GQ Patrol TD42 Turbo install

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guys welcome back to another youtube video today we're installing a turbo on my td42 gq patrol so the turbo we're gonna be putting on it is an 18 g member this particular one has a six and a half rear housing it's gonna be bolted up to an ebay turbo manifold these things are pretty renowned for warping so what we've done is just cut the slits in between each cylinder to hopefully prevent that um yeah it's a good tub i have it on my car we're pretty familiar with this sort of setup so it should go pretty smoothly and um yeah just get stuck into it so yeah had to rip the dunk out a few months ago um put a new clutch in it because when i bought it it was slipping while i was out gave it a bit of a tidy up a few new bits on it new radiator and stuff and thermostat and yeah so um we'll start off by just removing the old um extractors off the motor um for all you uh youtube mechanics out there we have replaced the studs and all the all the fasteners recently so hopefully that'll rule out another failure that could happen in the future but yeah we'll just get the exhaust ripped off all this shitty old air box and whatnot and start bolting some stuff up we're gonna pull the stump off and do the oil drain into the sump so that'll probably be the hardest task and the the biggest setback of time consuming yeah the most time consuming for sure it's tight this way it's gonna add it to the junk pile so let's rip off these are junk extractors for the ebay ebay manifold um want any trackers hit us up mate go and cheat we go so with these td-42s where you want to get the drain from or the best spot too or the oil feed sorry so it's right between the engine out there this little allen key oh sorry my hands in the way but that little allen key right down there um you'll be careful though because these can be absolute dogs to get out so highly recommend heat before you try and try and crack it but we've done this one before so she should be pretty easy so we just scuffed up the head a bit uh just so these multi-layer gaskets will sit flat and yeah we're just about to bolt the manifold on cowboy we're gonna spin the housing uh we'll do it when it's bolted up oh oh should we never seize the fruits um not sure what's here what did you do no just did it up yeah didn't thread taken long we're putting the oil feed nipple on now to the top of the turbo a bit of thread tape to feed the journal bearings well we've had a bit of a dilemma well not really a dilemma just want to do this for to keep it sort of neat we're just going to go down to a local shop and get this shortened just so we don't have all this excess cable running around well the verdict is can't get the line shortened to tomorrow morning so we wait until then we're just going to whack it on for now and give her a quick tiny little run then we're gonna well we'll do the sub first then we'll give it a run so yeah what we are doing is we're gonna rip the sump off and then we've got a fitting to weld into the sump so we can plumb our oil drain up so now just the tedious part of taking each individual wall here and uh yeah messy this is what we're gonna be welding into the sun this fitting here and then this is what member sends you just for your your turbo drain so rip the sump off and weld that in so we've finally got some off took us a little while just because there's so many bolts and whatnot and then we couldn't get it out from underneath the car but just went on facebook and had a look on some forums or whatever and they just said turn the wheels to the right and yeah she popped straight away that's just roughly where where it's going to be but we might we might adjust it a bit because it's going to clash a little this little bit of like bracing stuff for this back to you might move it back a bit to there but as i mentioned before this is what we're going to put in there yeah put it in somewhere in there and just water in and so we've finished the machining um put a couple of steps on it so it'll slot into the hole that we've just recently drilled in on the sump um and yeah now we're getting ready to weld it up so we've just finished welding i've given it a lick of paint let that dry and then just screw the fitting in so the sump's ready to go on i've got the fresh gasket there just cover the gasket with permatex gasket sealant so now she'll seal up tight and won't get any leaks so we've just finished putting the sample so all that's left to do now is put some oil in it and we will give it a run [Music] it's been a month or two since you've last seen this uh since then we've done quite a bit of stuff to it actually um firstly we've got a three inch stainless straight through exhaust um from the turbo back um just by our local exhaust shop and he also made up some installer piping um that was two inch hot side and two and a half inch cold side they ran through an aeroplane installer just get out of ebay but it does the job um and i've also made up my own air box since then as well just out of alloy and just runs a normal pod filter on the inside done the gauges they're just a sas tracks gauge um and yeah that's boost and egt and water temp oil pressure so yeah it keeps an eye on all of the temps and whatnot and we've also when the fuels grew up a little bit um yeah it goes well for what it is and so we'll jump back in and now keep her in the guts and you guys can see what it sounds like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh that'll wrap up our video um yeah like and subscribe if you want more content from us we'd definitely be keen to put some more out there so yeah cheers
Channel: Barossa Boys
Views: 31,733
Rating: 4.9189687 out of 5
Id: 4j-LPaAgH7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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