Grab Adhesives compared. How to fix skirting board using the correct grab adhesives

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i'm robin clever welcome to my channel thank you for joining me and thank you for subscribing if you're a new subscriber recently i really appreciate having you here and i hope that you enjoy my content and if you haven't seen some of my previous stuff have a look on the channel check the video box and you'll get all of the previous stuff going right back to when i just used to go a selfie stick mobile phone and it was all a bit mad but anyway i often get asked about adhesives and one particular adhesive i get asked about is for gluing back mdf skirtings and mdf architraves and other panels now i have tried absolutely everything over the years and i've been out this morning and i've just got a selection from one supplier so this is a cross section of what's available now there are hundreds and this is not an exaggeration hundreds of products that claim to do the same thing so we're going to take a look at what i've got to show you we're going to test them all very simple test and then i'm going to reveal to you what type of adhesive is my go-to adhesive for doing this very job so here's my contenders for my little test and i'm going to start with the one at the end which is called grip fill solvent free and that is one that a lot of people use it's very popular then there's a new one i've not tried yet called grip fill extra it's an instant grip high strength adhesive then there's your traditional classic grip fill that was the go-to adhesive i think that was like one of the very first adhesives that we sort of started using on site and then there's one called gunner nail and there's lots of products which use the nail and they're tied to look the one next to it called instant nails and then moving on we've got something called stick saw then multi-stick and then pink grip so it's a real confusion when you're faced with these kinds of products now there are so many variables when considering adhesive so i've got in here freshly plastered walls now the walls in here are a spray plaster they're not dissimilar to a gypsum-based plaster but they're quite absorbent most blasters are and the first thing is you want to really make sure everything's dried out nicely some of these adhesives if there's any moisture in the wall it will just peel off so what i'm going to do is cut the nozzles and all of these virtually the same size i'm going to then cut some equal offcuts of material and we're going to bond them to this plasterboard we're going to leave them there and then we're just going to simply try and peel them off in a good few hours time in fact i might leave them for 24 hours which is a good test because some of the adhesives just say you know leave them for 24 hours so i've got eight pieces of mdf skirting they're all exactly the same size i've cut them to a stop so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to make the same size bead on every one of these glues and adhesives i think that's probably the fairest way to go so i'm just gonna use around about a five mil bead and then we're gonna bond them on and forget about them there we go back in your stations where you belong it's like a game of skittles we can have a game of skittles later imagine coming up with all these names for these brands i mean there's just you've never seen so many brands and it's just check they all look the same sort of size that one could be a tiny bit bigger one could be a teeny weeny bit bigger right so i'll get my applicator gun and i shall go for it so of all of these glues we're going to just do two lines of that bead get them going let's just run two beads and we'll put that straight on there like that now we're moving on that one there this one here is really wet if you like it's really soft now here's the the old favorite grip fill used to be used for everything now these ones you don't you can't you have to just burst the end open or punch them with a knife there you go that's bursted the end open let's go for that you can smell the difference between them obviously this is a bit stronger there we go put that one on and to the extra oh he's gone like a madman that one you can poke a nail in the top but if you do that the air comes the excess air comes out the back and it doesn't keep squeezing out which is quite a nice thing well this feels nice i've not actually used this before that feels good well we've got a bit of slippage one of them's one of them is giving us a bit of slippage i think that's really interesting and we shall leave that to do this slipping but i will tell you a little bit about some of these adhesives and what i've found over the years to be the best way to actually use them so we're now on to gunner now and say oh this feels a bit stiffer well it looks like cork it looks like decorators cork it's very white i'll give that one a go i'll tell you what's quite useful you can see we got some serious slippage going on there instant nails nice consistency that one beautiful no struggle to get that out of the tube but he's quite let me see is put that on there okay sticks all here we go put these out the way some sticks all okay that's a nice in the middle consistency that one i'd say oh it's got a bit of grab you can i can feel that one grabbing away moving on to the multi stick we've got something slipping we mustn't let this slip guys onto the multi-stick let's have a little look oh it's a nice that is a really nice consistency that one that's almost like you could pipe a cake with that okay let's bang them on again that one's you can initially feel that one doing its stuff and and then to the old favorite the pink moving on to the pink okay so the pink burst that one first again this is one of the ones that you either pop a nail in or burst there we go let that come through there we go this is um my favorite color of course not and that's that all right let's pop that one as well there we go right so so as you can see most of them have got a really good grab you know they're holding up and they're not moving anywhere apart from the grip fill you can see that there it's on the move now if you've used a lot of this stuff before one of the main things i find with grip fill is the fact that if you're doing a large run or a tool board or a large run and you when you put it on the back of the board by the time you actually get in position sometimes this is skinned okay when i say skin this this this skinned here i can touch that and it's it's just not sticking to me right and that can be a bit of an issue so i just what i'm going to do is they then say if it does skin you push it on and you rip it off so you put it on you give it some of this and then you pull it off you can see it and that's now livened that up again and then when you put it back together you're putting two adhesive surfaces together alright so for that instance i'm just going to tell you that with the others all the others have held up the grip file extra is on the move but not as much as the grip feel now we're going to leave all those now and we're going to come back and we're going to pull them all off at some point [Music] so they've all been here for 24 hours i've been home chilled out and now i'm back so i'm going to just take them off now i suppose this example on a bit of plasterboard which is a perfect substrate i would say is probably going to be a little bit unfair it would have been really nice to have had some freshly plastered walls but anyway this should give us a good indication what i'm looking for is i'm just going to literally try to get the chisel behind and see how easy they they come off so starting at this end with the grip fuel solvent free if we just get oh well you can see that one it just it just fell off effectively so that one there and it that's exactly what it does normally it's very powdery you can sort of see this it sort of just turns it's a bit like a cork really it's really powdery so that one is there came off really easy that one it's adhered well to the board but it hasn't adhered well to the primer on the back of this now i would say that's because this is a water-based primer this is very uh watery it's probably a watery it's water-based it's solvent-free that's gone into that it's it's sort of wetted down that primer it's gone off suck the life out of it it's just fallen off now let's go on to the normal standard green grit fill this is the one that did the slipping doesn't mean to say it's going to be weak but we'll give that a go as well and see exactly how that goes off and actually that feels like it's just popping off as well but you will see that it has adhered so it's actually pulled the front of the board off another interesting thing being solvent based it's bled through that and it's actually got into the gypsum behind so that wasn't too bad but the downside of that was obviously that initial slippage so then we're going on to the extra which should be all singing and all dancing and let's have a look at this you can oh i can hear that really holding that one that is gonna be oh yeah let's have a little look at that now that is that's a good bond that is that's really the adhesive's really penetrated through it's actually got into the gypsum behind taken the paper off and it's got itself well and truly stuck there so that's uh interesting now we're going on to gunner nail okay let's have a look at that one okay let's have a look at that now this is very similar to the first grip fill you can see there look in fact it has bonded itself nicely to the paper but the back of the board it's bled into the primer if you like and it sort of said to itself hmm i'm not going to stick very well to this and again let me have a quick look at that but that has got no smell to it is probably let me see um it's probably a water-based too but anyway that's by the by let's go on to the instant nails now and we'll do the same trick there we go so not bad again similar issue with the primer here but it has worked it has got through it got into the gypsum behind so that's not a bad result for that one not bad at all now we're going on to the stixxor extreme power nice i've got it sounds good that sounds real good oh yeah i mean that i mean bear in mind i only had two lines of adhesive on every single one same size bead they just got pushed back with the same amount of pressure i didn't go to any other you know fuss than that and that one there has done pretty pretty well there okay onto the multi-stick now let's have a look at that oh this is certainly on there that one this is again that's a good result that has definitely done what it's meant to do it's got through this paper substrate the adhesive it's almost bleeding through every example that you can see there bleeding through and pulling back to the gypsum behind which i think is fantastic and now on to the pink the pink grip let's have a look at that and again a fairly good result with that as well so you can see the difference between some of these adhesives actually holding onto the primer behind you can see this one's really hard to get off the primer let's just run back along the line up and see just how good some of these others are i mean this one here for example that's definitely definitely well bonded to that primer as well so you've seen an example of where the water-based ones or the solvent-free ones have not have not really held but some of the others the adhesive or if it's a solvent has got into it and it's held it now i'm going to reveal the one i like to use or there's a couple here actually i like to use and they're polymers so we look at this one and we look at this one all right both of these this one especially says it can be applied to a wet surfaces so if you have got damp plaster sometimes the plaster appears dry but it's still going off to be fair it takes a while especially if it's on a plaster background like hard wool or something like that there's still a little bit moisture in there but this one here is um it's pretty good this is the one i would definitely get it's a bigger tube and you get a lot of life out of it this is a polymer all right and polymers are fairly new but widely used now and this is also a hybrid polymer so i suppose what i'm saying is try these hybrid polymers they seem to work with loads of different backgrounds the others are doing the job some better than others but i just think that this is a fairly good indication of the different adhesives available just from one supplier i went to one supplier and i didn't take everything i had i just took a bit of a selection here so i hope that's helped and i will see you soon keep up the good work
Channel: Robin Clevett
Views: 162,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grab adhesives, how to use grab adhesives, where to get grab adhesives, grab adhesive, gripfill, gripfill extra, how to glue skirting board, pinkgrip, no more nails, nomorenails, whitegrip, everbuild, instastick, toolstation, sika, evostick, Screwfix, grab adhesives compared, grab adhesives review, Grab adhesives reveiw, gripfill alternative, how to use grab adhesive
Id: 16MgrG_vPnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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