands and say I'm ready for grace to bring me whatever you want to I'm still standing Oh God alright Romans chapter 6 Ramone what shall we say to all of this are we to remain in sin in order for in order that God's grace favorite mercy may multiply and overflow see people think just because God has grace now this means I can live in adultery God's gonna have grace I can commit a home I can commit fornication I can do homosexuality those are all sexual sins to God he doesn't pick one out and say you know he's picking on one those are all sexual sins to God he because God loves me yes he loves you but he loves you enough not to leave you and what you in he loves you enough to change you somebody's a change so grace comes to bring change don't washes I'm gonna read again but what shall we say to all of us are we to remain and seeing in order to that God's grace favorite mercy me multiplying overflow let's get the answer first - what oh it's not even up for discussion grace is not a license to sin certainly what certainly not how can we how can we who died to sin live any longer in it grace came to change you not enable you to stay in sin grace came to enable you to come out of sin and walk into minyan hold on hold on let me tell you a prayer I've had to start learning to make times I've struggled and things that we're going wrong I had an approach the throne and say I need some more grace because grace empowers me watch this watches second Corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 anybody learning anything see a lot of you having trouble on your job no here's where you forgetting the problems many of you really are not understanding how God works and that's why you end up fighting against God all right watch how God will work God will let somebody on your job get on your last nerve I'm talking they tap dancing on it and you've been praying Lord move them before I do trying to stay safe try not to end up with a prison record move him Lord instead of moving them God gives them more access to you I thought you loved me why are you letting them seemingly get have more opportunity to attack me now this is what God calls it just a little phrase it calls it poking the bear that bear he's talking about is your flesh no you come about your skin you saw about that nature in you that's nasty so he letting them poke that and depending on how ferocious the bear responds it tells you how much it needs to be crucified cuz you know some of you you've learned to turn natural stuff spiritual I'll tell them off in Jesus name I'll bless them right off you know you speak in this Christian knees you and so God said I'm letting them get on your nerves to show you what needs to die in you he said no wait a minute you need to fix them God said I'll deal with them but right now I'm letting them bother you to show you what you know and you're getting so distracted by what they're doing so you're not understanding what I'm trying to tell you because some of you are finding out that your mind is very shall we say imaginative in your head you see things you know like body slamming whole floor shakes by um then you start jumping up and shopping in your own head hmm some you see yourself Bruce Lee you just gave him a kick right across there you know God's watching this soap opera in your head it's called as the stomach turns you some of you I'm gonna slap them you know you're trying to sing you're trying to pray lord I thank you God I thank you yes does it see how it's bothering you well and then you want to give justification it's like a lawyer well it's because they did this gonna wait a minute if you were dead the way you're supposed to be I told you you were supposed to be dead with me in the waters of baptism if you were dead the way you're supposed to be you kick a dead man you can spit on a dead man you can you say well how can I do that now you're understanding the reason for grace cuz you can't that's why Christians got to help you empower you you can't do it up you're on a cord somebody lift your hands again a moment and just worship Him express your love to him Oh Sheikh Imam Ahmad Rashad Inaba grace is being multiplied into your lives grace is being multiplied to help you to fight let me just come to this but he said to me remember remember what has happened here the verse above we don't need to turn to it but just remember it Paul the Apostle Paul has been ministering you being used in miracle signs and wonders and he said that Satan sent a messenger to him to buff it him or in other words to harass him a thorn in the flesh now he's casting out demons he's his handkerchiefs in acts 19 and 12 the Bible said that by handkerchiefs special miracles were being rocked by the hand of Paul but now came down to something personal you see this I don't you catch this God will give you the anointing and the grace to deliver others and then you don't have the anointing and the grace to be delivered yourself that's why people look at you well I understand do you lay hands on folk and they could deliver what's wrong with you have you read your Bible just a little bit lately once got do this he does this to cause dependence it's so that you don't rely on the gift you rely on the giver anybody remember that old hymn tis so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take him all right he said but he said to me my grace my favorite loving-kindness my mercy is enough for you listen to this sufficient against any danger listen it in a pulls you see Grace's the enabler it enables you to bear the trouble manfully grace is what actually enables you to handle your trial like an adult a spiritual adult when you feel like cracking and when you feel like it's over grace empowers you somebody say lord I thank you for multiplying your grace to me I'll write the next line he said for my strength and power are made perfect fulfilled and completed and show themselves most effective when when you know while you can't experience the strength and the power of God you're too strong in your own strength it's when you become weak in God it's when you say I can't handle it no more I can't take no more that grace shows up to give you to vine power and divine strength but as long as you keep handling it in your own strength in your own power grace is not coming yes next line therefore we'll all the more gladly glowing my weakness and infirmities at the strength and the power of Christ the Messiah may rest the aim it may pitch a tent over and dwell upon me let's close with verse 10 verse 10 I want you to hear verse 10 for so for the sake of Christ I'm well pleased I take pleasure in what God teaches I take pleasure in infirmities in firming means weakness frailty sicknesses I take pleasure in it why because I have an understanding he's going to tell me be understanding in a minute insults hardships persecution perplexities when I'm so questioning I don't know what to do I don't know which way to go God's not challenging to actually take glory in it it means I'm getting ready to set you up for answers he said distress why do i glory in this for when I am weak in human strength then am I truly strong able powerful in divine so why am i glorying this because I know that God's getting ready to step up my dimension of strength power and anointing by grace I've reached my breaking point can't take no more the grace that you gave me wet this level now I need you to multiply that grace to take me to the next territories to deal with the next difficulties to handle the next levels of trials that I'm now facing God said if you are willing I am able and if you will say to me I can't do it - wait carrying a package for you race has more strength for you grace has a greater anointing for you grace has greater wisdom for you grace has the ability that when you are weak grace said I'm getting ready to make you strong in divine strength huh when you feel like you about ready just to drive your car off the road because you you feel so crazy Cray says I am the sustainer of your sanity I am the lifter of your head and I am the lover of your soul grace had to breathe to this point so that you would know you don't keep your own mind you don't keep your own sanity I am your shield I am your stronghold in the day of trouble if you understand that you'll lift your hands to me and say thank you for grace somebody lift your hands and say thank you thank you for grace because I need some grace here I'm just about out of where I need to go I can't handle this no more the pressure has become so great but I feel like I'm losing my mind there are times when I feel like I'm getting crushed under the load can't take one more insult can't take just another criticism I can't take one more difficulty can't take one more trial but I hear God say grace is ready to undergird you huh grace is going to enable you huh and if you believe that don't wait for the battle to be over but shout right now don't wait for the difficulty but shout right now cuz I'm operator liu chuwu upper crease is getting multiplied give somebody a high five and say gods multiplying your grace is multiplying your grace God is giving you the ability to stand everybody's looking at you you should be falling now we should be counting you out but grace picture back up grace church you're back up grace gave your strength up grace gave you to me yonder trace put it under your feet when it was on top of your head and was on your back brace throw your hands up here every battle you ever won it was by God's grace every victory you ever had it was by God's grace ever made people to make the sacrifice every time you fasted and prayed it was because graced and powered you gave you the desire to want to and then empowered you to be able to do it now the Lord is looking at you going now that you have understanding why are you still trying to do this on your own why are you trying to sit there contemplate it and work it out in your own head praise team come on let's do amazing grace traditional how sweet the sound saved a wretch like me that said today in this time of celebration but God that took you forward is that God that'll take you on if he did it once you can do it again and now grace has come to you grace is knocking at your door the door of your heart grace just wants to know have you gotten the revelation yet that you need me because we accept what I'm telling you grace said you'll gain identity I am that I am by the grace and why a lot of you are having difficulty with identity is because you're simply not accepting God's grace grace said you're a ruler you're the child of a king and his royal blood now flows through your veins [Music] you say well preacher you don't know me you don't know the things I've done in private pretty fast the King James he that knew no sin was made sin that she might be made the righteousness of God in him grace turned around saying I know your difficulties watch this watch this he said but here's your problem it's state and standing your state with me is that you're a son of God but you're standing is fluctuating you pray you pray you don't pray you read you don't read is still still my son [Music] your state is that it makes you holy your standing is sometimes you fall into sin you don't say the right thing you don't do the right thing you say well what do i what am I supposed to do grace is coming to pick your standings up to line up with your state [Music] huh tada mama rubber ha saturday baby hey you the lord said enough of you beating yourself up and feeling like a failure enough of you wanting to give up and feel like you can't make it hear the voice of grace that's giving you identity you say but I had a man that abused me and told me I was nothing and worthless I had a mother or father they told me I've never been nothing god says stop meditating on their words and start meditating on mine because whoever words you meditate on is who you're gonna believe but if you're dwell on my words that I made you the head and not the tail I made you above and not beneath and I made you the salt of the earth if you're just well on my word stop dwelling on all the criticism stop dwelling on what folks said you're not and what you'll never be what you can't be dwell on who I said you are come on praise team Amazing Grace during grace how sweet the sound that sing [Music] I once was law
Channel: Redeemer Live
Views: 4,535
Rating: 4.7525773 out of 5
Keywords: apostolic, midweek, pentecostal, redeemer apostolic, christian church Arizona, redeemer ministries, temple of the redeemer, Mesa Apostolic, Mesa Bible Church, Bishop Santos Navarrete
Id: -Io0SPD4S5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 49sec (3949 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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